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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "shareddefs.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "iviewrender.h"
#include "view_shared.h"
#include "viewrender.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IntroData_t *g_pIntroData;
// Purpose:
class C_ScriptIntro : public C_BaseEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( C_ScriptIntro, C_BaseEntity );
C_ScriptIntro( void );
~C_ScriptIntro( void );
void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
void ClientThink( void );
void CalculateFOV( void );
void CalculateAlpha( void );
int m_iNextFOV;
int m_iFOV;
int m_iPrevFOV;
int m_iStartFOV;
float m_flNextFOVBlendTime;
float m_flFOVBlendStartTime;
bool m_bAlternateFOV;
// Our intro data block
IntroData_t m_IntroData;
Vector m_vecCameraView;
QAngle m_vecCameraViewAngles;
int m_iBlendMode;
int m_iNextBlendMode;
float m_flNextBlendTime;
float m_flBlendStartTime;
bool m_bActive;
EHANDLE m_hCameraEntity;
// Fades
float m_flFadeColor[3]; // Server's desired fade color
float m_flFadeAlpha; // Server's desired fade alpha
float m_flPrevServerFadeAlpha; // Previous server's desired fade alpha
float m_flFadeDuration; // Time it should take to reach the server's new fade alpha
float m_flFadeTimeStartedAt; // Time at which we last recieved a new desired fade alpha
float m_flFadeAlphaStartedAt; // Alpha at which we last received a new desired fade alpha
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_ScriptIntro, DT_ScriptIntro, CScriptIntro )
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO( m_vecCameraView ) ),
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO( m_vecCameraViewAngles ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iBlendMode ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iNextBlendMode ) ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_flNextBlendTime ) ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_flBlendStartTime ) ),
RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bActive ) ),
// Fov & fov blends
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iFOV ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iNextFOV ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iStartFOV ) ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_flNextFOVBlendTime ) ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_flFOVBlendStartTime ) ),
RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bAlternateFOV ) ),
// Fades
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_flFadeAlpha ) ),
RecvPropArray( RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_flFadeColor[0] ) ), m_flFadeColor ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_flFadeDuration ) ),
// Purpose:
C_ScriptIntro::C_ScriptIntro( void )
m_bActive = false;
m_vecCameraView = vec3_origin;
m_vecCameraViewAngles = vec3_angle;
m_iBlendMode = 0;
m_iNextBlendMode = 0;
m_flNextBlendTime = 0;
m_flBlendStartTime = 0;
m_IntroData.m_playerViewFOV = 0;
m_flFadeAlpha = 0;
m_flPrevServerFadeAlpha = 0;
m_flFadeDuration = 0;
m_flFadeTimeStartedAt = 0;
m_flFadeAlphaStartedAt = 0;
m_hCameraEntity = NULL;
m_iPrevFOV = 0;
m_iStartFOV = 0;
g_pIntroData = NULL;
// Setup fade colors
m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[0] = m_flFadeColor[0];
m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[1] = m_flFadeColor[1];
m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[2] = m_flFadeColor[2];
m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[3] = m_flFadeAlpha;
// Purpose:
C_ScriptIntro::~C_ScriptIntro( void )
g_pIntroData = NULL;
// Purpose:
void C_ScriptIntro::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
BaseClass::PostDataUpdate( updateType );
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS );
// Fill out the intro data
m_IntroData.m_vecCameraView = m_vecCameraView;
m_IntroData.m_vecCameraViewAngles = m_vecCameraViewAngles;
m_IntroData.m_Passes.SetCount( 0 );
// Find/Create our first pass
IntroDataBlendPass_t *pass1;
if ( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() == 0 )
pass1 = &m_IntroData.m_Passes[m_IntroData.m_Passes.AddToTail()];
pass1 = &m_IntroData.m_Passes[0];
pass1->m_BlendMode = m_iBlendMode;
pass1->m_Alpha = 1.0f;
if ( m_vecCameraView == vec3_origin )
m_IntroData.m_bDrawPrimary = false;
m_IntroData.m_bDrawPrimary = true;
// If we're currently blending to a new mode, set the second pass
if ( m_flNextBlendTime > gpGlobals->curtime )
IntroDataBlendPass_t *pass2;
if ( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() < 2 )
pass2 = &m_IntroData.m_Passes[m_IntroData.m_Passes.AddToTail()];
//Msg("STARTED BLEND: Mode %d to %d.\n", m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_BlendMode, m_iNextBlendMode );
pass2 = &m_IntroData.m_Passes[1];
Assert( pass2->m_BlendMode == m_iNextBlendMode );
pass2->m_BlendMode = m_iNextBlendMode;
pass2->m_Alpha = 0.0f;
else if ( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() == 2 )
C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !player )
// Set the introdata our data chunk
if ( m_bActive )
g_pIntroData = &m_IntroData;
else if ( g_pIntroData == &m_IntroData )
g_pIntroData = NULL;
// Update the fade color
m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[0] = m_flFadeColor[0];
m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[1] = m_flFadeColor[1];
m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[2] = m_flFadeColor[2];
// Started fading?
if ( m_flFadeAlpha != m_flPrevServerFadeAlpha )
m_flFadeTimeStartedAt = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_flFadeAlphaStartedAt = m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[3];
m_flPrevServerFadeAlpha = m_flFadeAlpha;
if ( !m_flFadeDuration )
m_flFadeDuration = 0.01;
//Msg("STARTING NEW FADE: alpha %.2f, duration %.2f.\n", m_flFadeAlpha, m_flFadeDuration );
if ( m_iPrevFOV != m_iFOV )
m_IntroData.m_playerViewFOV = m_iFOV;
m_iPrevFOV = m_iFOV;
// Purpose:
void C_ScriptIntro::ClientThink( void )
Assert( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() <= 2 );
if ( m_hCameraEntity )
m_IntroData.m_vecCameraView = m_hCameraEntity->GetAbsOrigin();
m_IntroData.m_vecCameraViewAngles = m_hCameraEntity->GetAbsAngles();
// Calculate the blend levels of each pass
float flPerc = 1.0;
if ( (m_flNextBlendTime - m_flBlendStartTime) != 0 )
flPerc = clamp( (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flBlendStartTime) / (m_flNextBlendTime - m_flBlendStartTime), 0, 1 );
// Detect when we're finished blending
if ( flPerc >= 1.0 )
if ( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() == 2 )
// We're done blending
m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_BlendMode = m_IntroData.m_Passes[1].m_BlendMode;
m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_Alpha = 1.0;
m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_Alpha = 1.0f;
if ( m_flNextBlendTime >= gpGlobals->curtime )
Msg("INTRO BLENDING: Blending from mode %d to %d.\n", m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_BlendMode, m_IntroData.m_Passes[1].m_BlendMode );
Msg(" curtime %.2f StartedAt %.2f FinishAt: %.2f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_flBlendStartTime, m_flNextBlendTime );
Msg(" Perc: %.2f\n", flPerc );
if ( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() == 2 )
m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_Alpha = 1.0 - flPerc;
m_IntroData.m_Passes[1].m_Alpha = flPerc;
m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_Alpha = 1.0 - flPerc;
extern float ScriptInfo_CalculateFOV( float flFOVBlendStartTime, float flNextFOVBlendTime, int nFOV, int nNextFOV, bool bSplineRamp );
// Purpose:
void C_ScriptIntro::CalculateFOV( void )
// We're past our blending time so we're at our target
if ( m_flNextFOVBlendTime >= gpGlobals->curtime )
// Calculate where we're at
m_IntroData.m_playerViewFOV = ScriptInfo_CalculateFOV( m_flFOVBlendStartTime, m_flNextFOVBlendTime, m_iStartFOV, m_iNextFOV, m_bAlternateFOV );
// Purpose:
void C_ScriptIntro::CalculateAlpha( void )
// Fill out the fade alpha
float flNewAlpha = RemapValClamped( gpGlobals->curtime, m_flFadeTimeStartedAt, m_flFadeTimeStartedAt + m_flFadeDuration, m_flFadeAlphaStartedAt, m_flFadeAlpha );
if ( m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[3] != flNewAlpha )
Msg("INTRO FADING: curtime %.2f StartedAt %.2f Duration: %.2f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_flFadeTimeStartedAt, m_flFadeDuration );
Msg(" TimePassed %.2f Alpha: %.2f\n", RemapValClamped( gpGlobals->curtime, m_flFadeTimeStartedAt, m_flFadeTimeStartedAt + m_flFadeDuration, 0.0, 1.0 ), m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[3] );
m_IntroData.m_flCurrentFadeColor[3] = flNewAlpha;