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//====== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====================
// Some public types for communicating detailed connection stats
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "steamnetworkingtypes.h"
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(8)
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE void SteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats_Clear( SteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE void SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_Clear( SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE int SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_PingHistogramTotalCount( const SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE int SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_QualityHistogramTotalCount( const SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE int SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_JitterHistogramTotalCount( const SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE int SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_TXSpeedHistogramTotalCount( const SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE int SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_RXSpeedHistogramTotalCount( const SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE void SteamDatagramLinkStats_Clear( SteamDatagramLinkStats *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE void SteamNetworkingDetailedConnectionStatus_Clear( SteamNetworkingDetailedConnectionStatus *pThis );
STEAMDATAGRAMLIB_INTERFACE int SteamNetworkingDetailedConnectionStatus_Print( const SteamNetworkingDetailedConnectionStatus *pThis, char *pszBuf, int cbBuf );
/// Instantaneous statistics for a link between two hosts.
struct SteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats
/// Data rates
float m_flOutPacketsPerSec;
float m_flOutBytesPerSec;
float m_flInPacketsPerSec;
float m_flInBytesPerSec;
/// Smoothed ping. This will be -1 if we don't have any idea!
int m_nPingMS;
/// 0...1, estimated number of packets that were sent to us, but we failed to receive.
/// <0 if we haven't received any sequenced packets and so we don't have any way to estimate this.
float m_flPacketsDroppedPct;
/// Packets received with a sequence number abnormality, other than basic packet loss. (Duplicated, out of order, lurch.)
/// <0 if we haven't received any sequenced packets and so we don't have any way to estimate this.
float m_flPacketsWeirdSequenceNumberPct;
/// Peak jitter
int m_usecMaxJitter;
/// Current sending rate, this can be low at connection start until the slow start
/// ramps it up. It's adjusted as packets are lost and congestion is encountered during
/// the connection
int m_nSendRate;
/// How many pending bytes are waiting to be sent. This is data that is currently waiting
/// to be sent and in outgoing buffers. If this is zero, then the connection is idle
/// and all pending data has been sent. Note that in case of packet loss any pending
/// reliable data might be re-sent. This does not include data that has been sent and is
/// waiting for acknowledgment.
int m_nPendingBytes;
inline void Clear() { SteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats_Clear( this ); }
/// Stats for the lifetime of a connection.
/// Should match CMsgSteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats
struct SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats
/// Reset all values to zero / unknown status
inline void Clear() { return SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_Clear( this ); }
// Lifetime counters.
// NOTE: Average packet loss, etc can be deduced from this.
int64 m_nPacketsSent;
int64 m_nBytesSent;
int64 m_nPacketsRecv; // total number of packets received, some of which might not have had a sequence number. Don't use this number to try to estimate lifetime packet loss, use m_nPacketsRecvSequenced
int64 m_nBytesRecv;
int64 m_nPktsRecvSequenced; // packets that we received that had a sequence number.
int64 m_nPktsRecvDropped;
int64 m_nPktsRecvOutOfOrder;
int64 m_nPktsRecvDuplicate;
int64 m_nPktsRecvSequenceNumberLurch;
// SNP message counters
int64 m_nMessagesSentReliable;
int64 m_nMessagesSentUnreliable;
int64 m_nMessagesRecvReliable;
int64 m_nMessagesRecvUnreliable;
// Ping distribution
int m_nPingHistogram25; // 0..25
int m_nPingHistogram50; // 26..50
int m_nPingHistogram75; // 51..75
int m_nPingHistogram100; // etc
int m_nPingHistogram125;
int m_nPingHistogram150;
int m_nPingHistogram200;
int m_nPingHistogram300;
int m_nPingHistogramMax; // >300
inline int PingHistogramTotalCount() const { return SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_PingHistogramTotalCount( this ); }
// Distribution.
// NOTE: Some of these might be -1 if we didn't have enough data to make a meaningful estimate!
// It takes fewer samples to make an estimate of the median than the 98th percentile!
short m_nPingNtile5th; // 5% of ping samples were <= Nms
short m_nPingNtile50th; // 50% of ping samples were <= Nms
short m_nPingNtile75th; // 70% of ping samples were <= Nms
short m_nPingNtile95th; // 95% of ping samples were <= Nms
short m_nPingNtile98th; // 98% of ping samples were <= Nms
short m__pad1;
// Connection quality distribution
int m_nQualityHistogram100; // This means everything was perfect. If we delivered over 100 packets in the interval and were less than perfect, but greater than 99.5%, we will use 99% instead.
int m_nQualityHistogram99; // 99%+
int m_nQualityHistogram97;
int m_nQualityHistogram95;
int m_nQualityHistogram90;
int m_nQualityHistogram75;
int m_nQualityHistogram50;
int m_nQualityHistogram1;
int m_nQualityHistogramDead; // we received nothing during the interval; it looks like the connection dropped
inline int QualityHistogramTotalCount() const { return SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_QualityHistogramTotalCount( this ); }
// Distribution. Some might be -1, see above for why.
short m_nQualityNtile2nd; // 2% of measurement intervals had quality <= N%
short m_nQualityNtile5th; // 5% of measurement intervals had quality <= N%
short m_nQualityNtile25th; // 25% of measurement intervals had quality <= N%
short m_nQualityNtile50th; // 50% of measurement intervals had quality <= N%
// Jitter histogram
int m_nJitterHistogramNegligible;
int m_nJitterHistogram1;
int m_nJitterHistogram2;
int m_nJitterHistogram5;
int m_nJitterHistogram10;
int m_nJitterHistogram20;
inline int JitterHistogramTotalCount() const { return SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_JitterHistogramTotalCount( this ); }
// Connection transmit speed histogram
int m_nTXSpeedMax; // Max speed we hit
int m_nTXSpeedHistogram16; // Speed at kb/s
int m_nTXSpeedHistogram32;
int m_nTXSpeedHistogram64;
int m_nTXSpeedHistogram128;
int m_nTXSpeedHistogram256;
int m_nTXSpeedHistogram512;
int m_nTXSpeedHistogram1024;
int m_nTXSpeedHistogramMax;
inline int TXSpeedHistogramTotalCount() const { return SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_TXSpeedHistogramTotalCount( this ); }
// Distribution. Some might be -1, see above for why.
int m_nTXSpeedNtile5th; // 5% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
int m_nTXSpeedNtile50th; // 50% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
int m_nTXSpeedNtile75th; // 75% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
int m_nTXSpeedNtile95th; // 95% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
int m_nTXSpeedNtile98th; // 98% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
// Connection receive speed histogram
int m_nRXSpeedMax; // Max speed we hit that formed the histogram
int m_nRXSpeedHistogram16; // Speed at kb/s
int m_nRXSpeedHistogram32;
int m_nRXSpeedHistogram64;
int m_nRXSpeedHistogram128;
int m_nRXSpeedHistogram256;
int m_nRXSpeedHistogram512;
int m_nRXSpeedHistogram1024;
int m_nRXSpeedHistogramMax;
inline int RXSpeedHistogramTotalCount() const { return SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats_RXSpeedHistogramTotalCount( this ); }
// Distribution. Some might be -1, see above for why.
int m_nRXSpeedNtile5th; // 5% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
int m_nRXSpeedNtile50th; // 50% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
int m_nRXSpeedNtile75th; // 75% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
int m_nRXSpeedNtile95th; // 95% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
int m_nRXSpeedNtile98th; // 98% of transmit samples were <= N kb/s
/// Link stats. Pretty much everything you might possibly want to know about the connection
struct SteamDatagramLinkStats
/// Latest instantaneous stats, calculated locally
SteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats m_latest;
/// Peak values for each instantaneous stat
//SteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats m_peak;
/// Lifetime stats, calculated locally
SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats m_lifetime;
/// Latest instantaneous stats received from remote host.
/// (E.g. "sent" means they are reporting what they sent.)
SteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats m_latestRemote;
/// How many seconds ago did we receive m_latestRemote?
/// This will be <0 if the data is not valid!
float m_flAgeLatestRemote;
/// Latest lifetime stats received from remote host.
SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats m_lifetimeRemote;
/// How many seconds ago did we receive the lifetime stats?
/// This will be <0 if the data is not valid!
float m_flAgeLifetimeRemote;
/// Reset everything to unknown/initial state.
inline void Clear() { SteamDatagramLinkStats_Clear( this ); }
/// Status of a particular network resource
enum ESteamDatagramAvailability
k_ESteamDatagramAvailability_CannotTry = -3, // A dependent resource is missing, so this service is unavailable. (E.g. we cannot talk to routers because Internet is down or we don't have the network config.)
k_ESteamDatagramAvailability_Failed = -2, // We have tried for enough time that we would expect to have been successful by now. We have never been successful
k_ESteamDatagramAvailability_Previously = -1, // We tried and were successful at one time, but now it looks like we have a problem
k_ESteamDatagramAvailability_Unknown = 0, // Unknown, or not applicable in this context
k_ESteamDatagramAvailability_NeverTried = 1, // We don't know because we haven't ever checked
k_ESteamDatagramAvailability_Attempting = 2, // We're trying now, but are not yet successful. This is not an error, but it's not success, either.
k_ESteamDatagramAvailability_Current = 3, // Resource is online.
/// Describe detailed state of current connection
struct SteamNetworkingDetailedConnectionStatus
/// Basic connection info
SteamNetConnectionInfo_t m_info;
/// Do we have a valid network configuration? We cannot do anything without this.
ESteamDatagramAvailability m_eAvailNetworkConfig;
// /// Does it look like we have a connection to the Internet at all?
// EAvailability m_eAvailInternet;
/// Successful communication with a box on the routing network.
/// This will be marked as failed if there is a general internet
/// connection.
ESteamDatagramAvailability m_eAvailAnyRouterCommunication;
/// End-to-end communication with the remote host.
//ESteamDatagramAvailability m_eAvailEndToEnd;
/// Stats for end-to-end link to the gameserver
SteamDatagramLinkStats m_statsEndToEnd;
/// Currently selected front router, if any.
/// Note that PoP ID can be found in the SteamNetConnectionInfo_t
char m_szPrimaryRouterName[64];
uint32 m_unPrimaryRouterIP;
uint16 m_unPrimaryRouterPort;
/// Stats for "front" link to current router
SteamDatagramLinkStats m_statsPrimaryRouter;
/// Back ping time as reported by primary.
/// (The front ping is in m_statsPrimaryRouter,
/// and usually the front ping plus the back ping should
/// approximately equal the end-to-end ping)
int m_nPrimaryRouterBackPing;
/// Currently selected back router, if any
SteamNetworkingPOPID m_idBackupRouterCluster;
char m_szBackupRouterName[64];
uint32 m_unBackupRouterIP;
uint16 m_unBackupRouterPort;
/// Ping times to backup router, if any
int m_nBackupRouterFrontPing, m_nBackupRouterBackPing;
/// Clear everything to an unknown state
inline void Clear() { SteamNetworkingDetailedConnectionStatus_Clear( this ); }
/// Print into a buffer.
/// 0 = OK
/// >1 = buffer was null or too small (in which case truncation happened).
/// Pass a buffer of at least N bytes.
inline int Print( char *pszBuf, int cbBuf ) const { return SteamNetworkingDetailedConnectionStatus_Print( this, pszBuf, cbBuf ); }
#pragma pack(pop)