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synced 2025-02-03 10:45:00 +00:00
484 lines
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484 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "mouthinfo.h"
#include "UtlLinkedList.h"
#include "utlsymbol.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "viewersettings.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
// Forward declarations
typedef struct IFACE_TAG IFACE;
typedef struct IMESH_TAG IMESH;
typedef struct ResolutionUpdateTag ResolutionUpdate;
typedef struct FaceUpdateTag FaceUpdate;
class IMaterial;
class IDataCache;
class IStudioPhysics;
class IMaterialSystem;
class IMDLCache;
class CPhysmesh;
struct hlmvsolid_t;
struct constraint_ragdollparams_t;
class IStudioRender;
class IPhysicsSurfaceProps;
class IPhysicsCollision;
class IStudioDataCache;
class IDataCache;
class IFileSystem;
class IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig;
class CJiggleBones;
// Singleton interfaces
extern IStudioRender *g_pStudioRender;
extern IMDLCache *g_pMDLCache;
extern IPhysicsSurfaceProps *physprop;
extern IPhysicsCollision *physcollision;
extern IStudioDataCache *g_pStudioDataCache;
extern IDataCache *g_pDataCache;
extern IFileSystem *g_pFileSystem;
extern IMaterialSystem *g_pMaterialSystem;
extern IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig *g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig;
class AnimationLayer
float m_cycle; // 0 to 1 animation playback index
int m_sequence; // sequence index
float m_weight;
float m_playbackrate;
int m_priority; // lower priorities get layered first
struct StudioLookTarget
float m_flWeight;
Vector m_vecPosition;
bool m_bSelf;
struct HitboxInfo_t
CUtlString m_Name;
mstudiobbox_t m_BBox;
// I'm saving this as internal data because we may add or remove hitboxes
// I'm using a utllinkedlist so hitbox IDs remain constant on add + remove
typedef CUtlLinkedList< HitboxInfo_t, unsigned short > HitboxList_t;
struct HitboxSet_t
CUtlString m_Name;
HitboxList_t m_Hitboxes;
class StudioModel
// memory handling, uses calloc so members are zero'd out on instantiation
static void *operator new( size_t nSize );
static void* operator new( size_t size, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine );
static void operator delete( void *pData );
static void operator delete( void* p, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine );
static void Init( void );
static void Shutdown( void ); // garymcthack - need to call this.
static void UpdateViewState( const Vector& viewOrigin,
const Vector& viewRight,
const Vector& viewUp,
const Vector& viewPlaneNormal );
static void ReleaseStudioModel( void );
static void RestoreStudioModel( void );
static void UnloadGroupFiles();
char const *GetFileName( void );
IStudioRender *GetStudioRender();
static void UpdateStudioRenderConfig( bool bWireframe, bool bZBufferWireframe, bool bNormals, bool bTangentFrame );
studiohdr_t *getAnimHeader (int i) const;
virtual void ModelInit( void ) { }
bool IsModelLoaded() const;
void FreeModel( bool bReleasing );
bool LoadModel( const char *modelname );
virtual bool PostLoadModel ( const char *modelname );
bool HasModel();
virtual int DrawModel( bool mergeBones = false );
virtual void AdvanceFrame( float dt );
float GetInterval( void );
float GetCycle( void );
float GetFrame( void );
int GetMaxFrame( void );
int SetFrame( int frame );
float GetCycle( int iLayer );
float GetFrame( int iLayer );
int GetMaxFrame( int iLayer );
int SetFrame( int iLayer, int frame );
void ExtractBbox( Vector &mins, Vector &maxs );
void SetBlendTime( float blendtime );
int LookupSequence( const char *szSequence );
int LookupActivity( const char *szActivity );
int SetSequence( int iSequence );
int SetSequence( const char *szSequence );
const char* GetSequenceName( int iSequence );
void ClearOverlaysSequences( void );
void ClearAnimationLayers( void );
int GetNewAnimationLayer( int iPriority = 0 );
int SetOverlaySequence( int iLayer, int iSequence, float flWeight );
float SetOverlayRate( int iLayer, float flCycle, float flFrameRate );
int GetOverlaySequence( int iLayer );
float GetOverlaySequenceWeight( int iLayer );
void StartBlending( void );
float GetTransitionAmount( void );
int GetSequence( void );
void GetSequenceInfo( int iSequence, float *pflFrameRate, float *pflGroundSpeed );
void GetSequenceInfo( float *pflFrameRate, float *pflGroundSpeed );
float GetFPS( int iSequence );
float GetFPS( );
float GetDuration( int iSequence );
float GetDuration( );
int GetNumFrames( int iSequence );
bool GetSequenceLoops( int iSequence );
void GetMovement( float prevCycle[5], Vector &vecPos, QAngle &vecAngles );
void GetMovement( int iSequence, float prevCycle, float currCycle, Vector &vecPos, QAngle &vecAngles );
void GetSeqAnims( int iSequence, mstudioanimdesc_t *panim[4], float *pweights );
void GetSeqAnims( mstudioanimdesc_t *panim[4], float *pweights );
float GetGroundSpeed( int iSequence );
float GetGroundSpeed( void );
float GetCurrentVelocity( void );
bool IsHidden( int iSequence );
float SetController( int iController, float flValue );
int LookupPoseParameter( char const *szName );
float SetPoseParameter( int iParameter, float flValue );
float SetPoseParameter( char const *szName, float flValue );
float GetPoseParameter( char const *szName );
float GetPoseParameter( int iParameter );
bool GetPoseParameterRange( int iParameter, float *pflMin, float *pflMax );
float* GetPoseParameters();
int LookupAttachment( char const *szName );
int SetBodygroup( int iGroup, int iValue = -1 );
int SetSkin( int iValue );
int FindBone( const char *pName );
LocalFlexController_t LookupFlexController( char *szName );
void SetFlexController( char *szName, float flValue );
void SetFlexController( LocalFlexController_t iFlex, float flValue );
float GetFlexController( char *szName );
float GetFlexController( LocalFlexController_t iFlex );
void SetFlexControllerRaw( LocalFlexController_t iFlex, float flValue );
float GetFlexControllerRaw( LocalFlexController_t iFlex );
// void CalcBoneTransform( int iBone, Vector pos[], Quaternion q[], matrix3x4_t& bonematrix );
void UpdateBoneChain( Vector pos[], Quaternion q[], int iBone, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld );
void SetViewTarget( void ); // ???
void GetBodyPoseParametersFromFlex( void );
void CalcHeadRotation( Vector pos[], Quaternion q[] );
float SetHeadPosition( matrix3x4_t& attToWorld, Vector const &vTargetPos, float dt );
int GetNumLODs() const;
float GetLODSwitchValue( int lod ) const;
void SetLODSwitchValue( int lod, float switchValue );
void scaleMeshes( float scale );
void scaleBones( float scale );
// Physics
void OverrideBones( bool *override );
int Physics_GetBoneCount( void );
const char * Physics_GetBoneName( int index );
int Physics_GetBoneIndex( const char *pName );
void Physics_GetData( int boneIndex, hlmvsolid_t *psolid, constraint_ragdollparams_t *pConstraint ) const;
void Physics_SetData( int boneIndex, const hlmvsolid_t *psolid, constraint_ragdollparams_t const *pConstraint );
void Physics_SetPreview( int previewBone, int axis, float t );
float Physics_GetMass( void );
void Physics_SetMass( float mass );
char *Physics_DumpQC( void );
float GetSequenceTime() const { return m_sequencetime; }
float GetTimeDelta() const { return m_dt; }
CStudioHdr *m_pStudioHdr;
CStudioHdr *GetStudioHdr() const;
studiohdr_t *GetStudioRenderHdr() const;
studiohwdata_t *GetHardwareData( void ) const;
// Get and set the model transform (i.e. what m_origin and m_angles are used to generate).
void GetModelTransform( matrix3x4_t &mat );
void SetModelTransform( const matrix3x4_t &mat );
// entity settings
QAngle m_angles; // rot
Vector m_origin; // trans
int m_bodynum; // bodypart selection
int m_skinnum; // skin group selection
float m_controller[4]; // bone controllers
CMouthInfo m_mouth;
char *m_pModelName; // model file name
// bool m_owntexmodel; // do we have a modelT.mdl ?
// Previouse sequence data
float m_blendtime;
float m_sequencetime;
int m_prevsequence;
float m_prevcycle;
float m_dt;
// Blending info
// Gesture,Sequence layering state
AnimationLayer m_Layer[MAXSTUDIOANIMLAYERS];
int m_iActiveLayers;
float m_cycle; // 0 to 1 animation playback index
int m_sequence; // sequence index
float m_poseparameter[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM]; // intra-sequence blending
float m_weight;
// internal data
MDLHandle_t m_MDLHandle;
mstudiomodel_t *m_pmodel;
CUtlVector< HitboxSet_t > m_HitboxSets;
CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_SurfaceProps;
// class data
static Vector *m_AmbientLightColors;
// Added data
// IMESH *m_pimesh;
// VertexUpdate *m_pvertupdate;
// FaceUpdate *m_pfaceupdate;
IFACE *m_pface;
// studiohdr_t *m_ptexturehdr;
Vector4D m_adj; // FIX: non persistant, make static
IStudioPhysics *m_pPhysics;
int m_physPreviewBone;
int m_physPreviewAxis;
float m_physPreviewParam;
float m_physMass;
mstudioseqdesc_t &GetSeqDesc( int seq );
const matrix3x4_t* BoneToWorld( int nBoneIndex ) const;
mstudioanimdesc_t &GetAnimDesc( int anim );
mstudioanim_t *GetAnim( int anim );
void DrawPhysmesh( CPhysmesh *pMesh, int boneIndex, IMaterial *pMaterial, float *color );
void DrawPhysConvex( CPhysmesh *pMesh, IMaterial *pMaterial );
void SetupLighting( void );
virtual void SetupModel( int bodypart );
float m_flexweight[MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL];
matrix3x4_t m_pBoneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
virtual void RunFlexRules( void );
virtual int BoneMask( void );
virtual void SetUpBones( bool mergeBones );
int GetLodUsed( void );
float GetLodMetric( void );
const char *GetKeyValueText( int iSequence );
// Drawing helper methods
void DrawBones( );
void DrawAttachments( );
void DrawEditAttachment();
void DrawHitboxes();
void DrawPhysicsModel( );
void DrawIllumPosition( );
void DrawOriginAxis( );
// generic interface to rendering?
void drawBox (Vector const *v, float const * color );
void drawWireframeBox (Vector const *v, float const* color );
void drawTransform( matrix3x4_t& m, float flLength = 4 );
void drawLine( Vector const &p1, Vector const &p2, int r = 0, int g = 0, int b = 255 );
void drawTransparentBox( Vector const &bbmin, Vector const &bbmax, const matrix3x4_t& m, float const *color, float const *wirecolor );
int m_LodUsed;
float m_LodMetric;
void SetSolveHeadTurn( int solve );
int GetSolveHeadTurn() const;
void ClearLookTargets( void );
void AddLookTarget( const Vector& vecPosition, float flWeight );
void AddLookTargetSelf( float flWeight );
void SetModelYaw( float yaw );
float GetModelYaw( void ) const;
void SetBodyYaw( float yaw );
float GetBodyYaw( void ) const;
void SetSpineYaw( float yaw );
float GetSpineYaw( void ) const;
// 0 == no, 1 == based on dt, 2 == completely.
int m_nSolveHeadTurn;
CUtlVector < StudioLookTarget > m_vecHeadTargets;
float m_flModelYaw;
float m_flBodyYaw;
float m_flSpineYaw;
bool m_bIsTransparent;
bool m_bHasProxy;
// necessary for accessing correct vertexes
void SetCurrentModel();
CIKContext m_ik;
float m_prevGroundCycles[5];
float m_prevIKCycles[5];
void IncrementFramecounter( void ) { m_iFramecounter++; };
int m_iFramecounter;
CJiggleBones *m_pJiggleBones;
// Inline methods
inline CStudioHdr *StudioModel::GetStudioHdr( void ) const
if (!m_pStudioHdr || m_pStudioHdr->IsReadyForAccess())
return m_pStudioHdr;
studiohdr_t *hdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_MDLHandle );
m_pStudioHdr->Init( hdr );
if (m_pStudioHdr->IsReadyForAccess())
return m_pStudioHdr;
return NULL;
inline studiohdr_t *StudioModel::GetStudioRenderHdr( void ) const
return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_MDLHandle );
inline studiohwdata_t *StudioModel::GetHardwareData( void ) const
return g_pMDLCache->GetHardwareData( m_MDLHandle );
inline studiohdr_t *StudioModel::getAnimHeader( int i ) const
// return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_AnimHandle[i] );
// return m_panimhdr[i];
inline char const *StudioModel::GetFileName( void )
return m_pModelName;
inline IStudioRender *StudioModel::GetStudioRender()
return g_pStudioRender;
inline bool StudioModel::IsModelLoaded() const
return m_MDLHandle != MDLHANDLE_INVALID;
inline const matrix3x4_t* StudioModel::BoneToWorld( int nBoneIndex ) const
return &m_pBoneToWorld[nBoneIndex];
// Globals
extern Vector g_vright; // needs to be set to viewer's right in order for chrome to work
extern StudioModel *g_pStudioModel;
extern StudioModel *g_pStudioExtraModel[HLMV_MAX_MERGED_MODELS];