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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Clients CBaseObject
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "baseobject_shared.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include "particlemgr.h"
#include "particle_prototype.h"
#include "particle_util.h"
#include "c_basecombatcharacter.h"
#include "ihasbuildpoints.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
class C_TFPlayer;
// Max Length of ID Strings
#define MAX_ID_STRING 256
extern mstudioevent_t *GetEventIndexForSequence( mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc );
DECLARE_AUTO_LIST( IBaseObjectAutoList );
// Purpose:
class C_BaseObject : public C_BaseCombatCharacter, public IHasBuildPoints, public ITargetIDProvidesHint, public IBaseObjectAutoList
DECLARE_CLASS( C_BaseObject, C_BaseCombatCharacter );
~C_BaseObject( void );
virtual void Spawn( void );
virtual bool IsBaseObject( void ) const { return true; }
virtual bool IsAnUpgrade(void ) const { return false; }
virtual void SetType( int iObjectType );
virtual void AddEntity();
virtual void Select( void );
void SetActivity( Activity act );
Activity GetActivity( ) const;
void SetObjectSequence( int sequence );
virtual void ResetClientsideFrame( void );
virtual void PreDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual int GetHealth() const { return m_iHealth; }
void SetHealth( int health ) { m_iHealth = health; }
virtual int GetMaxHealth() const { return m_iMaxHealth; }
int GetObjectFlags( void ) { return m_fObjectFlags; }
void SetObjectFlags( int flags ) { m_fObjectFlags = flags; }
// Derive to customize an object's attached version
virtual void SetupAttachedVersion( void ) { return; }
virtual const char *GetTargetDescription( void ) const;
virtual const char *GetIDString( void );
virtual bool IsValidIDTarget( void );
virtual void GetTargetIDString( OUT_Z_BYTECAP(iMaxLenInBytes) wchar_t *sIDString, int iMaxLenInBytes, bool bSpectator );
virtual void GetTargetIDDataString( OUT_Z_BYTECAP(iMaxLenInBytes) wchar_t *sDataString, int iMaxLenInBytes );
virtual bool ShouldBeActive( void );
virtual void OnGoActive( void );
virtual void OnGoInactive( void );
virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void );
C_TFPlayer *GetBuilder( void ) { return m_hBuilder; }
virtual void SetDormant( bool bDormant );
void SendClientCommand( const char *pCmd );
virtual void FireEvent( const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, int event, const char *options );
// Builder preview...
void ActivateYawPreview( bool enable );
void PreviewYaw( float yaw );
bool IsPreviewingYaw() const;
virtual void RecalculateIDString( void );
int GetType() const { return m_iObjectType; }
bool IsOwnedByLocalPlayer() const;
C_TFPlayer *GetOwner();
virtual void Simulate();
virtual int DrawModel( int flags );
float GetPercentageConstructed( void ) { return m_flPercentageConstructed; }
bool IsPlacing( void ) const { return m_bPlacing; }
bool IsBuilding( void ) const { return m_bBuilding; }
virtual bool IsUpgrading( void ) const { return false; }
bool IsCarried( void ) const { return m_bCarried; }
float GetReversesBuildingConstructionSpeed( void );
virtual void FinishedBuilding( void ) { return; }
virtual const char* GetStatusName() const;
// Object Previews
void HighlightBuildPoints( int flags );
bool HasSapper( void );
bool IsPlasmaDisabled( void );
virtual void OnStartDisabled( void );
virtual void OnEndDisabled( void );
virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const;
virtual bool ShouldPlayersAvoid( void );
bool MustBeBuiltOnAttachmentPoint( void ) const;
virtual bool IsHostileUpgrade( void ) { return false; }
// For ordering in hud building status
virtual int GetDisplayPriority( void );
virtual const char *GetHudStatusIcon( void );
virtual BuildingHudAlert_t GetBuildingAlertLevel( void );
// Upgrading
virtual int GetUpgradeLevel( void ) { return m_iUpgradeLevel; }
int GetUpgradeMetal( void ) { return m_iUpgradeMetal; }
virtual int GetUpgradeMetalRequired( void ) { return m_iUpgradeMetalRequired; }
virtual void UpgradeLevelChanged() { return; }
int GetHighestUpgradeLevel( void ) { return m_iHighestUpgradeLevel; }
int GetObjectMode( void ) const { return m_iObjectMode; }
// Shadows
virtual ShadowType_t ShadowCastType( void ) OVERRIDE;
// Stealth
virtual float GetInvisibilityLevel( void );
virtual void SetInvisibilityLevel( float flValue );
bool IsEnteringOrExitingFullyInvisible( float flValue ) { return ( ( m_flInvisibilityPercent != 1.f && flValue == 1.f ) || ( m_flInvisibilityPercent == 1.f && flValue != 1.f ) ); }
void StopAnimGeneratedSounds( void );
// Client/Server shared build point code
void CreateBuildPoints( void );
void AddAndParseBuildPoint( int iAttachmentNumber, KeyValues *pkvBuildPoint );
virtual int AddBuildPoint( int iAttachmentNum );
virtual void AddValidObjectToBuildPoint( int iPoint, int iObjectType );
virtual CBaseObject *GetBuildPointObject( int iPoint );
bool IsBuiltOnAttachment( void ) { return m_hBuiltOnEntity.IsValid(); }
void AttachObjectToObject( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int iPoint, Vector &vecOrigin );
CBaseObject *GetParentObject( void );
CBaseEntity *GetParentEntity( void );
void SetBuildPointPassenger( int iPoint, int iPassenger );
// Build points
CUtlVector<BuildPoint_t> m_BuildPoints;
bool IsDisabled( void ) { return m_bDisabled || m_bCarried; }
// Shared placement
bool VerifyCorner( const Vector &vBottomCenter, float xOffset, float yOffset );
virtual bool IsPlacementPosValid( void );
virtual float GetNearbyObjectCheckRadius( void ) { return 30.0; }
virtual void OnPlacementStateChanged( bool bValidPlacement );
bool ServerValidPlacement( void ); // allow server to trump our placement state
bool WasLastPlacementPosValid( void ); // query if we're in a valid place, when we last tried to calculate it
// IHasBuildPoints
virtual int GetNumBuildPoints( void ) const;
virtual bool GetBuildPoint( int iPoint, Vector &vecOrigin, QAngle &vecAngles );
virtual int GetBuildPointAttachmentIndex( int iPoint ) const;
virtual bool CanBuildObjectOnBuildPoint( int iPoint, int iObjectType );
virtual void SetObjectOnBuildPoint( int iPoint, CBaseObject *pObject );
virtual float GetMaxSnapDistance( int iBuildPoint );
virtual bool ShouldCheckForMovement( void ) { return true; }
virtual int GetNumObjectsOnMe( void );
virtual CBaseObject *GetObjectOfTypeOnMe( int iObjectType );
virtual void RemoveAllObjects( void );
virtual int FindObjectOnBuildPoint( CBaseObject *pObject );
virtual bool TestHitboxes( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr );
bool IsMiniBuilding() { return m_bMiniBuilding; }
bool IsDisposableBuilding( void ) const { return m_bDisposableBuilding; }
// ITargetIDProvidesHint
virtual void DisplayHintTo( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual void GetGlowEffectColor( float *r, float *g, float *b );
bool IsMapPlaced( void ){ return m_bWasMapPlaced; }
virtual void UpdateDamageEffects( BuildingDamageLevel_t damageLevel ) {} // default is no effects
void UpdateDesiredBuildRotation( float flFrameTime );
bool CalculatePlacementPos( void );
BuildingDamageLevel_t CalculateDamageLevel( void );
char m_szIDString[ MAX_ID_STRING ];
BuildingDamageLevel_t m_damageLevel;
Vector m_vecBuildOrigin;
Vector m_vecBuildCenterOfMass;
// Upgrading
int m_iUpgradeLevel;
int m_iOldUpgradeLevel;
int m_iUpgradeMetal;
int m_iHighestUpgradeLevel;
int m_iUpgradeMetalRequired;
HPARTICLEFFECT m_hDamageEffects;
Activity m_Activity;
int m_fObjectFlags;
float m_fYawPreview;
char m_YawPreviewState;
CHandle< C_TFPlayer > m_hOldOwner;
CHandle< C_TFPlayer > m_hBuilder;
bool m_bWasActive;
int m_iOldHealth;
bool m_bHasSapper;
bool m_bOldSapper;
int m_iObjectType;
int m_iHealth;
int m_iMaxHealth;
bool m_bWasBuilding;
bool m_bBuilding;
bool m_bWasPlacing;
bool m_bPlacing;
bool m_bDisabled;
bool m_bOldDisabled;
bool m_bCarried;
bool m_bCarryDeploy;
bool m_bOldCarryDeploy;
bool m_bMiniBuilding;
bool m_bDisposableBuilding;
float m_flPercentageConstructed;
EHANDLE m_hBuiltOnEntity;
int m_iObjectMode;
bool m_bPlasmaDisable;
CNetworkVector( m_vecBuildMaxs );
CNetworkVector( m_vecBuildMins );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDesiredBuildRotations );
float m_flCurrentBuildRotation;
int m_iLastPlacementPosValid; // -1 - init, 0 - invalid, 1 - valid
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bServerOverridePlacement );
int m_nObjectOldSequence;
// used when calculating the placement position
Vector m_vecBuildForward;
float m_flBuildDistance;
// Stealth
float m_flInvisibilityPercent;
float m_flPrevInvisibilityPercent;
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bWasMapPlaced );
C_BaseObject( const C_BaseObject & ); // not defined, not accessible
#endif // C_BASEOBJECT_H