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1254 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Engine system for loading and managing tools
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "toolframework/itooldictionary.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolsystem.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolframework.h"
#include "toolframework/iclientenginetools.h"
#include "toolframework/iserverenginetools.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/tier1.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
class IToolSystem;
extern CreateInterfaceFn g_AppSystemFactory;
typedef bool (*FnQuitHandler)( void *pvUserData );
void EngineTool_InstallQuitHandler( void *pvUserData, FnQuitHandler func );
// Purpose: -tools loads framework
class CToolFrameworkInternal : public IToolFrameworkInternal
// Here's where the app systems get to learn about each other
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect();
// Here's where systems can access other interfaces implemented by this object
// Returns NULL if it doesn't implement the requested interface
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName );
// Init, shutdown
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual bool CanQuit();
// Level init, shutdown
virtual void ClientLevelInitPreEntityAllTools();
// entities are created / spawned / precached here
virtual void ClientLevelInitPostEntityAllTools();
virtual void ClientLevelShutdownPreEntityAllTools();
// Entities are deleted / released here...
virtual void ClientLevelShutdownPostEntityAllTools();
virtual void ClientPreRenderAllTools();
virtual void ClientPostRenderAllTools();
virtual bool IsThirdPersonCamera();
virtual bool IsToolRecording();
// Level init, shutdown
virtual void ServerLevelInitPreEntityAllTools();
// entities are created / spawned / precached here
virtual void ServerLevelInitPostEntityAllTools();
virtual void ServerLevelShutdownPreEntityAllTools();
// Entities are deleted / released here...
virtual void ServerLevelShutdownPostEntityAllTools();
// end of level shutdown
// Called each frame before entities think
virtual void ServerFrameUpdatePreEntityThinkAllTools();
// called after entities think
virtual void ServerFrameUpdatePostEntityThinkAllTools();
virtual void ServerPreClientUpdateAllTools();
const char* GetEntityData( const char *pActualEntityData );
virtual void ServerPreSetupVisibilityAllTools();
virtual bool PostInit();
virtual bool ServerInit( CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory );
virtual bool ClientInit( CreateInterfaceFn clientFactory );
virtual void ServerShutdown();
virtual void ClientShutdown();
virtual void Think( bool finalTick );
virtual void PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE hEntity, KeyValues *msg );
virtual void AdjustEngineViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height );
virtual bool SetupEngineView( Vector &origin, QAngle &angles, float &fov );
virtual bool SetupAudioState( AudioState_t &audioState );
virtual int GetToolCount();
virtual const char* GetToolName( int index );
virtual void SwitchToTool( int index );
virtual IToolSystem* SwitchToTool( const char* pToolName );
virtual bool IsTopmostTool( const IToolSystem *sys );
virtual const IToolSystem *GetToolSystem( int index ) const;
virtual IToolSystem *GetTopmostTool();
virtual void PostMessage( KeyValues *msg );
virtual bool GetSoundSpatialization( int iUserData, int guid, SpatializationInfo_t& info );
virtual void HostRunFrameBegin();
virtual void HostRunFrameEnd();
virtual void RenderFrameBegin();
virtual void RenderFrameEnd();
virtual void VGui_PreRenderAllTools( int paintMode );
virtual void VGui_PostRenderAllTools( int paintMode );
virtual void VGui_PreSimulateAllTools();
virtual void VGui_PostSimulateAllTools();
// Are we using tools?
virtual bool InToolMode();
// Should the game be allowed to render the world?
virtual bool ShouldGameRenderView();
virtual IMaterialProxy *LookupProxy( const char *proxyName );
void LoadTools();
void LoadToolsFromLibrary( const char *dllname );
void InvokeMethod( ToolSystemFunc_t f );
void InvokeMethodInt( ToolSystemFunc_Int_t f, int arg );
void ShutdownTools();
// Purpose: Shuts down all modules
void ShutdownModules();
// Purpose: Shuts down all tool dictionaries
void ShutdownToolDictionaries();
CUtlVector< IToolSystem * > m_ToolSystems;
CUtlVector< IToolDictionary * > m_Dictionaries;
CUtlVector< CSysModule * > m_Modules;
int m_nActiveToolIndex;
bool m_bInToolMode;
static CToolFrameworkInternal g_ToolFrameworkInternal;
IToolFrameworkInternal *toolframework = &g_ToolFrameworkInternal;
// Purpose: Used to invoke a method of all added Game systems in order
// Input : f - function to execute
void CToolFrameworkInternal::InvokeMethod( ToolSystemFunc_t f )
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *sys = m_ToolSystems[i];
// Purpose: Used to invoke a method of all added Game systems in order
// Input : f - function to execute
void CToolFrameworkInternal::InvokeMethodInt( ToolSystemFunc_Int_t f, int arg )
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *sys = m_ToolSystems[i];
(sys->*f)( arg );
// Purpose: Here's where the app systems get to learn about each other
// Input : factory -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
return true;
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::Disconnect()
// Purpose: Here's where systems can access other interfaces implemented by this object
// Returns NULL if it doesn't implement the requested interface
// Input : *pInterfaceName -
void *CToolFrameworkInternal::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName )
return NULL;
// Purpose:
// Input : *pvUserData -
// Output : static bool
static bool CToolFrameworkInternal_QuitHandler( void *pvUserData )
CToolFrameworkInternal *tfm = reinterpret_cast< CToolFrameworkInternal * >( pvUserData );
if ( tfm )
return tfm->CanQuit();
return true;
// Purpose: Init, shutdown
// Input : -
// Output : InitReturnVal_t
InitReturnVal_t CToolFrameworkInternal::Init()
m_bInToolMode = false;
m_nActiveToolIndex = -1;
// Disabled in REL for now
#if 1
#ifndef SWDS
EngineTool_InstallQuitHandler( this, CToolFrameworkInternal_QuitHandler );
// FIXME: Eventually this should be -edit
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tools" ) )
return INIT_OK;
// Purpose: Called at end of Host_Init
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::PostInit()
bool bRetVal = true;
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *system = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
// FIXME: Should this really get access to a list if factories
bool success = system->Init( );
if ( !success )
bRetVal = false;
// Activate first tool if we didn't encounter an error
if ( bRetVal )
SwitchToTool( 0 );
return bRetVal;
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::Shutdown()
// Shut down all tools
// Purpose:
// Input : finalTick -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::Think( bool finalTick )
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *system = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
system->Think( finalTick );
// Purpose:
// Input : serverFactory -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerInit( CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory )
bool retval = true;
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *system = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
// FIXME: Should this really get access to a list if factories
bool success = system->ServerInit( serverFactory );
if ( !success )
retval = false;
return retval;
// Purpose:
// Input : clientFactory -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::ClientInit( CreateInterfaceFn clientFactory )
bool retval = true;
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *system = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
// FIXME: Should this really get access to a list if factories
bool success = system->ClientInit( clientFactory );
if ( !success )
retval = false;
return retval;
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerShutdown()
// Reverse order
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = toolCount - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IToolSystem *system = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ClientShutdown()
// Reverse order
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = toolCount - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IToolSystem *system = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
// Purpose:
// Input : -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::CanQuit()
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *system = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
bool canquit = system->CanQuit();
if ( !canquit )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Shuts down all modules
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ShutdownModules()
// Shutdown dictionaries
int i;
for ( i = m_Modules.Count(); --i >= 0; )
Sys_UnloadModule( m_Modules[i] );
// Purpose: Shuts down all tool dictionaries
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ShutdownToolDictionaries()
// Shutdown dictionaries
int i;
for ( i = m_Dictionaries.Count(); --i >= 0; )
for ( i = m_Dictionaries.Count(); --i >= 0; )
// Purpose: Shuts down all tools
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ShutdownTools()
// Deactivate tool
SwitchToTool( -1 );
// Reverse order
int i;
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( i = toolCount - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IToolSystem *system = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
// Purpose: Adds tool from specified library
// Input : *dllname -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary( const char *dllname )
CSysModule *module = Sys_LoadModule( dllname );
if ( !module )
Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Unable to load '%s'\n", dllname );
CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory( module );
if ( !factory )
Sys_UnloadModule( module );
Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Dll '%s' has no factory\n", dllname );
IToolDictionary *dictionary = ( IToolDictionary * )factory( VTOOLDICTIONARY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
if ( !dictionary )
Sys_UnloadModule( module );
Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Dll '%s' doesn't support '%s'\n", dllname, VTOOLDICTIONARY_INTERFACE_VERSION );
if ( !dictionary->Connect( g_AppSystemFactory ) )
Sys_UnloadModule( module );
Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Dll '%s' connection phase failed.\n", dllname );
if ( dictionary->Init( ) != INIT_OK )
Sys_UnloadModule( module );
Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Dll '%s' initialization phase failed.\n", dllname );
int toolCount = dictionary->GetToolCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *tool = dictionary->GetTool( i );
if ( tool )
Msg( "Loaded tool '%s'\n", tool->GetToolName() );
m_ToolSystems.AddToTail( tool );
m_Dictionaries.AddToTail( dictionary );
m_Modules.AddToTail( module );
// Are we using tools?
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::InToolMode()
return m_bInToolMode;
// Should the game be allowed to render the world?
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::ShouldGameRenderView()
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
return tool->ShouldGameRenderView( );
return true;
IMaterialProxy *CToolFrameworkInternal::LookupProxy( const char *proxyName )
int toolCount = GetToolCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
Assert( tool );
IMaterialProxy *matProxy = tool->LookupProxy( proxyName );
if ( matProxy )
return matProxy;
return NULL;
// Purpose: FIXME: Should scan a KeyValues file
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadTools()
m_bInToolMode = true;
// Load rootdir/bin/enginetools.txt
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "enginetools" );
Assert( kv );
// We don't ship enginetools.txt to Steam public, so we'll need to load sdkenginetools.txt if enginetools.txt isn't present
bool bLoadSDKFile = !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( "enginetools.txt", "EXECUTABLE_PATH" );
if ( kv && kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFileSystem, bLoadSDKFile ? "sdkenginetools.txt" : "enginetools.txt", "EXECUTABLE_PATH" ) )
for ( KeyValues *tool = kv->GetFirstSubKey();
tool != NULL;
tool = tool->GetNextKey() )
if ( !Q_stricmp( tool->GetName(), "library" ) )
// CHECK both bin/tools and gamedir/bin/tools
LoadToolsFromLibrary( tool->GetString() );
// Purpose: Level init, shutdown
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ClientLevelInitPreEntityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ClientLevelInitPreEntity );
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ClientLevelInitPostEntityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ClientLevelInitPostEntity );
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ClientLevelShutdownPreEntityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ClientLevelShutdownPreEntity );
// Purpose: Entities are deleted / released here...
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ClientLevelShutdownPostEntityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ClientLevelShutdownPostEntity );
// Purpose:
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ClientPreRenderAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ClientPreRender );
// Purpose:
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::IsThirdPersonCamera()
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
return tool->IsThirdPersonCamera( );
return false;
// is the current tool recording?
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::IsToolRecording()
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
return tool->IsToolRecording( );
return false;
// Purpose:
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ClientPostRenderAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ClientPostRender );
// Purpose: Level init, shutdown
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerLevelInitPreEntityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ServerLevelInitPreEntity );
// Purpose: entities are created / spawned / precached here
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerLevelInitPostEntityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ServerLevelInitPostEntity );
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerLevelShutdownPreEntityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ServerLevelShutdownPreEntity );
// Purpose: Entities are deleted / released here...
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerLevelShutdownPostEntityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ServerLevelShutdownPostEntity );
// Purpose: Called each frame before entities think
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerFrameUpdatePreEntityThinkAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ServerFrameUpdatePreEntityThink );
// Purpose: Called after entities think
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerFrameUpdatePostEntityThinkAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ServerFrameUpdatePostEntityThink );
// Purpose: Called before client networking occurs on the server
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerPreClientUpdateAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ServerPreClientUpdate );
// The server uses this to call into the tools to get the actual
// entities to spawn on startup
const char* CToolFrameworkInternal::GetEntityData( const char *pActualEntityData )
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
return tool->GetEntityData( pActualEntityData );
return pActualEntityData;
void CToolFrameworkInternal::ServerPreSetupVisibilityAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::ServerPreSetupVisibility );
// Purpose: Post a message to tools
// Input : hEntity -
// *msg -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE hEntity, KeyValues *msg )
// FIXME: Only message topmost tool?
int toolCount = m_ToolSystems.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ i ];
Assert( tool );
tool->PostMessage( hEntity, msg );
// Purpose: Only active tool gets to adjust viewport
// Input : x -
// y -
// width -
// height -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::AdjustEngineViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height )
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
tool->AdjustEngineViewport( x, y, width, height );
// Purpose: Only active tool gets to set the camera/view
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::SetupEngineView( Vector &origin, QAngle &angles, float &fov )
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex < 0 )
return false;
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
return tool->SetupEngineView( origin, angles, fov );
// Purpose: Only active tool gets to set the microphone
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::SetupAudioState( AudioState_t &audioState )
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex < 0 )
return false;
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
return tool->SetupAudioState( audioState );
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::VGui_PreRenderAllTools( int paintMode )
InvokeMethodInt( &IToolSystem::VGui_PreRender, paintMode );
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::VGui_PostRenderAllTools( int paintMode )
InvokeMethodInt( &IToolSystem::VGui_PostRender, paintMode );
void CToolFrameworkInternal::VGui_PreSimulateAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::VGui_PreSimulate );
void CToolFrameworkInternal::VGui_PostSimulateAllTools()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::VGui_PostSimulate );
// Purpose:
// Input : -
// Output : int
int CToolFrameworkInternal::GetToolCount()
return m_ToolSystems.Count();
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : const char
const char *CToolFrameworkInternal::GetToolName( int index )
if ( index < 0 || index >= m_ToolSystems.Count() )
return "";
IToolSystem *sys = m_ToolSystems[ index ];
if ( sys )
return sys->GetToolName();
return "";
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::SwitchToTool( int index )
if ( ( m_ToolSystems.Count() < 1 ) || ( index >= m_ToolSystems.Count() ) )
if ( index != m_nActiveToolIndex )
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *pOldTool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
m_nActiveToolIndex = index;
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *pNewTool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
// Switches to a named tool
IToolSystem *CToolFrameworkInternal::SwitchToTool( const char* pToolName )
int nCount = GetToolCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pToolName, GetToolName(i) ) )
SwitchToTool( i );
return m_ToolSystems[i];
return NULL;
// Purpose:
// Input : *sys -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::IsTopmostTool( const IToolSystem *sys )
if ( m_ToolSystems.Count() <= 0 || ( m_nActiveToolIndex < 0 ) )
return false;
return ( m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ] == sys );
IToolSystem *CToolFrameworkInternal::GetTopmostTool()
return m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 ? m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ] : NULL;
// returns a tool system by index
const IToolSystem *CToolFrameworkInternal::GetToolSystem( int index ) const
if ( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= m_ToolSystems.Count() ) )
return NULL;
return m_ToolSystems[index];
void CToolFrameworkInternal::PostMessage( KeyValues *msg )
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
tool->PostMessage( 0, msg );
bool CToolFrameworkInternal::GetSoundSpatialization( int iUserData, int guid, SpatializationInfo_t& info )
if ( m_nActiveToolIndex >= 0 )
IToolSystem *tool = m_ToolSystems[ m_nActiveToolIndex ];
Assert( tool );
return tool->GetSoundSpatialization( iUserData, guid, info );
return true;
void CToolFrameworkInternal::HostRunFrameBegin()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::HostRunFrameBegin );
void CToolFrameworkInternal::HostRunFrameEnd()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::HostRunFrameEnd );
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::RenderFrameBegin()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::RenderFrameBegin );
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CToolFrameworkInternal::RenderFrameEnd()
InvokeMethod( &IToolSystem::RenderFrameEnd );
// Exposed because it's an IAppSystem
EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CToolFrameworkInternal, IToolFrameworkInternal, VTOOLFRAMEWORK_INTERFACE_VERSION, g_ToolFrameworkInternal );
// Purpose: exposed from engine to client .dll
class CClientEngineTools : public IClientEngineTools
virtual void LevelInitPreEntityAllTools();
virtual void LevelInitPostEntityAllTools();
virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntityAllTools();
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntityAllTools();
virtual void PreRenderAllTools();
virtual void PostRenderAllTools();
virtual void PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE hEntity, KeyValues *msg );
virtual void AdjustEngineViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height );
virtual bool SetupEngineView( Vector &origin, QAngle &angles, float &fov );
virtual bool SetupAudioState( AudioState_t &audioState );
virtual void VGui_PreRenderAllTools( int paintMode );
virtual void VGui_PostRenderAllTools( int paintMode );
virtual bool IsThirdPersonCamera( );
virtual bool InToolMode();
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CClientEngineTools::LevelInitPreEntityAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CClientEngineTools::LevelInitPostEntityAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CClientEngineTools::LevelShutdownPreEntityAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CClientEngineTools::LevelShutdownPostEntityAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CClientEngineTools::PreRenderAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CClientEngineTools::PostRenderAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : hEntity -
// *msg -
void CClientEngineTools::PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE hEntity, KeyValues *msg )
g_ToolFrameworkInternal.PostToolMessage( hEntity, msg );
// Purpose:
// Input : x -
// y -
// width -
// height -
void CClientEngineTools::AdjustEngineViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height )
g_ToolFrameworkInternal.AdjustEngineViewport( x, y, width, height );
bool CClientEngineTools::SetupEngineView( Vector &origin, QAngle &angles, float &fov )
return g_ToolFrameworkInternal.SetupEngineView( origin, angles, fov );
bool CClientEngineTools::SetupAudioState( AudioState_t &audioState )
return g_ToolFrameworkInternal.SetupAudioState( audioState );
// Purpose:
void CClientEngineTools::VGui_PreRenderAllTools( int paintMode )
g_ToolFrameworkInternal.VGui_PreRenderAllTools( paintMode );
// Purpose:
void CClientEngineTools::VGui_PostRenderAllTools( int paintMode )
g_ToolFrameworkInternal.VGui_PostRenderAllTools( paintMode );
// Purpose:
bool CClientEngineTools::IsThirdPersonCamera( )
return g_ToolFrameworkInternal.IsThirdPersonCamera( );
bool CClientEngineTools::InToolMode()
return g_ToolFrameworkInternal.InToolMode();
// Purpose: Exposed to server.dll
class CServerEngineTools : public IServerEngineTools
// Inherited from IServerEngineTools
virtual void LevelInitPreEntityAllTools();
virtual void LevelInitPostEntityAllTools();
virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntityAllTools();
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntityAllTools();
virtual void FrameUpdatePreEntityThinkAllTools();
virtual void FrameUpdatePostEntityThinkAllTools();
virtual void PreClientUpdateAllTools();
virtual void PreSetupVisibilityAllTools();
virtual const char* GetEntityData( const char *pActualEntityData );
virtual bool InToolMode();
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CServerEngineTools::LevelInitPreEntityAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CServerEngineTools::LevelInitPostEntityAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CServerEngineTools::LevelShutdownPreEntityAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CServerEngineTools::LevelShutdownPostEntityAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CServerEngineTools::FrameUpdatePreEntityThinkAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CServerEngineTools::FrameUpdatePostEntityThinkAllTools()
// Purpose:
// Input : -
void CServerEngineTools::PreClientUpdateAllTools()
// The server uses this to call into the tools to get the actual
// entities to spawn on startup
const char* CServerEngineTools::GetEntityData( const char *pActualEntityData )
return g_ToolFrameworkInternal.GetEntityData( pActualEntityData );
void CServerEngineTools::PreSetupVisibilityAllTools()
return g_ToolFrameworkInternal.ServerPreSetupVisibilityAllTools();
bool CServerEngineTools::InToolMode()
return g_ToolFrameworkInternal.InToolMode();