//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "pch_tier0.h" #include "tier0/tslist.h" #include <list> #include <stdlib.h> #if defined( _X360 ) #include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h" #endif namespace TSListTests { int NUM_TEST = 10000; int NUM_THREADS; int MAX_THREADS = 8; int NUM_PROCESSORS = 1; CInterlockedInt g_nTested; CInterlockedInt g_nThreads; CInterlockedInt g_nPushThreads; CInterlockedInt g_nPopThreads; CInterlockedInt g_nPushes; CInterlockedInt g_nPops; CTSQueue<int, true> g_TestQueue; CTSList<int> g_TestList; volatile bool g_bStart; std::list<ThreadHandle_t> g_ThreadHandles; int *g_pTestBuckets; CTSListBase g_Test; TSLNodeBase_t **g_nodes; int idx = 0; const char *g_pListType; class CTestOps { public: virtual void Push( int item ) = 0; virtual bool Pop( int *pResult ) = 0; virtual bool Validate() { return true; } virtual bool IsEmpty() = 0; }; class CQueueOps : public CTestOps { void Push( int item ) { g_TestQueue.PushItem( item ); g_nPushes++; } bool Pop( int *pResult ) { if ( g_TestQueue.PopItem( pResult ) ) { g_nPops++; return true; } return false; } bool Validate() { return g_TestQueue.ValidateQueue(); } bool IsEmpty() { return ( g_TestQueue.Count() == 0 ); } } g_QueueOps; class CListOps : public CTestOps { void Push( int item ) { g_TestList.PushItem( item ); g_nPushes++; } bool Pop( int *pResult ) { if ( g_TestList.PopItem( pResult ) ) { g_nPops++; return true; } return false; } bool Validate() { return true; } bool IsEmpty() { return ( g_TestList.Count() == 0 ); } } g_ListOps; CTestOps *g_pTestOps; void ClearBuckets() { memset( g_pTestBuckets, 0, sizeof(int) * NUM_TEST ); } void IncBucket( int i ) { if ( i < NUM_TEST ) // tests can slop over a bit { ThreadInterlockedIncrement( &g_pTestBuckets[i] ); } } void DecBucket( int i ) { if ( i < NUM_TEST ) // tests can slop over a bit { ThreadInterlockedDecrement( &g_pTestBuckets[i] ); } } void ValidateBuckets() { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TEST; i++ ) { if ( g_pTestBuckets[i] != 0 ) { Msg( "Test bucket %d has an invalid value %d\n", i, g_pTestBuckets[i] ); DebuggerBreakIfDebugging(); return; } } } unsigned PopThreadFunc( void *) { ThreadSetDebugName( "PopThread" ); g_nPopThreads++; g_nThreads++; while ( !g_bStart ) { ThreadSleep( 0 ); } int ignored; for (;;) { if ( !g_pTestOps->Pop( &ignored ) ) { if ( g_nPushThreads == 0 ) { // Pop the rest while ( g_pTestOps->Pop( &ignored ) ) { ThreadSleep( 0 ); } break; } } } g_nThreads--; g_nPopThreads--; return 0; } unsigned PushThreadFunc( void * ) { ThreadSetDebugName( "PushThread" ); g_nPushThreads++; g_nThreads++; while ( !g_bStart ) { ThreadSleep( 0 ); } while ( g_nTested < NUM_TEST ) { g_pTestOps->Push( g_nTested ); g_nTested++; } g_nThreads--; g_nPushThreads--; return 0; } void TestStart() { g_nTested = 0; g_nThreads = 0; g_nPushThreads = 0; g_nPopThreads = 0; g_bStart = false; g_nPops = g_nPushes = 0; ClearBuckets(); } void TestWait() { while ( g_nThreads < NUM_THREADS ) { ThreadSleep( 0 ); } g_bStart = true; while ( g_nThreads > 0 ) { ThreadSleep( 50 ); } } void TestEnd( bool bExpectEmpty = true ) { ValidateBuckets(); if ( g_nPops != g_nPushes ) { Msg( "FAIL: Not all items popped\n" ); return; } if ( g_pTestOps->Validate() ) { if ( !bExpectEmpty || g_pTestOps->IsEmpty() ) { Msg("pass\n"); } else { Msg("FAIL: !IsEmpty()\n"); } } else { Msg("FAIL: !Validate()\n"); } while ( g_ThreadHandles.size() ) { ThreadJoin( g_ThreadHandles.front(), 0 ); ReleaseThreadHandle( g_ThreadHandles.front() ); g_ThreadHandles.pop_front(); } } //-------------------------------------------------- // // Shared Tests for CTSQueue and CTSList // //-------------------------------------------------- void PushPopTest() { Msg( "%s test: single thread push/pop, in order... ", g_pListType ); ClearBuckets(); g_nTested = 0; int value; while ( g_nTested < NUM_TEST ) { value = g_nTested++; g_pTestOps->Push( value ); IncBucket( value ); } g_pTestOps->Validate(); while ( g_pTestOps->Pop( &value ) ) { DecBucket( value ); } TestEnd(); } void PushPopInterleavedTestGuts() { int value; for (;;) { bool bPush = ( rand() % 2 == 0 ); if ( bPush && ( value = g_nTested++ ) < NUM_TEST ) { g_pTestOps->Push( value ); IncBucket( value ); } else if ( g_pTestOps->Pop( &value ) ) { DecBucket( value ); } else { if ( g_nTested >= NUM_TEST ) { break; } } } } void PushPopInterleavedTest() { Msg( "%s test: single thread push/pop, interleaved... ", g_pListType ); srand( Plat_MSTime() ); g_nTested = 0; ClearBuckets(); PushPopInterleavedTestGuts(); TestEnd(); } unsigned PushPopInterleavedTestThreadFunc( void * ) { ThreadSetDebugName( "PushPopThread" ); g_nThreads++; while ( !g_bStart ) { ThreadSleep( 0 ); } PushPopInterleavedTestGuts(); g_nThreads--; return 0; } void STPushMTPop( bool bDistribute ) { Msg( "%s test: single thread push, multithread pop, %s", g_pListType, bDistribute ? "distributed..." : "no affinity..." ); TestStart(); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( CreateSimpleThread( &PushThreadFunc, NULL ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS - 1; i++ ) { ThreadHandle_t hThread = CreateSimpleThread( &PopThreadFunc, NULL ); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( hThread ); if ( bDistribute ) { int32 mask = 1 << (i % NUM_PROCESSORS); ThreadSetAffinity( hThread, mask ); } } TestWait(); TestEnd(); } void MTPushSTPop( bool bDistribute ) { Msg( "%s test: multithread push, single thread pop, %s", g_pListType, bDistribute ? "distributed..." : "no affinity..." ); TestStart(); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( CreateSimpleThread( &PopThreadFunc, NULL ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS - 1; i++ ) { ThreadHandle_t hThread = CreateSimpleThread( &PushThreadFunc, NULL ); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( hThread ); if ( bDistribute ) { int32 mask = 1 << (i % NUM_PROCESSORS); ThreadSetAffinity( hThread, mask ); } } TestWait(); TestEnd(); } void MTPushMTPop( bool bDistribute ) { Msg( "%s test: multithread push, multithread pop, %s", g_pListType, bDistribute ? "distributed..." : "no affinity..." ); TestStart(); int ct = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS / 2 ; i++ ) { ThreadHandle_t hThread = CreateSimpleThread( &PopThreadFunc, NULL ); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( hThread ); if ( bDistribute ) { int32 mask = 1 << (ct++ % NUM_PROCESSORS); ThreadSetAffinity( hThread, mask ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS / 2 ; i++ ) { ThreadHandle_t hThread = CreateSimpleThread( &PushThreadFunc, NULL ); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( hThread ); if ( bDistribute ) { int32 mask = 1 << (ct++ % NUM_PROCESSORS); ThreadSetAffinity( hThread, mask ); } } TestWait(); TestEnd(); } void MTPushPopPopInterleaved( bool bDistribute ) { Msg( "%s test: multithread interleaved push/pop, %s", g_pListType, bDistribute ? "distributed..." : "no affinity..." ); srand( Plat_MSTime() ); TestStart(); for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ ) { ThreadHandle_t hThread = CreateSimpleThread( &PushPopInterleavedTestThreadFunc, NULL ); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( hThread ); if ( bDistribute ) { int32 mask = 1 << (i % NUM_PROCESSORS); ThreadSetAffinity( hThread, mask ); } } TestWait(); TestEnd(); } void MTPushSeqPop( bool bDistribute ) { Msg( "%s test: multithread push, sequential pop, %s", g_pListType, bDistribute ? "distributed..." : "no affinity..." ); TestStart(); for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ ) { ThreadHandle_t hThread = CreateSimpleThread( &PushThreadFunc, NULL ); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( hThread ); if ( bDistribute ) { int32 mask = 1 << (i % NUM_PROCESSORS); ThreadSetAffinity( hThread, mask ); } } TestWait(); int ignored; g_pTestOps->Validate(); while ( g_pTestOps->Pop( &ignored ) ) { } TestEnd(); } void SeqPushMTPop( bool bDistribute ) { Msg( "%s test: sequential push, multithread pop, %s", g_pListType, bDistribute ? "distributed..." : "no affinity..." ); TestStart(); while ( g_nTested++ < NUM_TEST ) { g_pTestOps->Push( g_nTested ); } for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ ) { ThreadHandle_t hThread = CreateSimpleThread( &PopThreadFunc, NULL ); g_ThreadHandles.push_back( hThread ); if ( bDistribute ) { int32 mask = 1 << (i % NUM_PROCESSORS); ThreadSetAffinity( hThread, mask ); } } TestWait(); TestEnd(); } } void RunSharedTests( int nTests ) { using namespace TSListTests; const CPUInformation &pi = *GetCPUInformation(); NUM_PROCESSORS = pi.m_nLogicalProcessors; MAX_THREADS = NUM_PROCESSORS * 2; g_pTestBuckets = new int[NUM_TEST]; while ( nTests-- ) { for ( NUM_THREADS = 2; NUM_THREADS <= MAX_THREADS; NUM_THREADS *= 2) { Msg( "\nTesting %d threads:\n", NUM_THREADS ); PushPopTest(); PushPopInterleavedTest(); SeqPushMTPop( false ); STPushMTPop( false ); MTPushSeqPop( false ); MTPushSTPop( false ); MTPushMTPop( false ); MTPushPopPopInterleaved( false ); if ( NUM_PROCESSORS > 1 ) { SeqPushMTPop( true ); STPushMTPop( true ); MTPushSeqPop( true ); MTPushSTPop( true ); MTPushMTPop( true ); MTPushPopPopInterleaved( true ); } } } delete[] g_pTestBuckets; } bool RunTSListTests( int nListSize, int nTests ) { using namespace TSListTests; NUM_TEST = nListSize; TSLHead_t foo; (void)foo; // Avoid warning about unused variable. #ifdef USE_NATIVE_SLIST int maxSize = ( 1 << (sizeof( foo.Depth ) * 8) ) - 1; #else int maxSize = ( 1 << (sizeof( foo.value.Depth ) * 8) ) - 1; #endif if ( NUM_TEST > maxSize ) { Msg( "TSList cannot hold more that %d nodes\n", maxSize ); return false; } g_pTestOps = &g_ListOps; g_pListType = "CTSList"; RunSharedTests( nTests ); Msg("Tests done, purging test memory..." ); g_TestList.Purge(); Msg( "done\n"); return true; } bool RunTSQueueTests( int nListSize, int nTests ) { using namespace TSListTests; NUM_TEST = nListSize; g_pTestOps = &g_QueueOps; g_pListType = "CTSQueue"; RunSharedTests( nTests ); Msg("Tests done, purging test memory..." ); g_TestQueue.Purge(); Msg( "done\n"); return true; }