mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:01:53 +00:00
1727 lines
58 KiB
1727 lines
58 KiB
#include "cbase.h"
#include "asw_hud_master.h"
#include "clientmode_asw.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "bitmap/psheet.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "cdll_bounded_cvars.h"
#include "VGUIMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "ammodef.h"
#include "asw_input.h"
#include "c_asw_marine.h"
#include "c_asw_marine_resource.h"
#include "c_asw_game_resource.h"
#include "asw_marine_profile.h"
#include "c_asw_weapon.h"
#include "asw_weapon_parse.h"
#include "asw_equipment_list.h"
#include "asw_circularprogressbar.h"
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar asw_draw_hud;
extern ConVar asw_hud_alpha;
using namespace vgui;
DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CASW_Hud_Master, ASWInvalidDesination );
// "materialsrc\vgui\swarm\EquipIcons\particles\EquipUseIcons_particle.mks"
// They need to match exactly!
const char *pszUseItemOrderClasses[NUM_USE_ITEM_ORDER_CLASSES] = {
CASW_Hud_Master::CASW_Hud_Master( const char *pElementName ) :
CASW_HudElement( pElementName ), BaseClass( NULL, "ASW_Hud_Master" )
SetParent( GetClientMode()->GetViewport() );
SetScheme( vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFile( "resource/SwarmSchemeNew.res", "SwarmSchemeNew" ) );
ADD_HUD_SHEET( Sheet1, "vgui/hud/sheet1/sheet1" );
ADD_HUD_SHEET( Sheet_Stencil, "vgui/hud/sheet_stencil/sheet_stencil" );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudSheets.Count(); i++ )
*( m_HudSheets[i].m_pSheetID ) = -1;
m_pLocalMarine = NULL;
m_hLocalMarine = NULL;
m_pLocalMarineResource = NULL;
m_pLocalMarineProfile = NULL;
m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon = NULL;
m_flLastReloadProgress = 0;
m_flLastNextAttack = 0;
m_flLastFastReloadStart = 0;
m_flLastFastReloadEnd = 0;
m_flLastHealthChangeTime = 0.0f;
m_flCurHealthPercent = 1.0f;
m_flPrevHealthPercent = 1.0f;
m_bFading = false;
void CASW_Hud_Master::Init()
HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CASW_Hud_Master, ASWOrderStopItemFX );
HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CASW_Hud_Master, ASWInvalidDesination );
void CASW_Hud_Master::VidInit()
for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudSheets.Count(); i++ )
if ( *( m_HudSheets[i].m_pSheetID ) == -1 )
*( m_HudSheets[i].m_pSheetID ) = surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( *( m_HudSheets[i].m_pSheetID ), m_HudSheets[i].m_pszTextureFile, true, false );
// pull out UV coords for this sheet
ITexture *pTexture = materials->FindTexture( m_HudSheets[i].m_pszTextureFile, TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI );
if ( pTexture )
m_HudSheets[i].m_pSize->x = pTexture->GetActualWidth();
m_HudSheets[i].m_pSize->y = pTexture->GetActualHeight();
size_t numBytes;
void const *pSheet = pTexture->GetResourceData( VTF_RSRC_SHEET, &numBytes );
if ( pSheet )
CUtlBuffer bufLoad( pSheet, numBytes, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
CSheet *pSheet = new CSheet( bufLoad );
for ( int k = 0; k < pSheet->m_SheetInfo.Count(); k++ )
if ( k >= m_HudSheets[i].m_nNumSubTextures )
SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t &Coords = pSheet->m_SheetInfo[ k ].m_pSamples->m_TextureCoordData[ 0 ];
m_HudSheets[i].m_pTextureData[ k ].u = Coords.m_fLeft_U0;
m_HudSheets[i].m_pTextureData[ k ].v = Coords.m_fTop_V0;
m_HudSheets[i].m_pTextureData[ k ].s = Coords.m_fRight_U0;
m_HudSheets[i].m_pTextureData[ k ].t = Coords.m_fBottom_V0;
Warning( "Error finding VTF_RSRC_SHEET for %s\n", m_HudSheets[i].m_pszTextureFile );
Warning( "Error finding %s\n", m_HudSheets[i].m_pszTextureFile );
m_LocalMarineVideo.SetLoopVideo( ASW_VIDEO_FACE_HEALTHY, 1, 0.3f );
m_nLocalMarineVideoTextureID = surface()->CreateNewTextureID( true );
g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawSetTextureMaterial( m_nLocalMarineVideoTextureID, m_LocalMarineVideo.GetMaterial() );
void CASW_Hud_Master::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( scheme );
void CASW_Hud_Master::UpdatePortraitVideo()
if ( m_pLocalMarineResource )
// TODO: Play an infested video
// if ( m_pLocalMarineResource->IsInfested() )
// {
// m_LocalMarineVideo.SetLoopVideo( "test_infested" );
// }
// else
bool bHealthChanged = ( m_nLastLocalMarineHealth != m_nLocalMarineHealth );
if ( bHealthChanged )
if ( m_nLocalMarineHealth < m_nLastLocalMarineHealth ) // marine has taken damage
// TODO: Do we need to add a timer so we don't restart this too often?
float flHealthPercent = m_pLocalMarineResource->GetHealthPercent();
if ( flHealthPercent < 0.5f )
m_LocalMarineVideo.SetLoopVideo( ASW_VIDEO_FACE_NEEDHEALTH );
m_LocalMarineVideo.SetLoopVideo( ASW_VIDEO_FACE_HEALTHY, 1, 0.3f );
m_nLastLocalMarineHealth = m_nLocalMarineHealth;
void CASW_Hud_Master::OnThink()
C_ASW_Player *pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer || !ASWGameResource() || !ASWEquipmentList() )
// gather squad mate data
int nMaxResources = ASWGameResource() ? ASWGameResource()->GetMaxMarineResources() : 0;
int nPosition = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nMaxResources && nPosition < MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS; i++ )
C_ASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = ASWGameResource()->GetMarineResource( i );
if ( pMR && !( pMR->IsLocal() && pMR->IsInhabited() ) )
CASW_Marine_Profile *pProfile = pMR->GetProfile();
C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = pMR->GetMarineEntity();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].hMarine = pMarine;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].bPositionActive = true;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].MarineClass = pProfile->GetMarineClass();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClassIcon = GetClassIcon( pMR );
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flHealthFraction = pMR->GetHealthPercent();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flInfestation = pMR->GetInfestedPercent();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].bInhabited = pMR->IsInhabited();
pMR->GetDisplayName( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].wszMarineName, sizeof( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].wszMarineName ) );
if ( pMarine )
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon = pMarine->GetActiveASWWeapon();
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon )
int nTotalBullets = pMarine->GetAmmoCount( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );
int nMaxClip = m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon->GetMaxClip1();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClips = nTotalBullets / nMaxClip; // TODO: Ammo bag?
int nAmmoIndex = m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType();
int nGuns = pMarine->GetNumberOfWeaponsUsingAmmo( nAmmoIndex );
int nMaxBullets = GetAmmoDef()->MaxCarry( nAmmoIndex, pMarine ) * nGuns;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nMaxClips = nMaxBullets / nMaxClip;
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon->DisplayClipsDoubled() )
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClips *= 2;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nMaxClips *= 2;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flAmmoFraction = pMR->GetAmmoPercent();
//Msg( "Setting squadmate %d ammo to %f. clip1 is %d max is %d\n", nPosition, pMR->GetAmmoPercent(),
//m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon->Clip1(), m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() );
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClips = 0;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nMaxClips = 0;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flAmmoFraction = 0;
//Msg( "Setting squadmate %d ammo to zero 1\n", nPosition );
// Search primary and secondary slots for a usable item first
C_ASW_Weapon *( pExtraItem[ 2 ] ) = { NULL, NULL };
int nInventoryIndex[ 2 ];
int nItemCount = 0;
for ( int k = 0; k < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS && nItemCount < 2; k++ )
C_ASW_Weapon *pWeapon = pMarine->GetASWWeapon( k );
if ( !pWeapon )
const CASW_WeaponInfo* pInfo = pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo();
if ( !pInfo || !( pInfo->m_bOffhandActivate || ( pInfo->m_bHUDPlayerActivate && pMR->IsInhabited() ) ) )
pExtraItem[ nItemCount ] = pWeapon;
nInventoryIndex[ nItemCount ] = k;
bool bWalking = ( pPlayer->GetMarine() && pPlayer->GetMarine()->m_bWalking );
if ( bWalking )
int poop = 1;
poop = 2;
int nItemSelect = bWalking ? 1 : 0;
int nItemShift = nItemSelect == 0 ? 1 : 0;
if ( pExtraItem[ nItemSelect ] )
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfo = pExtraItem[ nItemSelect ]->GetWeaponInfo();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nExtraItemInventoryIndex = nInventoryIndex[ nItemSelect ];
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nEquipmentListIndex = pExtraItem[ nItemSelect ]->GetEquipmentListIndex();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nExtraItemQuantity = pExtraItem[ nItemSelect ]->Clip1();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfo = NULL;
if ( pExtraItem[ nItemShift ] )
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfoShift = pExtraItem[ nItemShift ]->GetWeaponInfo();
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfoShift = NULL;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfo = NULL;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfoShift = NULL;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon = NULL;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClips = 0;
m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flAmmoFraction = 0;
//Msg( "Setting squadmate %d ammo to zero 2\n", nPosition );
for ( int i = nPosition; i < MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS; i++ )
m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].bPositionActive = false;
// loops through to see if we have effects that are flagged to die after a certain time
HotbarOrderEffectsList_t::IndexLocalType_t f = m_hHotbarOrderEffects.Head();
while ( m_hHotbarOrderEffects.IsValidIndex( f ) )
// advance before deleting the pointer out from under us
const HotbarOrderEffectsList_t::IndexLocalType_t oldf = f;
f = m_hHotbarOrderEffects.Next( f );
if ( m_hHotbarOrderEffects[oldf].flRemoveAtTime > 0 && m_hHotbarOrderEffects[oldf].flRemoveAtTime < gpGlobals->curtime )
int iMarine = m_hHotbarOrderEffects[oldf].iEffectID;
C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = dynamic_cast<C_ASW_Marine*>(ClientEntityList().GetEnt(iMarine)); // turn iMarine ent index into the marine
if ( !pMarine )
StopItemFX( pMarine, -1 );
void CASW_Hud_Master::Paint( void )
C_ASW_Player *pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
// gather data for local player
m_pLocalMarine = C_ASW_Marine::GetLocalMarine(); // only valid inside OnThink and Paint
m_hLocalMarine = m_pLocalMarine; // take a handle copy for things like the CLocatorPanel which want to find this outside of our Paint
m_pLocalMarineResource = m_pLocalMarine ? m_pLocalMarine->GetMarineResource() : ASWGameResource()->GetFirstMarineResourceForPlayer( pPlayer );
m_pLocalMarineProfile = m_pLocalMarineResource ? m_pLocalMarineResource->GetProfile() : NULL;
m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon = m_pLocalMarine ? m_pLocalMarine->GetActiveASWWeapon() : NULL;
if ( m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon )
// clips
int nTotalBullets = m_pLocalMarine->GetAmmoCount( m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );
int nMaxClip = m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->GetMaxClip1();
m_nLocalMarineClips = nMaxClip == 0 ? 1 : nTotalBullets / nMaxClip; // TODO: Ammo bag?
int nAmmoIndex = m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType();
int nGuns = m_pLocalMarine->GetNumberOfWeaponsUsingAmmo( nAmmoIndex );
int nMaxBullets = GetAmmoDef()->MaxCarry( nAmmoIndex, m_pLocalMarine ) * nGuns;
m_nLocalMarineMaxClips = nMaxClip == 0 ? 1 : nMaxBullets / nMaxClip;
if ( m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->DisplayClipsDoubled() )
m_nLocalMarineClips *= 2;
m_nLocalMarineBullets = m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->Clip1();
m_nLocalMarineGrenades = m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->Clip2();
m_nLocalMarineGrenades = MIN( m_nLocalMarineGrenades, 9 );
m_nLocalMarineClips = 0;
m_nLocalMarineMaxClips = 0;
if ( m_pLocalMarine )
m_nLocalMarineHealth = m_pLocalMarine->GetHealth();
m_nLocalMarineHealth = 0;
if ( m_pLocalMarineResource )
C_ASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = m_pLocalMarineResource;
float flTimeToFade = 2.0f;
float flHealthPercent = pMR->GetHealthPercent();
m_flMainProgress = 0.0f;
m_flDelayProgress = 0.0f;
float flAlphaDelay = 225.0f;
m_colorMain = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
m_colorBG = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
m_colorDelay = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
// the Delay bar is fading or animating
if ( (m_flLastHealthChangeTime + flTimeToFade) >= gpGlobals->curtime && m_bFading )
if ( m_flCurHealthPercent < m_flPrevHealthPercent )
float flAlpha = 225.0f;
flAlpha *= clamp( ((m_flLastHealthChangeTime+flTimeToFade) - gpGlobals->curtime)/flTimeToFade, 0.0f, 225.0f );
flAlphaDelay = flAlpha;
m_flMainProgress = flHealthPercent;
m_flDelayProgress = m_flPrevHealthPercent;
float flCurProg = m_flPrevHealthPercent;
flCurProg = Approach( m_flCurHealthPercent, flCurProg, (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flLastHealthChangeTime) * (m_flCurHealthPercent - m_flPrevHealthPercent) / 20.0f );
m_flMainProgress = flCurProg;
m_flPrevHealthPercent = flCurProg;
m_flDelayProgress = m_flCurHealthPercent;
flAlphaDelay *= clamp( ((m_flLastHealthChangeTime+flTimeToFade) - gpGlobals->curtime)/flTimeToFade, 0.0f, 225.0f );
if ( flCurProg >= m_flDelayProgress - 0.01f )
m_bFading = false;
m_bFading = false;
m_flPrevHealthPercent = m_flCurHealthPercent;
flAlphaDelay = 0;
m_flMainProgress = flHealthPercent;
if ( flHealthPercent < m_flCurHealthPercent )
m_flPrevHealthPercent = m_flCurHealthPercent;
m_flCurHealthPercent = flHealthPercent;
m_flLastHealthChangeTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_flDelayProgress = m_flPrevHealthPercent;
m_flMainProgress = m_flCurHealthPercent;
m_bFading = true;
else if ( flHealthPercent > m_flCurHealthPercent )
m_flPrevHealthPercent = m_flCurHealthPercent;
m_flCurHealthPercent = flHealthPercent;
m_flLastHealthChangeTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_flDelayProgress = m_flCurHealthPercent;
m_flMainProgress = m_flPrevHealthPercent;
m_bFading = true;
// if ( m_bFading && m_flCurHealthPercent > m_flPrevHealthPercent )
// m_colorDelay = Color( 255, 240, 240, flAlphaDelay );
// else if( m_bFading && m_flCurHealthPercent < m_flPrevHealthPercent )
// m_colorDelay = Color( 255, 160, 32, flAlphaDelay );
m_colorDelay = Color( 255, 255, 255, flAlphaDelay );
if ( flHealthPercent < 0.6 )
// pulse BG?
float flSinePeriod = 2.0f;
float flValue = ( sin( 2.0f * M_PI * gpGlobals->curtime / flSinePeriod ) * 0.5f ) + 0.5f;
m_colorBG = Color( 255, 155.0f + 100.0f * flValue, 155.0f + 100.0f * flValue, 255);
if ( flHealthPercent < 0.33 )
float flSinePeriod = 1.0f;
float flValue = ( sin( 2.0f * M_PI * gpGlobals->curtime / flSinePeriod ) * 0.5f ) + 0.5f;
m_colorBG = Color( 255, 155.0f + 100.0f * flValue, 155.0f + 100.0f * flValue, 255);
// calculate some positions
int nCurrentMarine = 0;
if ( pPlayer && ASWGameResource() )
for ( int i = 0; i < ASWGameResource()->GetMaxMarineResources(); i++ )
C_ASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = ASWGameResource()->GetMarineResource( i );
if ( pMR && pMR->GetCommander() == pPlayer )
if ( pMR->IsInhabited() )
// shift along depending on which marine we are
int cursor_x = YRES( 18 );
int nSquadMate = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if ( i == nCurrentMarine )
m_nMarinePortrait_x = cursor_x;
cursor_x += m_nSquadMates_x;
else if ( nSquadMate < MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS )
m_SquadMateInfo[ nSquadMate ].xpos = cursor_x;
cursor_x += m_nSquadMates_spacing;
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x = m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_x;
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x2 = m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w;
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y = m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_y;
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y2 = m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t;
m_nMarinePortrait_bar_x = m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x2;
m_nMarinePortrait_bar_x2 = m_nMarinePortrait_bar_x + m_nMarinePortrait_bar_bg_w;
m_nMarinePortrait_bar_y = m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f;
m_nMarinePortrait_bar_y2 = m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y2;
if ( m_pLocalMarineProfile && m_pLocalMarineResource )
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS; i++ )
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].bPositionActive )
PaintSquadMemberStatus( i );
// paint text
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS; i++ )
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].bPositionActive )
PaintSquadMemberText( i );
bool CASW_Hud_Master::LookupElementBounds( const char *elementName, int &x, int &y, int &wide, int &tall )
if ( !elementName || !m_hLocalMarine.Get() )
return false;
if ( V_strcmp( elementName, "weapon1" ) == 0 )
Assert( ASWEquipmentList() );
CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = m_hLocalMarine->GetASWWeapon( ASW_INVENTORY_SLOT_SECONDARY );
if ( pWeapon )
const CASW_WeaponInfo *pInfo = pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo();
x = YRES( pInfo->m_iHUDIconOffsetX ) + m_nSecondaryWeapon_x;
y = YRES( pInfo->m_iHUDIconOffsetY ) + m_nSecondaryWeapon_y;
wide = m_nWeapon_w;
tall = m_nWeapon_t;
else if ( V_strcmp( elementName, "squadpanel0" ) == 0 )
Assert( ASWEquipmentList() );
CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = m_hLocalMarine->GetASWWeapon( ASW_INVENTORY_SLOT_EXTRA );
if ( pWeapon )
x = m_nExtraItem_x + m_nMarinePortrait_x;
y = m_nExtraItem_y + m_nMarinePortrait_y;
wide = m_nWeapon_w;
tall = m_nWeapon_t;
else if ( StringHasPrefix( elementName, "squadpanel" ) )
int nPanel = atoi( elementName + 10 ) - 1;
if ( nPanel < 0 && nPanel >= MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS )
return false;
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPanel ].hMarine.Get() == NULL )
return false;
CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = m_SquadMateInfo[ nPanel ].hMarine->GetASWWeapon( ASW_INVENTORY_SLOT_EXTRA );
if ( !pWeapon )
return false;
if ( pWeapon )
x = m_SquadMateInfo[ nPanel ].xpos;
y = m_nSquadMates_y;
x += m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_x;
y += m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_y;
wide = m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_w;
tall = m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_t;
else if ( V_strcmp( elementName, "altammo" ) == 0 )
x = m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_x;
y = m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_y;
wide = m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_w;
tall = m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_t;
return false;
return true;
int CASW_Hud_Master::GetClassIcon( C_ASW_Marine_Resource *pMR )
int nUV = UV_NCOClassIcon;
if ( pMR->GetHealthPercent() <= 0.0f )
nUV = UV_DeadIcon;
else if ( pMR->IsInfested() )
nUV = UV_InfestedIcon;
switch ( pMR->GetProfile()->GetMarineClass() )
case MARINE_CLASS_SPECIAL_WEAPONS: nUV = UV_SpecialWeaponsClassIcon; break;
case MARINE_CLASS_MEDIC: nUV = UV_MedicClassIcon; break;
case MARINE_CLASS_TECH: nUV = UV_TechClassIcon; break;
return nUV;
void CASW_Hud_Master::PaintLocalMarinePortrait()
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nSheet1ID );
// backgrounds
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, asw_hud_alpha.GetInt() );
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x, m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y, m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x2, m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y2,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, UV_marine_portrait_BG_circle )
float flSheet1HalfPixel_x = 1.0f / m_vecSheet1Size.x;
float flSheet1HalfPixel_y = 1.0f / m_vecSheet1Size.y;
vgui::Vertex_t portrait_bar_points[4] =
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(m_nMarinePortrait_bar_x, m_nMarinePortrait_bar_y), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_marine_portrait_square ].u + flSheet1HalfPixel_x, m_Sheet1[ UV_marine_portrait_square ].v + flSheet1HalfPixel_y) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(m_nMarinePortrait_bar_x2, m_nMarinePortrait_bar_y), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_marine_portrait_square ].s - flSheet1HalfPixel_x, m_Sheet1[ UV_marine_portrait_square ].v + flSheet1HalfPixel_y) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(m_nMarinePortrait_bar_x2, m_nMarinePortrait_bar_y2), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_marine_portrait_square ].s - flSheet1HalfPixel_x, m_Sheet1[ UV_marine_portrait_square ].t - flSheet1HalfPixel_y) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(m_nMarinePortrait_bar_x, m_nMarinePortrait_bar_y2), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_marine_portrait_square ].u + flSheet1HalfPixel_x, m_Sheet1[ UV_marine_portrait_square ].t - flSheet1HalfPixel_y) )
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, portrait_bar_points );
// need to material switch to draw the video here
//g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawSetTextureMaterial( m_nLocalMarineVideoTextureID, m_LocalMarineVideo.GetMaterial() );
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_pLocalMarineProfile->m_nPortraitTextureID );
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const int NUM_CIRCLE_POINTS = 32;
vgui::Vertex_t portrait_points[ NUM_CIRCLE_POINTS ];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_CIRCLE_POINTS; i++ )
float flAngle = 2.0f * M_PI * i / NUM_CIRCLE_POINTS;
portrait_points[i].m_Position.x = m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_face_x + cos( flAngle ) * m_nMarinePortrait_face_radius;
portrait_points[i].m_Position.y = m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_face_y + sin( flAngle ) * m_nMarinePortrait_face_radius;
portrait_points[i].m_TexCoord.x = 0.5f + cos( flAngle ) * 0.5f;
portrait_points[i].m_TexCoord.y = 0.5f + sin( flAngle ) * 0.5f;
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( NUM_CIRCLE_POINTS, portrait_points );
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nSheet1ID );
// health bar background
surface()->DrawSetColor( m_colorBG );
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x, m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y, m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x2, m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y2,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, UV_marine_health_circle_BG )
float flHealthFraction = m_pLocalMarineResource->GetHealthPercent();
// draw recent damage
surface()->DrawSetColor( m_colorDelay );
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f,
0.75f * ( m_flMainProgress ), 0.75f * ( m_flDelayProgress ), true, 180, -180,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, UV_marine_health_circle_FG_subtract ) );
// draw infestation
if ( m_pLocalMarineResource->IsInfested() )
float flInfestation = m_pLocalMarineResource->GetInfestedPercent();
flInfestation = clamp<float>( flInfestation, 0.0f, flHealthFraction );
surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f,
flInfestation * 0.75f, ( flHealthFraction * 0.75f ), true, 180, -180,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, UV_marine_health_circle_FG_infested ) );
// draw uninfested health bar
float flUninfestedHealth = flHealthFraction - flInfestation;
if ( flUninfestedHealth > 0.0f )
surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f,
0, flUninfestedHealth * 0.75f, true, 180, -180,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, UV_marine_health_circle_FG ) );
// draw health bar
surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_x + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_y + m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_w * 0.5f,
m_nMarinePortrait_circle_bg_t * 0.5f,
0, flHealthFraction * 0.75f, true, 180, -180,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, UV_marine_health_circle_FG ) );
// class icon/special status
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_class_icon_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_class_icon_y,
m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_class_icon_x + m_nMarinePortrait_class_icon_w,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_class_icon_y + m_nMarinePortrait_class_icon_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, GetClassIcon( m_pLocalMarineResource ) )
if ( m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon )
const CASW_WeaponInfo *pInfo = m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->GetWeaponInfo();
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nSheet_StencilID );
if ( pInfo->m_iShowBulletsOnHUD )
m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_bullets_icon_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_bullets_icon_y,
m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_bullets_icon_x + m_nMarinePortrait_bullets_icon_w,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_bullets_icon_y + m_nMarinePortrait_bullets_icon_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet_Stencil, UV_hud_ammo_bullets )
if ( pInfo->m_iShowGrenadesOnHUD )
m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_y,
m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_x + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_w,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_y + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_icon_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet_Stencil, UV_hud_ammo_grenade )
if ( pInfo->m_iShowClipsOnHUD )
if ( m_nLocalMarineClips > 5 )
// just draw one clip icon, the quantity will be drawn as text
m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_y,
m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_x + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_w,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet_Stencil, UV_hud_ammo_clip_full )
// draw up to 5 clip icons, filling them in if the player has that many clips
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
int x = m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_x + m_nMarinePortrait_spacing * i;
if ( m_nLocalMarineClips > i )
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_y,
x + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_w,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet_Stencil, UV_hud_ammo_clip_full )
else if ( m_nLocalMarineMaxClips > i )
surface()->DrawSetColor( 128, 128, 128, 255 );
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_y,
x + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_w,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet_Stencil, UV_hud_ammo_clip_empty )
void CASW_Hud_Master::PaintSquadMemberStatus( int nPosition )
int x = m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition].xpos; //m_nSquadMates_x + nPosition * m_nSquadMates_spacing;
int y = m_nSquadMates_y;
// background
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, asw_hud_alpha.GetInt() );
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nSheet1ID );
x + m_nSquadMate_bg_x, y + m_nSquadMate_bg_y,
x + m_nSquadMate_bg_x + m_nSquadMate_bg_w, y + m_nSquadMate_bg_y + m_nSquadMate_bg_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, UV_team_portrait_BG )
// class icon/special status
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
x + m_nSquadMate_class_icon_x,
y + m_nSquadMate_class_icon_y,
x + m_nSquadMate_class_icon_x + m_nSquadMate_class_icon_w,
y + m_nSquadMate_class_icon_y + m_nSquadMate_class_icon_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet1, m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClassIcon )
// TODO: show infested progress
// TODO: Flash health bar when they get hit
float health_x = x + m_nSquadMate_health_x;
float health_y = y + m_nSquadMate_health_y;
float health_x2 = x + m_nSquadMate_health_x + m_nSquadMate_health_w;
float health_x2_progress = x + m_nSquadMate_health_x + m_nSquadMate_health_w * m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flHealthFraction;
float health_y2 = y + m_nSquadMate_health_y + m_nSquadMate_health_t;
vgui::Vertex_t health_bg_points[4] =
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x, health_y), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_BG ].u, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_BG ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x2, health_y), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_BG ].s, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_BG ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x2, health_y2), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_BG ].s, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_BG ].t) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x, health_y2), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_BG ].u, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_BG ].t) )
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, health_bg_points );
float flHealth_UV_x2 = m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].u + (m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].s - m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].u ) * m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flHealthFraction;
vgui::Vertex_t health_fg_points[4] =
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x, health_y), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].u, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x2_progress, health_y), Vector2D(flHealth_UV_x2, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x2_progress, health_y2),Vector2D(flHealth_UV_x2, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].t) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x, health_y2), Vector2D(m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].u, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG ].t) )
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, health_fg_points );
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flInfestation > 0.0f )
float flInfestStart = m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flHealthFraction - m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flInfestation;
flInfestStart = clamp<float>( flInfestStart, 0.0f, m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flHealthFraction );
float infest_start_x = x + m_nSquadMate_health_x + m_nSquadMate_health_w * flInfestStart;
float infest_start_UV_x = m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].u + (m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].s - m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].u ) * flInfestStart;
float infest_end_UV_x = m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].u + (m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].s - m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].u ) * m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flHealthFraction;
vgui::Vertex_t infest_fg_points[4] =
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(infest_start_x, health_y), Vector2D(infest_start_UV_x, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x2_progress, health_y), Vector2D(infest_end_UV_x, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(health_x2_progress, health_y2),Vector2D(infest_end_UV_x, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].t) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(infest_start_x, health_y2), Vector2D(infest_start_UV_x, m_Sheet1[ UV_team_health_bar_FG_infested ].t) )
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, infest_fg_points );
C_ASW_Weapon *pWeapon = m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pWeapon;
if ( pWeapon )
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nSheet_StencilID );
surface()->DrawSetColor( m_SquadMate_bullets_bg_color );
float bullets_x = x + m_nSquadMate_bullets_x;
float bullets_y = y + m_nSquadMate_bullets_y;
float bullets_x2 = x + m_nSquadMate_bullets_x + m_nSquadMate_bullets_w;
float bullets_x2_progress = x + m_nSquadMate_bullets_x + m_nSquadMate_bullets_w * m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flAmmoFraction;
float bullets_y2 = y + m_nSquadMate_bullets_y + m_nSquadMate_bullets_t;
vgui::Vertex_t bullets_bg_points[4] =
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(bullets_x, bullets_y), Vector2D(m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].u, m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(bullets_x2, bullets_y), Vector2D(m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].s, m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(bullets_x2, bullets_y2), Vector2D(m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].s, m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].t) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(bullets_x, bullets_y2), Vector2D(m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].u, m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].t) )
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, bullets_bg_points );
surface()->DrawSetColor( m_SquadMate_bullets_fg_color );
// TODO: Flash this after they fire
float flUV_x2 = m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].u + (m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].s - m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].u ) * m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flAmmoFraction;
vgui::Vertex_t bullets_points[4] =
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(bullets_x, bullets_y), Vector2D(m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].u, m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(bullets_x2_progress, bullets_y), Vector2D(flUV_x2, m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].v) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(bullets_x2_progress, bullets_y2), Vector2D(flUV_x2, m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].t) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(bullets_x, bullets_y2), Vector2D(m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].u, m_Sheet_Stencil[ UV_team_ammo_bar ].t) )
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, bullets_points );
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClips > 5 )
// just draw one clip icon, the quantity will be drawn as text
surface()->DrawSetColor( m_SquadMate_clips_full_color );
x + m_nSquadMate_clips_x,
y + m_nSquadMate_clips_y,
x + m_nSquadMate_clips_x + m_nSquadMate_clips_w,
y + m_nSquadMate_clips_y + m_nSquadMate_clips_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet_Stencil, UV_hud_ammo_clip_full )
// draw up to 5 clip icons, filling them in if the player has that many clips
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
int clip_x = x + m_nSquadMate_clips_x + m_nSquadMate_clips_spacing * i;
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClips > i )
surface()->DrawSetColor( m_SquadMate_clips_full_color );
y + m_nSquadMate_clips_y,
clip_x + m_nSquadMate_clips_w,
y + m_nSquadMate_clips_y + m_nSquadMate_clips_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet_Stencil, UV_hud_ammo_clip_full )
else if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nMaxClips > i )
surface()->DrawSetColor( m_SquadMate_clips_empty_color );
y + m_nSquadMate_clips_y,
clip_x + m_nSquadMate_clips_w,
y + m_nSquadMate_clips_y + m_nSquadMate_clips_t,
HUD_UV_COORDS( Sheet_Stencil, UV_hud_ammo_clip_empty )
void CASW_Hud_Master::PaintLocalMarineInventory()
Assert( ASWEquipmentList() );
if ( !m_pLocalMarine )
CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = m_pLocalMarine->GetASWWeapon( i );
if ( pWeapon )
const CASW_WeaponInfo *pInfo = pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo();
if ( pWeapon == m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon )
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
surface()->DrawSetColor( 66, 142, 192, 255 ); // light blue
surface()->DrawSetTexture( ASWEquipmentList()->GetEquipIconTexture( !pInfo->m_bExtra, pWeapon->GetEquipmentListIndex() ) );
int x = YRES( pInfo->m_iHUDIconOffsetX );
int y = YRES( pInfo->m_iHUDIconOffsetY );
int w = m_nWeapon_w;
int t = m_nWeapon_t;
switch( i )
x += m_nPrimaryWeapon_x;
y += m_nPrimaryWeapon_y;
x += m_nSecondaryWeapon_x;
y += m_nSecondaryWeapon_y;
x = m_nExtraItem_x + m_nMarinePortrait_x;
y = m_nExtraItem_y + m_nMarinePortrait_y;
w = m_nExtraItem_w;
t = m_nExtraItem_t;
// darken icon if we can't use the item right now
if ( pInfo->m_bShowBatteryCharge && pWeapon->GetBatteryCharge() < pWeapon->GetMinBatteryChargeToActivate() )
surface()->DrawSetColor( 33, 71, 96, 192 );
surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x, y, x + w, y + t );
if ( pInfo->m_bShowBatteryCharge )
x += m_nExtraItem_battery_x;
y += m_nExtraItem_battery_y;
w = m_nExtraItem_battery_w;
t = m_nExtraItem_battery_t;
float flCharge = pWeapon->GetBatteryCharge();
surface()->DrawOutlinedRect( x, y, x + w, y + t );
// inset by 2 pixels
x += 2;
y += 2;
w = ( w - 4 ) * flCharge;
t -= 4;
surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + w, y + t );
// TODO: Powered up
// TODO: Weapon swaps
void CASW_Hud_Master::PaintSquadMatesInventory()
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS; i++ )
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].bPositionActive && m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfo )
int x = m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].xpos; //m_nSquadMates_x + i * m_nSquadMates_spacing;
int y = m_nSquadMates_y;
surface()->DrawSetColor( 66, 142, 192, 255 );
x += m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_x;// + YRES( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfo->m_iHUDIconOffsetX );
y += m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_y;// + YRES( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfo->m_iHUDIconOffsetY );
int w = m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_w;
int h = m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_t;
surface()->DrawSetTexture( ASWEquipmentList()->GetEquipIconTexture( !m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfo->m_bExtra, m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].nEquipmentListIndex ) );
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfo->m_bZoomHotbarIcon )
vgui::Vertex_t zoomed_hotbar_icon_points[4] =
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(x, y), Vector2D( 0.3f, 0.1f ) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(x + w, y), Vector2D( 0.7f, 0.1f ) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(x + w, y + h), Vector2D( 0.7f, 0.9f ) ),
vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(x, y + h), Vector2D( 0.3f, 0.9f ) )
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, zoomed_hotbar_icon_points );
if ( !m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfo->m_bExtra )
x -= w * 0.5f;
w *= 2;
w *= 0.7f;
h *= 0.7f;
x += w * 0.2f;
y += w * 0.1f;
surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x, y, x + w, y + h );
// TODO: Powered up
// TODO: Weapon swaps
void CASW_Hud_Master::PaintFastReload()
if ( !m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon || !m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->IsReloading() )
// calc fast reload amounts
C_ASW_Weapon *pWeapon = m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon;
float flBGAlpha = 255.0f;
Color colorBG = Color( 32, 32, 32, flBGAlpha );
Color colorWindow = Color( 170, 170, 170, 255 );
Color colorBar = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
float flAlphaFade = 1.0f;
bool bFailure = pWeapon->m_bFastReloadFailure;
bool bSuccess = pWeapon->m_bFastReloadSuccess;
float fStart = pWeapon->m_fReloadStart;
if ( !bFailure && !bSuccess )
m_flLastNextAttack = pWeapon->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
float fTotalTime = m_flLastNextAttack - fStart;
if (fTotalTime <= 0)
fTotalTime = 0.1f;
float flProgress = 0.0f;
// if we're in single player, the progress code in the weapon doesn't run on the client because we aren't predicting
if ( !cl_predict->GetInt() )
flProgress = (gpGlobals->curtime - fStart) / fTotalTime;
flProgress = pWeapon->m_fReloadProgress;
flProgress = MIN( flProgress, 1.0f );
if ( !bFailure && !bSuccess )
m_flLastReloadProgress = flProgress;
m_flLastFastReloadStart = ((pWeapon->m_fFastReloadStart - fStart) / fTotalTime)+0.015f;
m_flLastFastReloadEnd = ((pWeapon->m_fFastReloadEnd - fStart) / fTotalTime)-0.015f;
//Msg( "C: %f - %f - %f Reload Progress = %f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, fFastStart, fFastEnd, flProgress );
if ( bFailure )
flBGAlpha = 255.0f;
if ( flProgress > 0.75f )
flAlphaFade = (1.0f - flProgress) / 0.25f;
colorBG = Color( 128, 32, 16, flBGAlpha * flAlphaFade );
colorWindow = Color( 200, 128, 128, 250 * flAlphaFade );
colorBar = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 * flAlphaFade );
else if ( bSuccess )
flAlphaFade = 1.0f - flProgress;
colorBG = Color( 170, 170, 170, flBGAlpha * flAlphaFade );
colorWindow = Color( 190, 220, 190, 255 * flAlphaFade );
colorBar = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 * flAlphaFade );
int alpha = flBGAlpha * flAlphaFade;
// for now, use the white texture
// draw outline
int x = m_nFastReload_x;
int y = m_nFastReload_y;
int x2 = m_nFastReload_x + m_nFastReload_w;
int y2 = m_nFastReload_y + m_nFastReload_t;
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, alpha );
surface()->DrawOutlinedRect( x - 1, y - 1, x2 + 1, y2 + 1 );
// draw background
surface()->DrawSetColor( colorBG );
surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x2, y2 );
// draw fast section
surface()->DrawSetColor( colorWindow );
surface()->DrawFilledRect( x + m_nFastReload_w * m_flLastFastReloadStart,
y + 2,
x + m_nFastReload_w * m_flLastFastReloadEnd,
y2 - 2 );
// draw progress
float flDrawProgress = MAX( m_flLastReloadProgress - 0.01f, 0 );
surface()->DrawSetColor( colorBar );
surface()->DrawFilledRect( x + m_nFastReload_w * flDrawProgress,
y + 1,
x + m_nFastReload_w * flDrawProgress + m_nFastReload_w * 0.01f,
y2 - 1 );
void CASW_Hud_Master::PaintText()
// local player portrait text:
if ( m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon && m_pLocalMarineResource )
const CASW_WeaponInfo *pInfo = m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->GetWeaponInfo();
// weapon name
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hDefaultSmallFont );
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_weapon_name_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_weapon_name_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( g_pVGuiLocalize->FindSafe( pInfo->szPrintName ) );
// > 5 clips
static wchar_t wszBullets[ 6 ];
if ( pInfo->m_iShowClipsOnHUD && m_nLocalMarineClips > 5 )
_snwprintf( wszBullets, sizeof( wszBullets ), L"x%d", m_nLocalMarineClips );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_x + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_w,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_clips_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( wszBullets );
// low ammo
if ( ( int( gpGlobals->curtime*4 ) % 2 ) == 0 )
bool bReloading = ( m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon && m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon->IsReloading() );
if ( !bReloading )
if ( m_pLocalMarineResource->GetAmmoPercent() <= 0 )
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( 200, 25, 25, 255 );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_low_ammo_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_low_ammo_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( g_pVGuiLocalize->FindSafe( "#asw_no_ammo" ) );
else if ( m_pLocalMarineResource->IsLowAmmo() )
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( 200, 25, 25, 255 );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_low_ammo_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_low_ammo_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( g_pVGuiLocalize->FindSafe( "#asw_low_ammo" ) );
// Bullet count also blinks the low ammo color if set above
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hDefaultLargeFont );
if ( pInfo->m_iShowBulletsOnHUD )
_snwprintf( wszBullets, sizeof( wszBullets ), L"%03d", m_nLocalMarineBullets );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_bullets_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_bullets_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( wszBullets );
// Back to white
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
if ( pInfo->m_iShowGrenadesOnHUD )
_snwprintf( wszBullets, sizeof( wszBullets ), L"%d", m_nLocalMarineGrenades );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( m_nMarinePortrait_x + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_x,
m_nMarinePortrait_y + m_nMarinePortrait_grenades_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( wszBullets );
CASW_Weapon *pExtraItem = m_pLocalMarine ? m_pLocalMarine->GetASWWeapon( ASW_INVENTORY_SLOT_EXTRA ) : NULL;
if ( pExtraItem )
int w, t;
// quantity for extra item
if ( pExtraItem->GetWeaponInfo() )
if ( pExtraItem->GetWeaponInfo()->m_bShowCharges )
wchar_t wszQuantity[ 12 ];
_snwprintf( wszQuantity, sizeof( wszQuantity ), L"x%d", pExtraItem->Clip1() );
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( m_SquadMate_ExtraItem_quantity_color );
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hDefaultSmallFont );
surface()->GetTextSize( m_hDefaultSmallFont, wszQuantity, w, t );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( m_nExtraItem_quantity_x + m_nMarinePortrait_x - w,
m_nExtraItem_quantity_y + m_nMarinePortrait_y - t );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( wszQuantity );
if ( pExtraItem->GetWeaponInfo()->m_bShowLocalPlayerHotkey )
// show hotkey for this marine's extra item
const char *pszKey = ASW_FindKeyBoundTo( "+grenade1" );
if ( pszKey )
wchar_t wszKey[ 12 ];
wchar_t *pwchKeyName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszKey );
if ( !pwchKeyName || !pwchKeyName[ 0 ] )
char szKey[ 12 ];
Q_snprintf( szKey, sizeof(szKey), "%s", pszKey );
Q_strupr( szKey );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszKey, wszKey, sizeof( wszKey ) );
pwchKeyName = wszKey;
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( m_SquadMate_ExtraItem_hotkey_color );
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hDefaultFont );
surface()->GetTextSize( m_hDefaultFont, pwchKeyName, w, t );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( m_nExtraItem_hotkey_x + m_nMarinePortrait_x - w,
m_nExtraItem_hotkey_y + m_nMarinePortrait_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( pwchKeyName );
// Charges for primary/secondary items
if ( !m_pLocalMarine )
CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = m_pLocalMarine->GetASWWeapon( i );
if ( pWeapon )
const CASW_WeaponInfo *pInfo = pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo();
if ( !pInfo->m_bShowCharges )
int x = m_nWeapon_w - YRES( 20 );
int y = m_nWeapon_t / 4;
switch( i )
x += m_nPrimaryWeapon_x;
y += m_nPrimaryWeapon_y;
x += m_nSecondaryWeapon_x;
y += m_nSecondaryWeapon_y;
int w, t;
wchar_t wszQuantity[ 12 ];
_snwprintf( wszQuantity, sizeof( wszQuantity ), L"x%d", pWeapon->Clip1() );
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( ( pWeapon == m_pLocalMarineActiveWeapon ) ? Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) : Color( 66, 142, 192, 255 ) );
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hDefaultSmallFont );
surface()->GetTextSize( m_hDefaultSmallFont, wszQuantity, w, t );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( wszQuantity );
void CASW_Hud_Master::PaintSquadMemberText( int nPosition )
int x = m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].xpos; //m_nSquadMates_x + nPosition * m_nSquadMates_spacing;
int y = m_nSquadMates_y;
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hDefaultSmallFont );
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flHealthFraction <= 0 )
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( m_SquadMate_name_dead_color );
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( m_SquadMate_name_color );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + m_nSquadMate_name_x,
y + m_nSquadMate_name_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].wszMarineName );
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].flHealthFraction <= 0 )
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClips > 5 )
static wchar_t wszBullets[ 6 ];
_snwprintf( wszBullets, sizeof( wszBullets ), L"x%d", m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nClips );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + m_nSquadMate_clips_x + m_nSquadMate_clips_w,
y + m_nSquadMate_clips_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( wszBullets );
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfo )
int w, t;
// quantity for extra item
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfo->m_bShowCharges )
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( m_SquadMate_ExtraItem_quantity_color );
wchar_t wszQuantity[ 12 ];
_snwprintf( wszQuantity, sizeof( wszQuantity ), L"x%d", m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].nExtraItemQuantity );
surface()->GetTextSize( m_hDefaultSmallFont, wszQuantity, w, t );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_quantity_x - w,
y + m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_quantity_y - t );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( wszQuantity );
if ( ASWGameResource()->IsOfflineGame() || m_SquadMateInfo[ nPosition ].pExtraItemInfo->m_bShowMultiplayerHotkey )
// show hotkey for this marine's extra item
char szBinding[ 128 ];
Q_snprintf( szBinding, sizeof( szBinding ), "asw_squad_hotbar %d", nPosition + 1 );
const char *pszKey = ASW_FindKeyBoundTo( szBinding );
char szKey[ 12 ];
Q_snprintf( szKey, sizeof(szKey), "%s", pszKey );
Q_strupr( szKey );
wchar_t wszKey[ 12 ];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszKey, wszKey, sizeof( wszKey ) );
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( m_SquadMate_ExtraItem_hotkey_color );
surface()->GetTextSize( m_hDefaultFont, wszKey, w, t );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_hotkey_x - w,
y + m_nSquadMate_ExtraItem_hotkey_y );
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( wszKey );
void CASW_Hud_Master::ActivateHotbarItem( int nSlot )
if ( nSlot < 0 || nSlot >= MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS )
if ( !m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].bPositionActive || !m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].hMarine.Get() )
if ( !m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].pExtraItemInfo || !(m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].pExtraItemInfo->m_bOffhandActivate || ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].bInhabited && m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].pExtraItemInfo->m_bHUDPlayerActivate ) ) )
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].hMarine->GetCommander() != C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer() )
// We don't own this guy, so let's do an appropriate emote!
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].pExtraItemInfo->m_iSquadEmote != -1 )
char buffer[ 64 ];
Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "cl_emote %d", m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].pExtraItemInfo->m_iSquadEmote );
engine->ClientCmd( buffer );
char buffer[ 64 ];
Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "cl_ai_offhand %d %d", m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].nExtraItemInventoryIndex, m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].hMarine->entindex() );
engine->ClientCmd( buffer );
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, -1 /*SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER*/, "ASWInterface.Button3" );
int CASW_Hud_Master::GetHotBarSlot( const char *szWeaponName )
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS; i++ )
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].bPositionActive && m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfo )
if ( V_strcmp( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfo->szClassName, szWeaponName ) == 0 )
return i;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADMATE_HUD_POSITIONS; i++ )
if ( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].bPositionActive && m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfoShift )
if ( V_strcmp( m_SquadMateInfo[ i ].pExtraItemInfoShift->szClassName, szWeaponName ) == 0 )
// Special value for SHIFT!
return 100 + i;
return -1;
bool CASW_Hud_Master::OwnsHotBarSlot( C_ASW_Player *pPlayer, int nSlot )
if ( nSlot >= 100 )
nSlot -= 100;
C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = m_SquadMateInfo[ nSlot ].hMarine;
if ( !pMarine )
return false;
return ( pMarine->GetCommander() == pPlayer );
void SquadHotbar( const CCommand &args )
C_ASW_Player *pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if (!pPlayer)
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 )
CASW_Hud_Master *pHUD = GET_HUDELEMENT( CASW_Hud_Master );
if ( !pHUD )
pHUD->ActivateHotbarItem( atoi( args[1] ) - 1 );
static ConCommand asw_squad_hotbar( "asw_squad_hotbar", SquadHotbar, "Activate a squad hotbar button", 0 );
void CASW_Hud_Master::StopItemFX( C_ASW_Marine *pMarine, float flDeleteTime, bool bFailed )
if ( !pMarine )
// loops through to see if we already have an order effect for this marine
HotbarOrderEffectsList_t::IndexLocalType_t f = m_hHotbarOrderEffects.Head();
while ( m_hHotbarOrderEffects.IsValidIndex( f ) )
// advance before deleting the pointer out from under us
const HotbarOrderEffectsList_t::IndexLocalType_t i = f;
f = m_hHotbarOrderEffects.Next( f );
if ( m_hHotbarOrderEffects[i].iEffectID == pMarine->entindex() && m_hHotbarOrderEffects[i].pEffect )
if ( bFailed )
m_hHotbarOrderEffects[i].flRemoveAtTime = MAX( flDeleteTime, 0.5f );
m_hHotbarOrderEffects[i].pEffect->SetControlPoint( 2, Vector( 0, 1, 0 ) );
if ( flDeleteTime > 0 )
m_hHotbarOrderEffects[i].flRemoveAtTime = flDeleteTime;
pMarine->ParticleProp()->StopEmission( m_hHotbarOrderEffects[i].pEffect );
m_hHotbarOrderEffects[i].pEffect = NULL;
// Purpose: Message handler for ASWOrderUseItemFX message
void CASW_Hud_Master::MsgFunc_ASWOrderUseItemFX( bf_read &msg )
int iMarine = msg.ReadShort();
C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = dynamic_cast<C_ASW_Marine*>(ClientEntityList().GetEnt(iMarine)); // turn iMarine ent index into the marine
if ( !pMarine )
int iOrderType = msg.ReadShort();
int iInventorySlot = msg.ReadShort();
Vector vecPosition;
vecPosition.x = msg.ReadFloat();
vecPosition.y = msg.ReadFloat();
vecPosition.z = msg.ReadFloat();
// loops through to see if we already have an order effect for this marine
StopItemFX( pMarine );
const char *pszClassName = NULL;
switch( iOrderType )
// check we have an item in that slot
CASW_Weapon* pWeapon = pMarine->GetASWWeapon( iInventorySlot );
if ( !pWeapon || !pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo() || !pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo()->m_bOffhandActivate )
pszClassName = pWeapon->GetClassname();
pszClassName = "hacking_icon"; // no weapon class associated with this
Assert( false ); // unspecified order type
CNewParticleEffect *pEffect = pMarine->ParticleProp()->Create( "order_use_item", PATTACH_ABSORIGIN );
if ( pEffect )
pMarine->ParticleProp()->AddControlPoint( pEffect, 1, pMarine, PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN );
pEffect->SetControlPoint( 1, vecPosition + Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_USE_ITEM_ORDER_CLASSES; i++ )
if ( pszUseItemOrderClasses[i] && !Q_strcmp ( pszUseItemOrderClasses[i] , pszClassName ) )
pEffect->SetControlPoint( 2, Vector( i, 0, 0 ) );
HotbarOrderEffectsList_t::IndexLocalType_t iIndex = m_hHotbarOrderEffects.AddToTail();
m_hHotbarOrderEffects[iIndex].iEffectID = iMarine;
m_hHotbarOrderEffects[iIndex].pEffect = pEffect;
void CASW_Hud_Master::MsgFunc_ASWOrderStopItemFX( bf_read &msg )
int iMarine = msg.ReadShort();
C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = dynamic_cast<C_ASW_Marine*>(ClientEntityList().GetEnt(iMarine)); // turn iMarine ent index into the marine
if ( !pMarine )
bool bShouldDelay = msg.ReadOneBit() ? true : false;
bool bFailed = msg.ReadOneBit() ? true : false;
// loops through to see if we already have an order effect for this marine
if ( bFailed )
StopItemFX( pMarine, gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f, true );
else if ( bShouldDelay )
StopItemFX( pMarine, gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f );
StopItemFX( pMarine );
// used by blink and assault jets when player tries to jump to a bad spot
void CASW_Hud_Master::MsgFunc_ASWInvalidDesination( bf_read &msg )
int iMarine = msg.ReadShort();
C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = dynamic_cast<C_ASW_Marine*>(ClientEntityList().GetEnt(iMarine)); // turn iMarine ent index into the marine
if ( !pMarine )
Vector vecPosition;
vecPosition.x = msg.ReadFloat();
vecPosition.y = msg.ReadFloat();
vecPosition.z = msg.ReadFloat();
CNewParticleEffect *pEffect = pMarine->ParticleProp()->Create( "invalid_destination", PATTACH_ABSORIGIN );
if ( pEffect )
pMarine->ParticleProp()->AddControlPoint( pEffect, 1, pMarine, PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN );
pEffect->SetControlPoint( 1, vecPosition );
pMarine->EmitSound( "ASW_Weapon.InvalidDestination" );
extern int g_asw_iPlayerListOpen;
bool CASW_Hud_Master::ShouldDraw()
if ( g_asw_iPlayerListOpen > 0 )
return false;
return CASW_HudElement::ShouldDraw();
const HudSheetTexture_t* CASW_Hud_Master::GetDeadIconUVs()
return &m_Sheet1[ UV_DeadIcon ];
int CASW_Hud_Master::GetDeadIconTextureID()
return m_nSheet1ID;
} |