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//====== Copyright © 1996-2003, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: Game rules for Alien Swarm
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "singleplay_gamerules.h"
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
#define CAlienSwarm C_AlienSwarm
#define CAlienSwarmProxy C_AlienSwarmProxy
#define CASW_Game_Resource C_ASW_Game_Resource
#define CASW_Marine C_ASW_Marine
#define CASW_Player C_ASW_Player
#define CASW_Pickup C_ASW_Pickup
#define CASW_Powerup C_ASW_Powerup
#define CASW_Marine_Resource C_ASW_Marine_Resource
#define CASW_Campaign_Save C_ASW_Campaign_Save
class CASW_Game_Resource;
#include "asw_map_reset_filter.h"
#include "asw_medals.h"
class CASW_Game_Resource;
class CASW_Alien;
class CASW_Mission_Manager;
class CASW_Debrief_Stats;
class CASW_Equip_Req;
class CASW_Info_Heal;
class IASW_Map_Builder;
class CASW_Weapon;
class CASW_Marine_Resource;
class CASW_Campaign_Info;
class CASW_Campaign_Save;
class CASW_Ammo;
class CAlienSwarmProxy : public CGameRulesProxy
DECLARE_CLASS( CAlienSwarmProxy, CGameRulesProxy );
int m_iSpeedrunTime;
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
class CASW_Player;
class CASW_Marine;
class CASW_Pickup;
class CASW_Powerup;
// special game modes
ASW_SM_CARNAGE = (1<<0), // More aliens with less health
ASW_SM_UBER = (1<<1), // Occasional large slow big health aliens
ASW_SM_HARDCORE = (1<<2), // Instakill sites, no friendly fire damage reduction, etc.
// Faction defines
class CAlienSwarm : public CSingleplayRules
DECLARE_CLASS( CAlienSwarm, CSingleplayRules );
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity();
DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS_NOBASE(); // This makes datatables able to access our private vars.
virtual ~CAlienSwarm();
float GetMarineDeathCamInterp( void );
DECLARE_SERVERCLASS_NOBASE(); // This makes datatables able to access our private vars.
virtual ~CAlienSwarm();
virtual void Precache( void );
virtual void Think( void );
virtual const char *GetGameDescription( void ) { return "Alien Swarm"; }
virtual void OnServerHibernating();
// briefing roster functions
virtual bool RosterSelect( CASW_Player *pPlayer, int RosterIndex, int nPreferredSlot=-1 );
virtual void RosterDeselect( CASW_Player *pPlayer, int RosterIndex);
virtual void ReassignMarines(CASW_Player *pPlayer); // reassigns all this player's marines to someone else
virtual void RosterDeselectAll( CASW_Player *pPlayer );
virtual void SetMaxMarines( CASW_Player *pException = NULL );
virtual void ReviveDeadMarines();
virtual void EnforceFairMarineRules();
virtual void ReserveMarines();
virtual void UnreserveMarines();
virtual void AutoselectMarines(CASW_Player *pPlayer);
float m_fReserveMarinesEndTime;
// loadout/equip
virtual void LoadoutSelect( CASW_Player *pPlayer, int iRosterIndex, int iInvSlot, int iEquipIndex);
virtual bool CanHaveAmmo( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPlayer, int iAmmoIndex );
void GiveStartingWeaponToMarine(CASW_Marine* pMarine, int iEquipIndex, int iSlot); // gives the specified marine the specified starting gun and default ammo
void AddBonusChargesToPickups();
// spawning/connecting
CBaseEntity* GetMarineSpawnPoint(CBaseEntity *pStartEntity);
bool IsValidMarineStart(CBaseEntity *pSpot);
//virtual bool ClientCommand( const char *pcmd, CBaseEntity *pEdict );
virtual void PlayerThink( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual void PlayerSpawn( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual bool ClientConnected( edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen );
virtual void ClientDisconnected( edict_t *pClient );
virtual bool ShouldTimeoutClient( int nUserID, float flTimeSinceLastReceived ); // return true to disconnect client due to timeout (used to do stricter timeouts when the game is sure the client isn't loading a map)
virtual void ClientSettingsChanged( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual bool ClientCommand( CBaseEntity *pEdict, const CCommand &args );
virtual void ClientCommandKeyValues( edict_t *pEntity, KeyValues *pKeyValues );
void OnPlayerFullyJoined( CASW_Player *pPlayer );
// powerups
virtual void DropPowerup( CBaseEntity *pSource, const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const char *pszSourceClass );
float m_fLastPowerupDropTime;
// flags the current mission as complete, saves the game and launches the next map
virtual void CampaignSaveAndShowCampaignMap(CASW_Player* pPlayer, bool bForce);
virtual bool RequestCampaignMove(int iTargetMission);
virtual bool RequestCampaignLaunchMission(int iTargetMission);
virtual void ChangeLevel_Campaign(const char *map); // issues a changelevel command with the campaign argument and save name
// marines spending and undoing skills
virtual bool SpendSkill(int iProfileIndex, int iSkillIndex);
virtual bool SkillsUndo(CASW_Player *pPlayer, int iProfileIndex);
// Resurrection
void Resurrect( CASW_Marine_Resource * RESTRICT pMR, CASW_Marine *pRespawnNearMarine );
// cheats
bool m_bMarineInvuln;
virtual void MarineInvuln();
virtual void MarineInvuln( bool bInvuln );
void AllowBriefing();
virtual void OnSVCheatsChanged(); // called from the engine when sv_cheats is changed
// Ammo
//virtual void PlayerThink( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
//virtual float GetAmmoDamage( CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pVictim, int nAmmoType );
// stim pack and time scaling
virtual void StartStim( float duration, CBaseEntity *pSource ); // activates X seconds of slomo
virtual void StopStim(); // brings the stim time down to 1 second, so time starts fading back to normal
void ThinkUpdateTimescale() RESTRICT;
// AI related
virtual void InitDefaultAIRelationships();
virtual int NumEntityClasses() const { return LAST_ASW_ENTITY_CLASS; }
virtual int NumFactions() const { return NUM_ASW_FACTIONS; }
virtual void MarineKilled( CASW_Marine *pMarine, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void AlienKilled(CBaseEntity *pAlien, const CTakeDamageInfo &info);
// mission
virtual void RequestStartMission(CASW_Player *pPlayer);
virtual void StartMission();
virtual void RestartMission( CASW_Player *pPlayer, bool bForce = false );
virtual void RestartMissionCountdown( CASW_Player *pPlayer ); // restart a mission mid-game, with a 5 second countdown
virtual void CheatCompleteMission();
CASW_Mission_Manager* GetMissionManager();
CASW_Mission_Manager* m_pMissionManager;
virtual void MissionComplete(bool bSuccess);
virtual void RemoveAllAliens();
virtual void RemoveNoisyWeapons();
void ScheduleTechFailureRestart( float flRestartBeginTime ) { if ( m_flTechFailureRestartTime == 0 ) { m_flTechFailureRestartTime = flRestartBeginTime; } }
void CheckTechFailure();
float m_fRemoveAliensTime;
bool m_bShouldStartMission;
float m_flTechFailureRestartTime;
virtual void BroadcastMapLine(CASW_Player *pPlayer, int linetype, int world_x, int world_y);
// used by the chatter class
virtual void BlipSpeech(int iMarine);
float GetChatterTime() { return m_fNextChatterTime; }
float GetIncomingChatterTime() { return m_fNextIncomingChatterTime; }
float GetNoAmmoChatterTime() { return m_fLastNoAmmoChatterTime; }
void SetChatterTime(float f) { m_fNextChatterTime = f; }
void SetIncomingChatterTime(float f) { m_fNextIncomingChatterTime = f; }
void SetNoAmmoChatterTime(float f) { m_fLastNoAmmoChatterTime = f; }
float m_fNextChatterTime;
float m_fNextIncomingChatterTime;
float m_fLastNoAmmoChatterTime;
float m_fLastBlipSpeechTime;
bool m_bPlayedBlipSpeech;
// map entity filter
CASW_Map_Reset_Filter m_MapResetFilter;
int m_iMissionRestartCount;
// custom version of radius damage to hurt marines a little less
void RadiusDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrcIn, float flRadius, int iClassIgnore, CBaseEntity *pEntityIgnore );
void FreezeAliensInRadius( CBaseEntity *pInflictor, float flFreezeAmount, const Vector &vecSrcIn, float flRadius );
void StumbleAliensInRadius( CBaseEntity *pInflictor, const Vector &vecSrcIn, float flRadius );
void ShockNearbyAliens( CASW_Marine *pMarine, CASW_Weapon *pWeaponSource );
// skill/difficulty level stuff
virtual bool IsSkillLevel( int iLevel ) { return GetSkillLevel() == iLevel; }
virtual void OnSkillLevelChanged( int iNewLevel );
virtual void SetSkillLevel( int iLevel )
int oldLevel = m_iSkillLevel;
if ( iLevel < 1 )
iLevel = 1;
else if ( iLevel > 5 )
iLevel = 5;
m_iSkillLevel = iLevel;
if( m_iSkillLevel != oldLevel )
OnSkillLevelChanged( m_iSkillLevel );
void RequestSkill( CASW_Player *pPlayer, int nSkill );
virtual void RequestSkillDown(CASW_Player *pPlayer);
virtual void RequestSkillUp(CASW_Player *pPlayer);
virtual void FindAndModifyAlienHealth(const char *szClass);
virtual float ModifyAlienDamageBySkillLevel( float flDamage );
virtual float ModifyAlienHealthBySkillLevel(float health);
virtual int GetLowestSkillLevelPlayed(); // returns the lowest skill level a mission was completed on, in a campaign game
// intro
bool m_bStartedIntro;
// medals
CASW_Medals m_Medals;
int m_iNumGrubs;
CHandle<CASW_Debrief_Stats> m_hDebriefStats;
int GetSpeedrunTime( void );
// voting
void ClearLeaderKickVotes(CASW_Player *pPlayer, bool bClearLeader=true, bool bClearKick=true); // clears out any kick/leader votes aimed at this player
void SetLeaderVote(CASW_Player *pPlayer, int iPlayerIndex);
void SetKickVote(CASW_Player *pPlayer, int iPlayerIndex);
// campaign/saved/mission voting
void StartVote(CASW_Player *pPlayer, int iVoteType, const char *szVoteName, int nCampaignIndex = -1);
void CastVote(CASW_Player *pPlayer, bool bVoteYes);
void RemoveVote(CASW_Player *pPlayer);
void UpdateVote();
CUtlVector<string_t> m_PlayersVoted; // IDs of players that have already voted
char m_szCurrentVoteName[128];
const char* GetCurrentVoteName() { return m_szCurrentVoteName; }
// forced readiness
void SetForceReady(int iForceReadyType);
void CheckForceReady();
void FinishForceReady();
int m_iForceReadyType;
float m_fForceReadyTime;
int m_iForceReadyCount;
// chatter
bool m_bDoneCrashShieldbugConv;
float m_fNextWWKillConv;
float m_fNextCompliment;
bool m_bSargeAndJaeger; // are these marines on this mission?
bool m_bWolfeAndWildcat;
void StartAllAmbientSounds();
void StopAllAmbientSounds();
virtual bool AllowSoundscapes( void );
float m_fMissionStartedTime;
float m_fLaunchOutroMapTime;
// equip req
CHandle<CASW_Equip_Req> m_hEquipReq;
void ReportMissingEquipment();
void ReportNeedTwoPlayers();
bool m_bCheckAllPlayersLeft;
float m_fEmptyServerTime;
// stepped launching
virtual void UpdateLaunching();
virtual bool SpawnNextMarine(); // spawns a marine for each entry in the marine resource list
virtual bool SpawnMarineAt( CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR, const Vector &vecPos, const QAngle &angFacing, bool bResurrection = false );
virtual void VerifySpawnLocation( CASW_Marine *pMarine );
int m_iMarinesSpawned;
float m_fNextLaunchingStep;
CBaseEntity* m_pSpawningSpot;
// misc
void ExplodedLevel();
void GrubSpawned(CBaseEntity *pGrub) { m_iNumGrubs++; }
float m_fLastFireTime; // last time a marine fired a gun (used for avoiding casual chatter in a battle)
void BroadcastSound( const char *sound );
virtual const char *GetChatPrefix( bool bTeamOnly, CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { return ""; }
virtual edict_t *DoFindClientInPVS( edict_t *pEdict, unsigned char *pvs, unsigned pvssize );
virtual int DefaultFOV( void ) { return 75; }
void SetInfoHeal( CASW_Info_Heal *pInfoHeal );
CASW_Info_Heal *GetInfoHeal();
CHandle<CASW_Info_Heal> m_hInfoHeal;
float m_fObjectiveSlowDownEndTime;
// stim music
bool ShouldPlayStimMusic();
float GetStimEndTime() { return m_flStimEndTime; }
float GetStartStimTime() { return m_flStimStartTime; }
CBaseEntity* GetStimSource() { return m_hStartStimPlayer.Get(); }
bool ShouldForceStylinCam() { return m_bForceStylinCam; }
bool ShouldShowCommanderFace() { return m_bShowCommanderFace; }
float GetRestartingMissionTime() { return m_flRestartingMissionTime; }
CNetworkVar(EHANDLE, m_hStartStimPlayer);
CNetworkVar(float, m_flStimEndTime); // time at which stims will end
CNetworkVar(float, m_flStimStartTime);
CNetworkVar(float, m_fPreventStimMusicTime); // while under this time, clients won't play stim music
CNetworkVar(bool, m_bForceStylinCam);
CNetworkVar(bool, m_bShowCommanderFace);
CNetworkVar(float, m_flRestartingMissionTime);
// marine death cams
CNetworkVar( float, m_fMarineDeathTime );
CNetworkVar( Vector, m_vMarineDeathPos );
CNetworkVar( int, m_nMarineForDeathCam );
int m_nOldMarineForDeathCam;
int m_nMarineDeathCamStep;
float m_fMarineDeathCamRealtime;
float m_fDeathCamYawAngleOffset;
CHandle< C_BaseAnimating > m_hMarineDeathRagdoll;
// voting
CNetworkString(m_szCurrentVoteDescription, 128);
CNetworkString(m_szCurrentVoteMapName, 128);
CNetworkString(m_szCurrentVoteCampaignName, 128);
CNetworkVar(int, m_iCurrentVoteYes);
CNetworkVar(int, m_iCurrentVoteNo);
CNetworkVar(int, m_iCurrentVoteType);
CNetworkVar(float, m_fVoteEndTime);
int GetCurrentVoteType() { return m_iCurrentVoteType; }
int GetCurrentVoteYes() { return m_iCurrentVoteYes; }
int GetCurrentVoteNo() { return m_iCurrentVoteNo; }
const char* GetCurrentVoteMapName() { return m_szCurrentVoteMapName; }
const char* GetCurrentVoteDescription() { return m_szCurrentVoteDescription; }
const char* GetCurrentVoteCampaignName() { return m_szCurrentVoteCampaignName; }
int GetCurrentVoteTimeLeft() { return m_fVoteEndTime - gpGlobals->curtime; }
CNetworkVar( float, m_fBriefingStartedTime );
// skills
virtual bool CanSpendPoint(CASW_Player *pPlayer, int iProfileIndex, int iSkillIndex);
virtual void RefreshSkillData ( bool forceUpdate );
// difficulty
virtual int GetSkillLevel() { return m_iSkillLevel; } // skill level (expanded HL2 style: 1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard, 4 = insane, 5 = imba )
CNetworkVar(int, m_iSkillLevel); // 1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard, 4 = insane, 5 = imba
int GetMissionDifficulty() { return m_iMissionDifficulty; } // overall difficulty of the mission from 2-10, based on skill level and campaign modifier
CNetworkVar(int, m_iMissionDifficulty);
CNetworkVar(bool, m_bCheated);
// pickups
virtual bool MarineCanPickup(CASW_Marine_Resource* pMarineResource, const char* szWeaponClass, const char* szSwappingClass=NULL);
bool MarineCanPickupAmmo(CASW_Marine *pMarine, CASW_Ammo *pAmmo);
bool MarineCanPickupPowerup(CASW_Marine *pMarine, CASW_Powerup *pPowerup);
const char* GetPickupDenial() { return m_szPickupDenial; }
virtual bool MarineHasRoomInAmmoBag(CASW_Marine *pMarine, int iAmmoIndex);
// game state
virtual int GetGameState() { return m_iGameState; }
virtual void SetGameState(int iNewState) { m_iGameState = iNewState; }
CNetworkVar(unsigned char, m_iGameState);
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
unsigned char m_iPreviousGameState;
// misc
virtual void CreateStandardEntities( void );
virtual bool IsMultiplayer();
bool IsOfflineGame();
bool CanFlareAutoaimAt(CASW_Marine* pMarine, CBaseEntity *pEntity);
virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup0, int collisionGroup1 );
// mission
virtual bool GetMissionSuccess() { return m_bMissionSuccess; }
virtual bool GetMissionFailed() { return m_bMissionFailed; }
CNetworkVar(bool, m_bMissionRequiresTech);
CNetworkVar(bool, m_bMissionSuccess);
CNetworkVar(bool, m_bMissionFailed);
// fail advice
CNetworkVar(int, m_nFailAdvice);
const char* GetFailAdviceText( void );
// total amount of damage given to a marine by infestation (based on difficulty)
int TotalInfestDamage();
virtual bool Damage_IsTimeBased( int iDmgType ); // Damage types that are time-based.
virtual bool Damage_ShouldGibCorpse( int iDmgType ); // Damage types that gib the corpse.
virtual bool Damage_NoPhysicsForce( int iDmgType ); // Damage types that don't have to supply a physics force & position.
virtual bool Damage_ShouldNotBleed( int iDmgType ); // Damage types that don't make the player bleed.
//Temp: These will go away once DamageTypes become enums.
virtual int Damage_GetTimeBased( void ); // Actual bit-fields.
virtual int Damage_GetShouldGibCorpse( void );
virtual int Damage_GetNoPhysicsForce( void );
virtual int Damage_GetShouldNotBleed( void );
// campaign related
int IsCampaignGame(); // -1 = unknown, 0 = single mission, 1 = campaign game
int CampaignMissionsLeft();
CASW_Campaign_Info* GetCampaignInfo();
CASW_Campaign_Save* GetCampaignSave();
// special game modes
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
void SetInitialGameMode();
void SetCarnageMode(bool bCarnageMode);
void SetUberMode(bool bUberMode);
void SetHardcoreMode(bool bHardcoreMode);
void StartTutorial(CASW_Player *pPlayer);
bool ShouldQuickStart() { return m_bQuickStart; }
bool m_bQuickStart;
bool IsCarnageMode() { return (m_iSpecialMode & ASW_SM_CARNAGE) != 0; }
bool IsUberMode() { return (m_iSpecialMode & ASW_SM_UBER) != 0; }
bool IsHardcoreMode() { return (m_iSpecialMode & ASW_SM_HARDCORE) != 0; }
int GetUnlockedModes() { return m_iUnlockedModes; }
CNetworkVar(int, m_iSpecialMode);
CNetworkVar(int, m_iUnlockedModes);
virtual bool IsTopDown() { return true; }
virtual const QAngle& GetTopDownMovementAxis();
// special maps
bool IsTutorialMap() { return m_bIsTutorial; }
bool IsIntroMap() { return m_bIsIntro; }
bool IsOutroMap() { return m_bIsOutro; }
bool IsLobbyMap() { return m_bIsLobby; }
static bool IsHardcoreFF();
static bool IsOnslaught();
bool m_bIsTutorial;
bool m_bIsIntro;
bool m_bIsOutro;
bool m_bIsLobby; // lobby map is a temporary map that dedicated servers load into. We detect that and start a new campaign game.
char m_szPickupDenial[128];
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
IASW_Map_Builder *m_pMapBuilder;
enum ASW_GameState
ASW_GS_BRIEFING = 1, // causes clients to launch their briefing frame
ASW_GS_LAUNCHING = 2, // server is spawning and equipping marines
ASW_GS_DEBRIEF = 4, // causes clients to launch their debrief frame
ASW_GS_CAMPAIGNMAP = 5, // causes clients to launch their campaign map
ASW_GS_OUTRO = 6, // todo: make clients show the credits scroller
enum ASW_Force_Ready
// Gets us at the Alien Swarm game rules
inline CAlienSwarm* ASWGameRules()
return static_cast<CAlienSwarm*>(g_pGameRules);