2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00

149 lines
5.3 KiB

#include "cbase.h"
#include "asw_model_panel.h"
#include "renderparm.h"
#include "animation.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
ConVar asw_key_falloff( "asw_key_falloff" , ".1" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_rim_falloff( "asw_rim_falloff" , ".1" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_key_atten( "asw_key_atten" , "1.0" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_rim_atten( "asw_rim_atten" , ".25" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_key_innerCone( "asw_key_innerCone" , "20.0" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_key_outerCone( "asw_key_outerCone" , "30.0" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_rim_innerCone( "asw_rim_innerCone" , "20.0" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_rim_outerCone( "asw_rim_outerCone" , "30.0" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_key_range( "asw_key_range" , "0" , FCVAR_NONE );
ConVar asw_rim_range( "asw_rim_range" , "0" , FCVAR_NONE );
CASW_Model_Panel::CASW_Model_Panel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name ) : CBaseModelPanel( parent, name )
m_bShouldPaint = true;
m_pStudioHdr = NULL;
void CASW_Model_Panel::Paint()
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
// Turn off depth-write to dest alpha so that we get white there instead. The code that uses
// the render target needs a mask of where stuff was rendered.
pRenderContext->SetIntRenderingParameter( INT_RENDERPARM_WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA, false );
// Disable flashlights when drawing our model
if ( m_bShouldPaint )
void CASW_Model_Panel::SetupCustomLights( Color cAmbient, Color cKey, float fKeyBoost, Color cRim, float fRimBoost )
memset( &m_LightingState, 0, sizeof(MaterialLightingState_t) );
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
m_LightingState.m_vecAmbientCube[0].Init( cAmbient[0]/255.0f , cAmbient[1]/255.0f , cAmbient[2]/255.0f );
// set up the lighting
//QAngle angDir = vec3_angle;
//Vector vecPos = vec3_origin;
matrix3x4_t lightMatrix;
matrix3x4_t rimLightMatrix;
m_LightingState.m_nLocalLightCount = 2;
// key light settings
GetAttachment( "attach_light", lightMatrix );
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_SPOT;
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Color.Init( ( cKey[0]/255.0f )* fKeyBoost , ( cKey[1]/255.0f )* fKeyBoost , ( cKey[2]/255.0f ) * fKeyBoost );
m_LightToWorld[0] = lightMatrix;
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Falloff = asw_key_falloff.GetFloat();
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Attenuation0 = asw_key_atten.GetFloat();
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Attenuation1 = 0;
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Attenuation2 = 0;
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Theta = asw_key_innerCone.GetFloat();
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Phi = asw_key_outerCone.GetFloat();
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[0].m_Range = asw_key_range.GetFloat();
// rim light settings
GetAttachment( "attach_light_rim", rimLightMatrix );
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_SPOT;
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Color.Init( ( cRim[0]/255.0f ) * fRimBoost , ( cRim[1]/255.0f ) * fRimBoost, ( cRim[2]/255.0f )* fRimBoost);
m_LightToWorld[1] = rimLightMatrix;
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Falloff = asw_rim_falloff.GetFloat();
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Attenuation0 = asw_rim_atten.GetFloat();
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Attenuation1 = 0;
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Attenuation2 = 0;
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Theta = asw_rim_innerCone.GetFloat();
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Phi = asw_rim_outerCone.GetFloat();
m_LightingState.m_pLocalLightDesc[1].m_Range = asw_rim_range.GetFloat();
void CASW_Model_Panel::SetBodygroup( int iGroup, int iValue )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetStudioHdr();
if ( !pStudioHdr )
CStudioHdr studioHdr( pStudioHdr, g_pMDLCache );
::SetBodygroup( &studioHdr, m_RootMDL.m_MDL.m_nBody, iGroup, iValue );
int CASW_Model_Panel::FindBodygroupByName( const char *name )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetStudioHdr();
if ( !pStudioHdr )
return -1;
CStudioHdr studioHdr( pStudioHdr, g_pMDLCache );
return ::FindBodygroupByName( &studioHdr, name );
int CASW_Model_Panel::GetNumBodyGroups( void )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = m_RootMDL.m_MDL.GetStudioHdr();
if ( !pStudioHdr )
return 0;
CStudioHdr studioHdr( pStudioHdr, g_pMDLCache );
return ::GetNumBodyGroups( &studioHdr );
void SetBodygroup( CStudioHdr *pstudiohdr, int& body, int iGroup, int iValue )
// Build list of submodels
BodyPartInfo_t *pBodyPartInfo = (BodyPartInfo_t*)stackalloc( m_pStudioHdr->numbodyparts * sizeof(BodyPartInfo_t) );
for ( int i=0 ; i < m_pStudioHdr->numbodyparts; ++i )
pBodyPartInfo[i].m_nSubModelIndex = R_StudioSetupModel( i, body, &pBodyPartInfo[i].m_pSubModel, m_pStudioHdr );
R_StudioRenderFinal( pRenderContext, skin, m_pStudioHdr->numbodyparts, pBodyPartInfo,
pEntity, ppMaterials, pMaterialFlags, boneMask, lod, pColorMeshes )
m_VertexCache.SetBodyPart( i );
m_VertexCache.SetModel( pBodyPartInfo[i].m_nSubModelIndex );
numFacesRendered += R_StudioDrawPoints( pRenderContext, skin, pClientEntity,
ppMaterials, pMaterialFlags, boneMask, lod, pColorMeshes );