Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

323 lines
8.4 KiB

#include "tile_check.h"
#include "RoomTemplate.h"
#include "LevelTheme.h"
#include "TileGenDialog.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Label.h"
#include "vgui_controls/RichText.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ProgressBar.h"
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
m_iTotalTemplates = 1;
m_iCheckedTemplates = 0;
void TileCheck::TileCheckError( const char *pMsg, ... )
char msg[4096];
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, pMsg );
Q_vsnprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), pMsg, marker );
va_end( marker );
m_TileCheckErrors.AddToTail( TileGenCopyString( msg ) );
void TileCheck::ClearTileCheckErrors()
bool TileCheck::ShowTileCheckErrors()
if ( m_TileCheckErrors.Count() <= 0 )
TileCheckError( "No errors found!\n" );
char msg[4096];
msg[0] = 0;
for ( int i=0; i<m_TileCheckErrors.Count(); i++ )
Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "%s\n%s", msg, m_TileCheckErrors[i] );
VGUIMessageBox( g_pTileGenDialog, "Room Template check:", msg );
return true;
void TileCheck::StartCheckingAllRoomTemplates()
m_iCurrentTheme = 0;
m_iCurrentRoomTemplate = 0;
m_iCheckedTemplates = 0;
m_iTotalTemplates = 0;
int iThemes = CLevelTheme::s_LevelThemes.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < iThemes; i++ )
CLevelTheme* pTheme = CLevelTheme::s_LevelThemes[i];
if ( !pTheme || pTheme->m_bSkipErrorCheck )
m_iTotalTemplates += pTheme->m_RoomTemplates.Count();
bool TileCheck::ContinueCheckingAllRoomTemplates()
int iThemes = CLevelTheme::s_LevelThemes.Count();
if ( m_iCurrentTheme >= iThemes )
return false;
CLevelTheme* pTheme = CLevelTheme::s_LevelThemes[m_iCurrentTheme];
if ( !pTheme || pTheme->m_bSkipErrorCheck )
m_iCurrentRoomTemplate = 0;
return true;
if ( m_iCurrentRoomTemplate >= pTheme->m_RoomTemplates.Count() )
m_iCurrentRoomTemplate = 0;
return true;
CRoomTemplate *pTemplate = pTheme->m_RoomTemplates[m_iCurrentRoomTemplate];
if ( !pTemplate )
return true;
CheckTemplate( pTemplate );
return true;
void TileCheck::CheckTemplate( CRoomTemplate *pTemplate )
if ( !pTemplate || !pTemplate->m_pLevelTheme )
char szFullFileName[512];
Q_snprintf(szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s/%s.vmf", pTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName, pTemplate->GetFullName() );
KeyValues *pRoomTemplateKeyValues = new KeyValues( pTemplate->GetFullName() );
if ( !pRoomTemplateKeyValues->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFullFileName, "GAME" ) )
int iNodes = CountAINodes( pRoomTemplateKeyValues );
if ( pTemplate->m_Exits.Count() > 0 && iNodes <= 0 )
TileCheckError( "%s/%s has no AI nodes.\n", pTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName, pTemplate->GetFullName() );
// VBSP2 converts brushes automatically, so we don't need this check currently
// if ( CountNonFuncDetailBrushes( pRoomTemplateKeyValues ) > 0 )
// {
// TileCheckError( "%s/%s has brushes that aren't func_detail.\n", pTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName, pTemplate->GetFullName() );
// }
if ( CountDirectors( pRoomTemplateKeyValues ) > 0 )
TileCheckError( "%s/%s has an asw_director_control.\n", pTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName, pTemplate->GetFullName() );
if ( pTemplate->HasTag( "Chokepoint" ) )
// check we have at least one grow source and one non-grow source
bool bGrowSource = false;
bool bNonGrowSource = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < pTemplate->m_Exits.Count(); i++ )
if ( pTemplate->m_Exits[i]->m_bChokepointGrowSource )
bGrowSource = true;
bNonGrowSource = true;
if ( !bNonGrowSource )
TileCheckError( "%s/%s requires at least one exit that isn't marked 'chokepoint grow source'.\n", pTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName, pTemplate->GetFullName() );
if ( !bGrowSource )
TileCheckError( "%s/%s requires at least one exit marked 'chokepoint grow source'.\n", pTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName, pTemplate->GetFullName() );
int TileCheck::CountAINodes( KeyValues *pRoomKeys )
int iNodes = 0;
while ( pRoomKeys )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pRoomKeys->GetName(), "entity" ) ) // go through all entities in this room
KeyValues *pFieldKey = pRoomKeys->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( pFieldKey ) // go through all properties of this entity
if ( !pFieldKey->GetFirstSubKey() ) // leaf
if ( !stricmp(pFieldKey->GetName(), "nodeid" ) )
pFieldKey = pFieldKey->GetNextKey();
pRoomKeys = pRoomKeys->GetNextKey();
return iNodes;
int TileCheck::CountNonFuncDetailBrushes( KeyValues *pRoomKeys )
int iBrushes = 0;
KeyValues *pKeys = pRoomKeys;
while ( pKeys )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pKeys->GetName(), "world" ) ) // find world
KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeys->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( pSubKey )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pSubKey->GetName(), "solid" ) ) // find solids
pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey();
pKeys = pKeys->GetNextKey();
return iBrushes;
int TileCheck::CountDirectors( KeyValues *pRoomKeys )
int iCount = 0;
while ( pRoomKeys )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pRoomKeys->GetName(), "entity" ) ) // go through all entities in this room
const char *szClassname = pRoomKeys->GetString( "classname" );
if ( szClassname && !Q_stricmp( szClassname, "asw_director_control" ) )
pRoomKeys = pRoomKeys->GetNextKey();
return iCount;
// =====================================================================================================
// Constructor
CTile_Check_Frame::CTile_Check_Frame( Panel *parent, const char *name ) : BaseClass( parent, name )
vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFile( "tilegen_scheme.res", "tilegen_scheme" );
SetScheme( scheme );
m_pCheckingLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "CheckingLabel", "" );
m_pProgressBar = new vgui::ProgressBar( this, "ProgressBar" );
m_pErrorTextBox = new vgui::RichText( this, "ErrorTextBox" );
LoadControlSettings( "tilegen/TileCheck.res", "GAME" );
SetMinimumSize( 384, 420 );
SetSizeable( true );
SetMinimizeButtonVisible( false );
SetMaximizeButtonVisible( false );
SetMenuButtonVisible( false );
m_bFirstPerformLayout = true;
SetTitle( "Room Template Check", true );
m_pTileCheck = new TileCheck;
// make sure the window get a tick all the time (could change this to only tick on necessary states?)
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 0 );
m_bCheckingTiles = true;
// Destructor
delete m_pTileCheck;
// Purpose: Kills the whole app on close
void CTile_Check_Frame::OnClose( void )
// Purpose: Parse commands coming in from the VGUI dialog
void CTile_Check_Frame::OnCommand( const char *command )
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
void CTile_Check_Frame::PerformLayout()
void CTile_Check_Frame::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme)
void CTile_Check_Frame::OnTick()
if ( m_bCheckingTiles )
if ( !m_pTileCheck->ContinueCheckingAllRoomTemplates() )
m_bCheckingTiles = false;
// pull out any new messages
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pTileCheck->m_TileCheckErrors.Count(); i++ )
m_pErrorTextBox->InsertString( m_pTileCheck->m_TileCheckErrors[i] );
m_pProgressBar->SetProgress( m_pTileCheck->GetProgress() );