Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1367 lines
46 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "store/v2/tf_store_preview_item2.h"
#include "econ_item_description.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextImage.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ScrollBar.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ScrollBarSlider.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "tf_item_schema.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "store/store_panel.h"
#include "c_tf_gamestats.h"
#include "tf_playermodelpanel.h"
#include "navigationpanel.h"
#include "tf_mouseforwardingpanel.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose:
inline float LerpScale( float flIn, float flInMin, float flInMax, float flOutMin, float flOutMax )
float flDenom = flInMax - flInMin;
if ( flDenom == 0.0f )
return 0.0f;
float t = clamp( ( flIn - flInMin ) / flDenom, 0.0f, 1.0f );
return Lerp( t, flOutMin, flOutMax );
// Purpose:
inline float SCurve( float t )
t = clamp( t, 0.0f, 1.0f );
return t * t * (3 - 2*t);
// Purpose:
CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::CFullscreenStorePreviewItem( vgui::Panel *pParent, EditablePanel *pOwner )
: BaseClass( pParent, "FullscreenStorePreview" ),
m_iItemDef( INVALID_ITEM_ID ),
m_pCycleTextLabel( NULL ),
m_pTeamNavPanel( NULL ),
m_pPreviewButton( NULL ),
m_pRotLeftButton( NULL ),
m_pRotRightButton( NULL ),
m_pZoomButton( NULL ),
m_pOverlayPanel( NULL ),
m_flGoFullscreenStartTime( 0.0f ),
m_flLastMouseMoveTime( 0.0f ),
m_bIsHalloweenOrFullmoonOnlyItem( false )
m_hOwner = pOwner;
void CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::SetItemDef( itemid_t iItemDef )
m_iItemDef = iItemDef;
CStorePanel *pStorePanel = EconUI()->GetStorePanel();
if ( pStorePanel )
const CEconStorePriceSheet *pPriceSheet = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet();
CExButton *pPreviewButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "TryItOutButton" ) );
if ( pPriceSheet && pPreviewButton )
const econ_store_entry_t *pStoreEntry = pPriceSheet->GetEntry( m_iItemDef );
pPreviewButton->SetVisible( pStoreEntry && pStoreEntry->CanPreview() );
void CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::GoFullscreen( CTFPlayerModelPanel *pPlayerModelPanel )
m_flGoFullscreenStartTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
SetAlpha( 0 );
SetVisible( true );
m_pPlayerModelPanel = pPlayerModelPanel;
if ( !m_pPlayerModelPanel.Get() )
// Cache old player model panel bounds and such
m_pPlayerModelPanel->GetBounds( m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[0], m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[1], m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[2], m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[3] );
m_OldModelState.m_vecPlayerPos = m_pPlayerModelPanel->m_vecPlayerPos;
m_OldModelState.m_bZoomed = m_pPlayerModelPanel->IsZoomed();
// Fullscreen panel is new parent
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetParent( this );
// Get team state
if ( m_pTeamNavPanel )
m_pTeamNavPanel->UpdateButtonSelectionStates( m_pPlayerModelPanel->GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_RED ? 0 : 1 );
void CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::ExitFullscreen()
if ( !m_hOwner.Get() )
if ( m_pPlayerModelPanel.Get() )
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetParent( m_hOwner.Get() );
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetBounds( m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[0], m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[1], m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[2], m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[3] );
// Reset the player position to it's pre-fullscreen location, but add on any zoom delta if needed.
const Vector vecZoomOffset = m_OldModelState.m_bZoomed != m_pPlayerModelPanel->IsZoomed() ? m_pPlayerModelPanel->GetZoomOffset() : vec3_origin;
m_pPlayerModelPanel->m_vecPlayerPos = m_OldModelState.m_vecPlayerPos + vecZoomOffset;
m_flGoFullscreenStartTime = 0.0f;
SetVisible( false );
PostMessage( m_hOwner.Get(), new KeyValues( "ExitFullscreen" ) );
bool CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::IsFullscreenMode()
return IsVisible();
void CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::OnNavButtonSelected( KeyValues *pData )
const int iTeam = pData->GetInt( "userdata", -1 ); AssertMsg( iTeam >= 0, "Bad filter" );
if ( iTeam < 0 )
if ( !m_pPlayerModelPanel.Get() )
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetTeam( iTeam );
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "team_switch_%s(store_preview_item_panel_fullscreen)", iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED ? "red" : "blu" );
void CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::OnThink()
if ( m_flGoFullscreenStartTime == 0.0f )
SetVisible( false );
// We are fading, or already faded in
SetVisible( true );
// Keep track of mouse movement - if the mouse button is down, force the mouse-moving state so we
// don't end up fading out while the player is rotating or clicking-and-holding anywhere else
int nMouseX, nMouseY;
vgui::input()->GetCursorPos( nMouseX, nMouseY );
bool bMouseMoved = false;
const bool bMouseButtonDown = vgui::input()->IsMouseDown( MOUSE_LEFT );
const bool bForceMouseMoving = bMouseButtonDown;
if ( bForceMouseMoving || nMouseX != m_nLastMouseX || nMouseY != m_nLastMouseY )
bMouseMoved = true;
m_nLastMouseX = nMouseX;
m_nLastMouseY = nMouseY;
m_flLastMouseMoveTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
// Fade in the button blocker if the mouse has been idle for some period of time
if ( m_pOverlayPanel )
const float flButtonBlockerFade = SCurve(
m_flLastMouseMoveTime + m_flUiFadeoutTime,
m_flLastMouseMoveTime + m_flUiFadeoutTime + m_flUiFadeoutDuration,
m_pOverlayPanel->SetVisible( flButtonBlockerFade > 0.0f );
m_pOverlayPanel->SetAlpha( (int)( 255 * flButtonBlockerFade ) );
// Set to layer above overlay panel, so it will always be visible
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetZPos( flButtonBlockerFade > 0.0f ? ( m_pOverlayPanel->GetZPos() + 1 ) : 0 );
const float flFade = SCurve(
m_flGoFullscreenStartTime + m_flFullscreenFadeToBlackDuration,
SetAlpha( (int)( 255 * flFade ) );
if ( !m_pPlayerModelPanel.Get() )
// Resize 3D model panel
const int aDstBounds[4] = { 0, 0, ScreenWidth(), ScreenHeight() };
const int aBounds[4] = {
Lerp( flFade, m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[0], aDstBounds[0] ),
Lerp( flFade, m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[1], aDstBounds[1] ),
Lerp( flFade, m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[2], aDstBounds[2] ),
Lerp( flFade, m_OldModelState.m_aPlayerModelPanelBounds[3], aDstBounds[3] )
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetBounds( aBounds[0], aBounds[1], aBounds[2], aBounds[3] );
if ( flFade < 0.999f )
const Vector vecZoomOffset = m_pPlayerModelPanel->IsZoomed() ? m_pPlayerModelPanel->GetZoomOffset() : vec3_origin;
const Vector vecFullscreenOrigin( m_flModelPanelOriginX, m_flModelPanelOriginY, m_flModelPanelOriginZ );
m_pPlayerModelPanel->m_vecPlayerPos = Lerp( flFade, m_OldModelState.m_vecPlayerPos, vecFullscreenOrigin + vecZoomOffset );
if ( m_pZoomButton )
m_pZoomButton->SetEnabled( flFade == 1.0f );
if ( bMouseButtonDown && m_pRotLeftButton && m_pRotRightButton )
float flDeltaAngle = 0;
const float kScale = 100.0f;
if ( m_pRotLeftButton->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY ) )
flDeltaAngle = -gpGlobals->frametime * kScale;
else if ( m_pRotRightButton->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY ) )
flDeltaAngle = gpGlobals->frametime * kScale;
m_pPlayerModelPanel->RotateYaw( flDeltaAngle );
// Accumulate time rotation buttons are being pressed for stat tracking
m_Stats.m_flRotationTime += gpGlobals->frametime;
void CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/econ/store/v2/StorePreviewItemPanel_Fullscreen.res" );
m_pOverlayPanel = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( FindChildByName( "OverlayPanel" ) );
m_pRotLeftButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "RotateLeftButton" ) );
m_pRotRightButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "RotateRightButton" ) );
m_pZoomButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "ZoomButton" ) );
m_pTeamNavPanel = dynamic_cast<CNavigationPanel *>( FindChildByName( "TeamNavPanel" ) );
void CFullscreenStorePreviewItem::OnCommand( const char *command )
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "on_command(store_preview_item_panel_fullscreen)", command );
if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "close", 6 ) )
if ( m_hOwner.Get() )
// Let the owner handle the command
m_hOwner->OnCommand( command );
// Purpose:
CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pResFile, const char *pPanelName, CStorePage *pOwner )
: BaseClass( pParent, pResFile, "storepreviewitem", pOwner )
m_pScrollBar = new ScrollBar( this, "ScrollBar", true );
m_pScrollBar->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pFullscreenPanel = new CFullscreenStorePreviewItem( this, this );
m_pFullscreenPanel->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pMouseOverItemPanel = vgui::SETUP_PANEL( new CItemModelPanel( this, "mouseoveritempanel" ) );
m_pMouseOverTooltip = new CItemModelPanelToolTip( this );
m_pMouseOverTooltip->SetupPanels( this, m_pMouseOverItemPanel );
m_pMouseOverTooltip->SetPositioningStrategy( IPTTP_BOTTOM_SIDE );
m_pItemViewData = NULL;
m_pSOEconItemData = NULL;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::Clear()
m_pPlayerModelPanel = NULL;
m_pPreviewButton = NULL;
m_pDialogFrame = NULL;
m_pPreviewViewportBg = NULL;
m_pItemNameLabel = NULL;
m_pAttributesLabel = NULL;
m_pItemCollectionHighlight = NULL;
m_pDetailsView = NULL;
m_pDetailsViewChild = NULL; // Scrollable
m_pItemWikiPageButton = NULL;
m_pTeamNavPanel = NULL;
m_pCycleTextLabel = NULL;
m_pScrollableChild = NULL;
m_pGoFullscreenButton = NULL;
m_nNumAttribLinesAdded = 0;
m_bArmoryTextAdded = false;
m_nNumAttribLinesAdded = 0;
m_iSliderPos = 0;
m_aClickPos[0] = m_aClickPos[1] = 0;
m_bCloseOnUp = false;
m_bMouseWasDown = false;
m_bIsHalloweenOrFullmoonOnlyItem = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_pAddRentalToCartButtons ); i++ )
m_pAddRentalToCartButtons[i] = NULL;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pItemIcons, i )
// Strip tooltips.
// We have all the same data already
m_pItemIcons[i]->GetItemPanel()->SetTooltip( NULL, NULL );
m_pDialogFrame = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( FindChildByName( "DialogFrame" ) );
m_pPreviewButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "TryItOutButton" ) );
m_pCycleTextLabel = dynamic_cast<CExLabel *>( FindChildByName( "CycleTextLabel" ) );
m_pGoFullscreenButton = dynamic_cast<CExImageButton *>( FindChildByName( "GoFullscreenButton" ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( m_pAddRentalToCartButtons ) == 3 );
m_pAddRentalToCartButtons[0] = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "AddRentalToCartButton_1Day" ) );
m_pAddRentalToCartButtons[1] = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "AddRentalToCartButton_3Day" ) );
m_pAddRentalToCartButtons[2] = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "AddRentalToCartButton_7Day" ) );
if ( m_pDialogFrame )
m_pPreviewViewportBg = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( m_pDialogFrame->FindChildByName( "PreviewViewportBg" ) );
m_pItemNameLabel = dynamic_cast<CExLabel *>( m_pDialogFrame->FindChildByName( "ItemNameLabel" ) );
m_pDetailsView = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( m_pDialogFrame->FindChildByName( "DetailsView" ) );
if ( m_pDetailsView )
m_pDetailsViewChild = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( m_pDetailsView->FindChildByName( "ScrollableChild" ) );
if ( !m_pDetailsViewChild )
m_pDetailsViewChild = m_pDetailsView;
m_pAttributesLabel = dynamic_cast<CExLabel *>( m_pDetailsViewChild->FindChildByName( "AttributesLabel" ) );
m_pItemCollectionHighlight = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( m_pDetailsViewChild->FindChildByName( "collectionhighlight" ) );
if ( m_pItemCollectionHighlight )
m_pItemCollectionHighlight->InvalidateLayout( true, true );
m_pItemWikiPageButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton *>( m_pDetailsViewChild->FindChildByName( "ItemWikiPageButton" ) );
if ( m_pItemWikiPageButton )
m_pItemWikiPageButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pTeamNavPanel = dynamic_cast<CNavigationPanel *>( FindChildByName( "TeamNavPanel" ) );
m_pMouseOverItemPanel->SetBorder( pScheme->GetBorder("LoadoutItemPopupBorder") );
SetState( PS_ITEM );
// Purpose: Given two controls A and B, place B such that it is (nXOffset,nYOffset)
// pixels offset from A, using it's content width or height, depending on bVertical.
// pControlNameA can be NULL, in which case zeros will be used as the offset.
int CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::PlaceControl( Panel *pParent, const char *pControlNameA, const char *pControlNameB, int nOffset, bool bVertical, bool bSizeAToContents/*=true*/, bool bUseContentSize/*=true*/ )
if ( !pParent || !pControlNameB )
AssertMsg( 0, "Bad!" );
return 0;
Label *pControlA = pControlNameA ? dynamic_cast<Label *>( pParent->FindChildByName( pControlNameA ) ) : NULL;
Label *pControlB = dynamic_cast<Label *>( pParent->FindChildByName( pControlNameB ) );
if ( !pControlB )
return 0;
if ( !pControlA && bVertical )
pControlA = m_pLastNewLineControl;
int aSize[2] = { 0, 0 };
int aPos[2] = { 0, 0 };
if ( pControlA )
pControlA->SetVisible( true );
if ( bSizeAToContents )
pControlA->InvalidateLayout( true );
if ( bUseContentSize )
pControlA->GetContentSize( aSize[0], aSize[1] );
pControlA->GetSize( aSize[0], aSize[1] );
pControlA->GetPos( aPos[0], aPos[1] );
int aOffset[2] = { 0, 0 };
if ( bVertical )
aOffset[1] = aSize[1] + nOffset;
aOffset[0] = aSize[0] + nOffset;
// NOTE: We add in the slider position here
pControlB->SetPos( aPos[0] + aOffset[0], aPos[1] + aOffset[1] );
pControlB->SetVisible( true );
#if _DEBUG
Msg( "control A: %s size: w=%i h=%i pos: (%i, %i)\n", pControlNameA, aSize[0], aSize[1], aPos[0], aPos[1] );
int x,y;
Msg( "control B: %s pos: (%i, %i)\n", pControlNameB, x,y );
if ( bVertical )
m_pLastNewLineControl = pControlB;
m_nViewMaxHeight = MAX( m_nViewMaxHeight, aPos[1] + aOffset[1] + pControlB->GetTall() );
return m_nViewMaxHeight;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::PerformLayout( void )
// BaseClass::PerformLayout(); // We override completely here
// center the icons (we need to redo some of the work of CStorePreviewItemPanel, because we
// center the base item icons along with our TF specific class ones)
int iNumItemIcons = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pItemIcons, i )
if ( m_pItemIcons[i]->IsVisible() )
int iNumClassIcons = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pClassIcons, i )
if ( m_pClassIcons[i]->IsVisible() )
if ( m_pDialogFrame && ( iNumItemIcons || iNumClassIcons ) )
int aDialogFramePos[2];
m_pDialogFrame->GetPos( aDialogFramePos[0], aDialogFramePos[1] );
int iCenterX = aDialogFramePos[0] + m_pDialogFrame->GetWide() / 4;
int interval = XRES(2);
int totalWidth = (iNumItemIcons > 0 ? iNumItemIcons * m_pItemIcons[0]->GetWide() : 0) + (iNumClassIcons * m_pClassIcons[0]->GetWide()) + (interval * (iNumItemIcons + iNumClassIcons - 1));
int iX = iCenterX - ( totalWidth / 2 );
int posX, posY;
if ( iNumItemIcons > 0 )
m_pItemIcons[0]->GetPos( posX, posY );
m_pClassIcons[0]->GetPos( posX, posY );
int iButton = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pItemIcons.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_pItemIcons[i]->IsVisible() )
m_pItemIcons[i]->SetPos( iX, posY );
iX += m_pItemIcons[i]->GetWide() + interval;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pClassIcons.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_pClassIcons[i]->IsVisible() )
m_pClassIcons[i]->SetPos( iX, posY );
iX += m_pClassIcons[i]->GetWide() + interval;
if ( !m_pPreviewViewportBg || !m_pItemNameLabel || !m_pDetailsViewChild || !m_pDetailsView || !m_pDialogFrame )
m_pScrollBar->SetVisible( false );
// Make sure we size the item name in case it needs multiple lines.
m_pItemNameLabel->InvalidateLayout( true );
if ( m_pItemNameLabel && m_item.IsValid() )
const CEconItemRarityDefinition* pItemRarity = GetItemSchema()->GetRarityDefinition( m_item.GetItemDefinition()->GetRarity() );
// Setup the rarity color overlay
Color color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
if ( pItemRarity )
attrib_colors_t attribColor = pItemRarity->GetAttribColor();
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
color = pScheme->GetColor( GetColorNameForAttribColor( attribColor ), Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_pItemNameLabel->SetColorStr( color );
int aItemNameLabelPos[2];
m_pItemNameLabel->GetPos( aItemNameLabelPos[0], aItemNameLabelPos[1] );
// This is the item label's new bottom y coordinate after it's been sized
const int nNewYRelativeToDlgFrame = aItemNameLabelPos[1] + m_pItemNameLabel->GetTall();
// Set ypos for details view and scroll bar
int aDetailsViewPos[2];
m_pDetailsView->GetPos( aDetailsViewPos[0], aDetailsViewPos[1] );
m_pDetailsView->SetPos( aDetailsViewPos[0], nNewYRelativeToDlgFrame );
int aDialogFramePos[2];
m_pDialogFrame->GetPos( aDialogFramePos[0], aDialogFramePos[1] );
if ( m_pScrollBar )
int aScrollBar[2];
m_pScrollBar->GetPos( aScrollBar[0], aScrollBar[1] );
m_pScrollBar->SetPos( aScrollBar[0], nNewYRelativeToDlgFrame + aDialogFramePos[1] );
int nNewHeight = m_pPreviewViewportBg->GetTall() - m_pItemNameLabel->GetTall();
m_pDetailsView->SetTall( nNewHeight );
if ( m_pScrollBar )
m_pScrollBar->SetTall( nNewHeight );
// Place paint and style buttons
CUtlVector<CExButton *> vecVisibleButtons;
const int nNumPossibilyVisibleWeapons = 1;
CExButton *pPossiblyVisibleButtons[nNumPossibilyVisibleWeapons] = { m_pNextWeaponButton };
for ( int i = 0; i < nNumPossibilyVisibleWeapons; ++i )
CExButton *pCurButton = pPossiblyVisibleButtons[i];
if ( !pCurButton || !pCurButton->IsVisible() )
vecVisibleButtons.AddToTail( pCurButton );
int nNumButtonsNeeded = vecVisibleButtons.Count();
if ( nNumButtonsNeeded )
// Center however many buttons we need to along the top of the viewport
int aViewportPos[2];
m_pPreviewViewportBg->GetPos( aViewportPos[0], aViewportPos[1] );
for ( int i = 0; i < nNumButtonsNeeded; ++i )
CExButton *pCurButton = vecVisibleButtons[i];
pCurButton->SetPos( aDialogFramePos[0] + aViewportPos[0] + ( i + 1 ) * m_pPreviewViewportBg->GetWide() / ( nNumButtonsNeeded + 1 ) - m_iControlButtonWidth / 2, m_iControlButtonY );
pCurButton->SetSize( m_iControlButtonWidth, m_iControlButtonHeight );
m_pLastNewLineControl = NULL;
m_nViewMaxHeight = 0;
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, NULL, "ItemLevelInfoLabel", m_iSmallVerticalBreakSize, true );
if ( m_bIsHalloweenOrFullmoonOnlyItem )
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "ItemLevelInfoLabel", "RestrictionsLabel", m_iMediumVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "RestrictionsLabel", "RestrictionsTextLabel", m_iHorizontalBreakSize, false );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "RestrictionsLabel", "UsedByLabel", m_iSmallVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "ItemLevelInfoLabel", "UsedByLabel", m_iMediumVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "UsedByLabel", "UsedByTextLabel", m_iHorizontalBreakSize, false );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "UsedByLabel", "SlotLabel", m_iSmallVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "SlotLabel", "SlotTextLabel", m_iHorizontalBreakSize, false );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "SlotLabel", "PriceLabel", m_iBigVerticalBreakSize, true );
if ( m_bArmoryTextAdded )
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "PriceLabel", "ArmoryTextLabel", m_iBigVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "ArmoryTextLabel", "AttributesLabel", m_iBigVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "PriceLabel", "AttributesLabel", m_iBigVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, m_nNumAttribLinesAdded == 0 ? "PriceLabel" : "AttributesLabel", "ItemWikiPageButton", m_iBigVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "ItemWikiPageButton", "TradableLabel", m_iBigVerticalBreakSize, true, false, false );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "TradableLabel", "TradableTextLabel", m_iHorizontalBreakSize, false );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "TradableLabel", "CraftableLabel", m_iSmallVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "CraftableLabel", "CraftableTextLabel", m_iHorizontalBreakSize, false );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "CraftableLabel", "GiftableLabel", m_iSmallVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "GiftableLabel", "GiftableTextLabel", m_iHorizontalBreakSize, false );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "GiftableLabel", "NameableLabel", m_iSmallVerticalBreakSize, true );
PlaceControl( m_pDetailsViewChild, "NameableLabel", "NameableTextLabel", m_iHorizontalBreakSize, false );
if ( m_pScrollBar )
m_pScrollBar->SetVisible( true );
m_pScrollBar->InvalidateLayout( true );
m_pScrollBar->SetRange( 0, m_nViewMaxHeight );
m_pScrollBar->SetRangeWindow( m_pScrollBar->GetTall() );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetTall( m_nViewMaxHeight );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::UpdateScrollableChild()
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetPos( 0, -m_iSliderPos );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnCommand( const char *command )
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "on_command(store_preview_item_panel)", command );
if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "closex", 5 ) )
// This is just a way for us to differentiate between 'x' button being pressed vs.
// the "back" button vs. clicking outside the preview window.
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "tryitout", 8 ) )
// OGS data gets written elsewhere for this event
PostMessage( m_pOwner, new KeyValues( "PreviewItem", "item_def_index", m_item.GetItemDefIndex() ) );
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "addtocart", 9 )
|| !V_strnicmp( command, "addrentaltocart", 15 )
ECartItemType eCartItemType = !V_stricmp( command, "addrentaltocart_1day" )
? kCartItem_Rental_1Day
: !V_stricmp( command, "addrentaltocart_3day" )
? kCartItem_Rental_3Day
: !V_stricmp( command, "addrentaltocart_7day" )
? kCartItem_Rental_7Day
: kCartItem_Purchase;
ECartItemType eCartItemType = kCartItem_Purchase;
KeyValues *pParams = new KeyValues( "AddItemToCart" );
pParams->SetInt( "item_def", m_item.GetItemDefIndex() );
pParams->SetInt( "cart_add_type", eCartItemType );
PostMessage( m_pOwner, pParams );
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "viewwikipage", 12 ) )
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamFriends() && m_pItemFullImage )
CEconItemView *pItem = m_pItemFullImage->GetItem();
if ( pItem->IsValid() )
// Determine which language we should use
char uilanguage[ 64 ];
uilanguage[0] = 0;
engine->GetUILanguage( uilanguage, sizeof( uilanguage ) );
ELanguage iLang = PchLanguageToELanguage( uilanguage );
char szURL[512];
Q_snprintf( szURL, sizeof(szURL), "", pItem->GetItemDefIndex(), GetLanguageICUName( iLang ) );
steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( szURL );
C_CTF_GameStats.Event_Catalog( IE_ARMORY_BROWSE_WIKI, NULL, pItem );
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "team_", 5 ) )
const char *pTeam = command + 5;
if ( !V_strnicmp( pTeam, "red", 3 ) )
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetTeam( TF_TEAM_RED );
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetTeam( TF_TEAM_BLUE );
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "gofullscreen", 11 ) )
if ( m_pFullscreenPanel )
m_pFullscreenPanel->GoFullscreen( m_pPlayerModelPanel );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnClassIconSelected( KeyValues *data )
BaseClass::OnClassIconSelected( data );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnHideClassIconMouseover( void )
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnShowClassIconMouseover( KeyValues *data )
// We decided not to show the "this item is
// usable by the [Class name]" tooltip.
//BaseClass::OnShowClassIconMouseover( data );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::PreviewItemCopy( int iClass, CEconItemView *pItem, const econ_store_entry_t* pEntry )
// Make a copy of SO data since it comes from the market and will fall out of scope
if ( m_pItemViewData )
delete m_pItemViewData;
m_pItemViewData = NULL;
if ( m_pSOEconItemData )
delete m_pSOEconItemData;
m_pSOEconItemData = NULL;
m_pItemViewData = new CEconItemView( *pItem );
m_pSOEconItemData = new CEconItem( *pItem->GetSOCData() );
m_pItemViewData->SetNonSOEconItem( m_pSOEconItemData );
PreviewItem( iClass, m_pItemViewData, pEntry );
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::PreviewItem( int iClass, CEconItemView *pItem, const econ_store_entry_t* pEntry )
BaseClass::PreviewItem( iClass, pItem, pEntry );
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "store_preview_item_panel(preview_item)", CFmtStr( "%i", m_item.GetItemDefIndex() ).Access() );
// Reload the .res file right now, since we need to make sure the item name label, on which all other controls
// base their position, is valid.
InvalidateLayout( true, true );
// Update the fullscreen item def index
if ( m_pFullscreenPanel )
m_pFullscreenPanel->SetItemDef( m_item.GetItemDefIndex() );
// If we didn't have a store entry passed in, look for one.
if ( !pEntry )
CStorePanel *pStorePanel = EconUI()->GetStorePanel();
if ( pStorePanel )
pEntry = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet()->GetEntry( m_item.GetItemDefIndex() );
if ( m_pDialogFrame && m_pDetailsView && m_pItemFullImage && m_pItemFullImage->GetItem() && m_pAttributesLabel )
const CEconItemView *pFullItem = m_pItemFullImage->GetItem();
const CEconItemDefinition *pBaseDef = pFullItem->GetItemDefinition();
const CTFItemDefinition *pDef = dynamic_cast<const CTFItemDefinition *>( pBaseDef );
if ( pFullItem && pDef )
m_pDialogFrame->SetDialogVariable( "itemname", pFullItem->GetItemName() );
// Holiday restrictions?
const char *pHolidayRestriction = pDef->GetHolidayRestriction() ? pDef->GetHolidayRestriction() : "";
m_bIsHalloweenOrFullmoonOnlyItem = StringHasPrefix( pHolidayRestriction, "halloween" );
CTFItemSchema *pSchema = ItemSystem()->GetItemSchema();
if ( pSchema )
// Build a list of classes by which this item can be used
const CBitVec<LOADOUT_COUNT> *pbvClassUsability = pDef->GetClassUsability();
const int kClassNamesSize = 512;
wchar_t wszClassNames[ kClassNamesSize ] = L"";
int nClassAdded = 0;
bool bAllClasses = true;
if ( !pbvClassUsability->IsBitSet( i ) )
bAllClasses = false;
if ( bAllClasses )
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "used_by_classes", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Store_ItemDesc_AllClasses" ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; ++i )
if ( pbvClassUsability->IsBitSet( i ) )
V_wcscat_safe( wszClassNames, nClassAdded++ == 0 ? L"" : L", " ); // add empty lines everywhere except before the first line
V_wcscat_safe( wszClassNames, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( g_aPlayerClassNames[i] ) );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "used_by_classes", wszClassNames );
// Setup the slot string
const CUtlVector< const char * > &vecLoadoutStrings = pSchema->GetLoadoutStrings( pDef->GetEquipType() );
const int iSlot = pDef->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot();
const bool bSlotValid = vecLoadoutStrings.IsValidIndex( iSlot );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "slot", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( bSlotValid ? CFmtStr( "#LoadoutSlot_%s", vecLoadoutStrings[iSlot] ).Access() : "#Store_ItemDesc_Slot_None" ) );
// Make an attempt to display tradability accurately even though we don't have an item to pull from.
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_CannotTrade( "cannot trade" );
Assert( pAttrib_CannotTrade );
// Get localized versions of "yes" and "no"
const wchar_t *pYesNo[2] = {
g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Store_ItemDesc_Yes" ),
g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Store_ItemDesc_No" )
bool bIsMapStamp = pDef->GetItemClass() && !V_strncmp( pDef->GetItemClass(), "map_token", 9 );
bool bIsTradeable = bIsMapStamp || FindAttribute( pDef, pAttrib_CannotTrade )
? pYesNo[ 1 ]
: g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate" );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "giftable", bIsTradeable );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "nameable", ( pDef->GetCapabilities() & ITEM_CAP_NAMEABLE ) != 0 ? pYesNo[0] : pYesNo[1] );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "tradable", bIsTradeable );
// No store-bought items are craftable, but items that were going to be tradable would show as craftable because
// they weren't real items with a real origin that would prevent them from being crafted. In the short term it makes
// more sense to just force this to always display "false" because at least it will never be wrong.
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "craftable", pDef->IsBundle()
? g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Attrib_CannotCraftWeapons" )
? pYesNo[0]
: pYesNo[1] );
// Setup price
if ( pEntry )
ECurrency eCurrency = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCurrency();
int iTotalPrice = pEntry->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency );
wchar_t wzLocalizedPrice[ kLocalizedPriceSizeInChararacters ];
MakeMoneyString( wzLocalizedPrice, ARRAYSIZE( wzLocalizedPrice ), iTotalPrice, eCurrency );
const wchar_t *pwsRentalPriceFormat = GLocalizationProvider()->Find( "#TF_Store_RentalPriceFormat" );
if ( pEntry->IsRentable() && pwsRentalPriceFormat )
wchar_t wzRentalLocalizedPrice[ kLocalizedPriceSizeInChararacters ];
MakeMoneyString( wzRentalLocalizedPrice, ARRAYSIZE( wzRentalLocalizedPrice ), pEntry->GetRentalPriceScale() * iTotalPrice, eCurrency )
wchar_t wzLocalizedPriceString[96];
::ILocalize::ConstructString_safe( wzLocalizedPriceString, pwsRentalPriceFormat, 2, wzLocalizedPrice, wzRentalLocalizedPrice );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "price", wzLocalizedPriceString );
if ( pEntry->m_bIsMarketItem )
if ( iTotalPrice != 0 )
wchar_t wzMarketString[96];
LOCCHAR( "%s1 %s2" ),
g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Store_StartingAt" ),
wzLocalizedPrice );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "price", wzMarketString );
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "price", "..." );
// if market item. Prefix 'Starting at'
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "price", wzLocalizedPrice );
// Show/hide rental button.
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_pAddRentalToCartButtons ); i++ )
if ( m_pAddRentalToCartButtons[i] )
m_pAddRentalToCartButtons[i]->SetVisible( pEntry && pEntry->IsRentable() );
// Final label value for our armory description text block.
const wchar_t *pwszLabelValue = L"";
m_bArmoryTextAdded = false;
const char *pszArmoryDescString = pDef->GetArmoryDescString();
if ( pszArmoryDescString )
const ArmoryStringDict_t& ArmoryKeys = GetItemSchema()->GetArmoryDataItems();
const ArmoryStringDict_t::IndexType_t armoryIndex = ArmoryKeys.Find( pszArmoryDescString );
if ( ArmoryKeys.IsValidIndex( armoryIndex ) )
const char *pszArmoryDescLocalizationKey = ArmoryKeys[ armoryIndex ].Get();
pwszLabelValue = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszArmoryDescLocalizationKey );
m_bArmoryTextAdded = true;
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "armory_text", pwszLabelValue );
// clear all old reference item panels before adding new ones
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecReferenceItemPanels, i )
int iReferenceItemHeight = 0;
const CEconItemDescription *pDescription = m_pItemFullImage->GetItem()->GetDescription();
if ( pDescription )
TextImage *pAttributesTextImage = m_pAttributesLabel->GetTextImage(); // This pointer already verified above
const int kAttribBufferSize = 4 * 1024;
wchar_t wszAttribBuffer[ kAttribBufferSize ] = L"";
int iAttribLine = 0;
m_nNumAttribLinesAdded = 0;
Color clrPrev( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
uint32 unCurrentTextStreamIndex = 0;
IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
int iFontHeight = surface()->GetFontTall( m_pAttributesLabel->GetFont() );
if ( m_pItemCollectionHighlight )
m_pItemCollectionHighlight->SetVisible( false );
iReferenceItemHeight = iFontHeight;
int iAttributePanelX, iAttributePanelY;
m_pAttributesLabel->GetPos( iAttributePanelX, iAttributePanelY );
for ( uint32 i = 0; i < pDescription->GetLineCount(); ++i )
const econ_item_description_line_t& line = pDescription->GetLine(i);
int nLineLength = StringFuncs<locchar_t>::Length( line.sText.Get() );
if ( ( line.unMetaType & kDescLineFlag_Type ) != 0 )
m_pDetailsViewChild->SetDialogVariable( "item_level_info", line.sText.Get() );
else if ( ( line.unMetaType & kDescLineFlagSet_DisplayInAttributeBlock ) != 0 && m_pAttributesLabel )
// current collection item line
bool bIsCurrentCollectionItem = ( line.unMetaType & kDescLineFlag_CollectionCurrentItem ) != 0;
// use bg color as text color for current item for a better highlight
Color col = bIsCurrentCollectionItem ? Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) : pScheme->GetColor( GetColorNameForAttribColor( line.eColor ), Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
// Output a color change if necessary.
if ( i == 0 || clrPrev != col )
pAttributesTextImage->AddColorChange( col, unCurrentTextStreamIndex );
clrPrev = col;
// Current line highlight
if ( bIsCurrentCollectionItem && m_pItemCollectionHighlight )
// use text color as bg color for the current item for a better highlight
Color bgColor = pScheme->GetColor( GetColorNameForAttribColor( line.eColor ), Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
// Get the current ypos
int x, y;
m_pAttributesLabel->GetPos( x, y );
m_pItemCollectionHighlight->SetPos( x, y + ( iAttribLine - 1 ) * iFontHeight );
m_pItemCollectionHighlight->SetBgColor( bgColor );
m_pItemCollectionHighlight->SetVisible( bIsCurrentCollectionItem );
if ( ( line.unMetaType & ( kDescLineFlag_Name | kDescLineFlag_Type ) ) == 0 )
V_wcscat_safe( wszAttribBuffer, m_nNumAttribLinesAdded++ == 0 ? L"" : L"\n" ); // add empty lines everywhere except before the first line
V_wcscat_safe( wszAttribBuffer, line.sText.Get() );
unCurrentTextStreamIndex += nLineLength + 1; // add one character to deal with newlines
if ( line.unDefIndex != INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX )
// set text and recalculate the size now to compute for button pos
m_pAttributesLabel->SetText( wszAttribBuffer );
CItemModelPanel* pItemModelPanel = new CItemModelPanel( m_pAttributesLabel, CFmtStr( "reference_item_%d", m_vecReferenceItemPanels.Count() ) );
pItemModelPanel->SetActAsButton( true, true );
pItemModelPanel->SetAutoDelete( true );
pItemModelPanel->SetPos( 0, m_pAttributesLabel->GetTall() - iFontHeight );
pItemModelPanel->SetZPos( m_pAttributesLabel->GetZPos() + 1 );
CEconItemView itemData;
itemData.Init( line.unDefIndex, AE_UNIQUE, AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE, true );
itemData.SetClientItemFlags( kEconItemFlagClient_Preview );
pItemModelPanel->SetItem( &itemData );
pItemModelPanel->SetTooltip( m_pMouseOverTooltip, "" );
m_vecReferenceItemPanels.AddToTail( pItemModelPanel );
// Make sure our string is NUL-terminated.
wszAttribBuffer[ kAttribBufferSize-1 ] = 0;
m_pAttributesLabel->SetText( wszAttribBuffer );
// match the highlight width to attribute width
if ( m_pItemCollectionHighlight && m_pItemCollectionHighlight->IsVisible() )
m_pItemCollectionHighlight->SetWide( m_pAttributesLabel->GetWide() );
if ( m_vecReferenceItemPanels.Count() )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecReferenceItemPanels, i )
m_vecReferenceItemPanels[i]->SetSize( m_pAttributesLabel->GetWide(), iReferenceItemHeight );
// Get PerformLayout() called, now that we have text in our controls - without this, SizeToContents() sizes all the labels as tall and narrow.
InvalidateLayout( true );
// Set the visibility of the "Try it now!" button based on whether we as a client think this item should be able
// to be previewed.
const CEconStorePriceSheet *pPriceSheet = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetPriceSheet();
if ( pPriceSheet && m_pPreviewButton )
const econ_store_entry_t *pStoreEntry = pPriceSheet->GetEntry( m_item.GetItemDefIndex() );
m_pPreviewButton->SetVisible( pStoreEntry && pStoreEntry->CanPreview() );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::SetState( preview_state_t iState )
BaseClass::SetState( iState );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::UpdateIcons( void )
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::UpdatePlayerModelButtons()
if ( m_pPlayerModelPanel )
if ( m_pTeamNavPanel )
m_pTeamNavPanel->SetVisible( m_pPlayerModelPanel->IsVisible() );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::SetPlayerModelVisible( bool bVisible )
BaseClass::SetPlayerModelVisible( bVisible );
if ( m_pCycleTextLabel )
m_pCycleTextLabel->SetVisible( bVisible );
if ( m_pGoFullscreenButton )
m_pGoFullscreenButton->SetVisible( bVisible );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::SetCycleLabelText( vgui::Label *pTargetLabel, const char *pCycleText )
BaseClass::SetCycleLabelText( pTargetLabel, pCycleText );
if ( m_pCycleTextLabel )
const wchar_t *pwszText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pCycleText );
m_pCycleTextLabel->SetText( pwszText ? pwszText : L"" );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnNavButtonSelected( KeyValues *pData )
const int iTeam = pData->GetInt( "userdata", -1 ); AssertMsg( iTeam >= 0, "Bad filter" );
if ( iTeam < 0 )
if ( !m_pPlayerModelPanel )
m_pPlayerModelPanel->SetTeam( iTeam );
CyclePaint( false );
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "team_switch(store_preview_item_panel)", iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED ? "red" : "blu" );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnExitFullscreen( KeyValues *pData )
if ( !m_pPlayerModelPanel )
// If team or class changed in fullscreen mode, update our ui components here
if ( m_pTeamNavPanel )
m_pTeamNavPanel->UpdateButtonSelectionStates( m_pPlayerModelPanel->GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_RED ? 0 : 1 );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnTick( void )
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnMouseWheeled( int delta )
if ( !m_pScrollBar )
int val = m_pScrollBar->GetValue();
val -= (delta * 50);
m_pScrollBar->SetValue( val );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnSliderMoved( int position )
m_iSliderPos = position;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::OnThink()
Assert( IsVisible() );
// If the user clicks outside of the dialog frame, close the preview, like
// many web sites do on the internet.
bool bMouseDown = vgui::input()->IsMouseDown( MOUSE_LEFT );
// User just clicked?
if ( !m_pFullscreenPanel || !m_pFullscreenPanel->IsFullscreenMode() )
if ( !m_bMouseWasDown && bMouseDown )
vgui::input()->GetCursorPos( m_aClickPos[0], m_aClickPos[1] );
m_bMouseWasDown = true;
else if ( m_pDialogFrame && bMouseDown && !m_pDialogFrame->IsWithin( m_aClickPos[0], m_aClickPos[1] ) )
//m_bCloseOnUp = true;
else if ( !bMouseDown )
if ( m_bCloseOnUp )
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "store_preview_item_panel", "close_from_outside_click" );
m_bCloseOnUp = false;
m_bMouseWasDown = false;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2::DoClose()
if ( m_pFullscreenPanel )
SetVisible( false );