Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

849 lines
28 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "store/v2/tf_store_page2.h"
#include "store/v2/tf_store_preview_item2.h"
#include "c_tf_freeaccount.h"
#include "store/store_panel.h"
#include "store/tf_store.h"
#include "navigationpanel.h"
#include "econ/store/store_page_new.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "c_tf_gamestats.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextImage.h"
#include "econ_item_description.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
static const int kNumSortTypes = 5;
ItemSortTypeData_t g_StoreSortTypes[ kNumSortTypes ] =
{ "#Store_SortType_DateNewest", kEconStoreSortType_DateNewest },
{ "#Store_SortType_DateOldest", kEconStoreSortType_DateOldest },
{ "#Store_SortType_HighestPrice", kEconStoreSortType_Price_HighestToLowest },
{ "#Store_SortType_LowestPrice", kEconStoreSortType_Price_LowestToHighest },
{ "#Store_SortType_Alphabetical", kEconStoreSortType_Name_AToZ },
class CClassFilterTooltip : public vgui::BaseTooltip
CClassFilterTooltip( CTFStorePage2 *pStorePage )
: BaseTooltip( pStorePage )
, m_pStorePage( pStorePage )
CTFStorePage2 *m_pStorePage;
virtual void SetText(const char *text)
m_pStorePage->m_pClassFilterTooltipLabel->SetText( text );
virtual void ShowTooltip(Panel *currentPanel)
int x = 0;
int y = currentPanel->GetTall();
currentPanel->LocalToScreen( x, y );
m_pStorePage->ScreenToLocal( x, y );
// The tooltip wants to be centered around the given panel, but it's constrained by the left and right boundaries
// of the navigation panel.
if ( m_pStorePage->m_pClassFilterButtons )
// Right side of tooltip should not pass right boundary of nav panel
int aClassFilterNavPos[2] = { 0, 0 };
m_pStorePage->m_pClassFilterButtons->GetPos( aClassFilterNavPos[0], aClassFilterNavPos[1] );
const int nTipWide = m_pStorePage->m_pClassFilterTooltipLabel->GetWide();
x = clamp(
x + ( currentPanel->GetWide() - nTipWide ) / 2,
aClassFilterNavPos[0] + m_pStorePage->m_pClassFilterButtons->GetWide() - nTipWide );
m_pStorePage->m_pClassFilterTooltipLabel->SetPos( x, y );
m_pStorePage->m_pClassFilterTooltipLabel->SetVisible( true );
virtual void HideTooltip()
m_pStorePage->m_pClassFilterTooltipLabel->SetVisible( false );
// Purpose:
CTFStorePage2::CTFStorePage2(Panel *parent, const CEconStoreCategoryManager::StoreCategory_t *pPageData, const char *pPreviewItemResFile )
: BaseClass( parent, pPageData, pPreviewItemResFile ),
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo( NULL ),
m_pSortByCombo( NULL ),
m_pHomeCategoryTabs( NULL ),
m_pClassFilterButtons( NULL ),
m_pNameFilterTextEntry( NULL ),
m_pSubcategoriesFilterLabel( NULL ),
m_iCurrentSubcategory( 2 ), // Switch to Featured items tab on home page when store launches; BRETT SAID I COULD DO THIS
m_pClassFilterTooltipLabel( NULL ),
m_pClassFilterTooltip( NULL ),
m_flFilterItemTime( 0.0f )
const CEconStorePriceSheet *pPriceSheet = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetPriceSheet();
if ( IsHomePage() )
bool bAtLeastOneItemIsOnSale = false;
if ( pPriceSheet )
const CEconStorePriceSheet::StoreEntryMap_t& mapStoreEntries = pPriceSheet->GetEntries();
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( mapStoreEntries, i )
if ( mapStoreEntries[i].IsOnSale( EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCurrency() ) )
bAtLeastOneItemIsOnSale = true;
m_pHomeCategoryTabs = new CNavigationPanel( this, "ItemCategoryTabs" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories, i )
// Skip over adding the "On Sale!" tab if no items are currently on sale.
const char *pchName = m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories[i]->m_pchName;
bool bIsOnSaleCategory = m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories[i]->m_unID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_OnSale;
// Skip over the "Top Sellers" tab as we're replacing it with the 'Starter Packs' tab for now
bool bIsPopularCategory = m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories[i]->m_unID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Popular;
// Skip over the "New" tab as we're replacing it with the 'Featured' tab for now
bool bIsNew = m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories[i]->m_unID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_New;
// We include all of the sale items in the Featured tab currently, so we don't need to add these categories back in at the moment
bAtLeastOneItemIsOnSale = false;
if ( ( !bIsPopularCategory && !bIsOnSaleCategory && !bIsNew ) || ( bAtLeastOneItemIsOnSale && bIsOnSaleCategory ) )
m_pHomeCategoryTabs->AddButton( i, pchName );
delete m_pClassFilterTooltip;
m_pClassFilterTooltip = NULL;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnPostCreate()
m_bShouldDeletePreviewPanel = true;
// Purpose:
bool CTFStorePage2::HasSubcategories() const
return m_pPageData && m_pPageData->HasSubcategories();
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::PerformLayout()
if ( m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo )
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->SetVisible( HasSubcategories() );
if ( m_pSubcategoriesFilterLabel )
m_pSubcategoriesFilterLabel->SetVisible( HasSubcategories() );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
m_pNameFilterTextEntry = FindControl<vgui::TextEntry>( "NameFilterTextEntry" );
if ( m_pNameFilterTextEntry )
m_pNameFilterTextEntry->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pSortByCombo = dynamic_cast< ComboBox * >( FindChildByName( "SortFilterComboBox" ) );
if ( m_pSortByCombo )
vgui::HFont hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontSmallestBold", true );
m_pSortByCombo->SetFont( hFont );
KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "data" );
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(g_StoreSortTypes); i++ )
pKeyValues->SetInt( "sortby", i );
m_pSortByCombo->AddItem( g_StoreSortTypes[i].szSortDesc, pKeyValues );
m_pSortByCombo->ActivateItemByRow( 0 );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo = dynamic_cast< ComboBox * >( FindChildByName( "SubcategoryFilterComboBox" ) );
if ( m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo )
vgui::HFont hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontSmallestBold", true );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->SetFont( hFont );
if ( m_pPageData )
// Add "all items" explicitly
KeyValuesAD kvAllItems( "data" );
kvAllItems->SetInt( "index", GetNumSubcategories() );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->AddItem( "#Store_ClassFilter_None", kvAllItems );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories, i )
KeyValues *pData = new KeyValues( "data" );
pData->SetInt( "index", i );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->AddItem( m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories[i]->m_pchName, pData );
// Move to "All items" selected
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->ActivateItemByRow( 0 );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->GetComboButton()->SetFgColor( Color( 117,107,94,255 ) );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->GetComboButton()->SetDefaultColor( Color( 117,107,94,255), Color( 0,0,0,0) );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->GetComboButton()->SetArmedColor( Color( 117,107,94,255), Color( 0,0,0,0) );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->GetComboButton()->SetDepressedColor( Color( 117,107,94,255), Color( 0,0,0,0) );
m_pClassFilterButtons = dynamic_cast< CNavigationPanel * >( FindChildByName( "ClassFilterNavPanel" ) );
m_pSubcategoriesFilterLabel = dynamic_cast< CExLabel * >( FindChildByName( "SubcategoryFiltersLabel" ) );
m_pClassFilterTooltipLabel = dynamic_cast< CExLabel * >( FindChildByName( "ClassFilterTooltipLabel" ) );
if ( m_pClassFilterTooltipLabel && m_pClassFilterButtons )
m_pClassFilterTooltip = new CClassFilterTooltip(this);
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_pClassFilterButtons->NumButtons() ; ++i )
CExButton *pButton = m_pClassFilterButtons->GetButton( i );
CUtlString sSaveText = pButton->GetEffectiveTooltipText();
pButton->SetTooltip( m_pClassFilterTooltip, sSaveText );
// Setup title text in home page
if ( IsHomePage() && g_pVGuiLocalize )
CExLabel *pTitleLabel = dynamic_cast<CExLabel *>( FindChildByName( "TitleLabel" ) );
wchar_t *pHomePageTitle = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Store_HomePageTitle" );
wchar_t *pRedText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Store_HomePageTitleRedText" );
if ( pTitleLabel && pHomePageTitle && pRedText )
const store_promotion_spend_for_free_item_t *pPromotion = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetPriceSheet()->GetStorePromotion_SpendForFreeItem();
ECurrency eCurrency = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCurrency();
AssertMsg( eCurrency >= k_ECurrencyUSD && eCurrency < k_ECurrencyMax, "Invalid currency!" );
int iPriceThreshold = pPromotion->m_rgusPriceThreshold[ eCurrency ];
wchar_t wszPriceThreshold[ kLocalizedPriceSizeInChararacters ];
MakeMoneyString( wszPriceThreshold, ARRAYSIZE( wszPriceThreshold ), iPriceThreshold, EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCurrency() );
static wchar_t wszText[512];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszText, pHomePageTitle, 2, pRedText, wszPriceThreshold );
pTitleLabel->SetText( wszText );
TextImage *pTextImage = pTitleLabel->GetTextImage();
const wchar_t *pFound = wcsstr( wszText, pRedText );
if ( pTextImage && pFound )
const int iRedTextPos = pFound - wszText;
const int nRedTextLen = wcslen( pRedText );
pTextImage->AddColorChange( Color(200,80,60,255), iRedTextPos );
pTextImage->AddColorChange( pTitleLabel->GetFgColor(), iRedTextPos + nRedTextLen );
// Purpose:
const char *CTFStorePage2::GetPageResFile( void )
if ( IsHomePage() )
Assert( ShouldUseNewStore() );
return "Resource/UI/econ/store/v2/StoreHome_Premium.res";
return m_pPageData->m_pchPageRes;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnPageShow( void )
if ( m_pClassFilterButtons )
m_pClassFilterButtons->UpdateButtonSelectionStates( 0 );
ClearNameFilter( true );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnCommand( const char *command )
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnItemDetails( vgui::Panel *panel )
CStoreItemControlsPanel *pControlsPanel = dynamic_cast< CStoreItemControlsPanel * >( panel );
if ( pControlsPanel )
const econ_store_entry_t *pEntry = pControlsPanel->GetItem();
if ( pEntry && m_pPreviewPanel )
ShowPreviewWindow( pEntry->GetItemDefinitionIndex() );
void CTFStorePage2::OnItemDefDetails( KeyValues *pData )
ShowPreviewWindow( pData->GetInt("ItemDefIndex", -1) );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::ShowPreviewWindow( item_definition_index_t usDefIndex )
if ( m_pPreviewPanel )
CEconItemView itemData;
itemData.Init( usDefIndex, AE_UNIQUE, AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE, true );
itemData.SetClientItemFlags( kEconItemFlagClient_Preview );
m_pPreviewPanel->PreviewItem( 0, &itemData );
m_pPreviewPanel->SetState( PS_ITEM ); // Adding this, since without it, only the item icon shows up
m_pPreviewPanel->SetVisible( true );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnNavButtonSelected( KeyValues *pData )
Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)pData->GetPtr( "panel" );
if ( pPanel == m_pClassFilterButtons )
const int iFilter = pData->GetInt( "userdata", -1 ); AssertMsg( iFilter >= 0, "Bad filter" );
if ( iFilter < 0 )
SetFilter( iFilter );
m_iCurrentPage = 0;
if ( m_pCheckoutButton )
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "store_page_2_nav(class)", CFmtStr( "%i", iFilter ).Access() );
else if ( pPanel == m_pHomeCategoryTabs )
int iSelectedTab = pData->GetInt( "userdata", -1 );
if ( iSelectedTab < 0 )
if ( !m_pPageData || !m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories.IsValidIndex( iSelectedTab ) )
m_iCurrentSubcategory = iSelectedTab;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, i )
// Delete the old one
// Create a new one and cache it
CStorePricePanel *pPricePanel = CreatePricePanel( i );
pPricePanel->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
pPricePanel->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
m_vecItemPanels[i].m_pStorePricePanel = pPricePanel;
// Setup the mouse handler
m_vecItemPanels[i].m_pItemControlsPanel->SetMouseHoverHandler( pPricePanel );
m_iCurrentPage = 0;
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "store_page_2_nav(category)", CFmtStr( "%i", iSelectedTab ).Access() );
// Purpose: Called when text changes in combo box
void CTFStorePage2::OnTextChanged( KeyValues *data )
Panel *pPanel = reinterpret_cast<vgui::Panel *>( data->GetPtr("panel") );
vgui::TextEntry *pTextEntry = dynamic_cast<vgui::TextEntry *>( pPanel );
if ( pTextEntry )
if ( pTextEntry == m_pNameFilterTextEntry )
if ( m_pNameFilterTextEntry->GetTextLength() )
m_wNameFilter.EnsureCount( m_pNameFilterTextEntry->GetTextLength() + 1 );
m_pNameFilterTextEntry->GetText( m_wNameFilter.Base(), m_wNameFilter.Count() * sizeof(wchar_t) );
V_wcslower( m_wNameFilter.Base() );
m_flFilterItemTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f;
vgui::ComboBox *pComboBox = dynamic_cast<vgui::ComboBox *>( pPanel );
if ( pComboBox )
if ( pComboBox == m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo )
// the class selection combo box changed, update class details
KeyValues *pUserData = m_pSubcategoriesFilterCombo->GetActiveItemUserData();
if ( !pUserData )
// Update current subcategory filter
m_iCurrentSubcategory = pUserData->GetInt( "index", 0 );
m_bFilterDirty = true;
m_iCurrentPage = 0;
if ( m_pCheckoutButton )
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "store_page_2_nav(subcategories)", CFmtStr( "%i", m_iCurrentSubcategory ).Access() );
else if ( pComboBox == m_pSortByCombo )
// the class selection combo box changed, update class details
KeyValues *pUserData = m_pSortByCombo->GetActiveItemUserData();
if ( !pUserData )
int iSortTypeSelectionIndex = pUserData->GetInt( "sortby", -1 );
m_bFilterDirty = true;
if ( iSortTypeSelectionIndex >= 0 )
eEconStoreSortType iSortType = (eEconStoreSortType)g_StoreSortTypes[iSortTypeSelectionIndex].iSortType;
C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( "store_page_2_nav(sort_by)", CFmtStr( "%i", iSortType ).Access() );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::GetFiltersForDef( GameItemDefinition_t *pDef, CUtlVector<int> *pVecFilters )
BaseClass::GetFiltersForDef( pDef, pVecFilters );
bool CTFStorePage2::FindAndSelectEntry( const econ_store_entry_t *pEntry )
m_iCurrentSubcategory = GetAllSubcategoriesIndex();
m_bFilterDirty = true;
if ( BaseClass::FindAndSelectEntry( pEntry ) )
ivgui()->PostMessage( GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "ItemDefDetails", "ItemDefIndex", pEntry->GetItemDefinitionIndex() ), GetVPanel() );
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::ClearNameFilter( bool bUpdateModelPanels )
// don't do anything if we don't have any filter
if ( m_wNameFilter.Count() == 0 )
if( m_pNameFilterTextEntry )
m_pNameFilterTextEntry->SetText( "" );
if ( bUpdateModelPanels )
m_flFilterItemTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f;
// Purpose:
int CTFStorePage2::GetAllSubcategoriesIndex() const
return m_pPageData ? m_pPageData->GetNumSubcategories() : 0;
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::UpdateFilteredItems()
if ( m_bFilterDirty )
// Make sure list of unfiltered items is sorted
m_pSortByCombo = dynamic_cast< ComboBox * >( FindChildByName( "SortFilterComboBox" ) );
if ( m_pSortByCombo )
KeyValues *pUserData = m_pSortByCombo->GetActiveItemUserData();
if ( pUserData )
int iSortTypeSelectionIndex = pUserData->GetInt( "sortby", -1 );
if ( iSortTypeSelectionIndex >= 0 )
eEconStoreSortType iSortType = (eEconStoreSortType)g_StoreSortTypes[iSortTypeSelectionIndex].iSortType;
CEconStorePriceSheet *pPriceSheet = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetPriceSheetForEdit();
pPriceSheet->SetEconStoreSortType( iSortType );
CEconStoreCategoryManager::StoreCategory_t *pPageData = const_cast< CEconStoreCategoryManager::StoreCategory_t * >( m_pPageData );
pPageData->m_vecEntries.SetLessContext( pPriceSheet );
pPageData->m_vecEntries.RedoSort( true );
if ( !IsHomePage() )
// Subcategories on the home page are special cases, as they aren't based on
// an item's tags.
const StoreCategoryID_t unSubcategoryID = m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories[ m_iCurrentSubcategory ]->m_unID;
CStorePanel *pStorePanel = EconUI()->GetStorePanel();
if ( !pStorePanel )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, idx )
m_vecItemPanels[idx].m_pItemModelPanel->SetShowQuantity( unSubcategoryID != CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Popular );
if ( unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Popular )
const CUtlVector<uint32>& popularItems = pStorePanel->GetPopularItems();
for ( int i = 0; i < MIN( m_vecItemPanels.Count(), popularItems.Count() ); ++i )
const econ_store_entry_t *pEntry = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet()->GetEntry( popularItems[i] );
m_FilteredEntries.AddToTail( pEntry );
else if ( unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_New )
// Add all new items
const CUtlMap< uint16, econ_store_entry_t > &mapEntries = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet()->GetEntries();
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( mapEntries, i )
const econ_store_entry_t *pCurEntry = &mapEntries[i];
if ( pCurEntry->m_bNew )
m_FilteredEntries.AddToTail( pCurEntry );
else if ( unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_OnSale )
ECurrency eCurrency = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCurrency();
// Add all entries that are on sale
const CEconStorePriceSheet::StoreEntryMap_t &mapEntries = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet()->GetEntries();
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( mapEntries, i )
const econ_store_entry_t *pCurEntry = &mapEntries[i];
if ( pCurEntry->IsOnSale( eCurrency ) )
m_FilteredEntries.AddToTail( pCurEntry );
else if ( unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Featured )
const CEconStorePriceSheet::FeaturedItems_t& vecFeaturedItems = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet()->GetFeaturedItems();
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecFeaturedItems, i )
const econ_store_entry_t *pEntry = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet()->GetEntry( vecFeaturedItems[i] );
if ( pEntry )
m_FilteredEntries.AddToTail( pEntry );
AssertMsg( 0, "trying to add featured item that's not in the store price sheet.\n" );
else if ( unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_ClassBundles )
// Let's find the class bundles
const CEconStorePriceSheet::StoreEntryMap_t &mapEntries = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet()->GetEntries();
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( mapEntries, i )
const econ_store_entry_t *pCurEntry = &mapEntries[i];
if ( pCurEntry->IsListedInCategory( CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_ClassBundles ) )
m_FilteredEntries.AddToTail( pCurEntry );
// Sort by date to get the weapon bundles before the keyless crates
//extern int ItemNameSortComparator( const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppEntryA, const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppEntryB );
extern int FirstSaleDateSortComparator( const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppItemA, const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppItemB );
m_FilteredEntries.Sort( &FirstSaleDateSortComparator );
else if ( unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Taunts )
const CEconStorePriceSheet::StoreEntryMap_t &mapEntries = pStorePanel->GetPriceSheet()->GetEntries();
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( mapEntries, i )
const econ_store_entry_t *pCurEntry = &mapEntries[i];
if ( pCurEntry->IsListedInCategory( CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Taunts ) )
m_FilteredEntries.AddToTail( pCurEntry );
AssertMsg( 0, "Subcategory has no defined behavior in code" );
// If we're either "New" category or the "On Sale" category or the "Taunts" category, sort our contents
// by sale date.
if ( unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_New || unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_OnSale || unSubcategoryID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Taunts )
extern int FirstSaleDateSortComparator( const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppItemA, const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppItemB );
m_FilteredEntries.Sort( &FirstSaleDateSortComparator );
m_bFilterDirty = false;
// Purpose:
bool CTFStorePage2::DoesEntryFilterPassSecondaryFilter( const econ_store_entry_t *pEntry )
if ( !DoesEntryFilterPassSubcategoryFilter( pEntry ) )
return false;
if ( m_wNameFilter.Count() > 0 )
CEconItemView itemData;
itemData.Init( pEntry->GetItemDefinitionIndex(), AE_UNIQUE, AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE, true );
itemData.SetClientItemFlags( kEconItemFlagClient_Preview | kEconItemFlagClient_StoreItem );
return DoesItemPassSearchFilter( itemData.GetDescription(), m_wNameFilter.Base() );
return true;
// Purpose:
bool CTFStorePage2::DoesEntryFilterPassSubcategoryFilter( const econ_store_entry_t *pEntry )
Assert( pEntry );
Assert( m_pPageData );
// Make sure pages without subcategories can still function
if ( !HasSubcategories() )
return true;
// "All subcategories" item selected?
if ( m_iCurrentSubcategory == GetAllSubcategoriesIndex() )
return true;
if ( !m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories.IsValidIndex( m_iCurrentSubcategory ) )
return false;
// Get the subcategory ID
const StoreCategoryID_t unSubCategoryID = m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories[ m_iCurrentSubcategory ]->m_unID;
// If the store entry is covered by the currently selected category, return true.
// return pEntry->m_vecTagIds.Find( unSubCategoryID ) != pEntry->m_vecTagIds.InvalidIndex();
return pEntry->IsListedInCategory( unSubCategoryID );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::UpdateFilterComboBox( void )
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnThink( void )
if ( m_flFilterItemTime && gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flFilterItemTime )
m_bFilterDirty = true;
m_flFilterItemTime = 0.0f;
// Purpose:
CStorePreviewItemPanel *CTFStorePage2::CreatePreviewPanel( void )
return new CTFStorePreviewItemPanel2( EconUI()->GetStorePanel(), m_pPreviewItemResFile, "storepreviewitem", this );
// Purpose:
CStorePricePanel* CTFStorePage2::CreatePricePanel( int iIndex )
if ( m_pPageData &&
m_pPageData->m_bIsHome &&
HasSubcategories() &&
m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories.IsValidIndex( m_iCurrentSubcategory ) &&
m_pPageData->m_vecSubcategories[ m_iCurrentSubcategory ]->m_unID == CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Popular )
return vgui::SETUP_PANEL( new CStorePricePanel_Popular( this, "StorePrice", iIndex + 1 ) );
return BaseClass::CreatePricePanel( iIndex );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnAddItemToCart( KeyValues *pData )
item_definition_index_t iItemDef = (item_definition_index_t)pData->GetInt( "item_def", INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX );
AddItemToCartHelper( GetPageName(), iItemDef, (ECartItemType)pData->GetInt( "cart_add_type", kCartItem_Purchase ) );
// Turn the free slots indicator red if we can't fit everything.
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnItemPanelMouseReleased( vgui::Panel *panel )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = dynamic_cast < CItemModelPanel * > ( panel );
if ( pItemPanel && IsVisible() && pItemPanel->HasItem() )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, i )
if ( m_vecItemPanels[i].m_pItemModelPanel == pItemPanel )
ShowPreviewWindow( m_vecItemPanels[i].m_pItemModelPanel->GetItem()->GetItemDefIndex() );
// Purpose:
void CTFStorePage2::OnItemPanelMouseDoublePressed( vgui::Panel *panel )
// Do nothing