Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_team.h"
#include "nav_mesh/tf_nav_area.h"
#include "particle_parse.h"
#include "player_vs_environment/monster_resource.h"
#include "../merasmus.h"
#include "../merasmus_trick_or_treat_prop.h"
#include "merasmus_disguise.h"
#include "merasmus_reveal.h"
ConVar tf_merasmus_disguise_debug( "tf_merasmus_disguise_debug", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ActionResult< CMerasmus > CMerasmusDisguise::OnStart( CMerasmus *me, Action< CMerasmus > *priorAction )
m_bSpawnedProps = false;
TryToDisguiseSpawn( me );
m_flStartRegenTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_nStartRegenHealth = me->GetHealth();
me->PlayHighPrioritySound( "Halloween.MerasmusInitiateHiding" );
m_findPropsFailTimer.Start( 3 );
// set boss inactive
g_pMonsterResource->SetBossState( 1 );
return Continue();
ActionResult< CMerasmus > CMerasmusDisguise::Update( CMerasmus *me, float interval )
if ( me->ShouldLeave() )
return Done();
if ( !m_bSpawnedProps )
if ( m_findPropsFailTimer.HasStarted() && m_findPropsFailTimer.IsElapsed() )
// Couldn't find props in time - skip
return Done();
if ( !m_findSpawnPositionTime.IsElapsed() )
// not ready yet
return Continue();
TryToDisguiseSpawn( me );
return Continue();
if ( m_disguiseTauntTimer.IsElapsed() )
if (RandomInt(0,10) == 0)
me->PlayHighPrioritySound( "Halloween.MerasmusHiddenRare" );
me->PlayHighPrioritySound( "Halloween.MerasmusHidden" );
// regen health while disguise
if ( me->GetHealth() < me->GetMaxHealth() )
float flHealthRegenPerSec = tf_merasmus_health_regen_rate.GetFloat() * me->GetMaxHealth() * ( me->GetLevel() - 1 );
int nNewHealth = MIN( ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flStartRegenTime ) * flHealthRegenPerSec + m_nStartRegenHealth, me->GetMaxHealth() );
me->SetHealth( nNewHealth );
// show Boss' health meter on HUD
if ( g_pMonsterResource )
float healthPercentage = (float)me->GetHealth() / (float)me->GetMaxHealth();
g_pMonsterResource->SetBossHealthPercentage( healthPercentage );
// should I come out from disguise?
if ( me->ShouldReveal() )
return Done( "Revealed!" );
return Continue();
void CMerasmusDisguise::OnEnd( CMerasmus *me, Action< CMerasmus > *nextAction )
if ( me->ShouldLeave() )
// set boss active
g_pMonsterResource->SetBossState( 0 );
QAngle GetRandomPropAngles( CTFNavArea* pArea )
Vector vNormal;
pArea->ComputeNormal( &vNormal );
Vector vForward = pArea->GetRandomPoint() - pArea->GetCenter();
QAngle qAngles;
VectorAngles( vForward, vNormal, qAngles );
return qAngles;
void CMerasmusDisguise::TryToDisguiseSpawn( CMerasmus *me )
m_findSpawnPositionTime.Start( 1 );
// face towards a nearby player
CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > playerVector;
CollectPlayers( &playerVector, TF_TEAM_RED, COLLECT_ONLY_LIVING_PLAYERS );
// pick a random spot
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > candidateAreaVector;
for( int i=0; i<TheNavAreas.Count(); ++i )
CTFNavArea *area = (CTFNavArea *)TheNavAreas[i];
if ( !area->HasFuncNavPrefer() )
// don't spawn outside nav prefer
// don't use small nav areas
const float goodSize = 150.f;
if ( area->GetSizeX() < goodSize || area->GetSizeY() < goodSize )
// don't use area containing player
if ( area->GetPlayerCount( TF_TEAM_BLUE ) || area->GetPlayerCount( TF_TEAM_RED ) )
// don't use slope area
// Vector vNormal;
// area->ComputeNormal( &vNormal );
// if ( vNormal.z < 0.9f )
// {
// continue;
// }
candidateAreaVector.AddToTail( area );
if ( candidateAreaVector.Count() == 0 )
// no place to spawn (!)
// spread out the area
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > spawnAreaVector;
SelectSeparatedShuffleSet< CTFNavArea >( 10, 500.f, candidateAreaVector, &spawnAreaVector );
if ( spawnAreaVector.Count() == 0 )
// no place to spawn (!)
if ( tf_merasmus_disguise_debug.GetBool() )
for ( int i=0; i<spawnAreaVector.Count(); ++i )
// draw all potential areas
spawnAreaVector[i]->DrawFilled( 0, 255, 0, 0, 30.f );
// spawn random props
int nRandomTrickOrTreatProps = spawnAreaVector.Count();
for ( int i=0; i<nRandomTrickOrTreatProps; ++i )
int propSpawnID = RandomInt( 0, spawnAreaVector.Count()-1 );
CTFMerasmusTrickOrTreatProp* pFakeProp = CTFMerasmusTrickOrTreatProp::Create( spawnAreaVector[ propSpawnID ]->GetCenter(), GetRandomPropAngles( spawnAreaVector[ propSpawnID ] ) );
me->AddFakeProp( pFakeProp );
spawnAreaVector.FastRemove( propSpawnID );
m_bSpawnedProps = true;
void CMerasmusDisguise::RandomDisguiseTauntTimer()
m_disguiseTauntTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 10.f, 25.f ) );