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//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "bone_merge_cache.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// CBoneMergeCache
m_pOwner = NULL;
m_pFollow = NULL;
m_pFollowHdr = NULL;
m_pOwnerHdr = NULL;
m_nFollowBoneSetupMask = 0;
void CBoneMergeCache::Init( C_BaseAnimating *pOwner )
m_pOwner = pOwner;
m_pFollow = NULL;
m_pFollowHdr = NULL;
m_pOwnerHdr = NULL;
m_nFollowBoneSetupMask = 0;
void CBoneMergeCache::UpdateCache()
if ( !m_pOwner )
CStudioHdr *pOwnerHdr = m_pOwner->GetModelPtr();
if ( !pOwnerHdr )
C_BaseAnimating *pTestFollow = m_pOwner->FindFollowedEntity();
CStudioHdr *pTestHdr = (pTestFollow ? pTestFollow->GetModelPtr() : NULL);
// if the follow parent has changed, or any of the underlying models has changed, reset the MergedBones list
if ( pTestFollow != m_pFollow || pTestHdr != m_pFollowHdr || pOwnerHdr != m_pOwnerHdr )
// Update the cache.
if ( pTestFollow && pTestHdr && pOwnerHdr )
m_pFollow = pTestFollow;
m_pFollowHdr = pTestHdr;
m_pOwnerHdr = pOwnerHdr;
m_BoneMergeBits.Resize( pOwnerHdr->numbones() );
mstudiobone_t *pOwnerBones = m_pOwnerHdr->pBone( 0 );
m_nFollowBoneSetupMask = BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE;
const bool bDeveloperDebugPrints = developer.GetBool();
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pOwnerHdr->numbones(); i++ )
int parentBoneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( m_pFollowHdr, pOwnerBones[i].pszName() );
if ( parentBoneIndex < 0 )
// Add a merged bone here.
CMergedBone mergedBone;
mergedBone.m_iMyBone = i;
mergedBone.m_iParentBone = parentBoneIndex;
m_MergedBones.AddToTail( mergedBone );
m_BoneMergeBits.Set( i );
// Warn for performance-negative ad hoc bone merges. They're bad. Don't do them.
if ( ( m_pFollowHdr->boneFlags( parentBoneIndex ) & BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE ) == 0 )
// go ahead and mark the bone and its parents
int n = parentBoneIndex;
while (n != -1)
m_pFollowHdr->setBoneFlags( n, BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE );
n = m_pFollowHdr->boneParent( n );
// dump out a warning
if ( bDeveloperDebugPrints )
char sz[ 256 ];
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "Performance warning: Add $bonemerge \"%s\" to QC that builds \"%s\"\n",
m_pFollowHdr->pBone( parentBoneIndex )->pszName(), m_pFollowHdr->pszName() );
static CUtlSymbolTableMT s_FollowerWarnings;
if ( UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL == s_FollowerWarnings.Find( sz ) )
s_FollowerWarnings.AddString( sz );
Warning( "%s", sz );
// No merged bones found? Slam the mask to 0
if ( !m_MergedBones.Count() )
m_nFollowBoneSetupMask = 0;
m_pFollow = NULL;
m_pFollowHdr = NULL;
m_pOwnerHdr = NULL;
m_nFollowBoneSetupMask = 0;
void CBoneMergeCache::MergeMatchingBones( int boneMask, CBoneBitList &boneComputed )
// If this is set, then all the other cache data is set.
if ( !m_pOwnerHdr || m_MergedBones.Count() == 0 )
// Have the entity we're following setup its bones.
m_pFollow->SetupBones( NULL, -1, m_nFollowBoneSetupMask, gpGlobals->curtime );
// Now copy the bone matrices.
for ( int i=0; i < m_MergedBones.Count(); i++ )
int iOwnerBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iMyBone;
int iParentBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iParentBone;
// Only update bones reference by the bone mask.
if ( !( m_pOwnerHdr->boneFlags( iOwnerBone ) & boneMask ) )
#ifdef SWARM_DLL
matrix3x4_t matPitchUp;
AngleMatrix( QAngle( 15, 0, 0 ), matPitchUp );
ConcatTransforms( m_pFollow->GetBone( iParentBone ), matPitchUp, m_pOwner->GetBoneForWrite( iOwnerBone ) );
MatrixCopy(m_pFollow->GetBone(iParentBone), m_pOwner->GetBoneForWrite(iOwnerBone));
boneComputed.Set( i );
bool CBoneMergeCache::GetAimEntOrigin( Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles )
// If this is set, then all the other cache data is set.
if ( !m_pOwnerHdr || m_MergedBones.Count() == 0 )
return false;
// We want the abs origin such that if we put the entity there, the first merged bone
// will be aligned. This way the entity will be culled in the correct position.
// ie: mEntity * mBoneLocal = mFollowBone
// so: mEntity = mFollowBone * Inverse( mBoneLocal )
// Note: the code below doesn't take animation into account. If the attached entity animates
// all over the place, then this won't get the right results.
// Get mFollowBone.
m_pFollow->SetupBones( NULL, -1, m_nFollowBoneSetupMask, gpGlobals->curtime );
const matrix3x4_t &mFollowBone = m_pFollow->GetBone( m_MergedBones[0].m_iParentBone );
// Get Inverse( mBoneLocal )
matrix3x4_t mBoneLocal, mBoneLocalInv;
SetupSingleBoneMatrix( m_pOwnerHdr, m_pOwner->GetSequence(), 0, m_MergedBones[0].m_iMyBone, mBoneLocal );
MatrixInvert( mBoneLocal, mBoneLocalInv );
// Now calculate mEntity = mFollowBone * Inverse( mBoneLocal )
matrix3x4_t mEntity;
ConcatTransforms( mFollowBone, mBoneLocalInv, mEntity );
MatrixAngles( mEntity, *pAbsAngles, *pAbsOrigin );
return true;