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synced 2025-02-05 03:34:15 +00:00
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Shared player code.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "networkvar.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "tf_weaponbase.h"
#include "basegrenade_shared.h"
#include "SpriteTrail.h"
#include "tf_condition.h"
// Client specific.
#include "baseobject_shared.h"
#include "c_tf_weapon_builder.h"
class C_TFPlayer;
// Server specific.
#include "entity_currencypack.h"
#include "tf_weapon_builder.h"
class CTFPlayer;
// Tables.
// Client specific.
// Server specific.
struct stun_struct_t
CHandle<CTFPlayer> hPlayer;
float flDuration;
float flExpireTime;
float flStartFadeTime;
float flStunAmount;
int iStunFlags;
// Damage storage for crit multiplier calculation
class CTFDamageEvent
// This redundantly declares friendship which leads to gcc warnings.
// This redundantly declares friendship which leads to gcc warnings.
float flDamage;
float flDamageCritScaleMultiplier; // scale the damage by this amount when taking it into consideration for "should I crit?" calculations
float flTime;
int nDamageType;
byte nKills;
struct WheelEffect_t
WheelEffect_t( float flTriggerSpeed, const char *pszRedParticleName, const char *pszBlueParticleName )
: m_flMinTriggerSpeed( flTriggerSpeed )
memset( m_pszParticleName, NULL, sizeof( m_pszParticleName ) );
m_pszParticleName[ TF_TEAM_RED ] = pszRedParticleName;
m_pszParticleName[ TF_TEAM_BLUE ] = pszBlueParticleName;
float m_flMinTriggerSpeed;
const char *m_pszParticleName[ TF_TEAM_COUNT ];
// Scoring data for the local player
struct RoundStats_t;
struct localplayerscoring_t
DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( localplayerscoring_t );
void Reset( void )
m_iCaptures = 0;
m_iDefenses = 0;
m_iKills = 0;
m_iDeaths = 0;
m_iSuicides = 0;
m_iKillAssists = 0;
m_iBuildingsBuilt = 0;
m_iBuildingsDestroyed = 0;
m_iHeadshots = 0;
m_iDominations = 0;
m_iRevenge = 0;
m_iInvulns = 0;
m_iTeleports = 0;
m_iDamageDone = 0;
m_iCrits = 0;
m_iBackstabs = 0;
m_iHealPoints = 0;
m_iResupplyPoints = 0;
m_iBonusPoints = 0;
m_iPoints = 0;
void UpdateStats( RoundStats_t& roundStats, CTFPlayer *pPlayer, bool bIsRoundData );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iCaptures );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDefenses );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iKills );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDeaths );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iSuicides );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDominations );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iRevenge );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iBuildingsBuilt );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iBuildingsDestroyed );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iHeadshots );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iBackstabs );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iHealPoints );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iInvulns );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iTeleports );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDamageDone );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iCrits );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iResupplyPoints );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iKillAssists );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iBonusPoints );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iPoints );
// Condition Provider
struct condition_source_t
DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( condition_source_t );
m_nPreventedDamageFromCondition = 0;
m_flExpireTime = 0.f;
m_pProvider = NULL;
m_bPrevActive = false;
int m_nPreventedDamageFromCondition;
float m_flExpireTime;
CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_pProvider );
bool m_bPrevActive;
// For checkpointing upgrades Players have purchased in Mann Vs Machine
class CUpgradeInfo
int m_iPlayerClass; // the character class this upgrade is being applied too
item_definition_index_t m_itemDefIndex; // item that was upgraded (or INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX for the player itself)
int m_upgrade; // the upgrade that was applied
int m_nCost; // price of the upgrade
// Shared player class.
class CTFPlayerShared : public CGameEventListener
// Client specific.
friend class C_TFPlayer;
typedef C_TFPlayer OuterClass;
// Server specific.
friend class CTFPlayer;
typedef CTFPlayer OuterClass;
struct RageBuff
int m_iBuffTypeActive;
int m_iBuffPulseCount;
float m_flNextBuffPulseTime;
// Condition Provider tracking
CUtlVector< condition_source_t > m_ConditionData;
enum ERageBuffSlot
enum ETFStreak
kTFStreak_Kills = 0,
kTFStreak_KillsAll = 1, // Counts all kills not just attr based killstreak. For Data collection purposes
kTFStreak_Ducks = 2,
kTFStreak_Duck_levelup = 3,
kTFStreak_COUNT = 4,
enum EKartStateFlags
kKartState_Driving = 1 << 0,
kKartState_Braking = 1 << 1,
kKartState_Reversing = 1 << 2,
kKartState_Stopped = 1 << 3,
kKartState_SteerLeft = 1 << 4,
kKartState_SteerRight = 1 << 5
// Initialization.
void Init( OuterClass *pOuter );
void Spawn( void );
// State (TF_STATE_*).
int GetState() const { return m_nPlayerState; }
void SetState( int nState ) { m_nPlayerState = nState; }
bool InState( int nState ) { return ( m_nPlayerState == nState ); }
// Condition (TF_COND_*).
void AddCond( ETFCond eCond, float flDuration = PERMANENT_CONDITION, CBaseEntity *pProvider = NULL );
void RemoveCond( ETFCond eCond, bool ignore_duration=false );
bool InCond( ETFCond eCond ) const;
bool WasInCond( ETFCond eCond ) const;
void ForceRecondNextSync( ETFCond eCond );
void RemoveAllCond();
void OnConditionAdded( ETFCond eCond );
void OnConditionRemoved( ETFCond eCond );
void ConditionThink( void );
float GetConditionDuration( ETFCond eCond ) const;
void SetConditionDuration( ETFCond eCond, float flNewDur )
Assert( eCond < m_ConditionData.Count() );
m_ConditionData[eCond].m_flExpireTime = flNewDur;
CBaseEntity *GetConditionProvider( ETFCond eCond ) const;
CBaseEntity *GetConditionAssistFromVictim( void );
CBaseEntity *GetConditionAssistFromAttacker( void );
void ConditionGameRulesThink( void );
void InvisibilityThink( void );
void CheckDisguiseTimer( void );
int GetMaxBuffedHealth( bool bIgnoreAttributes = false, bool bIgnoreHealthOverMax = false );
bool IsAiming( void );
void SetCarryingRuneType( RuneTypes_t rt );
RuneTypes_t GetCarryingRuneType( void ) const;
bool IsCarryingRune( void ) const { return GetCarryingRuneType() != RUNE_NONE; }
float m_flRuneAcquireTime;
// This class only receives calls for these from C_TFPlayer, not
// natively from the networking system
virtual void OnPreDataChanged( void );
virtual void OnDataChanged( void );
// check the newly networked conditions for changes
void SyncConditions( int nPreviousConditions, int nNewConditions, int nForceConditionBits, int nBaseCondBit );
enum ECritBoostUpdateType { kCritBoost_Ignore, kCritBoost_ForceRefresh };
void UpdateCritBoostEffect( ECritBoostUpdateType eUpdateType = kCritBoost_Ignore );
bool ShouldShowRecentlyTeleported( void );
void EndRadiusHealEffect( void );
void EndKingBuffRadiusEffect( void );
bool IsCritBoosted( void ) const;
bool IsInvulnerable( void ) const;
bool IsStealthed( void ) const;
bool CanBeDebuffed( void ) const;
void Disguise( int nTeam, int nClass, CTFPlayer* pDesiredTarget=NULL, bool bOnKill = false );
void CompleteDisguise( void );
void RemoveDisguise( void );
void RemoveDisguiseWeapon( void );
void FindDisguiseTarget( void );
int GetDisguiseTeam( void ) const;
int GetDisguiseClass( void ) const { return InCond( TF_COND_DISGUISED_AS_DISPENSER ) ? (int)TF_CLASS_ENGINEER : m_nDisguiseClass; }
int GetDisguisedSkinOverride( void ) const { return m_nDisguiseSkinOverride; }
int GetDisguiseMask( void ) const { return InCond( TF_COND_DISGUISED_AS_DISPENSER ) ? (int)TF_CLASS_ENGINEER : m_nMaskClass; }
int GetDesiredDisguiseClass( void ) const { return m_nDesiredDisguiseClass; }
int GetDesiredDisguiseTeam( void ) const { return m_nDesiredDisguiseTeam; }
bool WasLastDisguiseAsOwnTeam( void ) const { return m_bLastDisguisedAsOwnTeam; }
int GetDisguiseTargetIndex( void ) const { return m_iDisguiseTargetIndex; }
EHANDLE GetDisguiseTarget( void ) const
if ( m_iDisguiseTargetIndex == TF_DISGUISE_TARGET_INDEX_NONE )
return NULL;
return cl_entitylist->GetNetworkableHandle( m_iDisguiseTargetIndex );
return m_hDisguiseTarget.Get();
CTFWeaponBase *GetDisguiseWeapon( void ) { return m_hDisguiseWeapon; }
int GetDisguiseHealth( void ) { return m_iDisguiseHealth; }
void SetDisguiseHealth( int iDisguiseHealth );
int GetDisguiseMaxHealth( void );
int GetDisguiseMaxBuffedHealth( bool bIgnoreAttributes = false, bool bIgnoreHealthOverMax = false );
void ProcessDisguiseImpulse( CTFPlayer *pPlayer );
int GetDisguiseAmmoCount( void ) { return m_iDisguiseAmmo; }
void SetDisguiseAmmoCount( int nValue ) { m_iDisguiseAmmo = nValue; }
bool CanRecieveMedigunChargeEffect( medigun_charge_types eType ) const;
int GetDisplayedTeam( void ) const;
void OnDisguiseChanged( void );
float GetTimeTeleEffectAdded( void ) { return m_flGotTeleEffectAt; }
int GetTeamTeleporterUsed( void ) { return m_nTeamTeleporterUsed; }
void ClientDemoBuffThink( void );
void ClientKillStreakBuffThink( void );
int CalculateObjectCost( CTFPlayer* pBuilder, int iObjectType );
// Pickup effects, including putting out fires, updating HUD, etc.
void HealthKitPickupEffects( int iHealthGiven = 0 );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void DetermineDisguiseWeapon( bool bForcePrimary = false );
void DetermineDisguiseWearables();
void RemoveDisguiseWearables();
void Heal( CBaseEntity *pHealer, float flAmount, float flOverhealBonus, float flOverhealDecayMult, bool bDispenserHeal = false, CTFPlayer *pHealScorer = NULL );
float StopHealing( CBaseEntity *pHealer );
void TestAndExpireChargeEffect( medigun_charge_types iCharge );
void RecalculateChargeEffects( bool bInstantRemove = false );
int FindHealerIndex( CBaseEntity *pPlayer );
EHANDLE GetFirstHealer();
void CheckForAchievement( int iAchievement );
void IncrementArenaNumChanges( void ) { m_nArenaNumChanges++; }
void ResetArenaNumChanges( void ) { m_nArenaNumChanges = 0; }
bool AddToSpyCloakMeter( float val, bool bForce=false );
void AddTmpDamageBonus( float flBonus, float flExpiration );
float GetTmpDamageBonus( void ) { return (InCond(TF_COND_TMPDAMAGEBONUS)) ? m_flTmpDamageBonusAmount : 1.0; }
void SetTeamTeleporterUsed( int nTeam ){ m_nTeamTeleporterUsed.Set( nTeam ); }
void SetBiteEffectWasApplied() { m_bBiteEffectWasApplied = true; }
#endif // GAME_DLL
int GetArenaNumChanges( void ) { return m_nArenaNumChanges; }
CBaseEntity *GetHealerByIndex( int index );
bool HealerIsDispenser( int index );
int GetNumHealers( void ) { return m_nNumHealers; }
void Burn( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon, float flBurningTime = -1.0f );
void SelfBurn( float flBurningTime ); // Boss Burn
void MakeBleed( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon, float flBleedingTime, int nBleedDmg = TF_BLEEDING_DMG, bool bPermanentBleeding = false );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void StopBleed( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon );
#endif // GAME_DLL
// Weapons.
CTFWeaponBase *GetActiveTFWeapon() const;
// Utility.
bool IsAlly( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
// Separation force
bool IsSeparationEnabled( void ) const { return m_bEnableSeparation; }
void SetSeparation( bool bEnable ) { m_bEnableSeparation = bEnable; }
const Vector &GetSeparationVelocity( void ) const { return m_vSeparationVelocity; }
void SetSeparationVelocity( const Vector &vSeparationVelocity ) { m_vSeparationVelocity = vSeparationVelocity; }
void FadeInvis( float fAdditionalRateScale );
float GetPercentInvisible( void ) const;
float GetPercentInvisiblePrevious( void ) { return m_flPrevInvisibility; }
void NoteLastDamageTime( int nDamage );
void OnSpyTouchedByEnemy( void );
float GetLastStealthExposedTime( void ) { return m_flLastStealthExposeTime; }
void SetNextStealthTime( float flTime ) { m_flStealthNextChangeTime = flTime; }
bool IsFullyInvisible( void ) { return GetPercentInvisible() == 1.f || InCond( TF_COND_STEALTHED_PHASE ); }
bool IsFullyInvisible( void ) { return ( GetPercentInvisible() == 1.f ); }
bool IsEnteringOrExitingFullyInvisible( void );
bool CanRuneCharge() const;
float GetRuneCharge() const { return m_flRuneCharge; }
void SetRuneCharge( float flVal ) { m_flRuneCharge = Clamp( flVal, 0.f, 100.f ); }
bool IsRuneCharged() const { return m_flRuneCharge == 100.f; }
bool HasPhaseCloakAbility( void );
float GetSpaceJumpChargeMeter() const { return m_flSpaceJumpCharge; }
void SetSpaceJumpChargeMeter( float val ) { m_flSpaceJumpCharge = Min( val, 100.0f); }
#endif // STAGING_ONLY
int GetDesiredPlayerClassIndex( void );
bool IsInUpgradeZone( void ) { return m_bInUpgradeZone; }
void SetInUpgradeZone( bool bInZone ) { m_bInUpgradeZone = bInZone; }
// Cloak, rage, phase, team juice...this should really all be done with composition?
void UpdateCloakMeter( void );
float GetSpyCloakMeter() const { return m_flCloakMeter; }
void SetSpyCloakMeter( float val ) { m_flCloakMeter = val; }
void UpdateRageBuffsAndRage();
bool IsRageDraining() const { return m_bRageDraining; }
float GetRageMeter() const { return m_flRageMeter; }
void SetRageMeter( float val );
void ModifyRage( float fDelta );
void ResetRageMeter( void );
void PulseRageBuff( ERageBuffSlot eBuffSlot );
void StartRageDrain( void ) { m_bRageDraining = true; }
void ResetRageSystem( void );
void ActivateRageBuff( CBaseEntity *pBuffItem, int iBuffType );
void SetupRageBuffTimer( int iBuffType, int iPulseCount, ERageBuffSlot eBuffSlot );
void ResetRageBuffs( void );
void UpdatePhaseEffects( void );
void AddPhaseEffects( void );
void RemovePhaseEffects( void );
void PulseMedicRadiusHeal( void );
float GetScoutEnergyDrinkMeter() const{ return m_flEnergyDrinkMeter; }
void SetScoutEnergyDrinkMeter( float val ) { m_flEnergyDrinkMeter = val; }
void UpdateEnergyDrinkMeter( void );
float GetScoutHypeMeter() const { return m_flHypeMeter; }
void SetScoutHypeMeter( float val );
void StopScoutHypeDrain( void ) { RemoveCond( TF_COND_SODAPOPPER_HYPE ); }
bool IsHypeBuffed( void ) const { return InCond( TF_COND_SODAPOPPER_HYPE ); }
void DemoShieldChargeThink( void );
void UpdateChargeMeter( void );
float GetDemomanChargeMeter() const { return m_flChargeMeter; }
void EndCharge( void );
float CalculateChargeCap( void ) const;
void SetDemomanChargeMeter( float val ) { m_flChargeMeter = Clamp( val, 0.0f, 100.0f); }
void CalcChargeCrit( bool bForceCrit=false );
bool HasDemoShieldEquipped() const;
bool IsJumping( void ) const { return m_bJumping; }
void SetJumping( bool bJumping );
bool IsAirDashing( void ) const { return (m_iAirDash > 0); }
int GetAirDash( void ) const { return m_iAirDash; }
void SetAirDash( int iAirDash );
void SetAirDucked( int nAirDucked ) { m_nAirDucked = nAirDucked; }
int AirDuckedCount( void ) { return m_nAirDucked; }
void SetDuckTimer( float flTime ) { m_flDuckTimer = flTime; }
float GetDuckTimer( void ) const { return m_flDuckTimer; }
void DebugPrintConditions( void );
void InstantlySniperUnzoom( void );
float GetStealthNoAttackExpireTime( void );
void SetPlayerDominated( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, bool bDominated );
bool IsPlayerDominated( int iPlayerIndex );
bool IsPlayerDominatingMe( int iPlayerIndex );
void SetPlayerDominatingMe( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, bool bDominated );
float GetDisguiseCompleteTime( void ) { return m_flDisguiseCompleteTime; }
bool IsSpyDisguisedAsMyTeam( CTFPlayer *pPlayer );
// Stuns
stun_struct_t *GetActiveStunInfo( void ) const;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void StunPlayer( float flTime, float flReductionAmount, int iStunFlags = TF_STUN_MOVEMENT, CTFPlayer* pAttacker = NULL );
#endif // GAME_DLL
float GetAmountStunned( int iStunFlags );
bool IsLoserStateStunned( void ) const;
bool IsControlStunned( void );
bool IsSnared( void );
CTFPlayer *GetStunner( void );
void ControlStunFading( void );
int GetStunFlags( void ) const { return GetActiveStunInfo() ? GetActiveStunInfo()->iStunFlags : 0; }
float GetStunExpireTime( void ) const { return GetActiveStunInfo() ? GetActiveStunInfo()->flExpireTime : 0; }
void SetStunExpireTime( float flTime );
void UpdateLegacyStunSystem( void );
bool IsFirstBloodBoosted( void ) const { return m_bArenaFirstBloodBoost; }
void SetFirstBloodBoosted( bool bBoost ) { m_bArenaFirstBloodBoost = bBoost; }
CTFPlayer *GetAssist( void ) const { return m_hAssist; }
void SetAssist( CTFPlayer* newAssist ) { m_hAssist = newAssist; }
CTFPlayer *GetBurnAttacker( void ) const { return m_hBurnAttacker; }
CTFPlayer *GetOriginalBurnAttacker( void ) const { return m_hOriginalBurnAttacker; }
void SetCloakConsumeRate( float newCloakConsumeRate ) { m_fCloakConsumeRate = newCloakConsumeRate; }
void SetCloakRegenRate( float newCloakRegenRate ) { m_fCloakRegenRate = newCloakRegenRate; }
int GetWeaponKnockbackID( void ) const { return m_iWeaponKnockbackID; }
void SetWeaponKnockbackID( int iID ) { m_iWeaponKnockbackID = iID; }
bool IsLoadoutUnavailable( void ) { return m_bLoadoutUnavailable; }
void SetLoadoutUnavailable( bool bUnavailable ) { m_bLoadoutUnavailable = bUnavailable; }
float GetInvulOffTime( void ) { return m_flInvulnerabilityRemoveTime; }
int GetDisguiseBody( void ) const { return m_iDisguiseBody; }
void SetDisguiseBody( int iVal ) { m_iDisguiseBody = iVal; }
bool IsCarryingObject( void ) const { return m_bCarryingObject; }
CBaseObject* GetCarriedObject( void ) const { return m_hCarriedObject.Get(); }
void SetCarriedObject( CBaseObject* pObj );
void StartBuildingObjectOfType( int iType, int iObjectMode=0 );
void InterruptCharge( void );
void PulseKingRuneBuff();
// Scoring
int GetCaptures( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iCaptures; }
int GetDefenses( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iDefenses; }
int GetDominations( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iDominations; }
int GetRevenge( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iRevenge; }
int GetBuildingsDestroyed( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iBuildingsDestroyed; }
int GetHeadshots( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iHeadshots; }
int GetBackstabs( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iBackstabs; }
int GetHealPoints( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iHealPoints; }
int GetInvulns( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iInvulns; }
int GetTeleports( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iTeleports; }
int GetResupplyPoints( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iResupplyPoints; }
int GetKillAssists( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iKillAssists; }
int GetBonusPoints( int iIndex ) const { return m_ScoreData.m_iBonusPoints; }
void ResetScores( void ) { m_ScoreData.Reset(); }
localplayerscoring_t *GetScoringData( void ) { return &m_ScoreData; }
// Per-round scoring data utilized by the steamworks stats system.
void ResetRoundScores( void ) { m_RoundScoreData.Reset(); }
localplayerscoring_t *GetRoundScoringData( void ) { return &m_RoundScoreData; }
void SetFeignDeathReady( bool bVal ) { m_bFeignDeathReady = bVal; }
bool IsFeignDeathReady( void ) const { return m_bFeignDeathReady; }
void ReduceFeignDeathDuration( float flAmount ) { m_flFeignDeathEnd -= flAmount; }
void SetShieldEquipped( bool bVal ) { m_bShieldEquipped = bVal; }
bool IsShieldEquipped() const { return m_bShieldEquipped; }
void SetParachuteEquipped( bool bVal ) { m_bParachuteEquipped = bVal; }
bool IsParachuteEquipped() const { return m_bParachuteEquipped; }
void SetNextMeleeCrit( int iVal ) { m_iNextMeleeCrit = iVal; }
int GetNextMeleeCrit( void ) const { return m_iNextMeleeCrit; }
void SetDecapitations( int iVal ) { m_iDecapitations = iVal; }
int GetDecapitations( void ) const { return m_iDecapitations; }
void SetStreak( ETFStreak streak_type, int iVal ) { m_nStreaks.Set( streak_type, iVal ); }
int GetStreak( ETFStreak streak_type ) const { return m_nStreaks[streak_type]; }
int IncrementStreak( ETFStreak streak_type, int iVal )
// Track duck streak steps so we can put deltas in the event
if ( streak_type == kTFStreak_Ducks )
m_nLastDuckStreakIncrement = iVal;
m_nStreaks.Set( streak_type, m_nStreaks[streak_type] + iVal );
return m_nStreaks[streak_type];
void ResetStreaks( void ) { for ( int streak_type = 0; streak_type < kTFStreak_COUNT; streak_type++ ) { m_nStreaks.Set( streak_type, 0 ); } }
int GetLastDuckStreakIncrement( void ) const { return m_nLastDuckStreakIncrement; }
void SetRevengeCrits( int iVal );
int GetRevengeCrits( void ) const { return m_iRevengeCrits; }
void IncrementRevengeCrits( void );
int GetSequenceForDeath( CBaseAnimating* pRagdoll, bool bBurning, int nCustomDeath );
float GetNextNoiseMakerTime() const { return m_flNextNoiseMakerTime; }
void SetNextNoiseMakerTime( float time ) { m_flNextNoiseMakerTime = time; }
void Heal_Radius ( bool bActive );
void IncrementRespawnTouchCount() { ++m_iSpawnRoomTouchCount; }
void DecrementRespawnTouchCount() { m_iSpawnRoomTouchCount = Max( m_iSpawnRoomTouchCount - 1, 0 ); }
int GetRespawnTouchCount() const { return m_iSpawnRoomTouchCount; }
void SetVehicleMoveAngles( const QAngle& angVehicleMoveAngles ) { m_angVehicleMovePitchLast = angVehicleMoveAngles[PITCH]; m_angVehicleMoveAngles = angVehicleMoveAngles; }
void DoRocketPack();
#endif // STAGING_ONLY
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void SetBestOverhealDecayMult( float fValue ) { m_flBestOverhealDecayMult = fValue; }
float GetBestOverhealDecayMult() const { return m_flBestOverhealDecayMult; }
void SetPeeAttacker( CTFPlayer *pPlayer ) { m_hPeeAttacker = pPlayer; }
CTFPlayer *GetPeeAttacker() const { return m_hPeeAttacker; }
void SetChargeEffectOffTime( int iCondition, float flTime ) { m_flChargeEffectOffTime[iCondition] = flTime; }
void GetSpeedWatchersList( CUtlVector<CTFPlayer *> *out_pVecSpeedWatchers ) const;
int GetTauntIndex( void ) const { return m_iTauntIndex; }
int GetTauntConcept( void ) const { return m_iTauntConcept; }
itemid_t GetTauntSourceItemID( void ) const { return ((uint64)m_unTauntSourceItemID_High << 32) | (uint64)m_unTauntSourceItemID_Low; }
void CreateVehicleMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *pCmd );
void SetVehicleTurnAmount( float flTurnSpeed ) { m_flCurrentTauntTurnSpeed = flTurnSpeed; }
float GetVehicleTurnPoseAmount( void ) const { return m_flCurrentTauntTurnSpeed; }
void VehicleThink( void );
bool IsLoser( void );
int GetItemFindBonus( void ) //{ return m_iItemFindBonus; }
#ifdef GAME_DLL
if ( !m_iItemFindBonus )
m_iItemFindBonus = RandomInt( 1, 300 );
return m_iItemFindBonus;
void RecalculatePlayerBodygroups( void );
void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
float GetFlameBurnTime( void ) const { return m_flFlameBurnTime; }
void GetConditionsBits( CBitVec< TF_COND_LAST >& vbConditions ) const;
void UpdateRocketPack( void );
void ApplyRocketPackStun( float flStunDuration );
bool CanBuildSpyTraps( void );
#endif // STAGING_ONLY
CNetworkVarEmbedded( localplayerscoring_t, m_ScoreData );
CNetworkVarEmbedded( localplayerscoring_t, m_RoundScoreData );
typedef std::pair<const char *, float> taunt_particle_state_t;
taunt_particle_state_t GetClientTauntParticleDesiredState() const;
void FireClientTauntParticleEffects();
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
void ImpactWaterTrace( trace_t &trace, const Vector &vecStart );
void OnAddZoomed( void );
void OnAddStealthed( void );
void OnAddInvulnerable( void );
void OnAddTeleported( void );
void OnAddBurning( void );
void OnAddDisguising( void );
void OnAddDisguised( void );
void OnAddDemoCharge( void );
void OnAddCritBoost( void );
void OnAddSodaPopperHype( void );
void OnAddOverhealed( void );
void OnAddFeignDeath( void );
void OnAddStunned( void );
void OnAddPhase( void );
void OnAddUrine( void );
void OnAddMarkedForDeath( void );
void OnAddBleeding( void );
void OnAddDefenseBuff( void );
void OnAddOffenseBuff( void );
void OnAddOffenseHealthRegenBuff( void );
const char* GetSoldierBuffEffectName( void );
void OnAddSoldierOffensiveBuff( void );
void OnAddSoldierDefensiveBuff( void );
void OnAddSoldierOffensiveHealthRegenBuff( void );
void OnAddSoldierNoHealingDamageBuff( void );
void OnAddShieldCharge( void );
void OnAddDemoBuff( void );
void OnAddEnergyDrinkBuff( void );
void OnAddRadiusHeal( void );
void OnAddMegaHeal( void );
void OnAddMadMilk( void );
void OnAddTaunting( void );
void OnAddNoHealingDamageBuff( void );
void OnAddSpeedBoost( bool IsNonCombat );
void OnAddSapped( void );
void OnAddReprogrammed( void );
void OnAddMarkedForDeathSilent( void );
void OnAddDisguisedAsDispenser( void );
void OnAddHalloweenBombHead( void );
void OnAddHalloweenThriller( void );
void OnAddRadiusHealOnDamage( void );
void OnAddMedEffectUberBulletResist( void );
void OnAddMedEffectUberBlastResist( void );
void OnAddMedEffectUberFireResist( void );
void OnAddMedEffectSmallBulletResist( void );
void OnAddMedEffectSmallBlastResist( void );
void OnAddMedEffectSmallFireResist( void );
void OnAddStealthedUserBuffFade( void );
void OnAddBulletImmune( void );
void OnAddBlastImmune( void );
void OnAddFireImmune( void );
void OnAddMVMBotRadiowave( void );
void OnAddHalloweenSpeedBoost( void );
void OnAddHalloweenQuickHeal( void );
void OnAddHalloweenGiant( void );
void OnAddHalloweenTiny( void );
void OnAddHalloweenGhostMode( void );
void OnAddHalloweenKartDash( void );
void OnAddHalloweenKart( void );
void OnAddBalloonHead( void );
void OnAddMeleeOnly( void );
void OnAddSwimmingCurse( void );
void OnAddHalloweenKartCage( void );
void OnAddRuneResist( void );
void OnAddGrapplingHookLatched( void );
void OnAddPasstimeInterception( void );
void OnAddRunePlague( void );
void OnAddPlague( void );
void OnAddKingBuff( void );
void OnAddInPurgatory( void );
void OnAddCompetitiveWinner( void );
void OnAddCompetitiveLoser( void );
void OnAddTranqMark( void );
void OnAddSpaceGravity( void );
void OnAddSelfConc( void );
void OnAddRocketPack( void );
void OnAddStealthedPhase( void );
void OnAddClipOverload( void );
void OnAddCondSpyClassSteal( void );
#endif // STAGING_ONLY
void OnRemoveZoomed( void );
void OnRemoveBurning( void );
void OnRemoveStealthed( void );
void OnRemoveDisguised( void );
void OnRemoveDisguising( void );
void OnRemoveInvulnerable( void );
void OnRemoveTeleported( void );
void OnRemoveDemoCharge( void );
void OnRemoveCritBoost( void );
void OnRemoveSodaPopperHype( void );
void OnRemoveTmpDamageBonus( void );
void OnRemoveOverhealed( void );
void OnRemoveFeignDeath( void );
void OnRemoveStunned( void );
void OnRemovePhase( void );
void OnRemoveUrine( void );
void OnRemoveMarkedForDeath( void );
void OnRemoveBleeding( void );
void OnRemoveInvulnerableWearingOff( void );
void OnRemoveDefenseBuff( void );
void OnRemoveOffenseBuff( void );
void OnRemoveOffenseHealthRegenBuff( void );
void OnRemoveSoldierOffensiveBuff( void );
void OnRemoveSoldierDefensiveBuff( void );
void OnRemoveSoldierOffensiveHealthRegenBuff( void );
void OnRemoveSoldierNoHealingDamageBuff( void );
void OnRemoveShieldCharge( void );
void OnRemoveDemoBuff( void );
void OnRemoveEnergyDrinkBuff( void );
void OnRemoveRadiusHeal( void );
void OnRemoveMegaHeal( void );
void OnRemoveMadMilk( void );
void OnRemoveTaunting( void );
void OnRemoveNoHealingDamageBuff( void );
void OnRemoveSpeedBoost( bool IsNonCombat );
void OnRemoveSapped( void );
void OnRemoveReprogrammed( void );
void OnRemoveMarkedForDeathSilent( void );
void OnRemoveDisguisedAsDispenser( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenBombHead( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenThriller( void );
void OnRemoveRadiusHealOnDamage( void );
void OnRemoveMedEffectUberBulletResist( void );
void OnRemoveMedEffectUberBlastResist( void );
void OnRemoveMedEffectUberFireResist( void );
void OnRemoveMedEffectSmallBulletResist( void );
void OnRemoveMedEffectSmallBlastResist( void );
void OnRemoveMedEffectSmallFireResist( void );
void OnRemoveStealthedUserBuffFade( void );
void OnRemoveBulletImmune( void );
void OnRemoveBlastImmune( void );
void OnRemoveFireImmune( void );
void OnRemoveMVMBotRadiowave( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenSpeedBoost( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenQuickHeal( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenGiant( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenTiny( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenGhostMode( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenKartDash( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenKart( void );
void OnRemoveBalloonHead( void );
void OnRemoveMeleeOnly( void );
void OnRemoveSwimmingCurse( void );
void OnRemoveHalloweenKartCage( void );
void OnRemoveRuneResist( void );
void OnRemoveGrapplingHookLatched( void );
void OnRemovePasstimeInterception( void );
void OnRemoveRunePlague( void );
void OnRemovePlague( void );
void OnRemoveRuneKing( void );
void OnRemoveKingBuff( void );
void OnRemoveRuneSupernova( void );
void OnRemoveInPurgatory( void );
void OnRemoveCompetitiveWinner( void );
void OnRemoveCompetitiveLoser( void );
void OnRemoveTranqMark( void );
void OnRemoveSpaceGravity( void );
void OnRemoveSelfConc( void );
void OnRemoveRocketPack( void );
void OnRemoveStealthedPhase( void );
void OnRemoveClipOverload( void );
void OnRemoveCondSpyClassSteal( void );
#endif // STAGING_ONLY
// Starting a new trend, putting Add and Remove next to each other
void OnAddCondParachute( void );
void OnRemoveCondParachute( void );
float GetCritMult( void );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void UpdateCritMult( void );
void RecordDamageEvent( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, bool bKill, int nVictimPrevHealth );
void AddTempCritBonus( float flAmount );
void ClearDamageEvents( void ) { m_DamageEvents.Purge(); }
int GetNumKillsInTime( float flTime );
// Invulnerable.
void SendNewInvulnGameEvent( void );
void SetChargeEffect( medigun_charge_types iCharge, bool bState, bool bInstant, const struct MedigunEffects_t& effects, float flWearOffTime, CTFPlayer *pProvider = NULL );
void SetCritBoosted( bool bState );
void RadiusCurrencyCollectionCheck( void );
void RadiusHealthkitCollectionCheck( void );
void RadiusSpyScan( void );
// Attr for Conditions
void ApplyAttributeToPlayer( const char* pszAttribName, float flValue );
void RemoveAttributeFromPlayer( const char* pszAttribName );
#endif // GAME_DLL
// Vars that are networked.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nPlayerState ); // Player state.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nPlayerCond ); // Player condition flags.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nPlayerCondEx ); // Player condition flags (extended -- we overflowed 32 bits).
CNetworkVar( int, m_nPlayerCondEx2 ); // Player condition flags (extended -- we overflowed 64 bits).
CNetworkVar( int, m_nPlayerCondEx3 ); // Player condition flags (extended -- we overflowed 96 bits).
CNetworkVarEmbedded( CTFConditionList, m_ConditionList );
//TFTODO: What if the player we're disguised as leaves the server?
//...maybe store the name instead of the index?
CNetworkVar( int, m_nDisguiseTeam ); // Team spy is disguised as.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nDisguiseClass ); // Class spy is disguised as.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nDisguiseSkinOverride ); // skin override value of the player spy disguised as.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nMaskClass );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
EHANDLE m_hDisguiseTarget; // Playing the spy is using for name disguise.
#endif // GAME_DLL
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDisguiseTargetIndex );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDisguiseHealth ); // Health to show our enemies in player id
CNetworkVar( int, m_nDesiredDisguiseClass );
CNetworkVar( int, m_nDesiredDisguiseTeam );
CNetworkHandle( CTFWeaponBase, m_hDisguiseWeapon );
CNetworkVar( int, m_nTeamTeleporterUsed ); // for disguised spies using enemy teleporters
CHandle<CTFPlayer> m_hDesiredDisguiseTarget;
int m_iDisguiseAmmo;
bool m_bEnableSeparation; // Keeps separation forces on when player stops moving, but still penetrating
Vector m_vSeparationVelocity; // Velocity used to keep player seperate from teammates
float m_flInvisibility;
float m_flPrevInvisibility;
CNetworkVar( float, m_flInvisChangeCompleteTime ); // when uncloaking, must be done by this time
float m_flLastStealthExposeTime;
float m_fCloakConsumeRate;
float m_fCloakRegenRate;
bool m_bMotionCloak;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// Cloak Strange Tracking
float m_flCloakStartTime;
float m_fEnergyDrinkConsumeRate;
float m_fEnergyDrinkRegenRate;
bool m_bPhaseFXOn;
float m_fPhaseAlpha;
CNetworkVar( int, m_nNumHealers );
// Halloween silliness.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nHalloweenBombHeadStage );
// Vars that are not networked.
OuterClass *m_pOuter; // C_TFPlayer or CTFPlayer (client/server).
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// Healer handling
struct healers_t
EHANDLE pHealer;
float flAmount;
float flHealAccum;
float flOverhealBonus;
float flOverhealDecayMult;
bool bDispenserHeal;
EHANDLE pHealScorer;
int iKillsWhileBeingHealed; // for engineer achievement ACHIEVEMENT_TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE
float flHealedLastSecond;
CUtlVector< healers_t > m_aHealers;
float m_flHealFraction; // Store fractional health amounts
float m_flDisguiseHealFraction; // Same for disguised healing
float m_flBestOverhealDecayMult;
float m_flHealedPerSecondTimer;
float m_flChargeEffectOffTime[MEDIGUN_NUM_CHARGE_TYPES];
bool m_bChargeSoundEffectsOn[MEDIGUN_NUM_CHARGE_TYPES];
// Heal_Radius handling
CUtlVector< int > m_iRadiusHealTargets;
float m_flRadiusHealCheckTime;
// King Rune buff
float m_flKingRuneBuffCheckTime;
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bKingRuneBuffActive );
bool m_bPulseRadiusHeal;
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bLastDisguisedAsOwnTeam );
// Burn handling
CHandle<CTFPlayer> m_hBurnAttacker;
CHandle<CTFPlayer> m_hOriginalBurnAttacker; // Player who originally ignited this target
CHandle<CTFWeaponBase> m_hBurnWeapon;
CNetworkVar( int, m_nNumFlames );
float m_flFlameBurnTime;
float m_flFlameRemoveTime;
// Bleeding
#ifdef GAME_DLL
struct bleed_struct_t
CHandle<CTFPlayer> hBleedingAttacker;
CHandle<CTFWeaponBase> hBleedingWeapon;
float flBleedingTime;
float flBleedingRemoveTime;
int nBleedDmg;
bool bPermanentBleeding;
CUtlVector <bleed_struct_t> m_PlayerBleeds;
#endif // GAME_DLL
CNetworkVar( int, m_iTauntIndex );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iTauntConcept );
CNetworkVar( uint32, m_unTauntSourceItemID_Low );
CNetworkVar( uint32, m_unTauntSourceItemID_High );
float m_flTauntParticleRefireTime;
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
float m_flDisguiseCompleteTime;
float m_flTmpDamageBonusAmount;
bool m_bSyncingConditions;
int m_nOldConditions;
int m_nOldConditionsEx;
int m_nOldConditionsEx2;
int m_nOldConditionsEx3;
int m_nOldDisguiseClass;
int m_nOldDisguiseTeam;
int m_nForceConditions;
int m_nForceConditionsEx;
int m_nForceConditionsEx2;
int m_nForceConditionsEx3;
// Feign Death
float m_flFeignDeathEnd;
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bFeignDeathReady );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDesiredPlayerClass );
float m_flNextBurningSound;
CNetworkVar( float, m_flCloakMeter ); // [0,100]
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bInUpgradeZone );
// Scout
CNetworkVar( float, m_flEnergyDrinkMeter ); // [0,100]
CNetworkVar( float, m_flHypeMeter );
// Demoman
CNetworkVar( float, m_flChargeMeter );
// Rage (Soldier, Pyro, Sniper)
CNetworkVar( float, m_flRageMeter );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bRageDraining );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flNextRageEarnTime );
RageBuff m_RageBuffSlots[kBuffSlot_MAX];
// Movement.
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bJumping );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iAirDash );
CNetworkVar( int, m_nAirDucked );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flDuckTimer );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flStealthNoAttackExpire );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flStealthNextChangeTime );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flRuneCharge );
// Space
CNetworkVar( float, m_flSpaceJumpCharge );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iCritMult );
CNetworkArray( bool, m_bPlayerDominated, MAX_PLAYERS+1 ); // array of state per other player whether player is dominating other players
CNetworkArray( bool, m_bPlayerDominatingMe, MAX_PLAYERS+1 ); // array of state per other player whether other players are dominating this player
CNetworkVar( float, m_flMovementStunTime );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iMovementStunAmount );
CNetworkVar( unsigned char, m_iMovementStunParity );
CNetworkHandle( CTFPlayer, m_hStunner );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iStunFlags );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iStunIndex );
CNetworkHandle( CBaseObject, m_hCarriedObject );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bCarryingObject );
CHandle<CTFPlayer> m_hAssist;
CNetworkVar( int, m_nArenaNumChanges ); // number of times a player has re-rolled their class
CNetworkVar( int, m_iWeaponKnockbackID );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bLoadoutUnavailable );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iItemFindBonus );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bShieldEquipped );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bParachuteEquipped );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDecapitations );
int m_iOldDecapitations;
CNetworkArray( int, m_nStreaks, kTFStreak_COUNT );
int m_nLastDuckStreakIncrement;
int m_iOldKillStreak;
int m_iOldKillStreakWepSlot;
CNetworkVar( int, m_iRevengeCrits );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iNextMeleeCrit );
bool m_bPostShieldCharge;
float m_flChargeEndTime;
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDisguiseBody );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iSpawnRoomTouchCount );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flNextNoiseMakerTime );
float m_flCurrentTauntTurnSpeed;
const WheelEffect_t *m_pWheelEffect;
QAngle m_angVehicleMoveAngles;
bool m_bPreKartPredictionState;
float m_angVehicleMovePitchLast;
CHandle<CBaseAnimating> m_hKartParachuteEntity;
CNetworkVar( int, m_iKillCountSinceLastDeploy );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flFirstPrimaryAttack );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flSpyTranqBuffDuration );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
float m_flNextCritUpdate;
CUtlVector<CTFDamageEvent> m_DamageEvents;
CHandle<CTFPlayer> m_hPeeAttacker;
float m_flRadiusCurrencyCollectionTime;
float m_flRadiusSpyScanTime;
struct pulledcurrencypacks_t
CHandle<CCurrencyPack> hPack;
float flTime;
CUtlVector <pulledcurrencypacks_t> m_CurrencyPacks;
float m_flGotTeleEffectAt;
unsigned char m_iOldMovementStunParity;
CSoundPatch *m_pCritBoostSoundLoop;
float m_flStunFade;
float m_flStunEnd;
float m_flStunMid;
int m_iStunAnimState;
int m_iPhaseDamage;
// Movement stun state.
bool m_bStunNeedsFadeOut;
float m_flStunLerpTarget;
float m_flLastMovementStunChange;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
CUtlVector <stun_struct_t> m_PlayerStuns;
CUtlVector< CHandle<CTFPlayer> > m_hPlayersVisibleAtChargeStart; // ACHIEVEMENT_TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_YOU_DIDNT_SEE
stun_struct_t m_ActiveStunInfo;
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
float m_flInvulnerabilityRemoveTime;
float m_flShieldChargeStartTime;
// Demoman charge weapon glow.
float m_flLastChargeTime;
float m_flLastNoChargeTime;
bool m_bChargeGlowing;
bool m_bChargeOffSounded;
bool m_bBiteEffectWasApplied;
float m_flNextRocketPackTime;
float m_flLastNoMovementTime;
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bArenaFirstBloodBoost );
// passtime
void SetHasPasstimeBall( bool has ) { m_bHasPasstimeBall = has; }
bool HasPasstimeBall() const { return m_bHasPasstimeBall; }
bool IsTargetedForPasstimePass() const { return m_bIsTargetedForPasstimePass; }
void SetPasstimePassTarget( CTFPlayer *ent );
CTFPlayer *GetPasstimePassTarget() const;
void SetAskForBallTime( float time ) { m_askForBallTime = time; }
float AskForBallTime() const { return m_askForBallTime; }
float m_flPasstimeThrowAnimStateTime;
int m_iPasstimeThrowAnimState;
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bHasPasstimeBall );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsTargetedForPasstimePass );
CNetworkHandle( CTFPlayer, m_hPasstimePassTarget );
CNetworkVar( float, m_askForBallTime );
#define STUN_ANIM_NONE 0
#define STUN_ANIM_LOOP 1
#define STUN_ANIM_END 2
extern const char *g_pszBDayGibs[22];
class CTraceFilterIgnoreTeammatesAndTeamObjects : public CTraceFilterSimple
DECLARE_CLASS( CTraceFilterIgnoreTeammatesAndTeamObjects, CTraceFilterSimple );
CTraceFilterIgnoreTeammatesAndTeamObjects( const IHandleEntity *passentity, int collisionGroup, int iIgnoreTeam )
: CTraceFilterSimple( passentity, collisionGroup ), m_iIgnoreTeam( iIgnoreTeam ) {}
virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pServerEntity, int contentsMask );
int m_iIgnoreTeam;
enum { kSoldierBuffCount = 6 };
extern ETFCond g_SoldierBuffAttributeIDToConditionMap[kSoldierBuffCount + 1];
class CTFPlayerSharedUtils
static CEconItemView *GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer, int iSlot, CEconEntity **pEntity = NULL );
static bool ConceptIsPartnerTaunt( int iConcept );
static CTFWeaponBuilder *GetBuilderForObjectType( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer, int iObjectType );
class CTargetOnlyFilter : public CTraceFilterSimple
CTargetOnlyFilter( CBaseEntity *pShooter, CBaseEntity *pTarget );
virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );
CBaseEntity *m_pShooter;
CBaseEntity *m_pTarget;