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// tf_bot_engineer_move_to_build.cpp
// Engineer moving into position to build
// Michael Booth, February 2009
#include "cbase.h"
#include "nav_mesh/tf_nav_mesh.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_obj_sentrygun.h"
#include "tf_weapon_builder.h"
#include "team_train_watcher.h"
#include "bot/tf_bot.h"
#include "bot/behavior/engineer/tf_bot_engineer_build.h"
#include "bot/behavior/engineer/tf_bot_engineer_move_to_build.h"
#include "bot/behavior/engineer/tf_bot_engineer_building.h"
#include "bot/map_entities/tf_bot_hint_sentrygun.h"
#include "bot/behavior/tf_bot_get_ammo.h"
#include "bot/behavior/tf_bot_retreat_to_cover.h"
#include "bot/behavior/engineer/tf_bot_engineer_build_teleport_exit.h"
#include "trigger_area_capture.h"
#include "raid/tf_raid_logic.h"
extern ConVar tf_bot_path_lookahead_range;
ConVar tf_bot_debug_sentry_placement( "tf_bot_debug_sentry_placement", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_bot_max_teleport_exit_travel_to_point( "tf_bot_max_teleport_exit_travel_to_point", "2500", FCVAR_CHEAT, "In an offensive engineer bot's tele exit is farther from the point than this, destroy it" );
ConVar tf_bot_min_teleport_travel( "tf_bot_min_teleport_travel", "3000", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Minimum travel distance between teleporter entrance and exit before engineer bot will build one" );
static Vector s_pointCentroid;
int CompareRangeToPoint( CTFNavArea * const *area1, CTFNavArea * const *area2 )
float d1 = ( (*area1)->GetCenter() - s_pointCentroid ).LengthSqr();
float d2 = ( (*area2)->GetCenter() - s_pointCentroid ).LengthSqr();
// reversed so farthest is sorted first in the vector
if ( d1 < d2 )
return 1;
if ( d1 > d2 )
return -1;
return 0;
void CTFBotEngineerMoveToBuild::CollectBuildAreas( CTFBot *me )
// if we have a predesignated build area, we're done
if ( me->GetHomeArea() )
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > pointAreaVector;
Vector pointCentroid = vec3_origin;
float pointEnemyIncursion = 0.0f;
int i;
int myTeam = me->GetTeamNumber();
int enemyTeam = ( myTeam == TF_TEAM_BLUE ) ? TF_TEAM_RED : TF_TEAM_BLUE;
CCaptureZone *zone = me->GetFlagCaptureZone();
if ( zone )
// NOTE: Not strictly the right thing - should defend location of our team's flag
CTFNavArea *zoneArea = (CTFNavArea *)TheTFNavMesh()->GetNearestNavArea( zone->WorldSpaceCenter(), false, 500.0f, true );
if ( zoneArea )
pointAreaVector.AddToTail( zoneArea );
pointCentroid += zoneArea->GetCenter();
pointEnemyIncursion += zoneArea->GetIncursionDistance( enemyTeam );
else if ( TFGameRules()->GetGameType() == TF_GAMETYPE_ESCORT )
CTeamTrainWatcher *trainWatcher;
if ( myTeam == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
trainWatcher = TFGameRules()->GetPayloadToPush( me->GetTeamNumber() );
trainWatcher = TFGameRules()->GetPayloadToBlock( me->GetTeamNumber() );
if ( trainWatcher )
Vector checkpointPos = trainWatcher->GetNextCheckpointPosition();
CTFNavArea *checkpointArea = (CTFNavArea *)TheTFNavMesh()->GetNearestNavArea( checkpointPos, false, 500.0f, true );
if ( checkpointArea )
pointAreaVector.AddToTail( checkpointArea );
pointCentroid += checkpointArea->GetCenter();
pointEnemyIncursion += checkpointArea->GetIncursionDistance( enemyTeam );
// collect all areas overlapping the point
CTeamControlPoint *ctrlPoint = me->GetMyControlPoint();
if ( !ctrlPoint )
const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *ctrlPointAreaVector = TheTFNavMesh()->GetControlPointAreas( ctrlPoint->GetPointIndex() );
if ( ctrlPointAreaVector )
for( i=0; i<ctrlPointAreaVector->Count(); ++i )
CTFNavArea *area = ctrlPointAreaVector->Element(i);
pointAreaVector.AddToTail( area );
pointCentroid += area->GetCenter();
pointEnemyIncursion += area->GetIncursionDistance( enemyTeam );
if ( pointAreaVector.Count() == 0 )
pointCentroid /= pointAreaVector.Count();
pointEnemyIncursion /= pointAreaVector.Count();
// collect all areas that can see the point
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > exposedAreaVector;
for( i=0; i<pointAreaVector.Count(); ++i )
CTFAreaCollector collect;
pointAreaVector[i]->ForAllPotentiallyVisibleAreas( collect );
for( int j=0; j<collect.m_vector.Count(); ++j )
CTFNavArea *visibleArea = collect.m_vector[j];
if ( visibleArea->GetIncursionDistance( myTeam ) < 0 || visibleArea->GetIncursionDistance( enemyTeam ) < 0 )
if ( TFGameRules()->IsInKothMode() )
// ignore areas the enemy can reach first
if ( visibleArea->GetIncursionDistance( myTeam ) >= visibleArea->GetIncursionDistance( enemyTeam ) )
// incursion flow is badly behaved at cap #1, stage #2 in dustbowl
// else
// {
// if ( pointEnemyIncursion > visibleArea->GetIncursionDistance( enemyTeam ) )
// continue;
// }
if ( TFGameRules()->GetGameType() == TF_GAMETYPE_CP )
// don't build directly on the point
if ( visibleArea->HasAttributeTF( TF_NAV_CONTROL_POINT ) )
// ignore areas below the point
const float tooFarBelow = 150.0f;
if ( visibleArea->GetCenter().z < pointCentroid.z - tooFarBelow )
// ignore areas too far from the point for the sentry gun to reach
const float tolerance = 1.1f;
if ( ( visibleArea->GetCenter() - pointCentroid ).IsLengthGreaterThan( SENTRY_MAX_RANGE * tolerance ) )
// ignore areas that don't have clear line of FIRE (not sight)
const float sentryEyeHeight = 60.0f;
const float pointFlagHeight = 70.0f; // 100.0f;
if ( !me->IsLineOfFireClear( visibleArea->GetCenter() + Vector( 0, 0, sentryEyeHeight ), pointCentroid + Vector( 0, 0, pointFlagHeight ) ) )
if ( !exposedAreaVector.HasElement( visibleArea ) )
exposedAreaVector.AddToTail( visibleArea );
// keep the farthest away areas
const float keepRatio = 1.0f; // 0.5f;
s_pointCentroid = pointCentroid;
exposedAreaVector.Sort( CompareRangeToPoint );
for( i=0; i<exposedAreaVector.Count() * keepRatio; ++i )
CTFNavArea *usableArea = exposedAreaVector[i];
m_sentryAreaVector.AddToTail( usableArea );
// calculate total surface area
m_totalSurfaceArea = 0.0f;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_sentryAreaVector, it )
CTFNavArea *area = m_sentryAreaVector[ it ];
m_totalSurfaceArea += area->GetSizeX() * area->GetSizeY();
if ( tf_bot_debug_sentry_placement.GetBool() )
TheNavMesh->AddToSelectedSet( area );
* Doesn't recompute the potential areas, just reselected from the list
void CTFBotEngineerMoveToBuild::SelectBuildLocation( CTFBot *me )
m_sentryBuildHint = NULL;
m_sentryBuildLocation = vec3_origin;
// if we have a build spot, use it
if ( me->GetHomeArea() )
m_sentryBuildLocation = me->GetHomeArea()->GetCenter();
// if we have a set of specific build locations, pick one of them
CUtlVector< CTFBotHintSentrygun * > sentryHintVector;
CTFBotHintSentrygun *sentryHint;
for( sentryHint = static_cast< CTFBotHintSentrygun * >( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "bot_hint_sentrygun" ) );
sentryHint = static_cast< CTFBotHintSentrygun * >( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( sentryHint, "bot_hint_sentrygun" ) ) )
// clear the previous owner if it is us
if ( sentryHint->GetPlayerOwner() == me )
sentryHint->SetPlayerOwner( NULL );
if ( sentryHint->IsAvailableForSelection( me ) )
sentryHintVector.AddToTail( sentryHint );
if ( sentryHintVector.Count() > 0 )
int which = RandomInt( 0, sentryHintVector.Count()-1 );
m_sentryBuildHint = sentryHintVector[ which ];
m_sentryBuildHint->SetPlayerOwner( me );
m_sentryBuildLocation = m_sentryBuildHint->GetAbsOrigin();
// collect nav area candidates
CollectBuildAreas( me );
// choose based on surface area to avoid biasing finely subdivided areas of the mesh
float which = RandomFloat( 0.0f, m_totalSurfaceArea - 1.0f );
float soFar = 0.0f;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_sentryAreaVector, sit )
CTFNavArea *area = m_sentryAreaVector[ sit ];
soFar += area->GetSizeX() * area->GetSizeY();
if ( which < soFar )
m_sentryBuildLocation = area->GetRandomPoint();
if ( !HushAsserts() )
Assert( !"Failed to find a build location" );
m_sentryBuildLocation = me->GetAbsOrigin();
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotEngineerMoveToBuild::OnStart( CTFBot *me, Action< CTFBot > *priorAction )
m_path.SetMinLookAheadDistance( me->GetDesiredPathLookAheadRange() );
if ( TFGameRules()->IsRaidMode() )
if ( me->GetHomeArea() && TFGameRules()->GetRaidLogic() )
// try to pick a new area
CTFNavArea *sentryArea = TFGameRules()->GetRaidLogic()->SelectRaidSentryArea();
if ( sentryArea )
me->SetHomeArea( sentryArea );
#endif // TF_RAID_MODE
SelectBuildLocation( me );
return Continue();
ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotEngineerMoveToBuild::Update( CTFBot *me, float interval )
if ( me->WasPointJustLost() )
if ( m_fallBackTimer.HasStarted() )
if ( m_fallBackTimer.IsElapsed() )
SelectBuildLocation( me );
// wait a moment while we decide where to build near fallback point
return Continue();
CBaseObject *mySentry = me->GetObjectOfType( OBJ_SENTRYGUN );
if ( mySentry )
// we already have a sentry from a previous life - continue what we were doing
// if we used a sentry hint last time, reuse it
CTFBotHintSentrygun *sentryHint;
for( sentryHint = static_cast< CTFBotHintSentrygun * >( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "bot_hint_sentrygun" ) );
sentryHint = static_cast< CTFBotHintSentrygun * >( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( sentryHint, "bot_hint_sentrygun" ) ) )
if ( sentryHint->GetPlayerOwner() == me )
return ChangeTo( new CTFBotEngineerBuilding( sentryHint ), "Going back to my existing sentry nest and reusing a sentry hint" );
return ChangeTo( new CTFBotEngineerBuilding, "Going back to my existing sentry nest" );
// offensive engineers need to place a forward teleporter
if ( TFGameRules()->GetGameType() == TF_GAMETYPE_CP && !TFGameRules()->IsInKothMode() && me->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
CObjectTeleporter *myTeleportExit = (CObjectTeleporter *)me->GetObjectOfType( OBJ_TELEPORTER, MODE_TELEPORTER_EXIT );
int myTeam = me->GetTeamNumber();
if ( myTeleportExit )
// if exit is too far from the point, destroy it and try again
CTeamControlPoint *point = me->GetMyControlPoint();
if ( point )
CTFNavArea *pointArea = TheTFNavMesh()->GetControlPointCenterArea( point->GetPointIndex() );
CTFNavArea *exitArea = (CTFNavArea *)myTeleportExit->GetLastKnownArea();
if ( pointArea && exitArea )
float travelToPoint = fabs( exitArea->GetIncursionDistance( myTeam ) - pointArea->GetIncursionDistance( myTeam ) );
if ( travelToPoint > tf_bot_max_teleport_exit_travel_to_point.GetFloat() )
// too far, destroy it
myTeleportExit = NULL;
CObjectTeleporter *myTeleportEntrance = (CObjectTeleporter *)me->GetObjectOfType( OBJ_TELEPORTER, MODE_TELEPORTER_ENTRANCE );
CTFNavArea *myArea = me->GetLastKnownArea();
bool shouldBuildExit = true;
// if we have a teleporter entrance, don't place the exit too close to it
if ( myTeleportEntrance && myArea )
CTFNavArea *enterArea = (CTFNavArea *)myTeleportEntrance->GetLastKnownArea();
if ( enterArea )
float travelBetween = fabs( enterArea->GetIncursionDistance( myTeam ) - myArea->GetIncursionDistance( myTeam ) );
if ( travelBetween < tf_bot_min_teleport_travel.GetFloat() )
shouldBuildExit = false;
if ( shouldBuildExit )
// no exit yet - need to place one
// when we see the enemy, retreat to cover and build the exit there
if ( me->GetVisionInterface()->GetPrimaryKnownThreat( true ) )
if ( !me->m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_INVULNERABLE ) && ShouldRetreat( me ) != ANSWER_NO )
Action< CTFBot > *nextActionWhenInCover = new CTFBotEngineerBuildTeleportExit;
return SuspendFor( new CTFBotRetreatToCover( nextActionWhenInCover ), "Retreating to a safe place to build my teleporter exit" );
// move to build position
if ( m_repathTimer.IsElapsed() )
m_repathTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 1.0f, 2.0f ) );
CTFBotPathCost cost( me, SAFEST_ROUTE );
m_path.Compute( me, m_sentryBuildLocation, cost );
Vector forward;
me->EyeVectors( &forward );
forward.z = 0.0f;
Vector myBlueprintPosition = me->GetAbsOrigin() + 50.0f * forward;
const float closeToHome = 25.0f;
Vector toBuild = m_sentryBuildLocation - myBlueprintPosition;
Vector toMe = m_sentryBuildLocation - me->GetAbsOrigin();
if ( me->GetLocomotionInterface()->IsOnGround() )
// we need to wait until we're on the ground since the Build action assumes our position OnStart is where we are going to build
if ( toMe.AsVector2D().IsLengthLessThan( closeToHome ) || toBuild.AsVector2D().IsLengthLessThan( closeToHome ) )
if ( m_sentryBuildHint != NULL )
return ChangeTo( new CTFBotEngineerBuilding( m_sentryBuildHint ), "Reached my precise build location" );
return ChangeTo( new CTFBotEngineerBuilding, "Reached my build location" );
m_path.Update( me );
return Continue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotEngineerMoveToBuild::OnStuck( CTFBot *me )
// SelectBuildLocation( me );
return TryContinue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotEngineerMoveToBuild::OnMoveToSuccess( CTFBot *me, const Path *path )
return TryContinue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotEngineerMoveToBuild::OnMoveToFailure( CTFBot *me, const Path *path, MoveToFailureType reason )
SelectBuildLocation( me );
return TryContinue();
EventDesiredResult< CTFBot > CTFBotEngineerMoveToBuild::OnTerritoryLost( CTFBot *me, int territoryID )
// we have to wait a moment until contested point changes to select a new build spot
m_fallBackTimer.Start( 0.2f );
return TryContinue();