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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// boss_alpha_guard_spot.cpp
// Michael Booth, November 2010
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "nav_mesh/tf_nav_area.h"
#include "tf_projectile_rocket.h"
#include "player_vs_environment/boss_alpha/boss_alpha.h"
#include "player_vs_environment/boss_alpha/behavior/boss_alpha_guard_spot.h"
#include "player_vs_environment/boss_alpha/behavior/boss_alpha_chase_victim.h"
ActionResult< CBossAlpha > CBossAlphaGuardSpot::OnStart( CBossAlpha *me, Action< CBossAlpha > *priorAction )
m_path.SetMinLookAheadDistance( 300.0f );
me->GetBodyInterface()->StartActivity( ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM1 );
me->SetHomePosition( me->GetAbsOrigin() );
m_lookAtSpot = vec3_origin;
return Continue();
ActionResult< CBossAlpha > CBossAlphaGuardSpot::Update( CBossAlpha *me, float interval )
CBaseCombatCharacter *target = me->GetAttackTarget();
if ( target )
if ( me->IsLineOfSightClear( target ) || me->IsPrisonerOfMinion( target ) )
return SuspendFor( new CBossAlphaChaseVictim( me->GetAttackTarget() ), "Get 'em!" );
CBaseCombatCharacter *visible = me->GetNearestVisibleEnemy();
if ( visible )
// look at visible victim out of range
me->GetLocomotionInterface()->FaceTowards( visible->WorldSpaceCenter() );
const float atHomeRange = 50.0f;
if ( me->IsRangeGreaterThan( me->GetHomePosition(), atHomeRange ) )
if ( m_path.GetAge() > 3.0f )
CBossAlphaPathCost cost( me );
if ( m_path.Compute( me, me->GetHomePosition(), cost ) == false )
// can't reach guard post - just jump there for now
me->Teleport( &me->GetHomePosition(), NULL, NULL );
m_path.Update( me );
// on guard spot - look around
if ( m_lookTimer.IsElapsed() )
m_lookTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 1.0f, 2.0f ) );
CTFNavArea *myArea = (CTFNavArea *)me->GetLastKnownArea();
if ( myArea )
const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > &invasionAreaVector = myArea->GetEnemyInvasionAreaVector( TF_TEAM_RED );
if ( invasionAreaVector.Count() > 0 )
// try to not look directly at walls
const float minGazeRange = 300.0f;
const int retryCount = 20.0f;
for( int r=0; r<retryCount; ++r )
int which = RandomInt( 0, invasionAreaVector.Count()-1 );
Vector gazeSpot = invasionAreaVector[ which ]->GetRandomPoint() + Vector( 0, 0, 0.75f * HumanHeight );
if ( me->IsRangeGreaterThan( gazeSpot, minGazeRange ) && me->GetVisionInterface()->IsLineOfSightClear( gazeSpot ) )
// use maxLookInterval so these looks override body aiming from path following
m_lookAtSpot = gazeSpot;
me->GetLocomotionInterface()->FaceTowards( m_lookAtSpot );
if ( me->GetLocomotionInterface()->IsAttemptingToMove() )
// play running animation
if ( !me->GetBodyInterface()->IsActivity( ACT_MP_RUN_MELEE ) )
me->GetBodyInterface()->StartActivity( ACT_MP_RUN_MELEE );
// standing still
if ( !me->GetBodyInterface()->IsActivity( ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM1 ) )
me->GetBodyInterface()->StartActivity( ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM1 );
return Continue();
EventDesiredResult< CBossAlpha > CBossAlphaGuardSpot::OnInjured( CBossAlpha *me, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
return TryContinue();
#endif // TF_RAID_MODE