# go-cryptonote-pool High performance CryptoNote mining stratum written in Golang backed by Redis. **Stratum feature list:** * Full [node-cryptonote-pool](https://github.com/zone117x/node-cryptonote-pool) database compatibility * Concurrent shares processing, each connection is handled in a lightweight thread of execution * Several configurable stratum policies to prevent basic attacks * Banning policy using [**ipset**s](http://ipset.netfilter.org/) on Linux for high performance banning * Whitelist for trusted miners and blacklist for unwelcome guests * AES-NI enabled share validation code with fallback to slow implementation provided by linking with [**Monero**](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero) libraries * Integrated NewRelic performance monitoring plugin ### Installation Dependencies: * go-1.6 * Everything required to build bitmonero Install required packages: go get gopkg.in/redis.v3 go get github.com/yvasiyarov/gorelic #### Mac OS X Download and compile [Monero](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero) daemon. Now clone stratum repo and compile it: git clone https://github.com/sammy007/go-cryptonote-pool.git cmake . make Notice that for share validation stratum requires bitmonero source tree where .a libs already compiled. By default stratum will use ../bitmonero directory. You can override this behaviour by passing MONERO_DIR env variable: MONERO_DIR=/path/to/bitmonero cmake . make #### Linux Installation on linux is similar to OS X installation and currently the only dfference is that you should copy *.so* libs from *hashing* and *cnutil* directories to */usr/local/lib* or similar dir in order to make CGO happy. I would recommend you to use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. In order to successfully link with bitmonero libs, recompile bitmonero with: CXXFLAGS="-fPIC" CFLAGS="-fPIC" make release Build stratum: MONERO_DIR=/opt/src/bitmonero cmake . make Run it: LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib/" GOPATH=/path/to/go go run main.go More info on *GOPATH* you can find in a [wiki](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/GOPATH). ### Configuration Configuration is self-describing, just copy *config.example.json* to *config.json* and run stratum with path to config file as 1st argument. There is default XMR address of monero core team in config example and open monero rpc node from [moneroclub.com](https://www.moneroclub.com/node). #### Redis Leave Redis password blank if you have local setup in a trusted environment. Don't rely on Redis password, it's easily bruteforceable. Password option is only for some clouds. There is a connection pool, use some reasonable value. Remember, that each valid share submission will lease one connection from a pool due to multi exec and instantly release it, this is how go-redis works. #### Policies Stratum policy server collecting several stats on per IP basis. Banning enabled by default. Specify ipset name for banning. Timeout argument will be passed to this ipset. For ipset usage refer to [this article](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ipset). Stratum will use os/exec command like sudo ipset ... for banning, so you have to configure sudo properly and make sure that your system will never ask for password: */etc/sudoers.d/stratum* stratum ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/ipset Use limits to prevent connection flood to your stratum, there is initial limit and limitJump. Policy server will increase number of allowed connections on each valid share submission. Stratum will bypass this policy regarding grace time specified on start. #### Payouts and Block Unlocking This is just stratum yet. Use corresponding [node-cryptonote-pool](https://github.com/zone117x/node-cryptonote-pool) modules for block unlocking and payout processing. Database is 100% compatible. ### Private Pool Guidelines For personal private pool you can use [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=2a6767e6285f) droplet. With recent blockchain-db merged into Monero it's ok to run it even on 5 USD plan. You will receive 10 USD free credit there. ### TODO Still in early stage, despite that I am using it for private setups, stratum requires a lot of stability tests. Please run it with -race flag with GORACE="log_path=/path/to/race.log" in private setup and send contents of this file to me if you are "lucky" and found race. It will make stratum ~20x slower, but it does not hit performance if you are soloing with a dozen of GPUs. Look at *-debug.fish* script for example. Cool stuff will be added after excessive testing, I always have ideas for improvement and new features. ### Donations * **BTC**: [16bBz4wZPh7kV53nFMf8LmtJHE2rHsADB2](https://blockchain.info/address/16bBz4wZPh7kV53nFMf8LmtJHE2rHsADB2) * **XMR**: 4Aag5kkRHmCFHM5aRUtfB2RF3c5NDmk5CVbGdg6fefszEhhFdXhnjiTCr81YxQ9bsi73CSHT3ZN3p82qyakHwZ2GHYqeaUr * **XMR openalias**: wallet.hashinvest.net ### License Released under the GNU General Public License v2. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html