2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00

1735 lines
56 KiB

#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "view.h"
//#include "kbutton.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#define PAIN_NAME "sprites/%d_pain.vmt"
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
using namespace vgui;
#include "filesystem.h"
#include <keyvalues.h>
#include "asw_hud_minimap.h"
#include "c_asw_player.h"
#include "c_asw_marine.h"
#include "asw_marine_profile.h"
#include "c_asw_marine_resource.h"
#include "c_asw_game_resource.h"
#include "c_asw_scanner_info.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include "fx.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "asw_gamerules.h"
#include "ScanLinePanel.h"
#include "c_asw_scanner_noise.h"
#include "SoftLine.h"
#include "c_asw_objective.h"
#include "ConVar.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar asw_draw_hud;
extern ConVar asw_hud_alpha;
extern ConVar asw_hud_scale;
ConVar asw_map_range("asw_map_range", "1200", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Range in world units of the minimap");
ConVar asw_scanner_ring_scale("asw_scanner_ring_scale", "1.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Overdraw in the scanner ring size from the blip boundary");
ConVar asw_scanner_pitch_change("asw_scanner_pitch_change", "0.2f", FCVAR_NONE, "Change in pitch (from 0 to 1.0) of scanner blips depending on distance from the tech marine");
ConVar asw_scanner_pitch_base("asw_scanner_pitch_base", "1.2f", FCVAR_NONE, "Starting pitch");
ConVar asw_scanner_warning_volume("asw_scanner_warning_volume", "0.3f", FCVAR_NONE, "Volume of scanner warning beeps");
ConVar asw_scanner_idle_volume("asw_scanner_idle_volume", "0.4f", FCVAR_NONE, "Volume of scanner idle loop");
ConVar asw_scanner_scanline_alpha("asw_scanner_scanline_alpha", "80", 0, "Alpha of scanlines on the scanner");
ConVar asw_scanner_scanline_double("asw_scanner_scanline_double", "0", 0, "Whether scanlines should be single or double pixel");
ConVar asw_scanner_interlace_alpha("asw_scanner_interlace_alpha", "0", 0, "Alpha of interlace effect on the scanner");
ConVar asw_scanner_noise_alpha("asw_scanner_noise_alpha", "0", 0, "Alpha of noise effect on the scanner");
ConVar asw_scanner_idle_sound("asw_scanner_idle_sound", "3", 0, "Which scanner idle sound is used (from 1 to 4)");
ConVar asw_scanner_warning_sound("asw_scanner_warning_sound", "1", 0, "Which scanner warning sound is used (from 1 to 3)");
ConVar asw_debug_scanner_sound("asw_debug_scanner_sound", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Prints debug output on scanner pulses");
ConVar asw_minimap_clicks("asw_minimap_clicks", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Is enabled, clicking on the minimap will draw on it. If disabled, clicking there will fire your weapon as normal");
ConVar asw_scanner_background("asw_scanner_background", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Draw black background behind minimap" );
ConVar asw_scanner_classic("asw_scanner_classic", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Scanner has white blips, is always pinging." );
// was 0.75f..
player_index = 0;
created_time = 0;
bSetLinkBlipCentre = false;
bSetBlipCentre = false;
bLink = false;
class CASWHudMinimap;
class CASWHudMinimapLinePanel : public vgui::Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CASWHudMinimapLinePanel, vgui::Panel );
CASWHudMinimapLinePanel(Panel *parent, const char *panelName, CASWHudMinimap* pMap);
void TextureToLinePanel(CASWHudMinimap* pMap, const Vector2D &blip_centre, float &x, float &y);
virtual void Paint();
void PaintFollowLine(C_BaseEntity *pMarine, C_BaseEntity *pTarget);
void PaintFollowLines();
virtual void PaintScannerRing();
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nScannerRingTexture, "ScannerRingTexture", "vgui/swarm/HUD/ScannerRing", "textureid" );
CASWHudMinimap* m_pMap;
class CASWHudMinimapFramePanel : public vgui::Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CASWHudMinimapFramePanel, vgui::Panel );
CASWHudMinimapFramePanel(Panel *parent, const char *panelName);
virtual void Paint();
CASWHudMinimapLinePanel::CASWHudMinimapLinePanel(Panel *parent, const char *panelName, CASWHudMinimap* pMap) :
vgui::Panel(parent, panelName),
CASWHudMinimapFramePanel::CASWHudMinimapFramePanel(Panel *parent, const char *panelName) :
vgui::Panel(parent, panelName)
void MsgFunc_ASWMapLine(bf_read &msg)
int linetype = msg.ReadByte();
int player_index = msg.ReadByte();
int world_x = msg.ReadLong();
int world_y = msg.ReadLong();
C_ASW_Player *local = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if ( local )
// figure out the position of this map line dot
Vector vecMapLinePos = vec3_origin;
vecMapLinePos.x = world_x;
vecMapLinePos.y = world_y;
CASWHudMinimap *pMiniMap = GET_HUDELEMENT(CASWHudMinimap);
if (!pMiniMap)
// make the HUD store it
MapLine line;
line.player_index = player_index;
line.worldpos.x = world_x;
line.worldpos.y = world_y;
line.created_time = gpGlobals->curtime;
if (linetype == 1) // links to a previous
line.bLink = true;
if (gpGlobals->curtime > pMiniMap->m_fLastMinimapDrawSound + 5.0f)
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, -1, "ASWScanner.Drawing" );
pMiniMap->m_fLastMinimapDrawSound = gpGlobals->curtime;
// CASWMap
// converts a world coord into map texture coords (0->1023)
Vector2D CASWMap::WorldToMapTexture( const Vector &worldpos )
if ( !m_pMinimap )
m_pMinimap = GET_HUDELEMENT( CASWHudMinimap );
if ( !m_pMinimap )
return vec2_origin;
Vector2D offset( worldpos.x - m_pMinimap->m_MapOrigin.x, worldpos.y - m_pMinimap->m_MapOrigin.y);
offset.x /= m_pMinimap->m_fMapScale;
offset.y /= -m_pMinimap->m_fMapScale;
offset.x -= 128; // I'd be lying if I knew why this needs to be here
return offset;
void CASWMap::AddBlip( const MapBlip_t &blip )
m_MapBlips.AddToTail( blip );
void CASWMap::ClearBlips( void )
void CASWMap::PaintMarineBlips()
C_ASW_Game_Resource *pGameResource = ASWGameResource();
if ( pGameResource )
// paint the blips
for ( int i= 0; i < ASW_MAX_MARINE_RESOURCES; i++ )
C_ASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i);
if ( pMR )
C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = pMR->GetMarineEntity();
if ( pMarine && pMarine->GetHealth() > 0 )
PaintWorldBlip( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), pMarine->GetBlipStrength(), Color(0,192,0,255) );
PaintWorldFacingArc(pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), pMarine->ASWEyeAngles().y, Color(0,192,0,255 - 127.0f * pMarine->GetBlipStrength()));
void CASWMap::PaintExtraBlips()
for ( int i= 0; i < m_MapBlips.Count(); i++ )
PaintWorldBlip( m_MapBlips[ i ].vWorldPos, sinf( gpGlobals->curtime * 8.0f ) * 0.25 + 0.25f, m_MapBlips[ i ].rgbaColor, m_MapBlips[ i ].nTextureType );
void CASWMap::PaintWorldBlip(const Vector &worldpos, float fBlipStrength, Color BlipColor, MapBlipTexture_t nBlipTexture /*= MAP_BLIP_TEXTURE_NORMAL*/ )
int nStrengthIndex = clamp<int>( fBlipStrength * 7, 0, 7 );
if ( nStrengthIndex >= 7 || !m_nBlipTexture[ nStrengthIndex ] )
Vector2D blip_centre = WorldToMapTexture(worldpos); // convert from world coords to the pixel on the 0->1023 map texture
//blip_centre = blip_centre - m_MapCentre + m_MapCentreInPanel;
blip_centre = MapTextureToPanel(blip_centre); // convert from the map texture to its position on the panel
Vector2D vMapCornerInPanel = GetMapCornerInPanel();
// don't draw out of bounds
if ( blip_centre.x < vMapCornerInPanel.x || blip_centre.x > vMapCornerInPanel.x + GetMapSize() ||
blip_centre.y < vMapCornerInPanel.y || blip_centre.y > vMapCornerInPanel.y + GetMapSize() )
surface()->DrawSetColor( BlipColor );
int nTextureID;
int iBlipSize = GetBlipSize();
switch ( nBlipTexture )
nTextureID = m_nTriBlipTexture[ nStrengthIndex ];
nTextureID = m_nBlipTextureDeath;
iBlipSize *= 1.5;
nTextureID = m_nBlipTexture[ nStrengthIndex ];
surface()->DrawSetTexture( nTextureID );
float Dest1X = blip_centre.x - (iBlipSize * 0.5f);
float Dest1Y = blip_centre.y - (iBlipSize * 0.5f);
float Dest2X = Dest1X + iBlipSize;
float Dest2Y = Dest1Y + iBlipSize;
Vertex_t points[4] =
Vertex_t( Vector2D(Dest1X, Dest1Y), Vector2D(0,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(Dest2X, Dest1Y), Vector2D(1,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(Dest2X, Dest2Y), Vector2D(1,1) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(Dest1X, Dest2Y), Vector2D(0,1) )
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, points );
void CASWMap::PaintWorldFacingArc(const Vector &worldpos, float fFacingYaw, Color FacingColor)
if ( GetFacingArcTexture() == -1)
Vector2D blip_centre = WorldToMapTexture(worldpos); // convert from world coords to the pixel on the 0->1023 map texture
blip_centre = MapTextureToPanel(blip_centre); // convert from the map texture to its position on the panel
Vector2D vMapCornerInPanel = GetMapCornerInPanel();
// don't draw out of bounds
if ( blip_centre.x < vMapCornerInPanel.x || blip_centre.y < vMapCornerInPanel.y ||
blip_centre.x > vMapCornerInPanel.x + GetMapSize() || blip_centre.y > vMapCornerInPanel.y + GetMapSize() )
int iFacingSize = GetArcSize();
// set up a square to the right
int xoffset = -2; // temp? to make the arc look nice next to blips..
int yoffset = 1;
Vector vecCornerTL(xoffset, iFacingSize * -0.5f + yoffset, 0);
Vector vecCornerTR(iFacingSize + xoffset, iFacingSize * -0.5f+ yoffset, 0);
Vector vecCornerBR(iFacingSize + xoffset, iFacingSize * 0.5f+ yoffset, 0);
Vector vecCornerBL(xoffset, iFacingSize * 0.5f+ yoffset, 0);
Vector vecCornerTL_rotated, vecCornerTR_rotated, vecCornerBL_rotated, vecCornerBR_rotated;
// rotate it by our facing yaw
QAngle angFacing(0, -fFacingYaw, 0);
VectorRotate(vecCornerTL, angFacing, vecCornerTL_rotated);
VectorRotate(vecCornerTR, angFacing, vecCornerTR_rotated);
VectorRotate(vecCornerBR, angFacing, vecCornerBR_rotated);
VectorRotate(vecCornerBL, angFacing, vecCornerBL_rotated);
surface()->DrawSetTexture( GetFacingArcTexture() );
Vertex_t points[4] =
Vertex_t( Vector2D(blip_centre.x + vecCornerTL_rotated.x, blip_centre.y + vecCornerTL_rotated.y), Vector2D(0,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(blip_centre.x + vecCornerTR_rotated.x, blip_centre.y + vecCornerTR_rotated.y), Vector2D(1,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(blip_centre.x + vecCornerBR_rotated.x, blip_centre.y + vecCornerBR_rotated.y), Vector2D(1,1) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(blip_centre.x + vecCornerBL_rotated.x, blip_centre.y + vecCornerBL_rotated.y), Vector2D(0,1) )
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, points );
void CASWMap::LoadBlipTextures()
char buffer[64];
for (int i=0;i<7;i++)
m_nBlipTexture[i] = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%d", "vgui/swarm/HUD/blip", i+1);
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nBlipTexture[i], buffer, true, false);
m_nTriBlipTexture[i] = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%d", "vgui/swarm/HUD/triblip", i+1);
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nTriBlipTexture[i], buffer, true, false);
m_nBlipTextureDeath = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nBlipTextureDeath, "vgui/swarm/Briefing/deadmarine", true, false);
m_nBlipTextureFriendlyDamage = m_nBlipTextureKill = m_nBlipTextureHeal = m_nBlipTextureFoundAmmo = m_nBlipTextureNoAmmo = m_nBlipTexture[ 0 ];
CASWHudMinimap::CASWHudMinimap( const char *pElementName ) : CASW_HudElement( pElementName ), CHudNumericDisplay(NULL, "ASWHudMinimap"), CASW_VGUI_Ingame_Panel()
vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFile("resource/SwarmSchemeNew.res", "SwarmSchemeNew");
m_pLinePanel = new CASWHudMinimapLinePanel(this, "CASWHudMinimapLinePanel", this);
//m_pFramePanel = new CASWHudMinimapFramePanel(this, "CASWHudMinimapFramePanel");
m_nWhiteTexture = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nWhiteTexture, "vgui/white" , true, false);
m_pScanLinePanel = new ScanLinePanel(this, "ScanlinePanel", false);
m_pInterlacePanel = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "InterlacePanel");
m_pNoisePanel = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "NoisePanel");
if ( asw_scanner_background.GetBool() )
m_pBackdrop = new CASWHudMinimap_Border(GetParent(), "MapBackdrop", this);
m_pBackdrop = NULL;
if (m_pBackdrop)
m_bHasOverview = false;
m_szServerName[0] = '\0';
Q_snprintf(m_szMissionTitle, sizeof(m_szMissionTitle), "");
if ( m_MapKeyValues )
if (m_pLinePanel)
void CASWHudMinimap::PerformLayout()
int wide, tall, x, y;
GetBounds(x, y, wide, tall);
int ox, oy;
GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
wide *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
tall *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
m_iMapSize = wide * 0.7f;
m_MapCornerInPanel.x = int(wide - m_iMapSize) + ox;
m_MapCornerInPanel.y = int(tall - m_iMapSize) + oy;
int black_border = m_iMapSize * 0.0455f;
if (m_pBackdrop)
m_pBackdrop->SetBounds(x + m_MapCornerInPanel.x - black_border, y + m_MapCornerInPanel.y - black_border,
m_iMapSize + black_border * 2 + 1, m_iMapSize + black_border * 2 + 1);
m_pScanLinePanel->SetBounds(m_MapCornerInPanel.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.y, m_iMapSize, m_iMapSize);
m_pInterlacePanel->SetBounds(m_MapCornerInPanel.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.y, m_iMapSize, m_iMapSize);
m_pNoisePanel->SetBounds(m_MapCornerInPanel.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.y, m_iMapSize, m_iMapSize);
void CASWHudMinimap::Init()
gameeventmanager->AddListener(this, "game_newmap", false );
gameeventmanager->AddListener(this, "server_spawn", false);
m_pMinimap = this;
m_nMapTextureID = -1;
m_bHasOverview = false;
m_MapKeyValues = NULL;
m_bDrawingMapLines = false;
m_MapOrigin = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
m_fMapScale = 1.0f;
m_fLastMapLine = 0;
m_fLastBlipSpeechTime = -100.0f;
m_fLastBlipHitTime = 0.0f;
m_MapCentre = Vector2D( 0, 0 );
m_MapCentreInPanel = Vector2D( 0, 0 );
usermessages->HookMessage( "ASWMapLine", MsgFunc_ASWMapLine );
void CASWHudMinimap::Reset()
SetLabelText(L" ");
m_bDrawingMapLines = false;
m_fLastMapLine = 0;
m_fLastMinimapDrawSound = 0;
void CASWHudMinimap::VidInit()
void CASWHudMinimap::OnThink()
if (m_pScanLinePanel)
m_pScanLinePanel->m_bDouble = asw_scanner_scanline_double.GetBool();
if (m_pInterlacePanel)
// remove any map lines that have faded out
for (int i=0;i<m_MapLines.Count();i++)
if (gpGlobals->curtime - m_MapLines[i].created_time > MAP_LINE_SOLID_TIME + MAP_LINE_FADE_TIME)
C_ASW_Player *local = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if ( local )
if (m_bDrawingMapLines && gpGlobals->curtime >= m_fLastMapLine + MAP_LINE_INTERVAL)
if (IsWithinMapBounds(m_iMouseX,m_iMouseY))
int ox, oy;
GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
SendMapLine(m_iMouseX + ox,m_iMouseY + oy,false);
m_bDrawingMapLines = false;
C_ASW_Marine *marine = local->GetMarine();
if (marine)
if (m_pNoisePanel)
float fScannerNoise = g_pScannerNoise ? g_pScannerNoise->GetScannerNoiseAt(marine->GetAbsOrigin()) : 0;
m_pNoisePanel->SetAlpha(float(asw_scanner_noise_alpha.GetInt()) * fScannerNoise);
void CASWHudMinimap::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme)
void CASWHudMinimapFramePanel::Paint()
if (ASWGameRules())
if (ASWGameRules()->IsIntroMap() || ASWGameRules()->IsOutroMap())
CASWHudMinimap *m_pMap = dynamic_cast<CASWHudMinimap*>(GetParent());
if ( !m_pMap || !asw_draw_hud.GetBool() )
int x, y, wide, tall;
wide *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
tall *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
int ox, oy;
m_pMap->GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
SetSize(wide, tall);
//if ( m_pMap->m_nFrameTexture == -1 )
//surface()->DrawTexturedRect(0, 0, wide, tall);
void CASWHudMinimap::GetScaledOffset(int &ox, int &oy)
int wide, tall;
int scaled_wide = wide * asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
int scaled_tall = tall * asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
ox = wide - scaled_wide;
oy = tall - scaled_tall;
void CASWHudMinimap::PaintMapSection()
int wide, tall;
wide *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
tall *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
int ox, oy;
GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
m_iMapSize = wide * 0.7f;
m_MapCornerInPanel.x = int(wide - m_iMapSize) + ox;
m_MapCornerInPanel.y = int(tall - m_iMapSize) + oy;
m_MapCentreInPanel.x = m_MapCornerInPanel.x + m_iMapSize * 0.5f;
m_MapCentreInPanel.y = m_MapCornerInPanel.y + m_iMapSize * 0.5f;
m_pLinePanel->SetBounds(m_MapCornerInPanel.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.y,
m_MapCornerInPanel.x + m_iMapSize, m_MapCornerInPanel.y + m_iMapSize);
C_ASW_Player *local = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if ( local )
C_ASW_Marine *marine = local->GetMarine();
if (marine)
m_MapCentre = WorldToMapTexture(marine->GetAbsOrigin());
//Msg("Centering minimap at %f,%f\n", m_MapCentre.x, m_MapCentre.y);
if ( m_nMapTextureID == -1 )
// source should be a fixed number of world units around the centre
float source_size = asw_map_range.GetFloat() * ASW_SCREENSHOT_SCALE / m_fMapScale;
int map_left = m_MapCornerInPanel.x;
int map_right = wide + ox;
int map_top = m_MapCornerInPanel.y;
int map_bottom = tall + oy;
if (m_bHasOverview) // draw a section of the minimap
float Source1X = m_MapCentre.x - source_size;
float Source1Y = m_MapCentre.y - source_size;
float Source2X = m_MapCentre.x + source_size;
float Source2Y = m_MapCentre.y + source_size;
// if we're off an edge of the map texture, pull in our draw coords so we don't get stretching
if (Source1X < 0)
map_left -= (Source1X / source_size) * (m_iMapSize * 0.5f);
if (Source2X > 1023)
map_right -= ((Source2X - 1023) / source_size) * (m_iMapSize * 0.5f);
if (Source1Y < 0)
map_top -= (Source1Y / source_size) * (m_iMapSize * 0.5f);
if (Source2Y > 1023)
map_bottom -= ((Source2Y - 1023) / source_size) * (m_iMapSize * 0.5f);
// clamp uvs
Source1X = MAX(0, Source1X);
Source1Y = MAX(0, Source1Y);
Source2X = MIN(1024, Source2X);
Source2Y = MIN(1024, Source2Y);
Vertex_t points[4] =
Vertex_t( Vector2D(map_left, map_top), Vector2D(Source1X/1024.0f,Source1Y/1024.0f) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(map_right, map_top), Vector2D(Source2X/1024.0f,Source1Y/1024.0f) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(map_right, map_bottom), Vector2D(Source2X/1024.0f,Source2Y/1024.0f) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(map_left, map_bottom), Vector2D(Source1X/1024.0f,Source2Y/1024.0f) )
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, points );
// no overview, we're just drawing our scanner texture
Vertex_t points[4] =
Vertex_t( Vector2D(map_left, map_top), Vector2D(0,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(map_right, map_top), Vector2D(1,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(map_right, map_bottom), Vector2D(1,1) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(map_left, map_bottom), Vector2D(0,1) )
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, points );
void CASWHudMinimap::Paint()
if (ASWGameRules() && ASWGameRules()->GetGameState() == ASW_GS_INGAME)
// hack to make our child panel draw the follow lines underneath the marine blips painted by this panel
if (m_pLinePanel)
vgui::VPANEL vpanel = m_pLinePanel->GetVPanel();
vgui::surface()->PushMakeCurrent( vpanel, true );
vgui::surface()->PopMakeCurrent( vpanel );
C_ASW_Game_Resource* pGameResource = ASWGameResource();
if (!pGameResource)
C_ASW_Scanner_Info* pScanner = pGameResource->GetScannerInfo();
if (!pScanner)
// fade blips out
void CASWHudMinimap::PaintObjectiveMarkers()
const int nMaxMarks = 3;
ObjectiveMapMark *(pMarks[ nMaxMarks ]);
float fMarkDistances[ nMaxMarks ];
int nMarks = 0;
for ( int nObjective = 0; nObjective < ASW_MAX_OBJECTIVES; ++nObjective )
C_ASW_Objective *pObjective = ASWGameResource()->GetObjective( nObjective );
if ( pObjective )
if ( pObjective->IsObjectiveComplete() || pObjective->IsObjectiveFailed() || pObjective->IsObjectiveHidden() || pObjective->IsObjectiveDummy() )
int iNumMapMarks = pObjective->GetMapMarkingsCount();
ObjectiveMapMark *m_pMapMarks = pObjective->GetMapMarkings();
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumMapMarks; ++i )
if ( m_pMapMarks[ i ].bComplete || !m_pMapMarks[ i ].bEnabled )
// Don't draw completed or hidden ones
float fDist = m_MapCentre.DistTo( Vector2D( m_pMapMarks[ i ].x + m_pMapMarks[ i ].w / 2, m_pMapMarks[ i ].y + m_pMapMarks[ i ].h / 2 ) );
if ( nMarks < nMaxMarks )
pMarks[ nMarks ] = &( m_pMapMarks[ i ] );
fMarkDistances[ nMarks ] = fDist;
int nFarthest = 0;
float fFarthestDist = fMarkDistances[ 0 ];
for ( int nMark = 1; nMark < nMarks; ++nMark )
if ( fFarthestDist < fMarkDistances[ nMark ] )
fFarthestDist = fMarkDistances[ nMark ];
nFarthest = nMark;
if ( fDist < fMarkDistances[ nFarthest ] )
pMarks[ nFarthest ] = &( m_pMapMarks[ i ] );
fMarkDistances[ nFarthest ] = fDist;
int nAlpha = 50.0f + 100.0f * ( sinf( gpGlobals->curtime * 5.0f ) + 2.0f ) * 0.5f;
for ( int nMark = 0; nMark < nMarks; ++nMark )
PaintRect( pMarks[ nMark ]->x, pMarks[ nMark ]->y, pMarks[ nMark ]->w, pMarks[ nMark ]->h, Color( 230, 192, 0, nAlpha ) );
void CASWHudMinimap::PaintBlips()
void CASWHudMinimap::PaintScannerBlips()
C_ASW_Game_Resource* pGameResource = ASWGameResource();
if (!pGameResource)
C_ASW_Scanner_Info* pScanner = pGameResource->GetScannerInfo();
if (!pScanner)
// draw blips blindly from server for now
Color red(250,110,110,255);
Color blue(66,142,192,255);
Color white(255,255,255,255);
for (int i=0;i<ASW_SCANNER_MAX_BLIPS;i++) //todo: draw overflow blips
if (pScanner->m_ClientBlipIndex[i] != 0)
Vector vecWorldPos(0,0,0);
C_BaseEntity* pClientEnt = C_BaseEntity::Instance(pScanner->m_ClientBlipIndex[i]);
if (pClientEnt)
vecWorldPos.x = pClientEnt->GetAbsOrigin().x;
vecWorldPos.y = pClientEnt->GetAbsOrigin().y;
vecWorldPos.x = pScanner->m_fClientBlipX[i];
vecWorldPos.y = pScanner->m_fClientBlipY[i];
//float f = abs(0.5f - pScanner->m_fBlipStrength[i]) * 2.0f; // fade in/out
float f = 1.0f - pScanner->m_fBlipStrength[i]; // just fade out
PaintWorldBlip( vecWorldPos, f,
( pScanner->m_BlipType[i] == 1 ) ? blue : ( asw_scanner_classic.GetBool() ? white : red ),
MapBlipTexture_t( pScanner->m_BlipType[ i ] ) ); // draw the blip in blue triangle if it's a computer/button panel
// paints the scanner ring and strengthens any blips the ring passes
void CASWHudMinimapLinePanel::PaintScannerRing()
// skip scanner ring if we're not ingame
if (!ASWGameRules() || ASWGameRules()->GetGameState() != ASW_GS_INGAME)
if (m_nScannerRingTexture == -1)
C_ASW_Player* pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if (!pPlayer)
C_ASW_Game_Resource* pGameResource = ASWGameResource();
if (!pGameResource)
C_ASW_Scanner_Info* pScanner = pGameResource->GetScannerInfo();
if (!pScanner)
// each tech marine has his own time and ring, so go through them
for (int i=0;i<pGameResource->GetMaxMarineResources();i++)
C_ASW_Marine_Resource* pMR = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i);
if (pMR && pMR->GetProfile() && pMR->GetProfile()->CanScanner() && pMR->GetMarineEntity() && pMR->GetHealthPercent() > 0)
bool bCheckRing = (pMR->m_fScannerTime <= 1.0f);
pMR->m_fScannerTime += gpGlobals->frametime * 2.2f;
if (bCheckRing)
float fScannerRangeWorldUnits = MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarineResource(pMR, ASW_MARINE_SKILL_SCANNER); // asw_scanner_range.GetFloat()
float scanner_range = m_pMap->WorldDistanceToPixelDistance(fScannerRangeWorldUnits) * pMR->m_fScannerTime * asw_scanner_ring_scale.GetFloat();
Vector2D marine_pos(0,0);
Vector marine_world_pos = pMR->GetMarineEntity()->GetAbsOrigin();
// check for refreshing the strength of any blips the ring just passed
float ring_world_distance = fScannerRangeWorldUnits * MIN(pMR->m_fScannerTime, 1.0f) * asw_scanner_ring_scale.GetFloat();
float ring_world_distance_sq = ring_world_distance * ring_world_distance; // square it to save doing any square roots below
for (int k=0;k<ASW_SCANNER_MAX_BLIPS;k++)
if (pScanner->m_ClientBlipIndex[k] != 0 && pScanner->m_fBlipStrength[k]==0)
float xdiff = pScanner->m_fClientBlipX[k] - marine_world_pos.x;
float ydiff = pScanner->m_fClientBlipY[k] - marine_world_pos.y;
float dist = xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff;
if (dist < ring_world_distance_sq)
// our ring is outside this dot, so refresh it
pScanner->m_fBlipStrength[k] = 1.0f;
// check for making the first blip sound
if (!pMR->m_bPlayedBlipSound && pScanner->m_BlipType[k] != 1) // don't blip on computers/buttons
pMR->m_bPlayedBlipSound = true;
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
EmitSound_t ep;
ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_AUTO;
static char szWarningSound[32];
Q_snprintf(szWarningSound, sizeof(szWarningSound), "ASWScanner.Warning%d", asw_scanner_warning_sound.GetInt());
ep.m_pSoundName = szWarningSound;
ep.m_flVolume = asw_scanner_warning_volume.GetFloat();
ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NORM;
ep.m_nFlags |= SND_CHANGE_PITCH;
ep.m_nFlags |= SND_CHANGE_VOL;
float max_ring_dist = fScannerRangeWorldUnits * asw_scanner_ring_scale.GetFloat();
if (max_ring_dist <= 0)
ep.m_nPitch = 1.0f * 100.0f;
float fPitchScale = (asw_scanner_pitch_base.GetFloat() - asw_scanner_pitch_change.GetFloat() * (sqrt(dist)/max_ring_dist));
ep.m_nPitch = fPitchScale * 100.0f;
//Msg("Pitch is = %d\n", ep.m_nPitch);
// adjust volume by distance to tech marine
if (pPlayer->GetMarine())
float dist_to_tech = pPlayer->GetMarine()->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo(marine_world_pos);
float fraction = dist_to_tech / ASW_SCANNER_MAX_SOUND_DIST;
if (fraction > 0.3f) // give a buffer of max volume
ep.m_flVolume *= (1.0f - ((fraction-0.3f)*0.7f));
if (ep.m_flVolume>0)
m_pMap->m_fLastBlipHitTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, -1 /*SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER*/, ep);
// if the tech is ours, then check for saying something about the incoming aliens
if (pPlayer->entindex() == pMR->GetCommanderIndex() && m_pMap && pScanner->m_BlipType[k] == 0) // only do the speech when it's an alien, not a door
//Msg("client checking blip speech %d\n", i);
if ( pMR->m_fScannerTime <= 1.0f && ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_pMap->m_fLastBlipHitTime + 3.0f || asw_scanner_classic.GetBool() ) )
// fade the ring out at the ends
if (pMR->m_fScannerTime < 0.5f)
float f = (1.0f - pMR->m_fScannerTime) * 2;
surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(255,255,255,255.0f * f));
marine_pos = m_pMap->WorldToMapTexture(marine_world_pos);
float ring_center_x = 0;
float ring_center_y = 0;
TextureToLinePanel(m_pMap, marine_pos, ring_center_x, ring_center_y);
Vertex_t points[4] =
Vertex_t( Vector2D(ring_center_x - scanner_range, ring_center_y - scanner_range), Vector2D(0,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(ring_center_x + scanner_range, ring_center_y - scanner_range), Vector2D(1,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(ring_center_x + scanner_range, ring_center_y + scanner_range), Vector2D(1,1) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(ring_center_x - scanner_range, ring_center_y + scanner_range), Vector2D(0,1) )
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, points );
// check for resetting the ring to center again
if (pMR->m_fScannerTime > 2.2f)
// play idle sound
//if ((pMR->m_iScannerSoundSkip % 4) == 0)
if (asw_debug_scanner_sound.GetBool())
Msg("%f: Playing scanner sound! (not mod 4).\n", gpGlobals->curtime);
pMR->m_iScannerSoundSkip = 0;
if ( asw_scanner_classic.GetBool() || gpGlobals->curtime < m_pMap->m_fLastBlipHitTime + 3.0f )
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
EmitSound_t ep;
ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_AUTO;
static char szIdleSound[32];
Q_snprintf(szIdleSound, sizeof(szIdleSound), "ASWScanner.Idle%d", asw_scanner_idle_sound.GetInt());
ep.m_pSoundName = szIdleSound;
ep.m_flVolume = asw_scanner_idle_volume.GetFloat();
ep.m_nFlags |= SND_CHANGE_VOL;
ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NORM;
// adjust volume by distance to tech marine
if (pPlayer->GetMarine())
float dist_to_tech = pPlayer->GetMarine()->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo(pMR->GetMarineEntity()->GetAbsOrigin());
float fraction = dist_to_tech / ASW_SCANNER_MAX_SOUND_DIST;
if (fraction > 0.3f) // give a buffer of max volume
ep.m_flVolume *= (1.0f - ((fraction-0.3f)*0.7f));
if (ep.m_flVolume > 0)
if (asw_debug_scanner_sound.GetBool())
Msg("emitting scanner idle sound with volume %f\n", ep.m_flVolume);
C_BaseEntity::StopSound( -1, ep.m_pSoundName );
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, -1 /*SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER*/, ep );
pMR->m_bPlayedBlipSound = false; //todo: what effect does this have with multi tech marines?
pMR->m_fScannerTime = 0;
void CASWHudMinimapLinePanel::Paint()
//CASWHudMinimap *m_pMap = dynamic_cast<CASWHudMinimap*>(GetParent());
if (!m_pMap)
if (!ASWGameRules() && ASWGameRules()->GetGameState() < ASW_GS_INGAME)
// paint a black outline over the lines
for (int i=0;i<m_pMap->m_MapLines.Count();i++)
float x,y;
if (!m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bSetBlipCentre)
Vector vecBlipPos;
vecBlipPos.x = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].worldpos.x;
vecBlipPos.y = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].worldpos.y;
vecBlipPos.z = 0;
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].blipcentre = m_pMap->WorldToMapTexture(vecBlipPos);
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bSetBlipCentre = true;
Vector2D vecBlipCentre = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].blipcentre;
TextureToLinePanel(m_pMap, vecBlipCentre, x, y);
if (m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bLink)
bool bFound = false;
if (i>1)
for (int k=i-1; k>0; k--) // find the previous line from this player, if any
if (m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].player_index == m_pMap->m_MapLines[k].player_index)
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkpos = m_pMap->m_MapLines[k].worldpos;
bFound = true;
if (bFound)
float x2,y2;
if (!m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bSetLinkBlipCentre)
Vector vecBlipPos2;
vecBlipPos2.x = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkpos.x;
vecBlipPos2.y = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkpos.y;
vecBlipPos2.z = 0;
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkblipcentre = m_pMap->WorldToMapTexture(vecBlipPos2);
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bSetLinkBlipCentre = true;
Vector2D vecBlipCentre2 = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkblipcentre;
TextureToLinePanel(m_pMap, vecBlipCentre2, x2, y2);
float t = gpGlobals->curtime - m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].created_time;
int alpha = 255;
alpha = 255 - ((t - MAP_LINE_SOLID_TIME) / MAP_LINE_FADE_TIME) * 255.0f;
vgui::Vertex_t start, end;
// draw black outline around the line to give it some softness
surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(0,0,0, alpha));
start.Init(Vector2D(x - 1.50f,y - 1.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 1.50f,y2 - 1.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x + 1.50f,y - 1.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 1.50f,y2 - 1.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x - 1.50f,y + 1.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 1.50f,y2 + 1.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x + 1.50f,y + 1.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 1.50f,y2 + 1.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
// paint map line dots
for (int i=0;i<m_pMap->m_MapLines.Count();i++)
//m_pMap->PaintWorldBlip(vecBlipPos, 0.5f, Color(0,255,0,255));
float x,y;
if (!m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bSetBlipCentre)
Vector vecBlipPos;
vecBlipPos.x = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].worldpos.x;
vecBlipPos.y = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].worldpos.y;
vecBlipPos.z = 0;
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].blipcentre = m_pMap->WorldToMapTexture(vecBlipPos);
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bSetBlipCentre = true;
Vector2D vecBlipCentre = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].blipcentre;
TextureToLinePanel(m_pMap, vecBlipCentre, x, y);
if (m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bLink)
bool bFound = false;
if (i>1)
for (int k=i-1; k>0; k--) // find the previous line from this player, if any
if (m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].player_index == m_pMap->m_MapLines[k].player_index)
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkpos = m_pMap->m_MapLines[k].worldpos;
bFound = true;
if (bFound)
float x2,y2;
if (!m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bSetLinkBlipCentre)
Vector vecBlipPos2;
vecBlipPos2.x = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkpos.x;
vecBlipPos2.y = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkpos.y;
vecBlipPos2.z = 0;
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkblipcentre = m_pMap->WorldToMapTexture(vecBlipPos2);
m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].bSetLinkBlipCentre = true;
Vector2D vecBlipCentre2 = m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].linkblipcentre;
TextureToLinePanel(m_pMap, vecBlipCentre2, x2, y2);
float t = gpGlobals->curtime - m_pMap->m_MapLines[i].created_time;
int alpha = 255;
alpha = 255 - ((t - MAP_LINE_SOLID_TIME) / MAP_LINE_FADE_TIME) * 255.0f;
vgui::Vertex_t start, end;
// draw main line
surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(DRAWING_LINE_R, DRAWING_LINE_G, DRAWING_LINE_B, 0.5f * alpha));
start.Init(Vector2D(x,y), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2,y2), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
// draw translucent ones around it to give it some softness
surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(DRAWING_LINE_R, DRAWING_LINE_G, DRAWING_LINE_B, 0.5f * alpha));
start.Init(Vector2D(x - 0.50f,y - 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 0.50f,y2 - 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x + 0.50f,y - 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 0.50f,y2 - 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x - 0.50f,y + 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 0.50f,y2 + 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x + 0.50f,y + 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 0.50f,y2 + 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
// paint the frame over the top
//int wide, tall;
//if ( m_pMap->m_nFrameTexture == -1 )
//surface()->DrawTexturedRect(-20, -20, wide, tall);
//surface()->DrawTexturedSubRect(0, 0, wide, tall,);
//-m_pMap->m_MapCornerInPanel.x*2, -m_pMap->m_MapCornerInPanel.y*2, wide, tall);
//surface()->DrawTexturedSubRect(m_MapCornerInPanel.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.y, wide, tall,
//Source1X/1024.0, Source1Y/1024.0, Source2X/1024.0, Source2Y/1024.0);
void CASWHudMinimapLinePanel::PaintFollowLines()
C_ASW_Game_Resource* pGameResource = ASWGameResource();
if (!pGameResource)
// paint follow lines
for (int i=0;i<ASW_MAX_MARINE_RESOURCES;i++)
C_ASW_Marine_Resource* pMR = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i);
if (pMR && pMR->GetMarineEntity())
C_ASW_Marine* pMarine = pMR->GetMarineEntity();
if (pMarine && pMarine->m_hMarineFollowTarget && !pMarine->IsInhabited())
PaintFollowLine(pMarine, pMarine->m_hMarineFollowTarget);
void CASWHudMinimap::PaintRect( int nX, int nY, int nWidth, int nHeight, Color color )
Vector2D rectCorner1;
Vector2D rectCorner2;
rectCorner1.x = nX;
rectCorner1.y = nY;
rectCorner2.x = nX + nWidth;
rectCorner2.y = nY + nHeight;
rectCorner1 = MapTextureToPanel( rectCorner1 );
rectCorner2 = MapTextureToPanel( rectCorner2 );
if ( rectCorner1.x > m_MapCornerInPanel.x + m_iMapSize || rectCorner1.y > m_MapCornerInPanel.y + m_iMapSize ||
rectCorner2.x < m_MapCornerInPanel.x || rectCorner2.y < m_MapCornerInPanel.y )
// Out of bounds
Vector2D vArrowCenter = Vector2D( ( rectCorner1.x + rectCorner2.x ) / 2, ( rectCorner1.y + rectCorner2.y ) / 2 );
Vector2D vPanelCenter = Vector2D( m_MapCornerInPanel.x + m_iMapSize / 2, m_MapCornerInPanel.y + m_iMapSize / 2 );
Vector2D vDirection = vArrowCenter - vPanelCenter;
Vector2DNormalize( vDirection );
float fFacingYaw = RAD2DEG( atanf( vDirection.y / vDirection.x ) ) - ( vDirection.x < 0.0f ? 0.0f : 180.0f );
int iFacingSize = GetWide() * 0.05f * asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
vArrowCenter.x = clamp( vArrowCenter.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.x + m_iMapSize - iFacingSize / 2 );
vArrowCenter.y = clamp( vArrowCenter.y, m_MapCornerInPanel.y, m_MapCornerInPanel.y + m_iMapSize - iFacingSize / 2 );
vArrowCenter -= vDirection * 4.0f * ( sinf( gpGlobals->curtime * 7.0f ) + 1.0f );
// set up a square to the right
int xoffset = -2; // temp? to make the arc look nice next to blips..
int yoffset = 1;
Vector vecCornerTL(xoffset, iFacingSize * -0.5f + yoffset, 0);
Vector vecCornerTR(iFacingSize + xoffset, iFacingSize * -0.5f+ yoffset, 0);
Vector vecCornerBR(iFacingSize + xoffset, iFacingSize * 0.5f+ yoffset, 0);
Vector vecCornerBL(xoffset, iFacingSize * 0.5f+ yoffset, 0);
Vector vecCornerTL_rotated, vecCornerTR_rotated, vecCornerBL_rotated, vecCornerBR_rotated;
// rotate it by our facing yaw
QAngle angFacing( 0, fFacingYaw, 0 );
VectorRotate(vecCornerTL, angFacing, vecCornerTL_rotated);
VectorRotate(vecCornerTR, angFacing, vecCornerTR_rotated);
VectorRotate(vecCornerBR, angFacing, vecCornerBR_rotated);
VectorRotate(vecCornerBL, angFacing, vecCornerBL_rotated);
surface()->DrawSetColor( color );
Vertex_t points[4] =
Vertex_t( Vector2D(vArrowCenter.x + vecCornerTL_rotated.x, vArrowCenter.y + vecCornerTL_rotated.y), Vector2D(0,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(vArrowCenter.x + vecCornerTR_rotated.x, vArrowCenter.y + vecCornerTR_rotated.y), Vector2D(1,0) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(vArrowCenter.x + vecCornerBR_rotated.x, vArrowCenter.y + vecCornerBR_rotated.y), Vector2D(1,1) ),
Vertex_t( Vector2D(vArrowCenter.x + vecCornerBL_rotated.x, vArrowCenter.y + vecCornerBL_rotated.y), Vector2D(0,1) )
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, points );
rectCorner1.x = MAX( rectCorner1.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.x );
rectCorner1.y = MAX( rectCorner1.y, m_MapCornerInPanel.y );
rectCorner2.x = MIN( rectCorner2.x, m_MapCornerInPanel.x + m_iMapSize );
rectCorner2.y = MIN( rectCorner2.y, m_MapCornerInPanel.y + m_iMapSize );
surface()->DrawSetColor( color );
surface()->DrawOutlinedRect( rectCorner1.x, rectCorner1.y, rectCorner2.x, rectCorner2.y );
color[ 3 ] /= 8;
surface()->DrawSetColor( color );
surface()->DrawFilledRect( rectCorner1.x, rectCorner1.y, rectCorner2.x, rectCorner2.y );
// fixme: blips should be sent from the server.. per player?
// so as to be sent information about things you can't see (i.e. to give the tracker some range)
// change networking to send entities to players if they're near his current marine
// (and perhaps near any he's controlling?)
// then we can send blips from server->client only if they're outside this range
// these blips will be static
// we'll also drops blips of every alien/marine entity the client knows about, these can move
//void CASWHudMinimap::CreateBlips()
//m_iNumBlips = 0;
//#define MAX_BLIPS 64
//int m_iBlipX[MAX_BLIPS];
//int m_iBlipY[MAX_BLIPS];
//int m_iNumBlips;
float CASWHudMinimap::WorldDistanceToPixelDistance(float fWorldDistance)
// convert to texture scale
float result = fWorldDistance / m_fMapScale;
// find how many pixels on the texture correspond to the map panel halfwidth:
float source_size = asw_map_range.GetFloat() * ASW_SCREENSHOT_SCALE / m_fMapScale;
// find what fraction our offset is compared to the full texture width of the map:
result /= source_size;
// multiply that out by the pixel halfwidth of this panel:
result *= (m_iMapSize * 0.5f);
return result;
// loads in the script file for a particular map to set scale/origin
void CASWHudMinimap::SetMap(const char * levelname)
// load new KeyValues
//Msg("minimap SetMap: %s\n", levelname);
if ( m_MapKeyValues && Q_strcmp( levelname, m_MapKeyValues->GetName() ) == 0 )
return; // map didn't change
if ( m_MapKeyValues )
m_MapKeyValues = new KeyValues( levelname );
char tempfile[MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( tempfile, sizeof( tempfile ), "resource/overviews/%s.txt", levelname );
if ( !m_MapKeyValues->LoadFromFile( filesystem, tempfile, "GAME" ) )
// try to load it directly from the maps folder
Q_snprintf( tempfile, sizeof( tempfile ), "maps/%s.txt", levelname );
if ( !m_MapKeyValues->LoadFromFile( filesystem, tempfile, "GAME" ) )
//DevMsg( 1, "CASWHudMinimap::SetMap: couldn't load overview file for map %s.\n", levelname );
m_nMapTextureID = surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nMapTextureID, "vgui/swarm/hud/scanner", true, false);
// put in some default numbers so the scanner works
m_MapOrigin.x = 0;
m_MapOrigin.y = 0;
m_fMapScale = 25.0f;
Q_snprintf(m_szMissionTitle, sizeof(m_szMissionTitle), "Unnamed Mission");
m_bHasOverview = false;
// TODO release old texture ?
m_nMapTextureID = surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
//if we have not uploaded yet, lets go ahead and do so
surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nMapTextureID, m_MapKeyValues->GetString("material"), true, false);
m_MapOrigin.x = m_MapKeyValues->GetInt("pos_x");
m_MapOrigin.y = m_MapKeyValues->GetInt("pos_y");
m_fMapScale = m_MapKeyValues->GetFloat("scale", 1.0f);
Q_snprintf(m_szMissionTitle, sizeof(m_szMissionTitle),m_MapKeyValues->GetString("missiontitle"));
m_bHasOverview = true;
void CASWHudMinimap::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event )
const char * type = event->GetName();
//Msg("Minimap firegameevent %s\n", type);
if ( Q_strcmp(type, "game_newmap") == 0 )
SetMap( event->GetString("mapname") );
m_fLastBlipSpeechTime = -100.0f;
else if ( Q_strcmp(type, "server_spawn") == 0 )
const char *hostname = event->GetString( "hostname" );
Q_snprintf(m_szServerName, sizeof(m_szServerName), "%s", hostname);
bool CASWHudMinimap::MouseClick(int x, int y, bool bRightClick, bool bDown)
if (!ShouldDraw() || !asw_minimap_clicks.GetBool())
return false;
if (!bDown)
m_bDrawingMapLines = false;
return false;
if (bRightClick)
return false;
if (!IsWithinMapBounds(x,y))
return false;
int ox, oy;
GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
m_bDrawingMapLines = true;
return true;
bool CASWHudMinimap::IsWithinMapBounds(int x, int y)
//int wide, tall;
int posx, posy;
if (m_nMapTextureID == -1)
return false;
//int ox, oy;
//GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
//posx += ox;
//posy += oy;
//wide *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
//tall *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
x -= posx;
y -= posy;
return (x >= m_MapCornerInPanel.x
&& y >= m_MapCornerInPanel.y
&& x <= (m_MapCornerInPanel.x + m_iMapSize)
&& y <= (m_MapCornerInPanel.y + m_iMapSize));
void CASWHudMinimap::ClipToMapBounds(int &x, int &y)
int wide, tall;
int posx, posy;
int ox, oy;
GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
posx += ox;
posy += oy;
wide *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
tall *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
if (x > m_MapCornerInPanel.x + posx + wide)
x = m_MapCornerInPanel.x + posx + wide;
if (x < m_MapCornerInPanel.x + posx)
x = m_MapCornerInPanel.x + posx;
if (y > m_MapCornerInPanel.y + posy + tall)
y = m_MapCornerInPanel.y + posy + tall;
if (y < m_MapCornerInPanel.y + posy)
y = m_MapCornerInPanel.y + posy;
// drawing a map line at point x and y on the hud element
void CASWHudMinimap::SendMapLine(int x, int y, bool bInitial)
C_ASW_Player *local = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if ( local )
C_ASW_Marine *marine = local->GetMarine();
if (marine)
int wide, tall, posx, posy;
wide *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
tall *= asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
GetPos(posx, posy);
int ox, oy;
GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
posx += ox;
posy += oy;
x -= posx;
y -= posy;
Vector vecMapCentre = marine->GetAbsOrigin();
// pixel difference between where we clicked and the centre of the panel
int diff_x = x - m_MapCentreInPanel.x;
int diff_y = m_MapCentreInPanel.y - y;
// find the world position we clicked on
Vector vecMapLinePos;
// world difference should be: ( diff_x / panel size ) * map range
vecMapLinePos.x = vecMapCentre.x + (diff_x / (m_iMapSize*0.5f)) * asw_map_range.GetFloat();
vecMapLinePos.y = vecMapCentre.y + (diff_y / (m_iMapSize*0.5f)) * asw_map_range.GetFloat();
//vecMapLinePos.x = vecMapCentre.x + (diff_x * m_fMapScale / ASW_SCREENSHOT_SCALE);
//vecMapLinePos.y = vecMapCentre.y + (diff_y * m_fMapScale / ASW_SCREENSHOT_SCALE);
vecMapLinePos.z = marine->GetAbsOrigin().z;
//Msg("vecMapCentre = %f %f\n", vecMapCentre.x, vecMapCentre.y);
//Msg("VecMapLinePos = %f %f %f\n", vecMapLinePos.x, vecMapLinePos.y, vecMapLinePos.z);
//FX_MicroExplosion(vecMapLinePos, Vector(0,0,1));
// notify the server of this!
char buffer[64];
int linetype = bInitial ? 0 : 1;
Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "cl_mapline %d %d %d", linetype, (int) vecMapLinePos.x, (int) vecMapLinePos.y);
m_fLastMapLine = gpGlobals->curtime;
// short circuit add it to your own list
MapLine line;
line.player_index = local->entindex();
line.worldpos.x = (int) vecMapLinePos.x;
line.worldpos.y = (int) vecMapLinePos.y;
line.created_time = gpGlobals->curtime;
if (linetype == 1) // links to a previous
line.bLink = true;
if (gpGlobals->curtime > m_fLastMinimapDrawSound + 5.0f)
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, -1, "ASWScanner.Drawing" );
m_fLastMinimapDrawSound = gpGlobals->curtime;
// converts a coord from 0->1023 map texture into x+y in this panel
Vector2D CASWHudMinimap::MapTextureToPanel( const Vector2D &texturepos )
if ( !m_pMinimap )
m_pMinimap = GET_HUDELEMENT( CASWHudMinimap );
if ( !m_pMinimap )
return vec2_origin;
Vector2D offset(texturepos);
// find how many pixels on the texture correspond to the map panel halfwidth:
float source_size = asw_map_range.GetFloat() * ASW_SCREENSHOT_SCALE / m_pMinimap->m_fMapScale;
// convert our tex coords to an offset from the map pixel at the centre of the panel:
offset -= m_pMinimap->m_MapCentre;
// find what fraction our offset is compared to the full texture width of the map:
offset /= source_size;
// multiply that out by the pixel halfwidth of this panel:
offset *= (GetMapSize() * 0.5f);
offset += m_pMinimap->m_MapCentreInPanel;
return offset;
int CASWHudMinimap::GetArcSize( void )
return GetWidth() * 0.1f * asw_hud_scale.GetFloat();
//void CASWHudMinimapLinePanel::TextureToLinePanel(CASWHudMinimap* pMap, const Vector &worldpos, int &x, int &y)
// converts a 0->1024 map texture coord to the x/y in the panel coord
void CASWHudMinimapLinePanel::TextureToLinePanel(CASWHudMinimap* pMap, const Vector2D &blip_centre, float &x, float &y)
if (!pMap)
Vector2D result = pMap->MapTextureToPanel(blip_centre);
int wx, wy;
int ox, oy;
pMap->GetScaledOffset(ox, oy);
//wx += ox;
//wy += oy;
x = result.x - wx;
y = result.y - wy;
//int w, t;
//GetSize(w, t);
//Vector2D blip_centre = pMap->WorldToMapTexture(worldpos);
//float source_size = asw_map_range.GetFloat() * ASW_SCREENSHOT_SCALE / pMap->m_fMapScale;
//x = blip_centre.x - pMap->m_MapCentre.x + source_size;
//y = blip_centre.y - pMap->m_MapCentre.y + source_size;
//x = blip_centre.x - pMap->m_MapCentre.x + pMap->m_iMapSize * 0.5f;
//y = blip_centre.y - pMap->m_MapCentre.y + pMap->m_iMapSize * 0.5f;
bool CASWHudMinimap::UseDrawCrosshair(float x, float y)
C_ASW_Player *pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if (!pPlayer || !pPlayer->GetMarine() || !asw_minimap_clicks.GetBool())
return false;
return IsWithinMapBounds(x,y);
void CASWHudMinimap::CheckBlipSpeech(int iMarine)
// check if it's been a while since we had any movement
if (gpGlobals->curtime - m_fLastBlipSpeechTime > ASW_BLIP_SPEECH_INTERVAL)
C_ASW_Player *pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
m_fLastBlipSpeechTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // bump the time to current evne if we didn't say anything, so we don't continually say movement when there are blips all the time
void CASWHudMinimapLinePanel::PaintFollowLine(C_BaseEntity *pMarine, C_BaseEntity *pTarget)
if (!pMarine || !pTarget)
vgui::Vertex_t start, end;
Vector2D startTexturePos = m_pMap->WorldToMapTexture(pMarine->GetAbsOrigin());
Vector2D endTexturePos = m_pMap->WorldToMapTexture(pTarget->GetAbsOrigin());
Vector2D start2D, end2D;
TextureToLinePanel(m_pMap, startTexturePos, start2D.x, start2D.y);
TextureToLinePanel(m_pMap, endTexturePos, end2D.x, end2D.y);
//Vector2D start2D = m_pMap->MapTextureToPanel(startTexturePos);
//Vector2D end2D = m_pMap->MapTextureToPanel(endTexturePos);
float x, y, x2,y2;
x = start2D.x;
y = start2D.y;
x2 = end2D.x;
y2 = end2D.y;
float alpha = 255;
// draw black outline around the line to give it some softness
surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(0,0,0, alpha));
start.Init(Vector2D(x - 1.50f,y - 1.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 1.50f,y2 - 1.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x + 1.50f,y - 1.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 1.50f,y2 - 1.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x - 1.50f,y + 1.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 1.50f,y2 + 1.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x + 1.50f,y + 1.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 1.50f,y2 + 1.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
// draw main line
surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(255,0,0, 0.5f * alpha));
start.Init(Vector2D(x,y), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2,y2), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
// draw translucent ones around it to give it some softness
surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(255,0,0, 0.5f * alpha));
start.Init(Vector2D(x - 0.50f,y - 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 0.50f,y2 - 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x + 0.50f,y - 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 0.50f,y2 - 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x - 0.50f,y + 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 0.50f,y2 + 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
start.Init(Vector2D(x + 0.50f,y + 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0));
end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 0.50f,y2 + 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1));
SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(start, end);
CASWHudMinimap_Border::CASWHudMinimap_Border(vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pElementName, CASWHudMinimap *pMinimap) :
vgui::Panel(pParent, pElementName)
m_pMinimap = pMinimap;
void CASWHudMinimap_Border::PaintBackground()
if (ASWGameRules())
if (ASWGameRules()->IsIntroMap() || ASWGameRules()->IsOutroMap())
if (m_pMinimap && !m_pMinimap->ShouldDraw())
if ( !asw_draw_hud.GetBool() || m_nBlackBarTexture == -1 )
if ( !asw_scanner_background.GetBool() )
vgui::Vertex_t points[4] =
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(0, 0), Vector2D(0,0) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(GetWide(), 0), Vector2D(1,0) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(GetWide(), GetTall()), Vector2D(1,1) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(0, GetTall()), Vector2D(0,1) )
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, points );