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597 lines
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597 lines
18 KiB
//========= Copyright © 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: VPC
#include "vpc.h"
#define PROPERTYNAME( X, Y ) { X##_##Y, #X, #Y },
static PropertyName_t s_Xbox360PropertyNames_2010[] =
#include "projectgenerator_xbox360_2010.inc"
{ -1, NULL, NULL }
IBaseProjectGenerator* GetXbox360ProjectGenerator_2010()
static CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010 *s_pProjectGenerator = NULL;
if ( !s_pProjectGenerator )
s_pProjectGenerator = new CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010();
return s_pProjectGenerator->GetProjectGenerator();
m_pVCProjGenerator = new CVCProjGenerator();
m_pVCProjGenerator->SetupGeneratorDefinition( this, "xbox360_2010.def", s_Xbox360PropertyNames_2010 );
enum TypeKeyNames_e
static const char *s_TypeKeyNames[] =
const char *CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::GetKeyNameForFile( CProjectFile *pFile )
const char *pExtension = V_GetFileExtension( pFile->m_Name.Get() );
const char *pKeyName = s_TypeKeyNames[TKN_NONE];
if ( pExtension )
if ( pFile->m_Configs.Count() && pFile->m_Configs[0]->GetCustomBuildTool() )
pKeyName = s_TypeKeyNames[TKN_CUSTOMBUILD];
else if ( IsCFileExtension( pExtension ) )
pKeyName = s_TypeKeyNames[TKN_COMPILE];
else if ( IsHFileExtension( pExtension ) )
pKeyName = s_TypeKeyNames[TKN_INCLUDE];
else if ( !V_stricmp( pExtension, "lib" ) )
pKeyName = s_TypeKeyNames[TKN_LIBRARY];
else if ( !V_stricmp( pExtension, "rc" ) )
pKeyName = s_TypeKeyNames[TKN_RESOURCECOMPILE];
return pKeyName;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WritePropertyGroupTool( CProjectTool *pProjectTool, CProjectConfiguration *pConfiguration )
if ( !pProjectTool )
return true;
for ( int i = 0; i < pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder.Count(); i++ )
int sortedIndex = pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder[i];
if ( !pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex].m_pToolProperty->m_bEmitAsGlobalProperty )
if ( !WriteProperty( &pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex], true, pConfiguration->m_Name.Get() ) )
return false;
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteFile( CProjectFile *pFile, const char *pFileTypeName )
const char *pKeyName = GetKeyNameForFile( pFile );
if ( V_stricmp( pFileTypeName, pKeyName ) )
// skip it
return true;
if ( !pFile->m_Configs.Count() )
m_XMLWriter.Write( CFmtStrMax( "<%s Include=\"%s\" />", pKeyName, pFile->m_Name.Get() ) );
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( pKeyName, CFmtStr( "Include=\"%s\"", pFile->m_Name.Get() ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < pFile->m_Configs.Count(); i++ )
if ( !WriteConfiguration( pFile->m_Configs[i] ) )
return false;
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteFolder( CProjectFolder *pFolder, const char *pFileTypeName, int nDepth )
if ( !nDepth )
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "ItemGroup" );
for ( int iIndex = pFolder->m_Files.Head(); iIndex != pFolder->m_Files.InvalidIndex(); iIndex = pFolder->m_Files.Next( iIndex ) )
if ( !WriteFile( pFolder->m_Files[iIndex], pFileTypeName ) )
return false;
for ( int iIndex = pFolder->m_Folders.Head(); iIndex != pFolder->m_Folders.InvalidIndex(); iIndex = pFolder->m_Folders.Next( iIndex ) )
if ( !WriteFolder( pFolder->m_Folders[iIndex], pFileTypeName, nDepth+1 ) )
return false;
if ( !nDepth )
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteConfiguration( CProjectConfiguration *pConfig )
if ( !pConfig->m_bIsFileConfig )
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "PropertyGroup", CFmtStr( "Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='%s|Xbox 360'\" Label=\"Configuration\"", pConfig->m_Name.Get() ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < pConfig->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder.Count(); i++ )
int sortedIndex = pConfig->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder[i];
if ( pConfig->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex].m_pToolProperty->m_bEmitAsGlobalProperty )
if ( !WriteProperty( &pConfig->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex] ) )
return false;
WriteProperty( NULL, false, NULL, "UseOfAtl", "false" );
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
for ( int i = 0; i < pConfig->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder.Count(); i++ )
int sortedIndex = pConfig->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder[i];
if ( !WriteProperty( &pConfig->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex], true, pConfig->m_Name.Get() ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "ClCompile", pConfig->GetCompilerTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "CustomBuildStep", pConfig->GetCustomBuildTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteTools( CProjectConfiguration *pConfig )
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "ItemDefinitionGroup", CFmtStr( "Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='%s|Xbox 360'\"", pConfig->m_Name.Get() ) );
if ( !WriteTool( "PreBuildEvent", pConfig->GetPreBuildEventTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "CustomBuildStep", pConfig->GetCustomBuildTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "ClCompile", pConfig->GetCompilerTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "PreLinkEvent", pConfig->GetPreLinkEventTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "Link", pConfig->GetLinkerTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "Lib", pConfig->GetLibrarianTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "ImageXex", pConfig->GetXboxImageTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "Bscmake", pConfig->GetBrowseInfoTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "Deploy", pConfig->GetXboxDeploymentTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteTool( "PostBuildEvent", pConfig->GetPostBuildEventTool(), pConfig ) )
return false;
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WritePrimaryXML( const char *pOutputFilename )
if ( !m_XMLWriter.Open( pOutputFilename, true ) )
return false;
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "Project", "DefaultTargets=\"Build\" ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\"" );
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "ItemGroup", "Label=\"ProjectConfigurations\"" );
CUtlVector< CUtlString > configurationNames;
m_pVCProjGenerator->GetAllConfigurationNames( configurationNames );
for ( int i = 0; i < configurationNames.Count(); i++ )
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "ProjectConfiguration", CFmtStr( "Include=\"%s|Xbox 360\"", configurationNames[i].Get() ) );
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( "Configuration", "", configurationNames[i].Get() );
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( "Platform", "", "Xbox 360" );
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "PropertyGroup", "Label=\"Globals\"" );
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( "ProjectName", "", m_pVCProjGenerator->GetProjectName().Get() );
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( "ProjectGuid", "", m_pVCProjGenerator->GetGUIDString().Get() );
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
m_XMLWriter.Write( "<Import Project=\"$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props\" />" );
// write the root configurations
for ( int i = 0; i < configurationNames.Count(); i++ )
CProjectConfiguration *pConfiguration = NULL;
if ( m_pVCProjGenerator->GetRootConfiguration( configurationNames[i].Get(), &pConfiguration ) )
if ( !WriteConfiguration( pConfiguration ) )
return false;
m_XMLWriter.Write( "<Import Project=\"$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props\" />" );
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "ImportGroup", "Label=\"ExtensionSettings\"" );
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
for ( int i = 0; i < configurationNames.Count(); i++ )
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "ImportGroup", CFmtStr( "Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='%s|Xbox 360'\" Label=\"PropertySheets\"", configurationNames[i].Get() ) );
m_XMLWriter.Write( "<Import Project=\"$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props\" Condition=\"exists('$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')\" Label=\"LocalAppDataPlatform\" />" );
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
m_XMLWriter.Write( "<PropertyGroup Label=\"UserMacros\" />" );
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "PropertyGroup" );
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( "_ProjectFileVersion", "", "10.0.30319.1" );
for ( int i = 0; i < configurationNames.Count(); i++ )
CProjectConfiguration *pConfiguration = NULL;
if ( m_pVCProjGenerator->GetRootConfiguration( configurationNames[i].Get(), &pConfiguration ) )
for ( int j = 0; j < pConfiguration->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder.Count(); j++ )
int sortedIndex = pConfiguration->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder[j];
if ( !pConfiguration->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex].m_pToolProperty->m_bEmitAsGlobalProperty )
if ( !WriteProperty( &pConfiguration->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex], true, pConfiguration->m_Name.Get() ) )
return false;
if ( !WritePropertyGroupTool( pConfiguration->GetPreBuildEventTool(), pConfiguration ) )
return false;
if ( !WritePropertyGroupTool( pConfiguration->GetPreLinkEventTool(), pConfiguration ) )
return false;
if ( !WritePropertyGroupTool( pConfiguration->GetLinkerTool(), pConfiguration ) )
return false;
if ( !WritePropertyGroupTool( pConfiguration->GetLibrarianTool(), pConfiguration ) )
return false;
if ( !WritePropertyGroupTool( pConfiguration->GetPostBuildEventTool(), pConfiguration ) )
return false;
if ( !WritePropertyGroupTool( pConfiguration->GetXboxImageTool(), pConfiguration ) )
return false;
if ( !WritePropertyGroupTool( pConfiguration->GetXboxDeploymentTool(), pConfiguration ) )
return false;
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
// write the tool configurations
for ( int i = 0; i < configurationNames.Count(); i++ )
CProjectConfiguration *pConfiguration = NULL;
if ( m_pVCProjGenerator->GetRootConfiguration( configurationNames[i].Get(), &pConfiguration ) )
if ( !WriteTools( pConfiguration ) )
return false;
// write root folders
for ( int i = 0; i < TKN_MAX_COUNT; i++ )
if ( !WriteFolder( m_pVCProjGenerator->GetRootFolder(), s_TypeKeyNames[i], 0 ) )
return false;
m_XMLWriter.Write( "<Import Project=\"$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.targets\" />" );
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( "ImportGroup", "Label=\"ExtensionTargets\"" );
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteFolderToSecondaryXML( CProjectFolder *pFolder, const char *pParentPath )
CUtlString parentPath = CFmtStr( "%s%s%s", pParentPath, pParentPath[0] ? "\\" : "", pFolder->m_Name.Get() );
MD5Context_t ctx;
unsigned char digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
V_memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( ctx ) );
V_memset( digest, 0, sizeof( digest ) );
MD5Init( &ctx );
MD5Update( &ctx, (unsigned char *)parentPath.Get(), strlen( parentPath.Get() ) );
MD5Final( digest, &ctx );
char szMD5[64];
V_binarytohex( digest, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, szMD5, sizeof( szMD5 ) );
V_strupr( szMD5 );
char szGUID[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( szGUID, sizeof( szGUID ), "{%8.8s-%4.4s-%4.4s-%4.4s-%12.12s}", szMD5, &szMD5[8], &szMD5[12], &szMD5[16], &szMD5[20] );
m_XMLFilterWriter.PushNode( "Filter", CFmtStr( "Include=\"%s\"", parentPath.Get() ) );
m_XMLFilterWriter.WriteLineNode( "UniqueIdentifier", "", szGUID );
m_XMLFilterWriter.PopNode( true );
for ( int iIndex = pFolder->m_Folders.Head(); iIndex != pFolder->m_Folders.InvalidIndex(); iIndex = pFolder->m_Folders.Next( iIndex ) )
if ( !WriteFolderToSecondaryXML( pFolder->m_Folders[iIndex], parentPath.Get() ) )
return false;
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteFileToSecondaryXML( CProjectFile *pFile, const char *pParentPath, const char *pFileTypeName )
const char *pKeyName = GetKeyNameForFile( pFile );
if ( V_stricmp( pFileTypeName, pKeyName ) )
// skip it
return true;
if ( pParentPath )
m_XMLFilterWriter.PushNode( pKeyName, CFmtStr( "Include=\"%s\"", pFile->m_Name.Get() ) );
m_XMLFilterWriter.WriteLineNode( "Filter", "", pParentPath );
m_XMLFilterWriter.PopNode( true );
m_XMLFilterWriter.Write( CFmtStr( "<%s Include=\"%s\" />", pKeyName, pFile->m_Name.Get() ) );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteFolderContentsToSecondaryXML( CProjectFolder *pFolder, const char *pParentPath, const char *pFileTypeName, int nDepth )
CUtlString parentPath;
if ( pParentPath )
parentPath = CFmtStr( "%s%s%s", pParentPath, pParentPath[0] ? "\\" : "", pFolder->m_Name.Get() );
if ( !nDepth )
m_XMLFilterWriter.PushNode( "ItemGroup", NULL );
for ( int iIndex = pFolder->m_Files.Head(); iIndex != pFolder->m_Files.InvalidIndex(); iIndex = pFolder->m_Files.Next( iIndex ) )
if ( !WriteFileToSecondaryXML( pFolder->m_Files[iIndex], parentPath.Get(), pFileTypeName ) )
return false;
for ( int iIndex = pFolder->m_Folders.Head(); iIndex != pFolder->m_Folders.InvalidIndex(); iIndex = pFolder->m_Folders.Next( iIndex ) )
if ( !WriteFolderContentsToSecondaryXML( pFolder->m_Folders[iIndex], parentPath.Get(), pFileTypeName, nDepth+1 ) )
return false;
if ( !nDepth )
m_XMLFilterWriter.PopNode( true );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteSecondaryXML( const char *pOutputFilename )
if ( !m_XMLFilterWriter.Open( pOutputFilename, true ) )
return false;
m_XMLFilterWriter.PushNode( "Project", "ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\"" );
// write the root folders
m_XMLFilterWriter.PushNode( "ItemGroup", NULL );
CProjectFolder *pRootFolder = m_pVCProjGenerator->GetRootFolder();
for ( int iIndex = pRootFolder->m_Folders.Head(); iIndex != pRootFolder->m_Folders.InvalidIndex(); iIndex = pRootFolder->m_Folders.Next( iIndex ) )
if ( !WriteFolderToSecondaryXML( pRootFolder->m_Folders[iIndex], "" ) )
return false;
m_XMLFilterWriter.PopNode( true );
// write folder contents
for ( int i = 0; i < TKN_MAX_COUNT; i++ )
if ( !WriteFolderContentsToSecondaryXML( pRootFolder, NULL, s_TypeKeyNames[i], 0 ) )
return false;
m_XMLFilterWriter.PopNode( true );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteTool( const char *pToolName, const CProjectTool *pProjectTool, CProjectConfiguration *pConfig )
if ( !pProjectTool )
// not an error, some tools n/a for a config
return true;
if ( !pConfig->m_bIsFileConfig )
m_XMLWriter.PushNode( pToolName, NULL );
for ( int i = 0; i < pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder.Count(); i++ )
int sortedIndex = pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_PropertiesInOutputOrder[i];
if ( !pConfig->m_bIsFileConfig )
if ( pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex].m_pToolProperty->m_bEmitAsGlobalProperty )
if ( !WriteProperty( &pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex] ) )
return false;
if ( !WriteProperty( &pProjectTool->m_PropertyStates.m_Properties[sortedIndex], true, pConfig->m_Name.Get() ) )
return false;
if ( !pConfig->m_bIsFileConfig )
m_XMLWriter.PopNode( true );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::WriteProperty( const PropertyState_t *pPropertyState, bool bEmitConfiguration, const char *pConfigName, const char *pOutputName, const char *pOutputValue )
if ( !pPropertyState )
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( pOutputName, "", pOutputValue );
return true;
if ( !pOutputName )
pOutputName = pPropertyState->m_pToolProperty->m_OutputString.Get();
if ( !pOutputName[0] )
pOutputName = pPropertyState->m_pToolProperty->m_ParseString.Get();
if ( pOutputName[0] == '$' )
const char *pCondition = "";
CUtlString conditionString;
if ( bEmitConfiguration )
conditionString = CFmtStr( " Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='%s|Xbox 360'\"", pConfigName );
pCondition = conditionString.Get();
if ( pPropertyState )
switch ( pPropertyState->m_pToolProperty->m_nType )
bool bEnabled = Sys_StringToBool( pPropertyState->m_StringValue.Get() );
if ( pPropertyState->m_pToolProperty->m_bInvertOutput )
bEnabled ^= 1;
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( pOutputName, pCondition, bEnabled ? "true" : "false" );
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( pOutputName, pCondition, m_XMLWriter.FixupXMLString( pPropertyState->m_StringValue.Get() ) );
case PT_LIST:
m_XMLWriter.WriteLineNode( pOutputName, pCondition, pPropertyState->m_StringValue.Get() );
g_pVPC->VPCError( "CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010: WriteProperty, %s - not implemented", pOutputName );
return true;
bool CProjectGenerator_Xbox360_2010::Save( const char *pOutputFilename )
bool bValid = WritePrimaryXML( pOutputFilename );
if ( bValid )
bValid = WriteSecondaryXML( CFmtStr( "%s.filters", pOutputFilename ) );
if ( !bValid )
g_pVPC->VPCError( "Cannot save to the specified project '%s'", pOutputFilename );
return bValid;