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// Misc functions used by other bits of ASW
#include "util_shared.h"
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
#define CPointCamera C_PointCamera
class CPhysicsProp;
class CASW_Player;
class CASW_Marine;
class CASW_Marine_Resource;
class CPointCamera;
class CNewParticleEffect;
int UTIL_ASW_GetNumPlayers();
// rotates one angle towards another, with a fixed turning rate over the time
float ASW_ClampYaw( float yawSpeedPerSec, float current, float target, float time );
// time independent movement of one angle to a fraction of the desired
float ASW_ClampYaw_Fraction( float fraction, float current, float target, float time );
float ASW_Linear_Approach( float current, float target, float delta);
bool ASW_LineCircleIntersection(
const Vector2D ¢er,
const float radius,
const Vector2D &vLinePt,
const Vector2D &vLineDir,
float *fIntersection1,
float *fIntersection2);
// is a marine nearby this spot? i.e. can a player controlling this marine see this spot (bCorpseCanSee is set to true if a marine corpse can see this spot)
CASW_Marine* UTIL_ASW_MarineCanSee(CASW_Marine_Resource* pMR, const Vector &pos, const int padding, bool &bCorpseCanSee, const int forward_limit = -1);
CASW_Marine* UTIL_ASW_AnyMarineCanSee(const Vector &pos, const int padding, bool &bCorpseCanSee, const int forward_limit = -1);
// is a marine looking at this spot?
bool UTIL_ASW_MarineViewCone(const Vector &pos);
// default camera and dot values for the above function
#define MARINE_NEARBY_DOT_768 0.6322133
#define MARINE_NEARBY_DOT_1024 0.5335417
#define ASW_DEFAULT_CAMERA_DIR Vector(0,0.500000f,-0.866025f)
#define ASW_DEFAULT_CAMERA_OFFSET Vector(0.000009f,-202.499985f,350.740306f)
//void UTIL_ASW_ValidateSoundName( string_t &name, const char *defaultStr );
void UTIL_ASW_ValidateSoundName( char *szString, int stringlength, const char *defaultStr );
/// get a parabola that goes from source to destination in specified time
Vector UTIL_LaunchVector( const Vector &src, const Vector &dest, float gravity, float flightTime = 0.0f );
// returns the first collision point for a thrown entity (MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY)
Vector UTIL_Check_Throw( const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecThrowVelocity, float flGravity, const Vector &vecHullMins, const Vector &vecHullMaxs,
int iCollisionMask = MASK_NPCSOLID, int iCollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_PROJECTILE, CBaseEntity *pIgnoreEnt = NULL, bool bDrawArc = false );
void UTIL_Bound_Velocity( Vector &vec );
char* ASW_AllocString( const char *szString );
float UTIL_ASW_CalcFastDoorHackTime(int iNumRows, int iNumColumns, int iNumWires, int iHackLevel, float fSpeedScale);
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void UTIL_ASW_ScreenShake( const Vector ¢er, float amplitude, float frequency, float duration, float radius, ShakeCommand_t eCommand, bool bAirShake=false );
void UTIL_ASW_ScreenPunch( const Vector ¢er, const Vector &direction, float amplitude, float frequency, float duration, float radius );
void UTIL_ASW_ScreenPunch( const Vector ¢er, float radius, const ScreenShake_t &shake );
void UTIL_ASW_PoisonBlur(CBaseEntity *pEntity, float duration);
CASW_Marine* UTIL_ASW_NearestMarine( const Vector &pos, float &marine_distance, ASW_Marine_Class marineClass = MARINE_CLASS_UNDEFINED, bool bAIOnly = false ); // returns the nearest marine to this point
CASW_Marine* UTIL_ASW_NearestMarine( const CASW_Marine *pMarine, float &marine_distance ); // returns the nearest marine to this marine
int UTIL_ASW_NumCommandedMarines( const CASW_Player *pPlayer ); // returns the number of marines commanded by this player
bool UTIL_ASW_BlockingMarine( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
CASW_Marine* UTIL_ASW_Marine_Can_Chatter_Spot( CBaseEntity *pEntity, float fDist = 500.0f );
bool UTIL_ASW_ClientsideGib(C_BaseAnimating* pEnt);
CNewParticleEffect *UTIL_ASW_CreateFireEffect( C_BaseEntity *pEntity );
void TryLocalize(const char *token, wchar_t *unicode, int unicodeBufferSizeInBytes);
void UTIL_ASW_ClientFloatingDamageNumber( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
void UTIL_ASW_ParticleDamageNumber( C_BaseEntity *pEnt, Vector vecPos, int iDamage, int iDmgCustom, float flScale, bool bRandomVelocity );
void ASW_TransmitShakeEvent( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, float localAmplitude, float frequency, float duration, ShakeCommand_t eCommand, const Vector &direction = Vector(0,0,0) );
void ASW_TransmitShakeEvent( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const ScreenShake_t &shake );
/// this is a convenience function for rapidly iterating on a screenshake. (see .cpp for details)
ScreenShake_t ASW_DefaultScreenShake( void );
/// based on the mapname, this reports if a map should show the briefing or not
bool UTIL_ASW_MissionHasBriefing(const char* mapname);
class CTraceFilterAliensEggsGoo : public CTraceFilterSimple
CTraceFilterAliensEggsGoo( const IHandleEntity *passentity, int collisionGroup )
: CTraceFilterSimple( passentity, collisionGroup )
virtual TraceType_t GetTraceType() const
virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pServerEntity, int contentsMask );
bool ASW_IsSecurityCam(CPointCamera *pCameraEnt);