#!/bin/sh set -e if [ ! -f "build/env.sh" ]; then echo "$0 must be run from the root of the repository." exit 2 fi # Create fake Go workspace if it doesn't exist yet. workspace="$PWD/build/_workspace" root="$PWD" ethdir="$workspace/src/github.com/kevacoin-project" if [ ! -L "$ethdir/keva-stratum" ]; then mkdir -p "$ethdir" cd "$ethdir" ln -s ../../../../../. keva-stratum cd "$root" fi # Set up the environment to use the workspace. # Also add Godeps workspace so we build using canned dependencies. GOPATH="$workspace" GOBIN="$PWD/build/bin" export GOPATH GOBIN # Run the command inside the workspace. cd "$ethdir/keva-stratum" PWD="$ethdir/keva-stratum" # Launch the arguments with the configured environment. exec "$@"