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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// boss_alpha_stunned.cpp
// Michael Booth, November 2010
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "tf_ammo_pack.h"
#include "player_vs_environment/boss_alpha/boss_alpha.h"
#include "player_vs_environment/boss_alpha/behavior/boss_alpha_stunned.h"
extern ConVar tf_boss_alpha_min_nuke_after_stun_time;
CBossAlphaStunned::CBossAlphaStunned( float duration, Action< CBossAlpha > *nextAction )
m_timer.Start( duration );
m_nextAction = nextAction;
ConVar tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_count( "tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_count", "3"/*, FCVAR_CHEAT*/ );
ConVar tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_amount( "tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_amount", "100"/*, FCVAR_CHEAT*/ );
ConVar tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_velocity( "tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_velocity", "100"/*, FCVAR_CHEAT*/ );
void TossAmmoPack( CBossAlpha *me )
int iPrimary = tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_amount.GetInt();
int iSecondary = tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_amount.GetInt();
int iMetal = tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_amount.GetInt();
// Create the ammo pack.
CTFAmmoPack *pAmmoPack = CTFAmmoPack::Create( me->GetAbsOrigin(), me->GetAbsAngles(), NULL, "models/items/ammopack_medium.mdl" );
if ( pAmmoPack )
Vector vel;
vel.x = RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f ) * tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_velocity.GetFloat();
vel.y = RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f ) * tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_velocity.GetFloat();
vel.z = tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_velocity.GetFloat();
pAmmoPack->SetInitialVelocity( vel );
pAmmoPack->m_nSkin = 0;
// Give the ammo pack some health, so that trains can destroy it.
pAmmoPack->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS );
pAmmoPack->m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
pAmmoPack->SetHealth( 900 );
pAmmoPack->SetBodygroup( 1, 1 );
pAmmoPack->ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse( AngularImpulse( 600, random->RandomInt( -1200, 1200 ), 0 ) );
DispatchSpawn( pAmmoPack );
// Fill up the ammo pack.
pAmmoPack->GiveAmmo( iPrimary, TF_AMMO_PRIMARY );
pAmmoPack->GiveAmmo( iSecondary, TF_AMMO_SECONDARY );
pAmmoPack->GiveAmmo( iMetal, TF_AMMO_METAL );
ActionResult< CBossAlpha > CBossAlphaStunned::OnStart( CBossAlpha *me, Action< CBossAlpha > *priorAction )
// start animation
me->GetBodyInterface()->StartActivity( ACT_MP_STAND_MELEE );
m_layerUsed = me->AddLayeredSequence( me->LookupSequence( "PRIMARY_Stun_begin" ), 0 );
me->AddCondition( CBossAlpha::STUNNED );
me->EmitSound( "RobotBoss.StunStart" );
// throw out some ammo
for( int i=0; i<tf_boss_alpha_stun_ammo_count.GetInt(); ++i )
TossAmmoPack( me );
// relay the event to the map logic
me->m_outputOnStunned.FireOutput( me, me );
return Continue();
ActionResult< CBossAlpha > CBossAlphaStunned::Update( CBossAlpha *me, float interval )
switch( m_state )
if ( me->IsSequenceFinished() )
me->FastRemoveLayer( m_layerUsed );
m_state = STUNNED;
m_layerUsed = me->AddLayeredSequence( me->LookupSequence( "PRIMARY_stun_middle" ), 0 );
me->SetLayerLooping( m_layerUsed, true );
me->EmitSound( "RobotBoss.Stunned" );
if ( m_timer.IsElapsed() )
me->FastRemoveLayer( m_layerUsed );
m_state = RECOVERING;
m_layerUsed = me->AddLayeredSequence( me->LookupSequence( "PRIMARY_stun_end" ), 0 );
me->StopSound( "RobotBoss.Stunned" );
me->EmitSound( "RobotBoss.StunRecover" );
if ( me->IsSequenceFinished() )
me->FastRemoveLayer( m_layerUsed );
if ( m_nextAction )
return ChangeTo( m_nextAction, "Stun finished" );
return Done( "Stun finished" );
return Continue();
EventDesiredResult< CBossAlpha > CBossAlphaStunned::OnInjured( CBossAlpha *me, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
return TryToSustain( RESULT_CRITICAL );
void CBossAlphaStunned::OnEnd( CBossAlpha *me, Action< CBossAlpha > *nextAction )
me->RemoveCondition( CBossAlpha::STUNNED );
if ( me->HasAbility( CBossAlpha::CAN_ENRAGE ) )
// being stunned makes the boss ANGRY!
me->AddCondition( CBossAlpha::ENRAGED );
// make sure the boss attacks at least once before he starts a nuke
if ( me->GetNukeTimer()->GetRemainingTime() < tf_boss_alpha_min_nuke_after_stun_time.GetFloat() )
me->GetNukeTimer()->Start( tf_boss_alpha_min_nuke_after_stun_time.GetFloat() );
#endif // TF_RAID_MODE