Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "order_helpers.h"
#include "order_killmortarguy.h"
#include "tf_team.h"
IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST( COrderKillMortarGuy, DT_OrderKillMortarGuy )
static bool IsValidFn_DeployedBrianJacobsons( void *pUserData, int iClient )
CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = (CBaseTFPlayer*)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iClient+1 );
if ( !pPlayer || pPlayer->IsClass( TFCLASS_UNDECIDED ) || !pPlayer->GetTeam() )
return false;
// Is this person on an enemy team?
CSortBase *pSortBase = (CSortBase*)pUserData;
CBaseTFPlayer *pMyPlayer = pSortBase->m_pPlayer;
if( pPlayer->GetTeam()->GetTeamNumber() == pMyPlayer->GetTeam()->GetTeamNumber() )
return false;
// Is he alive?
if( !pPlayer->IsAlive() )
return false;
// ROBIN: Removed mortar object. This needs to handle mortar vehicles instead.
// Is he looking surly?
//if( pPlayer->GetNumObjects( OBJ_MORTAR ) == 0 )
//return false;
// Is he close enough?
if( pMyPlayer->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() ) > KILLMORTARGUY_DIST )
return false;
// Is he visible to the tactical?
// if( !pMyPlayer->GetTFTeam()->IsEntityVisibleToTactical( pPlayer ) )
// return false;
// KILL HIM!!!
return true;
static int SortFn_PlayerEntsByDistance( void *pUserData, int a, int b )
CBaseEntity *pEdictA = CBaseEntity::Instance( engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( a+1 ) );
CBaseEntity *pEdictB = CBaseEntity::Instance( engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( b+1 ) );
if ( !pEdictA || !pEdictB )
return 1;
CSortBase *pSortBase = (CSortBase*)pUserData;
const Vector &v = pSortBase->m_pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
return v.DistTo( pEdictA->GetAbsOrigin() ) < v.DistTo( pEdictB->GetAbsOrigin() );
bool COrderKillMortarGuy::CreateOrder( CPlayerClass *pClass )
CSortBase info;
info.m_pPlayer = pClass->GetPlayer();
// Look for an enemy sniper visible to the
int supports[MAX_PLAYERS];
int nSupports = BuildSortedActiveList(
supports, // the sorted list
SortFn_PlayerEntsByDistance, // sort on distance
IsValidFn_DeployedBrianJacobsons, // only get deployed support guys
&info, // pUserData
gpGlobals->maxClients // how many players to look through
// Kill the closest punk.
if( nSupports )
CBaseTFPlayer *pBrian = (CBaseTFPlayer*)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( supports[0]+1 );
Assert( pBrian );
COrderKillMortarGuy *pOrder = new COrderKillMortarGuy;
return true;
return false;
bool COrderKillMortarGuy::UpdateOnEvent( COrderEvent_Base *pEvent )
if ( pEvent->GetType() == ORDER_EVENT_PLAYER_KILLED )
COrderEvent_PlayerKilled *pKilled = (COrderEvent_PlayerKilled*)pEvent;
if ( pKilled->m_pPlayer == GetTargetEntity() )
return true;
return BaseClass::UpdateOnEvent( pEvent );