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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// tf_bot_mob_rush.cpp
// A member of a rushing mob of melee attackers
// Michael Booth, October 2009
#include "cbase.h"
#include "team.h"
#include "bot/tf_bot.h"
#include "bot/behavior/tf_bot_taunt.h"
#include "bot/behavior/scenario/raid/tf_bot_mob_rush.h"
ConVar tf_bot_taunt_range( "tf_bot_taunt_range", "100", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_raid_mob_rush_vocalize_min_interval( "tf_raid_mob_rush_vocalize_min_interval", "5", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_raid_mob_rush_vocalize_max_interval( "tf_raid_mob_rush_vocalize_max_interval", "8", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_raid_mob_avoid_range( "tf_raid_mob_avoid_range", "100", FCVAR_CHEAT );
CTFBotMobRush::CTFBotMobRush( CTFPlayer *victim, float reactionTime )
m_victim = victim;
// this isn't strictly correct - we shouldn't start the timer until OnStart
m_reactionTimer.Start( reactionTime );
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotMobRush::OnStart( CTFBot *me, Action< CTFBot > *priorAction )
m_vocalizeTimer.Start( RandomFloat( tf_raid_mob_rush_vocalize_min_interval.GetFloat(), tf_raid_mob_rush_vocalize_max_interval.GetFloat() ) );
return Continue();
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotMobRush::Update( CTFBot *me, float interval )
// mobs use only their melee weapons
CBaseCombatWeapon *meleeWeapon = me->Weapon_GetSlot( TF_WPN_TYPE_MELEE );
if ( meleeWeapon )
me->Weapon_Switch( meleeWeapon );
if ( m_victim == NULL )
return Done( "No victim" );
me->GetBodyInterface()->AimHeadTowards( m_victim, IBody::CRITICAL, 1.0f, NULL, "Looking at our melee target" );
if ( m_reactionTimer.HasStarted() )
if ( m_reactionTimer.IsElapsed() )
// snap out of it!
me->SpeakConceptIfAllowed( MP_CONCEPT_PLAYER_BATTLECRY );
// wait for reaction time to elapse
return Continue();
// wait for "wake up" anim to finish
return Continue();
// just keep swinging
// chase them down
CTFBotPathCost cost( me, FASTEST_ROUTE );
m_path.Update( me, m_victim, cost );
// avoid friends
CTeam *team = GetGlobalTeam( TF_TEAM_RED );
for( int t=0; t<team->GetNumPlayers(); ++t )
CTFPlayer *teamMember = (CTFPlayer *)team->GetPlayer(t);
if ( !teamMember->IsAlive() )
Vector toBuddy = teamMember->GetAbsOrigin() - me->GetAbsOrigin();
if ( toBuddy.IsLengthLessThan( tf_raid_mob_avoid_range.GetFloat() ) )
float range = toBuddy.NormalizeInPlace();
me->GetLocomotionInterface()->Approach( me->GetAbsOrigin() - 100.0f * toBuddy, 1.0f - ( range / tf_raid_mob_avoid_range.GetFloat() ) );
if ( !m_victim->IsAlive() && me->IsRangeLessThan( m_victim, tf_bot_taunt_range.GetFloat() ) )
// we got 'em!
return ChangeTo( new CTFBotTaunt, "Taunt their corpse" );
if ( m_vocalizeTimer.IsElapsed() )
m_vocalizeTimer.Start( RandomFloat( tf_raid_mob_rush_vocalize_min_interval.GetFloat(), tf_raid_mob_rush_vocalize_max_interval.GetFloat() ) );
if ( me->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SCOUT ) )
me->EmitSound( "Scout.MobJabber" );
else if ( me->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ) )
me->EmitSound( "Heavy.MobJabber" );
me->SpeakConceptIfAllowed( MP_CONCEPT_PLAYER_BATTLECRY );
return Continue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotMobRush::OnContact( CTFBot *me, CBaseEntity *other, CGameTrace *result )
return TryToSustain( RESULT_CRITICAL, "Ignoring contact" );
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotMobRush::OnInjured( CTFBot *me, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
return TryToSustain( RESULT_CRITICAL, "Ignoring injury" );
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotMobRush::OnOtherKilled( CTFBot *me, CBaseCombatCharacter *victim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
return TryToSustain( RESULT_CRITICAL, "Ignoring friend death" );
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotMobRush::OnStuck( CTFBot *me )
return TryToSustain( RESULT_CRITICAL );
QueryResultType CTFBotMobRush::ShouldRetreat( const INextBot *me ) const
return ANSWER_NO;
#endif // TF_RAID_MODE