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synced 2025-02-05 19:54:15 +00:00
446 lines
13 KiB
446 lines
13 KiB
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_asw_marine_resource.h"
#include "asw_marine_profile.h"
#include "c_asw_player.h"
#include "c_asw_marine.h"
#include "c_asw_hack_wire_tile.h"
#include "c_asw_button_area.h"
#define CASW_Marine C_ASW_Marine
#define CASW_Marine_Resource C_ASW_Marine_Resource
#define CASW_Player C_ASW_Player
#define CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile C_ASW_Hack_Wire_Tile
#define CASW_Button_Area C_ASW_Button_Area
#include "asw_marine_resource.h"
#include "asw_marine_profile.h"
#include "asw_player.h"
#include "asw_marine.h"
#include "asw_hack_wire_tile.h"
#include "asw_button_area.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar asw_debug_tile_connections("asw_debug_tile_connections", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Print debug info for tile connections");
int CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::GetTileRotation(int iWire, int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x>=m_iNumColumns || y<0 || y >= m_iNumRows)
Msg("Tile coords out of bounds! %d,%d\n", x, y);
return -1;
return GetTileRotation(iWire, y * m_iNumColumns + x);
int CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::GetTileRotation(int iWire, int iTileIndex)
if (iTileIndex <0 || iTileIndex >= m_iNumColumns*m_iNumRows || iWire < 1 || iWire > 4)
Msg("Tile index out of bounds! %d\n", iTileIndex);
return -1;
// check our temporary predicted rotations
if (m_iTempPredictedTilePositionTime[iWire-1][iTileIndex] != 0)
if (((gpGlobals->curtime - m_iTempPredictedTilePositionTime[iWire-1][iTileIndex]) < 2.0f)
&& m_iTempPredictedTilePosition[iWire-1][iTileIndex] != -1)
return m_iTempPredictedTilePosition[iWire-1][iTileIndex];
m_iTempPredictedTilePositionTime[iWire-1][iTileIndex] = 0;
m_iTempPredictedTilePosition[iWire-1][iTileIndex] = -1;
if (iWire == 1)
return m_iWire1TilePosition[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 2)
return m_iWire2TilePosition[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 3)
return m_iWire3TilePosition[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 4)
return m_iWire4TilePosition[iTileIndex];
return -1;
int CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::GetTileType(int iWire, int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x>=m_iNumColumns || y<0 || y >= m_iNumRows)
Msg("Tile coords out of bounds! %d,%d\n", x, y);
return -1;
return GetTileType(iWire, y * m_iNumColumns + x);
int CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::GetTileType(int iWire, int iTileIndex)
if (iTileIndex <0 || iTileIndex >= m_iNumColumns*m_iNumRows)
Msg("Tile index out of bounds! %d\n", iTileIndex);
return -1;
if (iWire == 1)
return m_iWire1TileType[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 2)
return m_iWire2TileType[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 3)
return m_iWire3TileType[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 4)
return m_iWire4TileType[iTileIndex];
return -1;
bool CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::GetTileLit(int iWire, int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x>=m_iNumColumns || y<0 || y >= m_iNumRows)
Msg("Tile coords out of bounds! %d,%d\n", x, y);
return false;
return GetTileLit(iWire, y * m_iNumColumns + x);
bool CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::GetTileLit(int iWire, int iTileIndex)
if (iTileIndex <0 || iTileIndex >= m_iNumColumns*m_iNumRows || iWire < 1 || iWire > 4)
Msg("Tile index out of bounds! %d\n", iTileIndex);
return false;
// check our temporary predicted rotations
if (m_iTempPredictedTileLitTime[iWire-1][iTileIndex] != 0)
if (((gpGlobals->curtime - m_iTempPredictedTileLitTime[iWire-1][iTileIndex]) < 2.0f)
&& m_iTempPredictedTileLit[iWire-1][iTileIndex] != -1)
return (m_iTempPredictedTileLit[iWire-1][iTileIndex] == 1);
m_iTempPredictedTileLitTime[iWire-1][iTileIndex] = 0;
m_iTempPredictedTileLit[iWire-1][iTileIndex] = -1;
if (iWire == 1)
return m_iWire1TileLit[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 2)
return m_iWire2TileLit[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 3)
return m_iWire3TileLit[iTileIndex];
else if (iWire == 4)
return m_iWire4TileLit[iTileIndex];
return false;
bool CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::AllWiresLit()
for (int i=1;i<=m_iNumWires;i++)
if (!IsWireLit(i))
return false;
return true;
bool CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::IsWireLit(int iWire)
if (iWire < 1 || iWire > m_iNumWires)
return false;
// simply check if the bottom right tile is lit and connected to the exit
return GetTileLit(iWire, m_iNumColumns-1, m_iNumRows-1) && EndTileConnected(iWire);
// connection points for each tile type:
// north, east, south, west
bool g_TileConnections[3][4] = {
{ false, true, false, true }, // ASW_WIRE_TILE_HORIZ --
{ false, false, true, true }, // ASW_WIRE_TILE_LEFT -. (<28>)
{ false, true, true, false } // ASW_WIRE_TILE_RIGHT ,- (r)
// check if the top left tile is connected on the left
bool CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::StartTileConnected(int iWire)
int iTileType1 = GetTileType(iWire, 0, 0);
int iTileRotation1 = GetTileRotation(iWire, 0, 0);
int i = 3 - iTileRotation1;
if (i < 0)
i += 4;
//Msg("start tile type %d rot %d modified %d\n", iTileType1, iTileRotation1, i);
return g_TileConnections[iTileType1][i];
bool CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::EndTileConnected(int iWire)
int iTileType1 = GetTileType(iWire, m_iNumColumns-1, m_iNumRows-1);
int iTileRotation1 = GetTileRotation(iWire, m_iNumColumns-1, m_iNumRows-1);
int i = 1 - iTileRotation1;
if (i < 0)
i += 4;
//Msg("end tile type %d rot %d modified %d\n", iTileType1, iTileRotation1, i);
return g_TileConnections[iTileType1][i];
// are tiles connected?
bool CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::TilesConnected(int iWire, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
// check the tiles are within bounds
if (x1 < 0 || x1 >= m_iNumColumns)
return false;
if (y1 < 0 || y1 >= m_iNumRows)
return false;
if (x2 < 0 || x2 >= m_iNumColumns)
return false;
if (y2 < 0 || y2 >= m_iNumRows)
return false;
// get the relative offset
int ox = x2 - x1;
int oy = y2 - y1;
if (asw_debug_tile_connections.GetBool())
if (iWire == 1) Msg(" tile offset is %d, %d\n", ox, oy);
if (ox < -1 || ox > 1 || oy < -1 || oy > 1) // if the tiles aren't next to one another, there's no connection
return false;
int iTileType1 = GetTileType(iWire, x1, y1);
int iTileType2 = GetTileType(iWire, x2, y2);
int iTileRotation1 = GetTileRotation(iWire, x1, y1);
int iTileRotation2 = GetTileRotation(iWire, x2, y2);
// get the connection points for each tile type, rotated appropriately
bool connect1[4];
bool connect2[4];
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
int iIndex = i + iTileRotation1;
if (iIndex >= 4)
iIndex -= 4;
connect1[iIndex] = g_TileConnections[iTileType1][i];
iIndex = i + iTileRotation2;
if (iIndex >= 4)
iIndex -= 4;
connect2[iIndex] = g_TileConnections[iTileType2][i];
if (asw_debug_tile_connections.GetBool())
if (iWire == 1) Msg(" tile1 type %d rot %d connections %d, %d, %d, %d\n", iTileType1, iTileRotation1, connect1[0], connect1[1], connect1[2], connect1[3]);
if (iWire == 1) Msg(" tile2 type %d rot %d connections %d, %d, %d, %d\n", iTileType2, iTileRotation2, connect2[0], connect2[1], connect2[2], connect2[3]);
// check the appropriate connections based on our relative offset
if (ox == 0 && oy == 1) // tile 2 below tile 1
return (connect1[2] && connect2[0]);
else if (ox == 0 && oy == -1) // tile 2 above tile 1
return (connect1[0] && connect2[2]);
else if (ox == 1 && oy == 0) // tile 2 to the right of tile 1
return (connect1[1] && connect2[3]);
else if (ox == -1 && oy == 0) // tile 2 to the left of tile 1
return (connect1[3] && connect2[1]);
return false;
float CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::GetWireCharge()
CASW_Button_Area *pButton = dynamic_cast<CASW_Button_Area*>(GetHackTarget());
if (!pButton)
return 0;
return pButton->GetHackProgress();
void CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::SetTileRotation(int iWire, int x, int y, int iRotation)
if (x < 0 || x>=m_iNumColumns || y<0 || y >= m_iNumRows)
Msg("Tile coords out of bounds! %d,%d\n", x, y);
SetTileRotation(iWire, y * m_iNumColumns + x, iRotation);
void CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::SetTileRotation(int iWire, int iTileIndex, int iRotation)
//Msg("s=%d:SetTileRotation wire=%d, tile=%d, rot=%d\n", IsServer(), iWire, iTileIndex, iRotation);
if (iTileIndex <0 || iTileIndex >= m_iNumColumns*m_iNumRows || iWire < 1 || iWire > 4)
Msg("Tile index out of bounds! %d\n", iTileIndex);
#ifdef CLIENT_DLL // clientside we just store our desired position (which gets drawn, and discarded after a few seconds)
m_iTempPredictedTilePosition[iWire-1][iTileIndex] = iRotation;
m_iTempPredictedTilePositionTime[iWire-1][iTileIndex] = gpGlobals->curtime;
if (iWire == 1)
m_iWire1TilePosition.Set(iTileIndex, iRotation);
else if (iWire == 2)
m_iWire2TilePosition.Set(iTileIndex, iRotation);
else if (iWire == 3)
m_iWire3TilePosition.Set(iTileIndex, iRotation);
else if (iWire == 4)
m_iWire4TilePosition.Set(iTileIndex, iRotation);
void CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::UpdateLitTiles(int iWire)
if (iWire < 1 || iWire > m_iNumWires)
// make all tiles unlit
int iNumTiles = m_iNumColumns * m_iNumRows;
for (int i=0;i<iNumTiles;i++)
SetTileLit(iWire, i, false);
// check if the top left tile is connected on the left side, it not, abort all tiles being lit
if (!StartTileConnected(iWire))
// assuming top left tile is lit
int lit_x = 0;
int lit_y = 0;
int last_lit_x = 0;
int last_lit_y = 0;
int test_x = 0;
int test_y = 0;
SetTileLit(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, true);
if (asw_debug_tile_connections.GetBool())
if (iWire == 1) Msg("Set top left to lit, starting check\n");
// check tiles around our lit tile for connections
bool bFoundLit = true;
int k = 0;
while (bFoundLit && k < 256)
bFoundLit = false;
test_x = lit_x;
test_y = lit_y - 1;
if (asw_debug_tile_connections.GetBool())
if (iWire == 1) Msg("At %d, %d Checking %d, %d (1 up)\n", lit_x, lit_y, test_x, test_y);
if (!(test_x == last_lit_x && test_y == last_lit_y) && TilesConnected(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, test_x, test_y)
&& !GetTileLit(iWire, test_x, test_y))
bFoundLit = true;
last_lit_x = lit_x;
last_lit_y = lit_y;
lit_x = test_x;
lit_y = test_y;
SetTileLit(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, true);
test_y = lit_y + 1;
if (asw_debug_tile_connections.GetBool())
if (iWire == 1) Msg("At %d, %d Checking %d, %d (1 down)\n", lit_x, lit_y, test_x, test_y);
if (!(test_x == last_lit_x && test_y == last_lit_y) && TilesConnected(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, test_x, test_y)
&& !GetTileLit(iWire, test_x, test_y))
bFoundLit = true;
last_lit_x = lit_x;
last_lit_y = lit_y;
lit_x = test_x;
lit_y = test_y;
SetTileLit(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, true);
test_x = lit_x + 1;
test_y = lit_y;
if (asw_debug_tile_connections.GetBool())
if (iWire == 1) Msg("At %d, %d Checking %d, %d (1 right)\n", lit_x, lit_y, test_x, test_y);
if (!(test_x == last_lit_x && test_y == last_lit_y) && TilesConnected(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, test_x, test_y)
&& !GetTileLit(iWire, test_x, test_y))
bFoundLit = true;
last_lit_x = lit_x;
last_lit_y = lit_y;
lit_x = test_x;
lit_y = test_y;
SetTileLit(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, true);
test_x = lit_x - 1;
if (asw_debug_tile_connections.GetBool())
if (iWire == 1) Msg("At %d, %d Checking %d, %d (1 left)\n", lit_x, lit_y, test_x, test_y);
if (!(test_x == last_lit_x && test_y == last_lit_y) && TilesConnected(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, test_x, test_y)
&& !GetTileLit(iWire, test_x, test_y))
bFoundLit = true;
last_lit_x = lit_x;
last_lit_y = lit_y;
lit_x = test_x;
lit_y = test_y;
SetTileLit(iWire, lit_x, lit_y, true);
void CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::SetTileLit(int iWire, int x, int y, bool bLit)
if (x < 0 || x>=m_iNumColumns || y<0 || y >= m_iNumRows)
Msg("Tile coords out of bounds! %d,%d\n", x, y);
SetTileLit(iWire, y * m_iNumColumns + x, bLit);
void CASW_Hack_Wire_Tile::SetTileLit(int iWire, int iTileIndex, bool bLit)
if (iTileIndex <0 || iTileIndex >= m_iNumColumns*m_iNumRows || iWire < 1 || iWire > 4)
Msg("Tile index out of bounds! %d\n", iTileIndex);
#ifdef CLIENT_DLL // clientside we just store our desired position (which gets drawn, and discarded after a few seconds)
//Msg("Setting predicted tile lit w=%d tile=%d lit=%d\n", iWire, iTileIndex, bLit);
m_iTempPredictedTileLit[iWire-1][iTileIndex] = bLit ? 1 : 0;
m_iTempPredictedTileLitTime[iWire-1][iTileIndex] = gpGlobals->curtime;
if (iWire == 1)
m_iWire1TileLit.Set(iTileIndex, bLit);
else if (iWire == 2)
m_iWire2TileLit.Set(iTileIndex, bLit);
else if (iWire == 3)
m_iWire3TileLit.Set(iTileIndex, bLit);
else if (iWire == 4)
m_iWire4TileLit.Set(iTileIndex, bLit);
} |