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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// tf_bot_prepare_stickybomb_trap.cpp
// Place stickybombs to create a deadly trap
// Michael Booth, July 2010
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "bot/tf_bot.h"
#include "bot/behavior/demoman/tf_bot_prepare_stickybomb_trap.h"
#include "tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher.h"
ConVar tf_bot_stickybomb_density( "tf_bot_stickybomb_density", "0.0001", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Number of stickies to place per square inch" );
class PlaceStickyBombReply : public INextBotReply
virtual void OnSuccess( INextBot *bot ) // invoked when process completed successfully
CTFBot *me = ToTFBot( bot->GetEntity() );
CTFWeaponBase *myCurrentWeapon = me->m_Shared.GetActiveTFWeapon();
if ( myCurrentWeapon && myCurrentWeapon->GetWeaponID() == TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER )
// launch the sticky
me->PressFireButton( 0.1f );
// increase the bomb count for this target area
if ( m_bombTargetArea )
if( m_pLaunchWaitTimer )
// release the latch
m_pLaunchWaitTimer->Start( 0.15f );
virtual void OnFail( INextBot *bot, FailureReason reason )// invoked when process failed
// retry aim immediately
void ClearData()
// Be sure to clear all members here, as we can potentially get an OnSuccess() call
// after the ~CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap.
m_bombTargetArea = NULL;
m_pLaunchWaitTimer = NULL;
CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::BombTargetArea *m_bombTargetArea;
CountdownTimer *m_pLaunchWaitTimer;
static PlaceStickyBombReply bombReply;
CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap( void )
m_myArea = NULL;
CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::~CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap( )
// Return true if this Action has what it needs to perform right now
bool CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::IsPossible( CTFBot *me )
// don't lay a trap if we're in the midst of fighting
if ( /*me->IsInCombat() || */ me->GetTimeSinceLastInjury() < 1.0f )
return false;
if ( !me->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN ) )
return false;
CTFPipebombLauncher *stickyLauncher = dynamic_cast< CTFPipebombLauncher * >( me->Weapon_GetSlot( TF_WPN_TYPE_SECONDARY ) );
if ( stickyLauncher && !me->IsWeaponRestricted( stickyLauncher ) )
if ( stickyLauncher->GetPipeBombCount() >= MAX_STICKYBOMB_COUNT || me->GetAmmoCount( TF_AMMO_SECONDARY ) <= 0 )
return false;
return true;
void CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::InitBombTargetAreas( CTFBot *me )
const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > &invasionAreaVector = m_myArea->GetEnemyInvasionAreaVector( me->GetTeamNumber() );
// randomly shuffle the target areas
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > shuffleVector;
shuffleVector = invasionAreaVector;
int n = shuffleVector.Count();
while( n > 1 )
int k = RandomInt( 0, n-1 );
CTFNavArea *tmp = shuffleVector[n];
shuffleVector[n] = shuffleVector[k];
shuffleVector[k] = tmp;
// initialize each target area to zero sticky bombs
for( int i=0; i<shuffleVector.Count(); ++i )
BombTargetArea target;
target.m_area = shuffleVector[i];
target.m_count = 0;
m_bombTargetAreaVector.AddToTail( target );
// Clean up any in-flight AimHeadTowards() replies, since changing m_bombTargetAreaVector
// might move memory and invalidate the current reply pointer.
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::OnStart( CTFBot *me, Action< CTFBot > *priorAction )
// detonate old set of stickies
// me->PressAltFireButton();
// reload entire clip before laying sticky trap
CTFPipebombLauncher *stickyLauncher = dynamic_cast< CTFPipebombLauncher * >( me->Weapon_GetSlot( TF_WPN_TYPE_SECONDARY ) );
if ( stickyLauncher )
m_isFullReloadNeeded = ( me->GetAmmoCount( TF_AMMO_SECONDARY ) >= stickyLauncher->GetMaxClip1() && stickyLauncher->Clip1() < stickyLauncher->GetMaxClip1() );
m_isFullReloadNeeded = false;
m_myArea = me->GetLastKnownArea();
if ( !m_myArea )
return Done( "No nav mesh" );
InitBombTargetAreas( me );
// own our view updating so we can aim
return Continue();
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::Update( CTFBot *me, float interval )
if ( !TFGameRules()->InSetup() )
const CKnownEntity *threat = me->GetVisionInterface()->GetPrimaryKnownThreat();
if ( threat )
const float giveUpRange = 500.0f;
if ( me->IsDistanceBetweenLessThan( threat->GetLastKnownPosition(), giveUpRange ) )
return Done( "Enemy nearby - giving up" );
if ( me->GetLastKnownArea() && me->GetLastKnownArea() != m_myArea )
// we've moved
m_myArea = me->GetLastKnownArea();
InitBombTargetAreas( me );
CTFWeaponBase *myCurrentWeapon = me->m_Shared.GetActiveTFWeapon();
CTFPipebombLauncher *stickyLauncher = dynamic_cast< CTFPipebombLauncher * >( me->Weapon_GetSlot( TF_WPN_TYPE_SECONDARY ) );
if ( !myCurrentWeapon || !stickyLauncher )
return Done( "Missing weapon" );
if ( myCurrentWeapon->GetWeaponID() != TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER )
me->Weapon_Switch( stickyLauncher );
// reload fully
if ( m_isFullReloadNeeded )
int maxClip = MIN( stickyLauncher->GetMaxClip1(), me->GetAmmoCount( TF_AMMO_SECONDARY ) );
if ( stickyLauncher->Clip1() >= maxClip )
// fully reloaded
m_isFullReloadNeeded = false;
return Continue();
if ( stickyLauncher->GetPipeBombCount() >= MAX_STICKYBOMB_COUNT || me->GetAmmoCount( TF_AMMO_SECONDARY ) <= 0 )
return Done( "Max sticky bombs reached" );
// aim towards areas where enemy will come from
if ( m_launchWaitTimer.IsElapsed() )
// find next target that needs bombs
int i;
for( i=0; i<m_bombTargetAreaVector.Count(); ++i )
CTFNavArea *targetArea = m_bombTargetAreaVector[i].m_area;
int desiredCount = tf_bot_stickybomb_density.GetFloat() * targetArea->GetSizeX() * targetArea->GetSizeY();
if ( desiredCount < 1 )
desiredCount = 1;
if ( m_bombTargetAreaVector[i].m_count < desiredCount )
// place a sticky on this area
bombReply.m_bombTargetArea = &m_bombTargetAreaVector[i];
// this timer causes us to wait until the aim finishes and launched before we start another aim
m_launchWaitTimer.Start( 2.0f );
bombReply.m_pLaunchWaitTimer = &m_launchWaitTimer;
Vector bombSpot = targetArea->GetRandomPoint();
me->GetBodyInterface()->AimHeadTowards( bombSpot, IBody::IMPORTANT, 5.0f, &bombReply, "Aiming a sticky bomb" );
if ( i == m_bombTargetAreaVector.Count() )
return Done( "Exhausted bomb target areas" );
return Continue();
void CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::OnEnd( CTFBot *me, Action< CTFBot > *nextAction )
// clean up any in-flight AimHeadTowards() replies
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::OnSuspend( CTFBot *me, Action< CTFBot > *interruptingAction )
// this behavior is transitory - if we need to do something else, just give up
return Done();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::OnInjured( CTFBot *me, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
return TryDone( RESULT_IMPORTANT, "Ouch!" );
QueryResultType CTFBotPrepareStickybombTrap::ShouldAttack( const INextBot *me, const CKnownEntity *them ) const
return ANSWER_NO;