Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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$! MKSHARED.COM -- Create shareable images.
$! P1: "64" for 64-bit pointers.
$! P2: Zlib object library path (optional).
$! So far, tests have only been made on VMS for Alpha. VAX will come in time.
$! ===========================================================================
$! Announce/identify.
$ proc = f$environment( "procedure")
$ write sys$output "@@@ "+ -
f$parse( proc, , , "name")+ f$parse( proc, , , "type")
$! Save the original default device:[directory].
$ def_orig = f$environment( "default")
$ on error then goto tidy
$ on control_c then goto tidy
$! SET DEFAULT to the main kit directory.
$ proc = f$environment("procedure")
$ proc = f$parse( "A.;", proc)- "A.;"
$ set default 'proc'
$ set default [-]
$! ----- Prepare info for processing: version number and file info
$ gosub read_version_info
$ if libver .eqs. ""
$ then
$ write sys$error "ERROR: Couldn't find any library version info..."
$ go to tidy:
$ endif
$ if (f$getsyi("cpu") .lt. 128)
$ then
$ arch_vax = 1
$ arch = "VAX"
$ else
$ arch_vax = 0
$ arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
$ if (arch .eqs. "") then arch = "UNK"
$ endif
$ archd = arch
$ lib32 = "32"
$ shr = "SHR32"
$ if (p1 .nes. "")
$ then
$ if (p1 .eqs. "64")
$ then
$ archd = arch+ "_64"
$ lib32 = ""
$ shr = "SHR"
$ else
$ if (p1 .nes. "32")
$ then
$ write sys$output "Second argument invalid."
$ write sys$output "It should be "32", "64", or nothing."
$ exit
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
$! ----- Prepare info for processing: disabled algorithms info
$ gosub read_disabled_algorithms_info
$ ZLIB = p2
$ zlib_lib = ""
$ if (ZLIB .nes. "")
$ then
$ file2 = f$parse( ZLIB, "libz.olb", , , "syntax_only")
$ if (f$search( file2) .eqs. "")
$ then
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output "The Option ", ZLIB, " Is Invalid."
$ write sys$output " Can't find library: ''file2'"
$ write sys$output ""
$ goto tidy
$ endif
$ zlib_lib = ", ''file2' /library"
$ endif
$ if (arch_vax)
$ then
$ libid = "Crypto"
$ libnum = "[.UTIL]LIBEAY.NUM"
$ libdir = "[.''ARCHD'.EXE.CRYPTO]"
$ libmar = "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.MAR"
$ libolb = "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO''lib32'.OLB"
$ libopt = "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.OPT"
$ libobj = "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.OBJ"
$ libmap = "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.MAP"
$ libgoal= "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.EXE"
$ libref = ""
$ libvec = "LIBCRYPTO"
$ if f$search( libolb) .nes. "" then gosub create_vax_shr
$ libid = "SSL"
$ libnum = "[.UTIL]SSLEAY.NUM"
$ libdir = "[.''ARCHD'.EXE.SSL]"
$ libmar = "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL_''shr'.MAR"
$ libolb = "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL''lib32'.OLB"
$ libopt = "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL_''shr'.OPT"
$ libobj = "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL_''shr'.OBJ"
$ libmap = "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL_''shr'.MAP"
$ libgoal= "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL_''shr'.EXE"
$ libref = "[.''ARCHD'.EXE.CRYPTO]SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.EXE"
$ libvec = "LIBSSL"
$ if f$search( libolb) .nes. "" then gosub create_vax_shr
$ else
$ libid = "Crypto"
$ libnum = "[.UTIL]LIBEAY.NUM"
$ libdir = "[.''ARCHD'.EXE.CRYPTO]"
$ libolb = "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO''lib32'.OLB"
$ libopt = "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.OPT"
$ libmap = "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.MAP"
$ libgoal= "''libdir'SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.EXE"
$ libref = ""
$ if f$search( libolb) .nes. "" then gosub create_nonvax_shr
$ libid = "SSL"
$ libnum = "[.UTIL]SSLEAY.NUM"
$ libdir = "[.''ARCHD'.EXE.SSL]"
$ libolb = "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL''lib32'.OLB"
$ libopt = "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL_''shr'.OPT"
$ libmap = "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL_''shr'.MAP"
$ libgoal= "''libdir'SSL_LIBSSL_''shr'.EXE"
$ libref = "[.''ARCHD'.EXE.CRYPTO]SSL_LIBCRYPTO_''shr'.EXE"
$ if f$search( libolb) .nes. "" then gosub create_nonvax_shr
$ endif
$ tidy:
$! Close any open files.
$ if (f$trnlnm( "libnum", "LNM$PROCESS", 0, "SUPERVISOR") .nes. "") then -
close libnum
$ if (f$trnlnm( "mar", "LNM$PROCESS", 0, "SUPERVISOR") .nes. "") then -
close mar
$ if (f$trnlnm( "opt", "LNM$PROCESS", 0, "SUPERVISOR") .nes. "") then -
close opt
$ if (f$trnlnm( "vf", "LNM$PROCESS", 0, "SUPERVISOR") .nes. "") then -
close vf
$! Restore the original default device:[directory].
$ set default 'def_orig'
$ exit
$! ----- Subroutines to build the shareable libraries
$! For each supported architecture, there's a main shareable library
$! creator, which is called from the main code above.
$! The creator will define a number of variables to tell the next levels of
$! subroutines what routines to use to write to the option files, call the
$! main processor, read_func_num, and when that is done, it will write version
$! data at the end of the .opt file, close it, and link the library.
$! read_func_num reads through a .num file and calls the writer routine for
$! each line. It's also responsible for checking that order is properly kept
$! in the .num file, check that each line applies to VMS and the architecture,
$! and to fill in "holes" with dummy entries.
$! The creator routines depend on the following variables:
$! libnum The name of the .num file to use as input
$! libolb The name of the object library to build from
$! libid The identification string of the shareable library
$! libopt The name of the .opt file to write
$! libtit The title of the assembler transfer vector file (VAX only)
$! libmar The name of the assembler transfer vector file (VAX only)
$! libmap The name of the map file to write
$! libgoal The name of the shareable library to write
$! libref The name of a shareable library to link in
$! read_func_num depends on the following variables from the creator:
$! libwriter The name of the writer routine to call for each .num file line
$! -----
$! ----- Subroutines for non-VAX
$! -----
$! The creator routine
$ create_nonvax_shr:
$ open /write opt 'libopt'
$ write opt "identification=""",libid," ",libverstr,""""
$ write opt libolb, " /library"
$ if libref .nes. "" then write opt libref,"/SHARE"
$ write opt "SYMBOL_VECTOR=(-"
$ libfirstentry := true
$ libwrch := opt
$ libwriter := write_nonvax_transfer_entry
$ textcount = 0
$ gosub read_func_num
$ write opt ")"
$ write opt "GSMATCH=",libvmatch,",",libver
$ close opt
$ link /map = 'libmap' /full /share = 'libgoal' 'libopt' /options -
$ return
$! The record writer routine
$ write_nonvax_transfer_entry:
$ if libentry .eqs. ".dummy" then return
$ if info_kind .eqs. "VARIABLE"
$ then
$ pr:=DATA
$ else
$ endif
$ textcount_this = f$length(pr) + f$length(libentry) + 5
$ if textcount + textcount_this .gt. 1024
$ then
$ write opt ")"
$ write opt "SYMBOL_VECTOR=(-"
$ textcount = 16
$ libfirstentry := true
$ endif
$ if libfirstentry
$ then
$ write 'libwrch' " ",libentry,"=",pr," -"
$ else
$ write 'libwrch' " ,",libentry,"=",pr," -"
$ endif
$ libfirstentry := false
$ textcount = textcount + textcount_this
$ return
$! ----- Subroutines for VAX
$! -----
$! The creator routine
$ create_vax_shr:
$ open /write mar 'libmar'
$ type sys$input:/out=mar:
; Transfer vector for VAX shareable image
$ write mar " .TITLE ",libtit
$ write mar " .IDENT /",libid,"/"
$ type sys$input:/out=mar:
; Define macro to assist in building transfer vector entries. Each entry
; should take no more than 8 bytes.
.TRANSFER routine
.MASK routine
JMP routine+2
; Place entries in own program section.
$ write mar " .PSECT $$",libvec,",QUAD,PIC,USR,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT"
$ write mar libvec,"_xfer:"
$ libwrch := mar
$ libwriter := write_vax_ftransfer_entry
$ gosub read_func_num
$ type sys$input:/out=mar:
; Allocate extra storage at end of vector to allow for expansion.
$ write mar " .BLKB 32768-<.-",libvec,"_xfer> ; 64 pages total."
$! libwriter := write_vax_vtransfer_entry
$! gosub read_func_num
$ write mar " .END"
$ close mar
$ open /write opt 'libopt'
$ write opt "identification=""",libid," ",libverstr,""""
$ write opt libobj
$ write opt libolb, " /library"
$ if libref .nes. "" then write opt libref,"/SHARE"
$ type sys$input:/out=opt:
! Ensure transfer vector is at beginning of image
$ write opt "COLLECT=FIRST,$$",libvec
$ write opt "GSMATCH=",libvmatch,",",libver
$ type sys$input:/out=opt:
! make psects nonshareable so image can be installed.
$ libwrch := opt
$ libwriter := write_vax_psect_attr
$ gosub read_func_num
$ close opt
$ macro/obj='libobj' 'libmar'
$ link /map = 'libmap' /full /share = 'libgoal' 'libopt' /options -
$ return
$! The record writer routine for VAX functions
$ write_vax_ftransfer_entry:
$ if info_kind .nes. "FUNCTION" then return
$ if libentry .eqs ".dummy"
$ then
$ write 'libwrch' " .BLKB 8" ! Dummy is zeroes...
$ else
$ write 'libwrch' " FTRANSFER_ENTRY ",libentry
$ endif
$ return
$! The record writer routine for VAX variables (should never happen!)
$ write_vax_psect_attr:
$ if info_kind .nes. "VARIABLE" then return
$ if libentry .eqs ".dummy" then return
$ write 'libwrch' "PSECT_ATTR=",libentry,",NOSHR"
$ return
$! ----- Common subroutines
$! -----
$! The .num file reader. This one has great responsibility.
$ read_func_num:
$ open /read libnum 'libnum'
$ goto read_nums
$ read_nums:
$ libentrynum=0
$ liblastentry:=false
$ entrycount=0
$ loop:
$ read /end=loop_end /err=loop_end libnum line
$ lin = f$edit( line, "COMPRESS,TRIM")
$! Skip a "#" comment line.
$ if (f$extract( 0, 1, lin) .eqs. "#") then goto loop
$ entrynum = f$int(f$element( 1, " ", lin))
$ entryinfo = f$element( 2, " ", lin)
$ curentry = f$element( 0, " ", lin)
$ info_exist = f$element( 0, ":", entryinfo)
$ info_platforms = ","+ f$element(1, ":", entryinfo)+ ","
$ info_kind = f$element( 2, ":", entryinfo)
$ info_algorithms = ","+ f$element( 3, ":", entryinfo)+ ","
$ if info_exist .eqs. "NOEXIST" then goto loop
$ truesum = 0
$ falsesum = 0
$ negatives = 1
$ plat_i = 0
$ loop1:
$ plat_entry = f$element( plat_i, ",", info_platforms)
$ plat_i = plat_i + 1
$ if plat_entry .eqs. "" then goto loop1
$ if plat_entry .nes. ","
$ then
$ if f$extract(0,1,plat_entry) .nes. "!" then negatives = 0
$ if (arch_vax)
$ then
$ if plat_entry .eqs. "EXPORT_VAR_AS_FUNCTION" then -
$ truesum = truesum + 1
$ if plat_entry .eqs. "!EXPORT_VAR_AS_FUNCTION" then -
$ falsesum = falsesum + 1
$ endif
$ if ((plat_entry .eqs. "VMS") .or. -
((plat_entry .eqs. "ZLIB") .and. (ZLIB .nes. "")) .or. -
(arch_vax .and. (plat_entry .eqs. "VMSVAX"))) then -
truesum = truesum + 1
$ if ((plat_entry .eqs. "!VMS") .or. -
(arch_vax .and. (plat_entry .eqs. "!VMSVAX"))) then -
falsesum = falsesum + 1
$ goto loop1
$ endif
$ endloop1:
$!DEBUG!$ if info_platforms - "EXPORT_VAR_AS_FUNCTION" .nes. info_platforms
$!DEBUG!$ then
$!DEBUG!$ write sys$output line
$!DEBUG!$ write sys$output " truesum = ",truesum,-
$!DEBUG! ", negatives = ",negatives,", falsesum = ",falsesum
$!DEBUG!$ endif
$ if falsesum .ne. 0 then goto loop
$ if truesum+negatives .eq. 0 then goto loop
$ alg_i = 0
$ loop2:
$ alg_entry = f$element(alg_i,",",info_algorithms)
$ alg_i = alg_i + 1
$ if alg_entry .eqs. "" then goto loop2
$ if alg_entry .nes. ","
$ then
$ if disabled_algorithms - ("," + alg_entry + ",") .nes disabled_algorithms then goto loop
$ if f$trnlnm("OPENSSL_NO_"+alg_entry) .nes. "" then goto loop
$ goto loop2
$ endif
$ endloop2:
$ if info_platforms - "EXPORT_VAR_AS_FUNCTION" .nes. info_platforms
$ then
$!DEBUG!$ write sys$output curentry," ; ",entrynum," ; ",entryinfo
$ endif
$ redo:
$ next:=loop
$ tolibentry=curentry
$ if libentrynum .ne. entrynum
$ then
$ entrycount=entrycount+1
$ if entrycount .lt. entrynum
$ then
$!DEBUG!$ write sys$output "Info: entrycount: ''entrycount', entrynum: ''entrynum' => 0"
$ tolibentry=".dummy"
$ next:=redo
$ endif
$ if entrycount .gt. entrynum
$ then
$ write sys$error "Decreasing library entry numbers! Can't continue"
$ write sys$error """",line,""""
$ close libnum
$ return
$ endif
$ libentry=tolibentry
$!DEBUG!$ write sys$output entrycount," ",libentry," ",entryinfo
$ if libentry .nes. "" .and. libwriter .nes. "" then gosub 'libwriter'
$ else
$ write sys$error "Info: ""''curentry'"" is an alias for ""''libentry'"". Overriding..."
$ endif
$ libentrynum=entrycount
$ goto 'next'
$ loop_end:
$ close libnum
$ return
$! The version number reader
$ read_version_info:
$ libver = ""
$ open /read vf [.CRYPTO]OPENSSLV.H
$ loop_rvi:
$ read/err=endloop_rvi/end=endloop_rvi vf rvi_line
$ if rvi_line - "SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER """ .eqs. rvi_line then -
goto loop_rvi
$ libverstr = f$element(1,"""",rvi_line)
$ libvmajor = f$element(0,".",libverstr)
$ libvminor = f$element(1,".",libverstr)
$ libvedit = f$element(2,".",libverstr)
$ libvpatch = f$cvui(0,8,f$extract(1,1,libvedit)+"@")-f$cvui(0,8,"@")
$ libvedit = f$extract(0,1,libvedit)
$ libver = f$string(f$int(libvmajor)*100)+","+-
$ if libvmajor .eqs. "0"
$ then
$ libvmatch = "EQUAL"
$ else
$ ! Starting with the 1.0 release, backward compatibility should be
$ ! kept, so switch over to the following
$ libvmatch = "LEQUAL"
$ endif
$ endloop_rvi:
$ close vf
$ return
$! The disabled algorithms reader
$ read_disabled_algorithms_info:
$ disabled_algorithms = ","
$ open /read cf [.CRYPTO.'ARCH']OPENSSLCONF.H
$ loop_rci:
$ read/err=endloop_rci/end=endloop_rci cf rci_line
$ rci_line = f$edit(rci_line,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
$ rci_ei = 0
$ if f$extract(0,9,rci_line) .eqs. "# define " then rci_ei = 2
$ if f$extract(0,8,rci_line) .eqs. "#define " then rci_ei = 1
$ if rci_ei .eq. 0 then goto loop_rci
$ rci_e = f$element(rci_ei," ",rci_line)
$ if f$extract(0,11,rci_e) .nes. "OPENSSL_NO_" then goto loop_rci
$ disabled_algorithms = disabled_algorithms + f$extract(11,999,rci_e) + ","
$ goto loop_rci
$ endloop_rci:
$ close cf
$ return