Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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559 lines
16 KiB

//====== Copyright © 1996-2007, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: VGUI panel which can play back video, in-engine
#include "cbase.h"
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "vgui_video.h"
#include "engine/ienginesound.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
static CUtlVector< VideoPanel * > g_vecVideoPanels;
// Thiis is a hack due to the fact that the user can type quit with the video panel up, but it's parented to the GameUI dll root panel, which is already gone so
// we would crash in the destructor
void VGui_ClearVideoPanels()
for ( int i = g_vecVideoPanels.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( g_vecVideoPanels[ i ] )
delete g_vecVideoPanels[ i ];
VideoPanel::VideoPanel( unsigned int nXPos, unsigned int nYPos, unsigned int nHeight, unsigned int nWidth ) :
BaseClass( NULL, "VideoPanel" ),
m_nPlaybackWidth( 0 ),
m_nPlaybackHeight( 0 ),
m_nShutdownCount( 0 ),
m_bLooping( false ),
m_bStopAllSounds( true ),
m_bAllowInterruption( true ),
m_bStarted( false )
vgui::VPANEL pParent = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL );
SetParent( pParent );
SetVisible( false );
// Must be passed in, off by default
m_szExitCommand[0] = '\0';
m_bBlackBackground = true;
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );
SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
SetProportional( false );
SetVisible( true );
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
// Set us up
SetTall( nHeight );
SetWide( nWidth );
SetPos( nXPos, nYPos );
SetScheme(vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFile( "resource/VideoPanelScheme.res", "VideoPanelScheme"));
// Let us update
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
g_vecVideoPanels.AddToTail( this );
// Properly shutdown out materials
VideoPanel::~VideoPanel( void )
g_vecVideoPanels.FindAndRemove( this );
#if !defined( _X360 ) || defined( BINK_ENABLED_FOR_X360 )
// Shut down this video
bik->DestroyMaterial( m_BIKHandle );
m_pMaterial = NULL;
// Purpose: Keeps a tab on when the movie is ending and allows a frame to pass to prevent threading issues
void VideoPanel::OnTick( void )
if ( m_nShutdownCount > 0 )
if ( m_nShutdownCount > 10 )
m_nShutdownCount = 0;
void VideoPanel::OnVideoOver()
// Purpose: Begins playback of a movie
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool VideoPanel::BeginPlayback( const char *pFilename )
if ( !pFilename || pFilename[ 0 ] == '\0' )
return false;
#if !defined( _X360 ) || defined( BINK_ENABLED_FOR_X360 )
#ifdef _X360
XVIDEO_MODE videoMode;
XGetVideoMode( &videoMode );
// for 50Hz PAL, load a 25Hz version of the ep1_recap movie.
if( ( videoMode.RefreshRate < 59.0f ) && ( Q_stricmp( pFilename, "media/ep1_recap.bik" ) == 0 ) )
pFilename = "media/ep1_recap_25fps.bik";
// Destroy any previously allocated video
bik->DestroyMaterial( m_BIKHandle );
m_pMaterial = NULL;
// Load and create our BINK video
int nFlags = ( m_bLooping ? BIK_LOOP : 0 );
char szMaterialName[ FILENAME_MAX ];
Q_snprintf( szMaterialName, sizeof( szMaterialName ), "VideoBIKMaterial%i", g_pBIK->GetGlobalMaterialAllocationNumber() );
m_BIKHandle = bik->CreateMaterial( szMaterialName, pFilename, "GAME", nFlags );
return false;
m_bStarted = true;
// We want to be the sole audio source
if ( m_bStopAllSounds )
int nWidth, nHeight;
bik->GetFrameSize( m_BIKHandle, &nWidth, &nHeight );
bik->GetTexCoordRange( m_BIKHandle, &m_flU, &m_flV );
m_pMaterial = bik->GetMaterial( m_BIKHandle );
float flFrameRatio = ( (float) GetWide() / (float) GetTall() );
float flVideoRatio = ( (float) nWidth / (float) nHeight );
if ( flVideoRatio > flFrameRatio )
m_nPlaybackWidth = GetWide();
m_nPlaybackHeight = ( GetWide() / flVideoRatio );
else if ( flVideoRatio < flFrameRatio )
m_nPlaybackWidth = ( GetTall() * flVideoRatio );
m_nPlaybackHeight = GetTall();
m_nPlaybackWidth = GetWide();
m_nPlaybackHeight = GetTall();
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
void VideoPanel::Activate( void )
SetVisible( true );
SetEnabled( true );
vgui::surface()->SetMinimized( GetVPanel(), false );
// Purpose:
void VideoPanel::DoModal( void )
vgui::input()->SetAppModalSurface( GetVPanel() );
vgui::surface()->RestrictPaintToSinglePanel( GetVPanel() );
// Purpose:
void VideoPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code )
bool bInterruptKeyPressed = ( code == KEY_ESCAPE );
if ( m_bAllowInterruption && bInterruptKeyPressed )
BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( code );
// Purpose: Handle keys that should cause us to close
void VideoPanel::OnKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode keycode )
vgui::KeyCode code = GetBaseButtonCode( keycode );
// All these keys will interrupt playback
bool bInterruptKeyPressed = ( code == KEY_ESCAPE ||
code == KEY_BACKQUOTE ||
code == KEY_SPACE ||
code == KEY_ENTER ||
code == KEY_XBUTTON_A ||
code == KEY_XBUTTON_B ||
code == KEY_XBUTTON_X ||
code == KEY_XBUTTON_Y ||
// These keys cause the panel to shutdown
if ( m_bAllowInterruption && bInterruptKeyPressed )
BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed( keycode );
// Purpose:
void VideoPanel::StopPlayback( void )
SetVisible( false );
// Start the deferred shutdown process
m_nShutdownCount = 1;
// Purpose:
void VideoPanel::OnClose( void )
if ( m_bStopAllSounds )
if ( vgui::input()->GetAppModalSurface() == GetVPanel() )
vgui::surface()->RestrictPaintToSinglePanel( NULL );
// Fire an exit command if we're asked to do so
if ( m_szExitCommand[0] )
engine->ClientCmd( m_szExitCommand );
// Purpose:
void VideoPanel::GetPanelPos( int &xpos, int &ypos )
xpos = ( (float) ( GetWide() - m_nPlaybackWidth ) / 2 );
ypos = ( (float) ( GetTall() - m_nPlaybackHeight ) / 2 );
// Purpose: Update and draw the frame
void VideoPanel::Paint( void )
// No video to play, so do nothing
if ( m_BIKHandle == BIKHANDLE_INVALID || m_pMaterial == NULL )
#if !defined( _X360 ) || defined( BINK_ENABLED_FOR_X360 )
// Update our frame
if ( bik->Update( m_BIKHandle ) == false )
// Issue a close command
// Sit in the "center"
int xpos, ypos;
GetPanelPos( xpos, ypos );
LocalToScreen( xpos, ypos );
// Black out the background (we could omit drawing under the video surface, but this is straight-forward)
if ( m_bBlackBackground )
vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( 0, 0, GetWide(), GetTall() );
// Draw the polys to draw this out
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW );
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION );
pRenderContext->Bind( m_pMaterial, NULL );
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true );
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 );
float flLeftX = xpos;
float flRightX = xpos + (m_nPlaybackWidth-1);
float flTopY = ypos;
float flBottomY = ypos + (m_nPlaybackHeight-1);
// Map our UVs to cut out just the portion of the video we're interested in
float flLeftU = 0.0f;
float flTopV = 0.0f;
// We need to subtract off a pixel to make sure we don't bleed
float flRightU = m_flU - ( 1.0f / (float) m_nPlaybackWidth );
float flBottomV = m_flV - ( 1.0f / (float) m_nPlaybackHeight );
// Get the current viewport size
int vx, vy, vw, vh;
pRenderContext->GetViewport( vx, vy, vw, vh );
// map from screen pixel coords to -1..1
flRightX = FLerp( -1, 1, 0, vw, flRightX );
flLeftX = FLerp( -1, 1, 0, vw, flLeftX );
flTopY = FLerp( 1, -1, 0, vh ,flTopY );
flBottomY = FLerp( 1, -1, 0, vh, flBottomY );
float alpha = ((float)GetFgColor()[3]/255.0f);
for ( int corner=0; corner<4; corner++ )
bool bLeft = (corner==0) || (corner==3);
meshBuilder.Position3f( (bLeft) ? flLeftX : flRightX, (corner & 2) ? flBottomY : flTopY, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.Normal3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, (bLeft) ? flLeftU : flRightU, (corner & 2) ? flBottomV : flTopV );
meshBuilder.TangentS3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.TangentT3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
meshBuilder.Color4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha );
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW );
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION );
// Purpose: Create and playback a video in a panel
// Input : nWidth - Width of panel (in pixels)
// nHeight - Height of panel
// *pVideoFilename - Name of the file to play
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool VideoPanel_Create( unsigned int nXPos, unsigned int nYPos,
unsigned int nWidth, unsigned int nHeight,
const char *pVideoFilename,
const char *pExitCommand /*= NULL*/,
bool bAllowInterruption /*= true*/ )
// Create the base video panel
VideoPanel *pVideoPanel = new VideoPanel( nXPos, nYPos, nHeight, nWidth );
if ( pVideoPanel == NULL )
return false;
// Toggle if we want the panel to allow interruption
pVideoPanel->SetAllowInterrupt( bAllowInterruption );
// Set the command we'll call (if any) when the video is interrupted or completes
pVideoPanel->SetExitCommand( pExitCommand );
// Start it going
if ( pVideoPanel->BeginPlayback( pVideoFilename ) == false )
delete pVideoPanel;
return false;
// Take control
return true;
// Purpose: Take a raw filename and ensure it points to the correct directory and file extension
void ComposeBinkFilename( const char *lpszFilename, char *lpszOut, int nOutSize )
Q_strncpy( lpszOut, "media/", nOutSize ); // Assume we must play out of the media directory
char strFilename[MAX_PATH];
Q_StripExtension( lpszFilename, strFilename, MAX_PATH );
Q_strncat( lpszOut, strFilename, nOutSize );
Q_strncat( lpszOut, ".bik", nOutSize ); // Assume we're a .bik extension type
// Purpose: Create a video panel with the supplied commands
void CreateVideoPanel( const char *lpszFilename, const char *lpszExitCommand, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bAllowInterruption )
char strFullpath[MAX_PATH];
ComposeBinkFilename( lpszFilename, strFullpath, sizeof(strFullpath) );
// Use the full screen size if they haven't specified an override
unsigned int nScreenWidth = ( nWidth != 0 ) ? nWidth : ScreenWidth();
unsigned int nScreenHeight = ( nHeight != 0 ) ? nHeight : ScreenHeight();
// Create the panel and go!
if ( VideoPanel_Create( 0, 0, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight, strFullpath, lpszExitCommand, bAllowInterruption ) == false )
Warning( "Unable to play video: %s\n", strFullpath );
// Purpose: Used to launch a video playback
CON_COMMAND( playvideo, "Plays a video: <filename> [width height]" )
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 )
unsigned int nScreenWidth = Q_atoi( args[2] );
unsigned int nScreenHeight = Q_atoi( args[3] );
CreateVideoPanel( args[1], NULL, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight, true );
// Purpose: Used to launch a video playback
CON_COMMAND( playvideo_nointerrupt, "Plays a video without ability to skip: <filename> [width height]" )
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 )
unsigned int nScreenWidth = Q_atoi( args[2] );
unsigned int nScreenHeight = Q_atoi( args[3] );
CreateVideoPanel( args[1], NULL, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight, false );
// Purpose: Used to launch a video playback and fire a command on completion
CON_COMMAND( playvideo_exitcommand, "Plays a video and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>" )
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 )
// Pull out the exit command we want to use
char *pExitCommand = Q_strstr( args.GetCommandString(), args[2] );
CreateVideoPanel( args[1], pExitCommand, 0, 0, true );
// Purpose: Used to launch a video playback and fire a command on completion
CON_COMMAND( playvideo_exitcommand_nointerrupt, "Plays a video (without interruption) and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>" )
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 )
// Pull out the exit command we want to use
char *pExitCommand = Q_strstr( args.GetCommandString(), args[2] );
CreateVideoPanel( args[1], pExitCommand, 0, 0, false );
// Purpose: Cause all playback to stop
CON_COMMAND( stopvideos, "Stops all videos playing to the screen" )
FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecVideoPanels, itr )