Kevacoin source tree

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The QT GUI can be easily be translated into other languages. Here's how we
handle those translations.
Files and Folders
This file takes care of generating `.qm` files from `.ts` files. It is mostly
### src/qt/bitcoin.qrc
This file must be updated whenever a new translation is added. Please note that
files must end with `.qm`, not `.ts`.
<qresource prefix="/translations">
<file alias="en">locale/bitcoin_en.qm</file>
### src/qt/locale/
This directory contains all translations. Filenames must adhere to this format:
bitcoin_xx_YY.ts or bitcoin_xx.ts
#### Source file
`src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.ts` is a treated in a special way. It is used as the
source for all other translations. Whenever a string in the code is change
this file must be updated to reflect those changes. Usually, this can be
accomplished by running `lupdate`
Syncing with transifex
We are using as a frontend for translating the client.
The "transifex client":
will help with fetching new translations from transifex.
### .tx/config
host =
file_filter = src/qt/locale/bitcoin_<lang>.ts
source_file = src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.ts
source_lang = en
### Fetching new translations
1. `tx pull -a`
2. update `src/qt/bitcoin.qrc`
3. `git add` new translations from `src/qt/locale/`