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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: CTF Flag.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tf_item.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#define CCaptureFlag C_CaptureFlag
class CTFBot;
#define TF_FLAG_THINK_TIME 0.25f
#define TF_FLAG_MODEL "models/flag/briefcase.mdl"
#define TF_FLAG_ICON "../hud/objectives_flagpanel_carried"
#define TF_FLAG_EFFECT "player_intel_papertrail"
#define TF_FLAG_TRAIL "flagtrail"
// CTF Flag defines.
#define TF_CTF_ENEMY_STOLEN "CaptureFlag.EnemyStolen"
#define TF_CTF_ENEMY_DROPPED "CaptureFlag.EnemyDropped"
#define TF_CTF_ENEMY_CAPTURED "CaptureFlag.EnemyCaptured"
#define TF_CTF_ENEMY_RETURNED "CaptureFlag.EnemyReturned"
#define TF_CTF_TEAM_STOLEN "CaptureFlag.TeamStolen"
#define TF_CTF_TEAM_DROPPED "CaptureFlag.TeamDropped"
#define TF_CTF_TEAM_CAPTURED "CaptureFlag.TeamCaptured"
#define TF_CTF_TEAM_RETURNED "CaptureFlag.TeamReturned"
#define TF_CTF_FLAGSPAWN "CaptureFlag.FlagSpawn"
// Attack/Defend Flag defines.
#define TF_AD_ENEMY_STOLEN "AttackDefend.EnemyStolen"
#define TF_AD_ENEMY_DROPPED "AttackDefend.EnemyDropped"
#define TF_AD_ENEMY_CAPTURED "AttackDefend.EnemyCaptured"
#define TF_AD_ENEMY_RETURNED "AttackDefend.EnemyReturned"
#define TF_MVM_AD_ENEMY_STOLEN "MVM.AttackDefend.EnemyStolen"
#define TF_MVM_AD_ENEMY_DROPPED "MVM.AttackDefend.EnemyDropped"
#define TF_MVM_AD_ENEMY_CAPTURED "MVM.AttackDefend.EnemyCaptured"
#define TF_MVM_AD_ENEMY_RETURNED "MVM.AttackDefend.EnemyReturned"
#define TF_AD_TEAM_STOLEN "AttackDefend.TeamStolen"
#define TF_AD_TEAM_DROPPED "AttackDefend.TeamDropped"
#define TF_AD_TEAM_CAPTURED "AttackDefend.TeamCaptured"
#define TF_AD_TEAM_RETURNED "AttackDefend.TeamReturned"
#define TF_AD_CAPTURED_SOUND "AttackDefend.Captured"
// Invade Flag defines.
#define TF_INVADE_ENEMY_STOLEN "Invade.EnemyStolen"
#define TF_INVADE_ENEMY_DROPPED "Invade.EnemyDropped"
#define TF_INVADE_ENEMY_CAPTURED "Invade.EnemyCaptured"
#define TF_INVADE_TEAM_STOLEN "Invade.TeamStolen"
#define TF_INVADE_TEAM_DROPPED "Invade.TeamDropped"
#define TF_INVADE_TEAM_CAPTURED "Invade.TeamCaptured"
#define TF_INVADE_FLAG_RETURNED "Invade.FlagReturned"
// Resource Flag defines.
#define TF_RESOURCE_FLAGSPAWN "Resource.FlagSpawn"
#define TF_RESOURCE_ENEMY_STOLEN "Announcer.SD_TheirTeamHasFlag"
#define TF_RESOURCE_ENEMY_DROPPED "Announcer.SD_TheirTeamDroppedFlag"
#define TF_RESOURCE_ENEMY_CAPTURED "Announcer.SD_TheirTeamCapped"
#define TF_RESOURCE_TEAM_STOLEN "Announcer.SD_OurTeamHasFlag"
#define TF_RESOURCE_TEAM_DROPPED "Announcer.SD_OurTeamDroppedFlag"
#define TF_RESOURCE_TEAM_CAPTURED "Announcer.SD_OurTeamCapped"
#define TF_RESOURCE_RETURNED "Announcer.SD_FlagReturned"
// Halloween event strings
#define TF_RESOURCE_EVENT_ENEMY_STOLEN "Announcer.SD_Event_TheirTeamHasFlag"
#define TF_RESOURCE_EVENT_ENEMY_DROPPED "Announcer.SD_Event_TheirTeamDroppedFlag"
#define TF_RESOURCE_EVENT_TEAM_STOLEN "Announcer.SD_Event_OurTeamHasFlag"
#define TF_RESOURCE_EVENT_TEAM_DROPPED "Announcer.SD_Event_OurTeamDroppedFlag"
#define TF_RESOURCE_EVENT_RETURNED "Announcer.SD_Event_FlagReturned"
#define TF_RESOURCE_EVENT_NAGS "Announcer.SD_Event_FlagNags"
#define TF_RESOURCE_EVENT_RED_CAPPED "Announcer.SD_Event_CappedRed"
#define TF_RESOURCE_EVENT_BLUE_CAPPED "Announcer.SD_Event_CappedBlu"
// Robot Destruction Flag defines.
#define TF_RD_ENEMY_STOLEN "RD.EnemyStolen"
#define TF_RD_ENEMY_DROPPED "RD.EnemyDropped"
#define TF_RD_ENEMY_CAPTURED "RD.EnemyCaptured"
#define TF_RD_ENEMY_RETURNED "RD.EnemyReturned"
#define TF_RD_TEAM_STOLEN "RD.TeamStolen"
#define TF_RD_TEAM_DROPPED "RD.TeamDropped"
#define TF_RD_TEAM_CAPTURED "RD.TeamCaptured"
#define TF_RD_TEAM_RETURNED "RD.TeamReturned"
// Powerup mode defines.
#define TF_RUNE_INTEL_CAPTURED "CaptureFlag.TeamCapturedExcited"
// Robot Destruction defines
#define CCaptureFlagReturnIcon C_CaptureFlagReturnIcon
#define CBaseAnimating C_BaseAnimating
class CCaptureFlagReturnIcon: public CBaseAnimating
DECLARE_CLASS( CCaptureFlagReturnIcon, CBaseEntity );
virtual int DrawModel( int flags );
void DrawReturnProgressBar( void );
virtual RenderGroup_t GetRenderGroup( void );
virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ) { return true; }
virtual void GetRenderBounds( Vector& theMins, Vector& theMaxs );
IMaterial *m_pReturnProgressMaterial_Empty; // For labels above players' heads.
IMaterial *m_pReturnProgressMaterial_Full;
virtual void Spawn( void );
virtual int UpdateTransmitState( void );
// CTF Flag class.
DECLARE_AUTO_LIST( ICaptureFlagAutoList );
class CCaptureFlag : public CTFItem, public ICaptureFlagAutoList
DECLARE_CLASS( CCaptureFlag, CTFItem );
unsigned int GetItemID( void ) const OVERRIDE;
void Precache( void );
void Spawn( void );
virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void );
void FlagTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther );
bool IsDisabled( void ) const;
void SetDisabled( bool bDisabled );
void SetVisibleWhenDisabled( bool bVisible );
bool IsPoisonous( void ) { return m_flTimeToSetPoisonous > 0 && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flTimeToSetPoisonous; }
float GetPoisonTime( void ) const { return m_flTimeToSetPoisonous; }
bool IsVisibleWhenDisabled( void ) { return m_bVisibleWhenDisabled; }
CBaseEntity *GetPrevOwner( void ) { return m_hPrevOwner.Get(); }
// Purpose: Sets the flag status
void SetFlagStatus( int iStatus, CBasePlayer *pNewOwner = NULL );
// Game DLL Functions
#ifdef GAME_DLL
CCaptureFlag &operator=( const CCaptureFlag& rhs );
virtual void Activate( void );
static CCaptureFlag* Create( const Vector& vecOrigin, const char *pszModelName, ETFFlagType type );
// Input handlers
void InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputRoundActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputForceDrop( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputForceReset( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputForceResetSilent( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputForceResetAndDisableSilent( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetReturnTime( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputShowTimer( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputForceGlowDisabled( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void Think( void );
void CreateReturnIcon( void );
void DestroyReturnIcon( void );
void ResetFlagReturnTime( void ) { m_flResetTime = 0; }
void SetFlagReturnIn( float flTime )
m_flResetTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime;
m_flMaxResetTime = flTime;
void SetFlagReturnIn( float flTime, float flMaxResetTime )
m_flResetTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime;
m_flMaxResetTime = flMaxResetTime;
void ResetFlagNeutralTime( void ) { m_flNeutralTime = 0; }
void SetFlagNeutralIn( float flTime )
m_flNeutralTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime;
m_flMaxResetTime = flTime;
bool IsCaptured( void ){ return m_bCaptured; }
int UpdateTransmitState();
void StartFlagTrail ( void );
void RemoveFlagTrail ( void );
EHANDLE m_pFlagTrail;
float m_flFlagTrailLife;
bool m_bInstantTrailRemove;
int GetNumTags() const { return m_tags.Count(); }
const char* GetTag( int i ) const { return m_tags[i]; }
void AddFollower( CTFBot* pBot );
void RemoveFollower( CTFBot* pBot );
int GetNumFollowers() const { return m_followers.Count(); }
void AddPointValue( int nPoints );
#else // CLIENT DLL Functions
virtual bool ShouldDraw() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsVisibleToTargetID() const OVERRIDE;
virtual const char *GetIDString( void ) { return "entity_capture_flag"; };
virtual void OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
void CreateSiren( void );
void DestroySiren( void );
void ManageTrailEffects( void );
CNewParticleEffect *m_pGlowTrailEffect;
CNewParticleEffect *m_pPaperTrailEffect;
virtual void Simulate( void );
float GetMaxResetTime() { return m_flMaxResetTime; }
float GetReturnProgress( void );
void UpdateGlowEffect( void );
virtual bool ShouldHideGlowEffect( void );
// TODO: Both of these should be updated to work with floats instead of ints.
int GetReturnTime( int nMaxReturnTime );
int GetMaxReturnTime( void );
void Capture( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, int nCapturePoint );
virtual void PickUp( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, bool bInvisible );
virtual void Drop( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, bool bVisible, bool bThrown = false, bool bMessage = true );
ETFFlagType GetType( void ) const { return (ETFFlagType)m_nType.Get(); }
bool IsDropped( void );
bool IsHome( void );
bool IsStolen( void );
void ResetFlag( void )
const char *GetFlagModel( void );
void GetHudIcon( int nTeam, char *pchName, int nBuffSize );
const char *GetPaperEffect( void );
void GetTrailEffect( int nTeam, char *pchName, int nBuffSize );
int GetPointValue() const { return m_nPointValue.Get(); }
void Reset( void );
void ResetMessage( void );
void InternalForceReset( bool bSilent = false );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void PlaySound( IRecipientFilter& filter, const char *pszString, int iTeam = TEAM_ANY );
float m_flNextTeamSoundTime[TF_TEAM_COUNT];
void SetGlowEnabled( bool bGlowEnabled ){ m_bGlowEnabled = bGlowEnabled; }
bool IsGlowEnabled( void ){ return m_bGlowEnabled; }
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bDisabled ); // Enabled/Disabled?
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bVisibleWhenDisabled );
CNetworkVar( int, m_nType ); // Type of game this flag will be used for.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nFlagStatus );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flResetTime ); // Time until the flag is placed back at spawn.
CNetworkVar( float, m_flMaxResetTime ); // Time the flag takes to return in the current mode
CNetworkVar( float, m_flNeutralTime ); // Time until the flag becomes neutral (used for the invade gametype)
CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hPrevOwner );
CNetworkVar( int, m_nPointValue ); // How many points this flag is worth when scored. Used in Robot Destruction mode.
CNetworkVar( float, m_flAutoCapTime );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bGlowEnabled );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
string_t m_iszModel;
string_t m_iszHudIcon;
string_t m_iszPaperEffect;
string_t m_iszTrailEffect;
string_t m_iszTags;
CUtlStringList m_tags;
CUtlVector< CHandle< CTFBot > > m_followers;
CNetworkString( m_szModel, MAX_PATH );
CNetworkString( m_szHudIcon, MAX_PATH );
CNetworkString( m_szPaperEffect, MAX_PATH );
CNetworkString( m_szTrailEffect, MAX_PATH );
CNetworkVar( int, m_nUseTrailEffect );
int m_iOriginalTeam;
float m_flOwnerPickupTime;
int GetReturnTimeShotClockMode( int nStartReturnTime );
inline bool IsFlagShotClockModePossible() const
return m_nType == TF_FLAGTYPE_CTF
float m_flLastPickupTime; // What the time was of the last pickup by any player.
float m_flLastResetDuration; // How long was the last time to reset before being picked up?
int m_nReturnTime; // Length of time (in seconds) before dropped flag/intelligence returns to base.
int m_nNeutralType; // Type of neutral flag (only used for Invade game type).
int m_nScoringType; // Type of scoring for flag capture (only used for Invade game type).
bool m_bReturnBetweenWaves; // Used in MvM mode to determine if the flag should return between waves.
bool m_bUseShotClockMode; // Used to determine whether we should be using shot clock mode or not.
CNetworkVar( float, m_flTimeToSetPoisonous ); // Time to set the flag as poisonous
EHANDLE m_hReturnIcon;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
Vector m_vecResetPos; // The position the flag should respawn (reset) at.
QAngle m_vecResetAng; // The angle the flag should respawn (reset) at.
COutputEvent m_outputOnReturn; // Fired when the flag is returned via timer.
COutputEvent m_outputOnPickUp; // Fired when the flag is picked up.
COutputEvent m_outputOnPickUpTeam1; // Fired when the flag is picked up by RED.
COutputEvent m_outputOnPickUpTeam2; // Fired when the flag is picked up by BLU.
COutputEvent m_outputOnDrop; // Fired when the flag is dropped.
COutputEvent m_outputOnCapture; // Fired when the flag is captured.
COutputEvent m_OnCapTeam1;
COutputEvent m_OnCapTeam2;
COutputEvent m_OnTouchSameTeam;
bool m_bAllowOwnerPickup;
bool m_bCaptured;
EHANDLE m_hInitialPlayer;
EHANDLE m_hInitialParent;
Vector m_vecOffset;
IMaterial *m_pReturnProgressMaterial_Empty; // For labels above players' heads.
IMaterial *m_pReturnProgressMaterial_Full;
int m_nOldTeamNumber;
EHANDLE m_hOldOwner;
CGlowObject *m_pGlowEffect;
CGlowObject *m_pCarrierGlowEffect;
bool m_bOldGlowEnabled;