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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "gamestats.h"
#include "tf_gamestats_shared.h"
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "econ_store.h"
#include "store/store_panel.h"
class CTFPlayer;
struct TF_Gamestats_ClientSession_t
TF_Gamestats_ClientSession_t( const TF_Gamestats_ClientSession_t &stats ) {}
void Reset();
struct SessionSummary_t
int iClassesPlayed;
int iMapsPlayed;
int iRoundsPlayed;
int iFavoriteClass;
int iFavoriteWeapon;
char szFavoriteMap[64];
int iKills;
int iDeaths;
int iSuicides;
int iAssists;
int iBuildingsBuilt;
int iBuildingsUpgraded;
int iBuildingsDestroyed;
int iHeadshots;
int iDominations;
int iRevenges;
int iInvulns;
int iTeleports;
int iDamageDone;
int iHealingDone;
int iCrits;
int iBackstabs;
int iAchievementsEarned;
SessionSummary_t m_Summary;
RTime32 m_SessionStart;
RTime32 m_FirstConnect;
int m_iMapsPlayed;
int m_iRoundsPlayed;
CBitVecT< CFixedBitVecBase<32> > m_ClassesPlayed;
struct TF_Gamestats_WeaponInfo_t
int weaponID;
int critsFired;
int shotsFired;
int shotsHit;
int shotsMissed;
int avgDamage;
int totalDamage;
int critHits;
float lastUpdateTime;
struct TF_Gamestats_AchievementEvent_t
TF_Gamestats_AchievementEvent_t( int in_achievementNum, const char* in_achievementID );
int eventTime;
int achievementNum;
const char* achievementID;
// Item event baseclass.
class TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent
TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item );
int eventNum;
int eventTime;
const char* eventID;
item_definition_index_t itemDefIndex;
itemid_t itemID;
const char* itemName;
char itemNameBuf[512];
bool bUseNameBuf;
const char* GetItemName()
if ( bUseNameBuf )
return itemNameBuf;
return itemName;
// Mann Co Catalog Usage Tracking
class TF_Gamestats_CatalogEvent : public TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent
TF_Gamestats_CatalogEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item, const char* in_filter );
const char* catalogFilter;
// Crafting System Usage Tracking
class TF_Gamestats_CraftingEvent : public TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent
TF_Gamestats_CraftingEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item, int in_numAttempts, int in_recipe );
int numAttempts;
int recipeFound;
// Store Usage Tracking
class TF_Gamestats_StoreEvent : public TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent
TF_Gamestats_StoreEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item,
const char* in_panelName, int in_classId, const cart_item_t* in_cartItem,
int in_checkoutAttempts, const char* in_storeError, int in_totalPrice, int in_currencyCode );
int classId;
int cartQuantity;
int cartItemCost;
int currencyCode;
int checkoutAttempt;
const char* storeError;
const char* panelName;
// General client-subjective item transaction tracking.
class TF_Gamestats_ItemTransactionEvent : public TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent
TF_Gamestats_ItemTransactionEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item, const char* in_reason, int in_quality );
const char* reason;
int itemQuality;
// Trade Usage Tracking
class TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent : public TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent
TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent( int eventID, CEconItemView* item, bool localPlayerIsPartyA,
uint64 steamIDPartyA, uint64 steamIDPartyB, int iTradeRequests, int iTradeAttempts );
TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent( int eventID, uint64 steamIDRequested, int iTradeRequests, int iTradeAttempts );
TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent( int eventID, int iTradeRequests, const char* reason, int iTradeAttempts );
bool localPlayerPartyMatters;
bool localPlayerIsPartyA;
uint64 steamIDPartyA;
uint64 steamIDPartyB;
uint64 steamIDRequested;
int tradeRequests;
int tradeAttempts;
const char* reason;
// Matchmaking stats
struct TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t
// Status code for the search as a whole
enum eResult
k_Result_InternalError = -1,
k_Result_UserCancel = 10,
k_Result_NoServersFound = 20,
k_Result_NoServersMetCrtieria = 30,
//k_Result_NeverHeardBackFromGC = 40,
//k_Result_ReceivedZeroGCScores = 50,
k_Result_FinalPingFailed = 60,
k_Result_TriedToConnect = 100,
// Status codes for the servers
enum eServerStatus
k_Server_Invalid = -1, // we have a bug if this gets reported
k_Server_Ineligible = 10,
k_Server_Eligible = 20,
k_Server_RequestedScore = 30,
k_Server_Scored = 40,
k_Server_Pinged = 50,
k_Server_PingTimedOut = 60,
k_Server_PingIneligible = 70,
k_Server_Connected = 100,
m_fUserHoursPlayed = -1.0f;
m_fSearchTime = -1.0;
m_eResultCode = k_Result_UserCancel;
m_iExperimentGroup = 0;
float m_fUserHoursPlayed;
CUtlString m_sUserGameMode;
float m_fSearchTime;
eResult m_eResultCode;
int m_iExperimentGroup; // TF2ScoringNumbers_t::ExperimentGroup_t
struct Server_t
uint32 m_ip;
uint16 m_port;
bool m_bRegistered;
bool m_bValve;
bool m_bSecure;
bool m_bMapIsNewUserFriendly;
bool m_bMapIsQuickPlayOK;
int m_nPlayers;
int m_nMaxPlayers;
CUtlString m_sMapName;
CUtlString m_sTags;
int m_iPing;
float m_fScoreClient;
float m_fScoreServer;
float m_fScoreGC;
eServerStatus m_eStatus;
CUtlVector<Server_t> m_vecServers;
// TF Game Stats Class
class C_CTFGameStats : public CBaseGameStats, public CGameEventListener, public CAutoGameSystem
// Constructor/Destructor.
C_CTFGameStats( void );
~C_CTFGameStats( void );
virtual void Clear( void );
virtual bool UseOldFormat() { return false; }
virtual bool AddDataForSend( KeyValues *pKV, StatSendType_t sendType );
virtual bool Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
void ResetRoundStats();
void ClientDisconnect( int iReason );
// Events.
virtual void Event_LevelInit( void );
virtual void Event_LevelShutdown( float flElapsed );
virtual void Event_RoundActive();
virtual void Event_RoundEnd( int winningTeam, float roundTime, int fullRound );
virtual void Event_PlayerChangeClass( int userid, int classid );
virtual void Event_AchievementProgress( int achievementID, const char* achievementName );
virtual void Event_PlayerHurt( IGameEvent* event /*player_hurt*/ );
virtual void Event_PlayerFiredWeapon( C_TFPlayer *pPlayer, bool bCritical );
virtual void Event_Catalog( int eventID, const char* filter=NULL, CEconItemView* item=NULL );
virtual void Event_Crafting( int eventID, CEconItemView* item=NULL, int numAttempts=0, int recipeFound=0 );
virtual void Event_Store( int eventID, CEconItemView* item=NULL, const char* panelName=NULL,
int classId=0, const cart_item_t* in_cartItem=NULL, int in_checkoutAttempts=0, const char* storeError=NULL, int in_totalPrice=0, int in_currencyCode=0 );
virtual void Event_ItemTransaction( int eventID, CEconItemView* item, const char* pszReason=NULL, int iQuality=0 );
virtual void Event_Trading( int eventID, CEconItemView* item=NULL, bool localPlayerIsPartyA=false,
uint64 steamIDPartyA=0, uint64 steamIDPartyB=0, int iTradeRequests=0, int iTradeAttempts=0 );
virtual void Event_Trading( int eventID, uint64 steamIDRequested=0, int iTradeRequests=0, int iTradeAttempts=0 );
virtual void Event_Trading( int eventID, int iTradeRequests=0, const char* reason=NULL, int iTradeAttempts=0 );
virtual void Event_Trading( TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent& event );
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event );
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientSessionSummary();
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientWeapons();
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientRound( int winningTeam, int fullRound, int endReason );
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientMap();
void SetExperimentValue( uint64 experimentValue ) { m_ulExperimentValue = experimentValue; }
static void ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( const char *pszEventType, const char *pszEventDesc );
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientAchievements();
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientCatalogEvents();
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientCraftingEvents();
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientStoreEvents();
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientItemTransactionEvents();
void SW_GameStats_WriteClientTradeEvents();
void QuickplayResults( const TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t &info );
char m_szCountryCode[64];
char m_szAudioLanguage[64];
char m_szTextLanguage[64];
TF_Gamestats_ClientSession_t m_currentSession;
TF_Gamestats_RoundStats_t m_currentRound;
TF_Gamestats_LevelStats_t m_currentMap;
CUtlVector<TF_Gamestats_AchievementEvent_t> m_vecAchievementEvents;
CUtlMap<int, TF_Gamestats_WeaponInfo_t> m_mapWeaponInfo;
CUtlVector<TF_Gamestats_CatalogEvent> m_vecCatalogEvents;
CUtlVector<TF_Gamestats_CraftingEvent> m_vecCraftingEvents;
CUtlVector<TF_Gamestats_StoreEvent> m_vecStoreEvents;
CUtlVector<TF_Gamestats_ItemTransactionEvent> m_vecItemTransactionEvents;
CUtlVector<TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent> m_vecTradeEvents;
uint64 m_ulExperimentValue;
bool m_bRoundActive;
bool m_bIsDisconnecting;
extern C_CTFGameStats C_CTF_GameStats;
#endif // C_TF_GAMESTATS_H