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2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

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#include "haptics/ihaptics.h"
// forward decl.
class C_BaseEntity;
class C_BaseCombatCharacter;
class C_BasePlayer;
class bf_read;
// use client side versions.
#ifndef CBasePlayer
#define CBasePlayer C_BasePlayer;
#ifndef CBaseCombatWeapon
#define CBaseCombatWeapon C_BaseCombatWeapon
// stubbed version of haptics interface. Used when haptics is not available.
class CHapticsStubbed : public IHaptics
public: // Initialization.
virtual bool Initialize(IVEngineClient* newengine,
IViewRender *newview,
vgui::IInputInternal* newinput,
CGlobalVarsBase* newgpGlobals,
CreateInterfaceFn newengineFactory,
void *IMEWindow,
IFileSystem* filesystem,
IEngineVGui* newvgui,
ActivityList_IndexForName_t actIndexForName,
ActivityList_NameForIndex_t actNameForIndex)
{return false;};
public: // Device methods
virtual bool HasDevice(){return false;};
virtual void ShutdownHaptics(){};
public: // Game input handling
virtual void CalculateMove(float &forward_move, float &side_move, float delta){};
virtual void OnPlayerChanged(){}
virtual void SetNavigationClass(const char *defaultNavigationName){};
virtual const char *GetNavigationClass(){ return 0; };
virtual void GameProcess(){}
virtual void MenuProcess(){}
public: // Effect methods
virtual void ProcessHapticEvent(int numArgs, ...){}
virtual void ProcessHapticWeaponActivity(const char *weapon, int activity){}
virtual void HapticsPunch(float strength, const QAngle &angle){}
virtual void ApplyDamageEffect(float damage, int damagetype, const Vector &angle){}
virtual void UpdateAvatarVelocity(const Vector &vel){}
virtual void RemoveAvatarEffect(){}
virtual void SetConstantForce(const Vector &force){}
virtual Vector GetConstantForce(){return Vector(0,0,0);}
virtual void SetDrag(float amount){}
virtual void SetShake(float scalar, float currentamount){}
virtual void SetHeld(float amount){}
virtual void SetMoveSurface(HapticSurfaceType_t surface){}
virtual HapticSurfaceType_t GetMoveSurface(){ return HST_NONE; }
virtual void SetDangling(float amount){};
public: // Notify methods
virtual void LocalPlayerReset(){};
virtual void UpdatePlayerFOV(float fov){};
virtual void WorldPrecache() {};
// forward decl.
class CBasePlayer;
class CBaseCombatWeapon;
class CTakeDamageInfo;
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
void HapticSendWeaponAnim(class CBaseCombatWeapon* weapon, int iActivity);
void HapticSetConstantForce(class CBasePlayer* pPlayer,Vector force);
void HapticSetDrag(class CBasePlayer* pPlayer, float drag);
// note: does nothing on server.
void HapticProcessSound(const char* soundname, int entIndex);
void ConnectHaptics(CreateInterfaceFn appFactory);
void DisconnectHaptics();
void UpdateAvatarEffect(void);
void HapticsExitedVehicle(C_BaseEntity* vehicle, C_BaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger );
void HapticsEnteredVehicle(C_BaseEntity* vehicle, C_BaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger );
//bool value true if user is using a haptic device.
extern ConVar hap_HasDevice;
void HapticsDamage(CBasePlayer* pPlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info);
void HapticPunch(CBasePlayer* pPlayer, float amount, float x, float y);
void HapticMeleeContact(CBasePlayer* pPlayer);