//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $
// baseserver.cpp: implementation of the CBaseServer class.

#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_X360)
#include "winlite.h"		// FILETIME
#elif defined(POSIX)
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>          
#include <asm/param.h> // for HZ
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#elif defined(_X360)
#error "Includes for CPU usage calcs here"

#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "baseserver.h"
#include "sysexternal.h"
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "netmessages.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "framesnapshot.h"
#include "sv_packedentities.h"
#include "dt_send_eng.h"
#include "dt_recv_eng.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "host_cmd.h"
#include "sv_steamauth.h"

#include <proto_oob.h>
#include <vstdlib/random.h>
#include <irecipientfilter.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <tier0/vprof.h>
#include <cdll_int.h>
#include <eiface.h>
#include <client_class.h>
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "sv_steamauth.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "sv_ipratelimit.h"
#include "cl_steamauth.h"
#include "sv_filter.h"
#include "master.h"

#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

CThreadFastMutex g_svInstanceBaselineMutex;
extern	CGlobalVars g_ServerGlobalVariables;

static ConVar	sv_max_queries_sec( "sv_max_queries_sec", "3.0", 0, "Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address." );
static ConVar	sv_max_queries_window( "sv_max_queries_window", "30", 0, "Window over which to average queries per second averages." );
static ConVar	sv_max_queries_sec_global( "sv_max_queries_sec_global", "3000", 0, "Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere." );

static ConVar	sv_max_connects_sec( "sv_max_connects_sec", "2.0", 0, "Maximum connections per second to respond to from a single IP address." );
static ConVar	sv_max_connects_window( "sv_max_connects_window", "4", 0, "Window over which to average connections per second averages." );
// This defaults to zero so that somebody spamming the server with packets cannot lock out other clients.
static ConVar	sv_max_connects_sec_global( "sv_max_connects_sec_global", "0", 0, "Maximum connections per second to respond to from anywhere." );

static CIPRateLimit s_queryRateChecker( &sv_max_queries_sec, &sv_max_queries_window, &sv_max_queries_sec_global );
static CIPRateLimit s_connectRateChecker( &sv_max_connects_sec, &sv_max_connects_window, &sv_max_connects_sec_global );

// Give new data to Steam's master server updater every N seconds.
// This is NOT how often packets are sent to master servers, only how often the
// game server talks to Steam's master server updater (which is on the game server's
// machine, not the Steam servers).

// Steam has a matching one in matchmakingtypes.h

int SortServerTags( char* const *p1, char* const *p2 )
	return ( Q_strcmp( *p1, *p2 ) > 0 );

static void ServerTagsCleanUp( void )
	CUtlVector<char*> TagList;
	ConVarRef sv_tags( "sv_tags" );
	if ( sv_tags.IsValid() )
		int i;
		char tmptags[MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH];
		tmptags[0] = '\0';

		V_SplitString( sv_tags.GetString(), ",", TagList );

		// make a pass on the tags to eliminate preceding whitespace and empty tags
		for ( i = 0; i < TagList.Count(); i++ )
			if ( i > 0 )
				Q_strncat( tmptags, ",", MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );

			char *pChar = TagList[i];
			while ( *pChar && *pChar == ' ' )

			// make sure we don't have an empty string (all spaces or ,,)
			if ( *pChar )
				Q_strncat( tmptags, pChar, MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );

		// reset our lists and sort the tags
		V_SplitString( tmptags, ",", TagList );
		TagList.Sort( SortServerTags );
		tmptags[0] = '\0';

		// create our new, sorted list of tags
		for ( i = 0; i < TagList.Count(); i++ )
			if ( i > 0 )
				Q_strncat( tmptags, ",", MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );

			Q_strncat( tmptags, TagList[i], MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );

		// set our convar and purge our list
		sv_tags.SetValue( tmptags );

static void SvTagsChangeCallback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
	// We're going to modify the sv_tags convar here, which will cause this to be called again. Prevent recursion.
	static bool bTagsChangeCallback = false;
	if ( bTagsChangeCallback )

	bTagsChangeCallback = true;


	ConVarRef var( pConVar );
	if ( Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() )
		Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->SetGameTags( var.GetString() );

	bTagsChangeCallback = false;

ConVar			sv_region( "sv_region","-1", FCVAR_NONE, "The region of the world to report this server in." );
static ConVar	sv_instancebaselines( "sv_instancebaselines", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead." );
static ConVar	sv_stats( "sv_stats", "1", 0, "Collect CPU usage stats" );
static ConVar	sv_enableoldqueries( "sv_enableoldqueries", "0", 0, "Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries" );
static ConVar	sv_password( "sv_password", "", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_PROTECTED | FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "Server password for entry into multiplayer games" );
ConVar			sv_tags( "sv_tags", "", FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.", SvTagsChangeCallback );
ConVar			sv_visiblemaxplayers( "sv_visiblemaxplayers", "-1", 0, "Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients" );
ConVar			sv_alternateticks( "sv_alternateticks", ( IsX360() ) ? "1" : "0", FCVAR_SPONLY, "If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.\n" );
ConVar			sv_allow_wait_command( "sv_allow_wait_command", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server." );
ConVar			sv_allow_color_correction( "sv_allow_color_correction", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Allow or disallow clients to use color correction on this server." );

extern CNetworkStringTableContainer *networkStringTableContainerServer;
extern ConVar sv_stressbots;

int g_CurGameServerID = 1;


bool AllowDebugDedicatedServerOutsideSteam()
	return true;
	return false;

static void SetMasterServerKeyValue( ISteamGameServer *pUpdater, IConVar *pConVar )
	ConVarRef var( pConVar );

	// For protected cvars, don't send the string
	if ( var.IsFlagSet( FCVAR_PROTECTED ) )
		// If it has a value string and the string is not "none"
		if ( ( strlen( var.GetString() ) > 0 ) &&
				stricmp( var.GetString(), "none" ) )
			pUpdater->SetKeyValue( var.GetName(), "1" );
			pUpdater->SetKeyValue( var.GetName(), "0" );
		pUpdater->SetKeyValue( var.GetName(), var.GetString() );

	if ( Steam3Server().BIsActive() )

static void ServerNotifyVarChangeCallback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
	if ( !pConVar->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_NOTIFY ) )
	ISteamGameServer *pUpdater = Steam3Server().SteamGameServer();
	if ( !pUpdater )
		// This will force it to send all the rules whenever the master server updater is there.

	SetMasterServerKeyValue( pUpdater, pConVar );

// Construction/Destruction

	// Just get a unique ID to talk to the steam master server updater.
	m_bRestartOnLevelChange = false;
	m_StringTables = NULL;
	m_pInstanceBaselineTable = NULL;
	m_pLightStyleTable = NULL;
	m_pUserInfoTable = NULL;
	m_pServerStartupTable = NULL;
	m_pDownloadableFileTable = NULL;

	m_fLastCPUCheckTime = 0;
	m_fStartTime = 0;
	m_fCPUPercent = 0;
	m_Socket = NS_SERVER;
	m_nTickCount = 0;
	m_szMapname[0] = 0;
	m_szSkyname[0] = 0;
	m_Password[0] = 0;
	V_memset( worldmapMD5.bits, 0, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH );

	serverclasses = serverclassbits = 0;
	m_nMaxclients = m_nSpawnCount = 0;
	m_flTickInterval = 0.03;
	m_nUserid = 0;
	m_nNumConnections = 0;
	m_bIsDedicated = false;
	m_fCPUPercent = 0;
	m_fStartTime = 0;
	m_fLastCPUCheckTime = 0;
	m_bMasterServerRulesDirty = true;
	m_flLastMasterServerUpdateTime = 0;
	m_CurrentRandomNonce = 0;
	m_LastRandomNonce = 0;
	m_flLastRandomNumberGenerationTime = -3.0f; // force it to calc first frame

	m_bReportNewFakeClients = true;
	m_flPausedTimeEnd = -1.f;




Make sure connecting client is not spoofing
bool CBaseServer::CheckChallengeNr( netadr_t &adr, int nChallengeValue )
	// See if the challenge is valid
	// Don't care if it is a local address.
	if ( adr.IsLoopback() )
		return true;

	// X360TBD: network
	if ( IsX360() )
		return true;

	uint64 challenge = ((uint64)adr.GetIPNetworkByteOrder() << 32) + m_CurrentRandomNonce;
	CRC32_t hash;
	CRC32_Init( &hash );
	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &hash, &challenge, sizeof(challenge) );
	CRC32_Final( &hash );
	if ( (int)hash == nChallengeValue )
		return true;

	// try with the old random nonce
	challenge &= 0xffffffff00000000ull;
	challenge += m_LastRandomNonce;
	hash = 0;
	CRC32_Init( &hash );
	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &hash, &challenge, sizeof(challenge) );
	CRC32_Final( &hash );
	if ( (int)hash == nChallengeValue )
		return true;

	return false;

const char *CBaseServer::GetPassword() const
	const char *password = sv_password.GetString();

	// if password is empty or "none", return NULL
	if ( !password[0] || !Q_stricmp(password, "none" ) )
		return NULL;

	return password;

void CBaseServer::SetPassword(const char *password)
	if ( password != NULL )
		Q_strncpy( m_Password, password, sizeof(m_Password) );
		m_Password[0] = 0; // clear password

#define MAX_REUSE_PER_IP 5 // 5 outstanding connect request within timeout window, to account for NATs


Determine if this IP requesting the connect is connecting too often
bool CBaseServer::CheckIPConnectionReuse( netadr_t &adr )
	int nSimultaneouslyConnections = 0;

	for ( int slot = 0 ; slot < m_Clients.Count() ; slot++ )
		CBaseClient *client = m_Clients[slot];

		// if the user is connected but not fully in AND the addr's match
		if ( client->IsConnected() &&
			 !client->IsActive() &&
			 !client->IsFakeClient() && 
			 adr.CompareAdr ( client->m_NetChannel->GetRemoteAddress(), true ) )
	if ( nSimultaneouslyConnections > MAX_REUSE_PER_IP ) 
		Msg ("Too many connect packets from %s\n", adr.ToString( true ) );	
		return false; // too many connect packets!!!!
	return true; // this IP is okay

int CBaseServer::GetNextUserID()
	// Note: we'll usually exit on the first pass of this loop..
	for ( int i=0; i < m_Clients.Count()+1; i++ )
		int nTestID = (m_nUserid + i + 1) % SHRT_MAX;

		// Make sure no client has this user ID.		
		int iClient;
		for ( iClient=0; iClient < m_Clients.Count(); iClient++ )
			if ( m_Clients[iClient]->GetUserID() == nTestID )

		// Ok, no client has this ID, so return it.		
		if ( iClient == m_Clients.Count() )
			return nTestID;
	Assert( !"GetNextUserID: can't find a unique ID." );
	return m_nUserid + 1;


Initializes a CSVClient for a new net connection.  This will only be called
once for a player each game, not once for each level change.
IClient *CBaseServer::ConnectClient ( netadr_t &adr, int protocol, int challenge, int clientChallenge, int authProtocol, 
							    const char *name, const char *password, const char *hashedCDkey, int cdKeyLen )
	COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseServer::ConnectClient" );

	if ( !IsActive() )
		return NULL;

	if ( !name || !password || !hashedCDkey )
		return NULL;

	// Make sure protocols match up
	if ( !CheckProtocol( adr, protocol, clientChallenge ) )
		return NULL;

	if ( !CheckChallengeNr( adr, challenge ) )
		RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectBadChallenge" );
		return NULL;

	// SourceTV checks password & restrictions later once we know
	// if its a normal spectator client or a relay proxy
	if ( !IsHLTV() && !IsReplay() )
#ifndef NO_STEAM
		// LAN servers restrict to class b IP addresses
		if ( !CheckIPRestrictions( adr, authProtocol ) )
			RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectLANRestrict");
			return NULL;

		if ( !CheckPassword( adr, password, name ) )
			// failed
			ConMsg ( "%s:  password failed.\n", adr.ToString() );
			// Special rejection handler.
			RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectBadPassword" );
			return NULL;

	COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseServer::ConnectClient:  GetFreeClient" );

	CBaseClient	*client = GetFreeClient( adr );

	if ( !client )
		RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectServerFull" );
		return NULL;	// no free slot found

	int nNextUserID = GetNextUserID();
	if ( !CheckChallengeType( client, nNextUserID, adr, authProtocol, hashedCDkey, cdKeyLen, clientChallenge ) ) // we use the client pointer to track steam requests
		return NULL;

	ISteamGameServer *pSteamGameServer = Steam3Server().SteamGameServer();
	if ( !pSteamGameServer && authProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
		Warning("NULL ISteamGameServer in ConnectClient. Steam authentication may fail.\n");

	if ( Filter_IsUserBanned( client->GetNetworkID() ) )
		// Need to make sure the master server is updated with the rejected connection because
		// we called Steam3Server().NotifyClientConnect() in CheckChallengeType() above.
		if ( pSteamGameServer && authProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
			pSteamGameServer->SendUserDisconnect( client->m_SteamID ); 

		RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectBanned" );
		return NULL;

#if !defined( _HLTVTEST ) && !defined( _REPLAYTEST )
	if ( !FinishCertificateCheck( adr, authProtocol, hashedCDkey, clientChallenge ) )
		// Need to make sure the master server is updated with the rejected connection because
		// we called Steam3Server().NotifyClientConnect() in CheckChallengeType() above.
		if ( pSteamGameServer && authProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
			pSteamGameServer->SendUserDisconnect( client->m_SteamID ); 

		return NULL;

	COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseServer::ConnectClient:  NET_CreateNetChannel" );

	// create network channel
	INetChannel * netchan = NET_CreateNetChannel( m_Socket, &adr, adr.ToString(), client );

	if ( !netchan )
		// Need to make sure the master server is updated with the rejected connection because
		// we called Steam3Server().NotifyClientConnect() in CheckChallengeType() above.
		if ( pSteamGameServer && authProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
			pSteamGameServer->SendUserDisconnect( client->m_SteamID ); 

		RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectFailedChannel" );
		return NULL;

	// setup netchannl settings
	netchan->SetChallengeNr( challenge );
	COM_TimestampedLog( "CBaseServer::ConnectClient:  client->Connect" );

	// make sure client is reset and clear
	client->Connect( name, nNextUserID, netchan, false, clientChallenge );

	m_nUserid = nNextUserID;

	// Will get reset from userinfo, but this value comes from sv_updaterate ( the default )
	client->m_fSnapshotInterval = 1.0f/20.0f;
	client->m_fNextMessageTime = net_time + client->m_fSnapshotInterval;
	// Force a full delta update on first packet.
	client->m_nDeltaTick = -1;
	client->m_nSignonTick = 0;
	client->m_nStringTableAckTick = 0;
	client->m_pLastSnapshot = NULL;
	// Tell client connection worked, now use netchannels
		bf_write	msg( msg_buffer, sizeof(msg_buffer) );

		msg.WriteByte( S2C_CONNECTION );
		msg.WriteLong( clientChallenge );
		msg.WriteString( "0000000000" ); // pad out

		NET_SendPacket ( NULL, m_Socket, adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );

	// Set up client structure.
	if ( authProtocol == PROTOCOL_HASHEDCDKEY )
		// use hased CD key as player GUID
		Q_strncpy ( client->m_GUID, hashedCDkey, SIGNED_GUID_LEN );
		client->m_GUID[SIGNED_GUID_LEN] = '\0';
	else if ( authProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
		// StartSteamValidation() above initialized the clients networkid

	if ( netchan && !netchan->IsLoopback() )
		ConMsg("Client \"%s\" connected (%s).\n", client->GetClientName(), netchan->GetAddress() );

	return client;


Return true if this server query must provide a valid challenge number
bool CBaseServer::RequireValidChallenge( netadr_t &adr )
	if ( sv_enableoldqueries.GetBool() == true )
		return false; // don't enforce challenge numbers

	return true;


Return true if this challenge number is correct for this host (for server queries)
bool CBaseServer::ValidChallenge( netadr_t & adr, int challengeNr )
	if ( !IsActive() )            // Must be running a server.
		return false ;

	if ( !IsMultiplayer() )   // ignore in single player
		return false ;

	if ( RequireValidChallenge( adr) )
		if ( !CheckChallengeNr( adr, challengeNr ) )
			ReplyServerChallenge( adr );
			return false;

	return true; 

bool CBaseServer::ValidInfoChallenge( netadr_t & adr, const char *nugget )
	if ( !IsActive() )            // Must be running a server.
		return false ;

	if ( !IsMultiplayer() )   // ignore in single player
		return false ;

	if ( IsReplay() )
		return false;

	if ( RequireValidChallenge( adr) )
		if ( Q_stricmp( nugget, A2S_KEY_STRING ) ) // if the string isn't equal then fail out
			return false;

	return true; 

bool CBaseServer::ProcessConnectionlessPacket(netpacket_t * packet)
	master->ProcessConnectionlessPacket( packet );

	bf_read msg = packet->message;	// handy shortcut 

	char c = msg.ReadChar();

	if ( c== 0  )
		return false;

	switch ( c )
				int clientChallenge = msg.ReadLong();
				ReplyChallenge( packet->from, clientChallenge );

			ReplyServerChallenge( packet->from );

		case C2S_CONNECT :
				char cdkey[STEAM_KEYSIZE];
				char name[256];
				char password[256];
				char productVersion[32];
				int protocol = msg.ReadLong();
				int authProtocol = msg.ReadLong();
				int challengeNr = msg.ReadLong();
				int clientChallenge = msg.ReadLong();

				// pull the challenge number check early before we do any expensive processing on the connect
				if ( !CheckChallengeNr( packet->from, challengeNr ) )
					RejectConnection( packet->from, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectBadChallenge" );

				// rate limit the connections
				if ( !s_connectRateChecker.CheckIP( packet->from ) )
					return false;

				msg.ReadString( name, sizeof(name) );
				msg.ReadString( password, sizeof(password) );
				msg.ReadString( productVersion, sizeof(productVersion) );
//				bool bClientPlugins = ( msg.ReadByte() > 0 );

				// There's a magic number we use in the steam.inf in P4 that we don't update.
				// We can use this to detect if they are running out of P4, and if so, don't do any version
				// checking.
				const char *pszVersionInP4 = "2000";
				const char *pszVersionString = GetSteamInfIDVersionInfo().szVersionString;
				if ( V_strcmp( pszVersionString, pszVersionInP4 ) && V_strcmp( productVersion, pszVersionInP4 ) )
					int nVersionCheck = Q_strncmp( pszVersionString, productVersion, V_strlen( pszVersionString ) );
					if ( nVersionCheck < 0 )
						RejectConnection( packet->from, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectOldVersion" );
					if ( nVersionCheck > 0 )
						RejectConnection( packet->from, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectNewVersion" );

// 				if ( Steam3Server().BSecure() && bClientPlugins )
// 				{
// 					RejectConnection( packet->from, "Cannot connect to a secure server while plug-ins are\nloaded on your client\n" );
//					break;
// 				}

/*				if ( authProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
					int keyLen = msg.ReadShort();
					if ( keyLen < 0 || keyLen > sizeof(cdkey) )
						RejectConnection( packet->from, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectBadSteamKey" );
					msg.ReadBytes( cdkey, keyLen );

					ConnectClient( packet->from, protocol, challengeNr, clientChallenge, authProtocol, name, password, cdkey, keyLen );	// cd key is actually a raw encrypted key	
					msg.ReadString( cdkey, sizeof(cdkey) );
					ConnectClient( packet->from, protocol, challengeNr, clientChallenge, authProtocol, name, password, cdkey, strlen(cdkey) );

				// rate limit the more expensive server query packets
				if ( !s_queryRateChecker.CheckIP( packet->from ) )
					return false;

				// We don't understand it, let the master server updater at it.
				if ( Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() && Steam3Server().IsMasterServerUpdaterSharingGameSocket() )
					// This is where it will usually want to respond to something immediately by sending some
					// packets, so check for that immediately.


	return true;

int CBaseServer::GetNumFakeClients() const
	int count = 0; 
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
		if ( m_Clients[i]->IsFakeClient() )
	return count;

void SV_CountPlayers

Counts number of connections.  Clients includes regular connections
int CBaseServer::GetNumClients( void ) const
	int count	= 0;

	for (int i=0 ; i < m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
		if ( m_Clients[ i ]->IsConnected() )

	return count;

void SV_CountPlayers

Counts number of HLTV and Replay connections.  Clients includes regular connections
int CBaseServer::GetNumProxies( void ) const
	int count	= 0;

	for (int i=0 ; i < m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
		if ( m_Clients[ i ]->IsConnected() && (m_Clients[ i ]->IsHLTV() || m_Clients[ i ]->IsReplay() ) )
		if ( m_Clients[ i ]->IsConnected() && m_Clients[ i ]->IsHLTV() )

	return count;

int CBaseServer::GetNumPlayers()
	int count = 0;
	if ( !GetUserInfoTable())
		return 0;

	const int maxPlayers = GetUserInfoTable()->GetNumStrings();

	for ( int i=0; i < maxPlayers; i++ )
		const player_info_t *pi = (const player_info_t *) m_pUserInfoTable->GetStringUserData( i, NULL );

		if ( !pi )

		if ( pi->fakeplayer )
			continue;	// don't count bots


	return count;

bool CBaseServer::GetPlayerInfo( int nClientIndex, player_info_t *pinfo )
	if ( !pinfo )
		return false;

	if ( nClientIndex < 0 || !GetUserInfoTable() || nClientIndex >= GetUserInfoTable()->GetNumStrings() )
		Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( player_info_t ) );
		return false;

	player_info_t *pi = (player_info_t*) GetUserInfoTable()->GetStringUserData( nClientIndex, NULL );

	if ( !pi )
		Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( player_info_t ) );
		return false;

	Q_memcpy( pinfo, pi, sizeof( player_info_t ) );

	// Fixup from network order (little endian)
	CByteswap byteswap;
	byteswap.SetTargetBigEndian( false );
	byteswap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( pinfo );

	return true;

void CBaseServer::UserInfoChanged( int nClientIndex )
	player_info_t pi;

	bool oldlock = networkStringTableContainerServer->Lock( false );
	if ( m_Clients[ nClientIndex ]->FillUserInfo( pi ) )
		// Fixup to little endian for networking
		CByteswap byteswap;
		byteswap.SetTargetBigEndian( false );
		byteswap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( &pi );

		// update user info settings
		m_pUserInfoTable->SetStringUserData( nClientIndex, sizeof(pi), &pi );
		// delete user data settings
		m_pUserInfoTable->SetStringUserData( nClientIndex, 0, NULL );
	networkStringTableContainerServer->Lock( oldlock );

void CBaseServer::FillServerInfo(SVC_ServerInfo &serverinfo)
	static char gamedir[MAX_OSPATH];
	Q_FileBase( com_gamedir, gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ) );

	serverinfo.m_nProtocol		= PROTOCOL_VERSION;
	serverinfo.m_nServerCount	= GetSpawnCount();
	V_memcpy( serverinfo.m_nMapMD5.bits, worldmapMD5.bits, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH );
	serverinfo.m_nMaxClients	= GetMaxClients();
	serverinfo.m_nMaxClasses	= serverclasses;
	serverinfo.m_bIsDedicated	= IsDedicated();
#ifdef _WIN32
	serverinfo.m_cOS			= 'W';
	serverinfo.m_cOS			= 'L';

	// HACK to signal that the server is "new"
	serverinfo.m_cOS = tolower( serverinfo.m_cOS );

	serverinfo.m_fTickInterval	= GetTickInterval();
	serverinfo.m_szGameDir		= gamedir;
	serverinfo.m_szMapName		= GetMapName();
	serverinfo.m_szSkyName		= m_szSkyname;
	serverinfo.m_szHostName		= GetName();
	serverinfo.m_bIsHLTV		= IsHLTV();
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
	serverinfo.m_bIsReplay		= IsReplay();


Returns a challenge number that can be used
in a subsequent client_connect command.
We do this to prevent denial of service attacks that
flood the server with invalid connection IPs.  With a
challenge, they must give a valid IP address.

void CBaseServer::ReplyChallenge(netadr_t &adr, int clientChallenge )
	bf_write msg(buffer,sizeof(buffer));

	// get a free challenge number
	int challengeNr = GetChallengeNr( adr );
	int	authprotocol = GetChallengeType( adr );

	msg.WriteByte( S2C_CHALLENGE );
	msg.WriteLong( S2C_MAGICVERSION ); // This makes it so we can detect that this server is correct
	msg.WriteLong( challengeNr ); // Server to client challenge
	msg.WriteLong( clientChallenge ); // Client to server challenge to ensure our reply is what they asked
	msg.WriteLong( authprotocol );

#if !defined( NO_STEAM ) //#ifndef _XBOX
	if ( authprotocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
		msg.WriteShort( 0 ); //  steam2 encryption key not there anymore
		CSteamID steamID = Steam3Server().GetGSSteamID();
		uint64 unSteamID = steamID.ConvertToUint64();
		msg.WriteBytes( &unSteamID, sizeof(unSteamID) );
		msg.WriteByte( Steam3Server().BSecure() );
	msg.WriteShort( 1 );
	msg.WriteByte( 0 );
	uint64 unSteamID = 0;
	msg.WriteBytes( &unSteamID, sizeof(unSteamID) );
	msg.WriteByte( 0 );
	msg.WriteString( "000000" );	// padding bytes

	NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );


Returns a challenge number that can be used
in a subsequent server query commands.
We do this to prevent DDoS attacks via bandwidth
void CBaseServer::ReplyServerChallenge(netadr_t &adr)
	ALIGN4 char	buffer[16] ALIGN4_POST;
	bf_write msg(buffer,sizeof(buffer));

	// get a free challenge number
	int challengeNr = GetChallengeNr( adr );
	msg.WriteByte( S2C_CHALLENGE );
	msg.WriteLong( challengeNr );
	NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );

const char *CBaseServer::GetName( void ) const
	return host_name.GetString();

int CBaseServer::GetChallengeType(netadr_t &adr)
	if ( AllowDebugDedicatedServerOutsideSteam() )

#ifndef SWDS	
	// don't auth SP games or local mp games if steam isn't running
	if ( Host_IsSinglePlayerGame() || ( !Steam3Client().SteamUser() && !IsDedicated() ))

int CBaseServer::GetChallengeNr (netadr_t &adr)
	uint64 challenge = ((uint64)adr.GetIPNetworkByteOrder() << 32) + m_CurrentRandomNonce;
	CRC32_t hash;
	CRC32_Init( &hash );
	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &hash, &challenge, sizeof(challenge) );
	CRC32_Final( &hash );
	return (int)hash;

void CBaseServer::GetNetStats( float &avgIn, float &avgOut )
	avgIn = avgOut = 0.0f;

	for (int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
		CBaseClient	*cl = m_Clients[ i ];

		// Fake clients get killed in here.
		if ( cl->IsFakeClient() )
		if ( !cl->IsConnected() )

		INetChannel *netchan = cl->GetNetChannel();

		avgIn += netchan->GetAvgData(FLOW_INCOMING);
		avgOut += netchan->GetAvgData(FLOW_OUTGOING);

void CBaseServer::CalculateCPUUsage( void )
	if ( !sv_stats.GetBool() )


	float curtime = Sys_FloatTime();

	if ( m_fStartTime == 0 )
	// record when we started
		m_fStartTime = curtime;

	if( curtime > m_fLastCPUCheckTime + 1 )
	// only do this every 1 second
#if defined ( _WIN32 ) 
		static float lastAvg=0;
		static __int64 lastTotalTime=0,lastNow=0;

		HANDLE handle;
		FILETIME creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime, nowTime;
 		__int64 totalTime,now;
		handle = GetCurrentProcess();

		// get CPU time
		GetProcessTimes (handle, &creationTime, &exitTime,
						&kernelTime, &userTime);

		if ( lastNow == 0 )
			memcpy(&lastNow, &creationTime, sizeof(__int64));

		memcpy(&totalTime, &userTime, sizeof(__int64));
		memcpy(&now, &kernelTime, sizeof(__int64));

		memcpy(&now, &nowTime, sizeof(__int64));

		m_fCPUPercent = (double)(totalTime-lastTotalTime)/(double)(now-lastNow);
		// now save this away for next time
		if ( curtime > lastAvg+5 ) 
		// only do it every 5 seconds, so we keep a moving average
#elif defined ( POSIX )
		static struct rusage s_lastUsage;
		static float s_lastAvg = 0;
		struct rusage currentUsage;

		if ( getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &currentUsage ) == 0 )
			double flTimeDiff = (double)( currentUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec - s_lastUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec ) +
				(double)(( currentUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec - s_lastUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec ) / 1000000); 
			m_fCPUPercent = flTimeDiff / ( m_fLastCPUCheckTime - s_lastAvg );

			// now save this away for next time
			if( m_fLastCPUCheckTime > s_lastAvg + 5) 
				s_lastUsage = currentUsage;
				s_lastAvg = m_fLastCPUCheckTime;

		// limit checking :)
		if( m_fCPUPercent > 0.9999 )
			m_fCPUPercent = 0.9999;
		if( m_fCPUPercent < 0 )
			m_fCPUPercent = 0;
		m_fLastCPUCheckTime = curtime; 

// Purpose: Prepare for level transition, etc.
void CBaseServer::InactivateClients( void )
	for (int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
		CBaseClient	*cl = m_Clients[ i ];

		// Fake clients get killed in here.
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
		if ( cl->IsFakeClient() && !cl->IsHLTV() && !cl->IsReplay() )
		if ( cl->IsFakeClient() && !cl->IsHLTV() )
			// If we don't do this, it'll have a bunch of extra steam IDs for unauthenticated users.
			Steam3Server().NotifyClientDisconnect( cl );
		else if ( !cl->IsConnected() )


void CBaseServer::ReconnectClients( void )
	for (int i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
		CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[i];
		if ( cl->IsConnected() )
			cl->m_nSignonState = SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED;
			NET_SignonState signon( cl->m_nSignonState, -1 );
			cl->SendNetMsg( signon );


If a packet has not been received from a client in sv_timeout.GetFloat()
seconds, drop the conneciton.

When a client is normally dropped, the CSVClient goes into a zombie state
for a few seconds to make sure any final reliable message gets resent
if necessary
void CBaseServer::CheckTimeouts (void)
	// Don't timeout in _DEBUG builds
	int i;

#if !defined( _DEBUG )
	for (i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
		IClient	*cl = m_Clients[ i ];
		if ( cl->IsFakeClient() || !cl->IsConnected() )

		INetChannel *netchan = cl->GetNetChannel();

		if ( !netchan )


		if ( netchan->IsTimedOut() )
			cl->Disconnect( CLIENTNAME_TIMED_OUT, cl->GetClientName() );

	for (i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
		IClient	*cl = m_Clients[ i ];
		if ( cl->IsFakeClient() || !cl->IsConnected() )
		if ( cl->GetNetChannel() && cl->GetNetChannel()->IsOverflowed() )
			cl->Disconnect( "Client %d overflowed reliable channel.", i );

// ==================
// check if clients update thier user setting (convars) and call 
// ==================
void CBaseServer::UpdateUserSettings(void)
	for (int i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
		CBaseClient	*cl = m_Clients[ i ];


		if ( cl->m_bConVarsChanged )

// ==================
// check if clients need the serverinfo packet sent
// ==================
void CBaseServer::SendPendingServerInfo()
	for (int i=0 ; i< m_Clients.Count() ; i++ )
		CBaseClient	*cl = m_Clients[ i ];

		if ( cl->m_bSendServerInfo )

// compresses a packed entity, returns data & bits
const char *CBaseServer::CompressPackedEntity(ServerClass *pServerClass, const char *data, int &bits)
	ALIGN4 static char s_packedData[MAX_PACKEDENTITY_DATA] ALIGN4_POST;

	bf_write writeBuf( "CompressPackedEntity", s_packedData, sizeof( s_packedData ) );

	const void *pBaselineData = NULL;
	int nBaselineBits = 0;

	Assert( pServerClass != NULL );
	GetClassBaseline( pServerClass, &pBaselineData, &nBaselineBits );
	nBaselineBits *= 8;

	Assert( pBaselineData != NULL );

		&writeBuf );
	//overwrite in bits with out bits
	bits = writeBuf.GetNumBitsWritten();

	return s_packedData;

// uncompresses a 
const char* CBaseServer::UncompressPackedEntity(PackedEntity *pPackedEntity, int &bits)
	UnpackedDataCache_t *pdc = framesnapshotmanager->GetCachedUncompressedEntity( pPackedEntity );

	if ( pdc->bits > 0 )
		// found valid uncompressed version in cache
		bits= pdc->bits;
		return pdc->data;

	// not in cache, so uncompress it

	const void *pBaseline;
	int nBaselineBytes = 0;

	GetClassBaseline( pPackedEntity->m_pServerClass, &pBaseline, &nBaselineBytes );

	Assert( pBaseline != NULL );

	// store this baseline in u.m_pUpdateBaselines
	bf_read oldBuf( "UncompressPackedEntity1", pBaseline, nBaselineBytes );
	bf_read newBuf( "UncompressPackedEntity2", pPackedEntity->GetData(), Bits2Bytes(pPackedEntity->GetNumBits()) );
	bf_write outBuf( "UncompressPackedEntity3", pdc->data, MAX_PACKEDENTITY_DATA );

	Assert( pPackedEntity->m_pClientClass );

		&outBuf );

	bits = pdc->bits = outBuf.GetNumBitsWritten();
	return pdc->data;


Make sure connecting client is using proper protocol
bool CBaseServer::CheckProtocol( netadr_t &adr, int nProtocol, int clientChallenge )
	if ( nProtocol != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
		// Client is newer than server
		if ( nProtocol > PROTOCOL_VERSION )
			RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectOldProtocol" );
		// Server is newer than client
			RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectNewProtocol" );
		return false;

	// Success
	return true;


Determine if client is outside appropriate address range
bool CBaseServer::CheckChallengeType( CBaseClient * client, int nNewUserID, netadr_t & adr, int nAuthProtocol, const char *pchLogonCookie, int cbCookie, int clientChallenge )
	if ( AllowDebugDedicatedServerOutsideSteam() )
		return true;

	// Check protocol ID
	if ( ( nAuthProtocol <= 0 ) || ( nAuthProtocol > PROTOCOL_LASTVALID ) )
		RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidConnection");
		return false;

#if 0
	if ( ( nAuthProtocol == PROTOCOL_HASHEDCDKEY ) && (Q_strlen( pchLogonCookie ) <= 0 ||  Q_strlen(pchLogonCookie) != 32 ) )
		RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidCertLen" );
		return false;

	Assert( !IsReplay() );

	if ( IsHLTV() )
		// Don't authenticate spectators or add them to the
		// player list in the singleton Steam3Server()
		Assert( nAuthProtocol == PROTOCOL_HASHEDCDKEY );
		Assert( !client->m_SteamID.IsValid() );
	else if ( nAuthProtocol == PROTOCOL_STEAM )
		// Dev hack to allow 360/Steam PC cross platform play
// 		int ip0 = 207;
// 		int ip1 = 173;
// 		int ip2 = 179;
// 		int ip3Min = 230;
// 		int ip3Max = 245;
// 		if ( adr.ip[0] == ip0 &&
// 			adr.ip[1] == ip1 &&
// 			adr.ip[2] == ip2 &&
// 			adr.ip[3] >= ip3Min &&
// 			adr.ip[3] <= ip3Max )
// 		{
// 			return true;
// 		}

		client->SetSteamID( CSteamID() ); // set an invalid SteamID

		// Convert raw certificate back into data
/*		if ( cbCookie <= 0 || cbCookie >= STEAM_KEYSIZE )
			RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidSteamCertLen" );
			return false;
		netadr_t checkAdr = adr;
		if ( adr.GetType() == NA_LOOPBACK || adr.IsLocalhost() )
			checkAdr.SetIP( net_local_adr.GetIPHostByteOrder() );
#if 0
		if ( !Steam3Server().NotifyClientConnect( client, nNewUserID, checkAdr, pchLogonCookie, cbCookie ) 
			&& !Steam3Server().BLanOnly() ) // the userID isn't alloc'd yet so we need to fill it in manually
			RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectSteam" );
			return false;

		// Any rejections below this must call SendUserDisconnect

		// Now that we have auth'd with steam, client->GetSteamID() is now valid and we can verify against the GC lobby
		bool bHasGCLobby = g_iServerGameDLLVersion >= 8 && serverGameDLL->GetServerGCLobby();
		if ( bHasGCLobby )
			if ( !serverGameDLL->GetServerGCLobby()->SteamIDAllowedToConnect( client->m_SteamID ) )
				ISteamGameServer *pSteamGameServer = Steam3Server().SteamGameServer();
				if ( pSteamGameServer )
					pSteamGameServer->SendUserDisconnect( client->m_SteamID);

				RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectMustUseMatchmaking" );
				return false;
		if ( !Steam3Server().NotifyLocalClientConnect( client ) ) // the userID isn't alloc'd yet so we need to fill it in manually
			RejectConnection( adr, clientChallenge, "#GameUI_ServerRejectGS" );
			return false;

	return true;

bool CBaseServer::CheckIPRestrictions( const netadr_t &adr, int nAuthProtocol )
	// Determine if client is outside appropriate address range
	if ( adr.IsLoopback() )
		return true;

	// X360TBD: network
	if ( IsX360() )
		return true;

	// allow other users if they're on the same ip range
	if ( Steam3Server().BLanOnly() )
		// allow connection, if client is in the same subnet 
		if ( adr.CompareClassBAdr( net_local_adr ) )
			return true;

		// allow connection, if client has a private IP
		if ( adr.IsReservedAdr() )
			return true;
		// reject connection
		return false;

	return true;

void CBaseServer::SetMasterServerRulesDirty()
	m_bMasterServerRulesDirty = true;

bool CBaseServer::CheckPassword( netadr_t &adr, const char *password, const char *name )
	const char *server_password = GetPassword();

	if ( !server_password )
		return true;	// no password set

	if ( adr.IsLocalhost() || adr.IsLoopback() )
		return true; // local client can always connect

	int iServerPassLen = Q_strlen(server_password);

	if ( iServerPassLen != Q_strlen(password) )
		return false; // different length cannot be equal

	if ( Q_strncmp( password, server_password, iServerPassLen ) == 0)
		return true; // passwords are equal

	return false; // all test failed

float CBaseServer::GetTime() const
	return m_nTickCount * m_flTickInterval;

float CBaseServer::GetFinalTickTime() const
	return (m_nTickCount + (host_frameticks - host_currentframetick)) * m_flTickInterval;

void CBaseServer::DisconnectClient(IClient *client, const char *reason )
	client->Disconnect( reason );

void CBaseServer::Clear( void )
	if ( m_StringTables )
		m_StringTables = NULL;

	m_pInstanceBaselineTable = NULL;
	m_pLightStyleTable = NULL;
	m_pUserInfoTable = NULL;
	m_pServerStartupTable = NULL;

	m_State = ss_dead;
	m_nTickCount = 0;
	Q_memset( m_szMapname, 0, sizeof( m_szMapname ) );
	Q_memset( m_szSkyname, 0, sizeof( m_szSkyname ) );

	V_memset( worldmapMD5.bits, 0, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH );


	// Use a different limit on the signon buffer, so we can save some memory in SP (for xbox).
	if ( IsMultiplayer() || IsDedicated() )
		m_SignonBuffer.EnsureCapacity( NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
		m_SignonBuffer.EnsureCapacity( 16384 );
	m_Signon.StartWriting( m_SignonBuffer.Base(), m_SignonBuffer.Count() );
	m_Signon.SetDebugName( "m_Signon" );

	serverclasses = 0;
	serverclassbits = 0;

	m_LastRandomNonce = m_CurrentRandomNonce = 0;
	m_flPausedTimeEnd = -1.f;


Rejects connection request and sends back a message
void CBaseServer::RejectConnection( const netadr_t &adr, int clientChallenge, const char *s )
	bf_write	msg( msg_buffer, sizeof(msg_buffer) );

	msg.WriteByte( S2C_CONNREJECT );
	msg.WriteLong( clientChallenge );
	msg.WriteString( s );

	NET_SendPacket ( NULL, m_Socket, adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );

void CBaseServer::SetPaused(bool paused)
	if ( !IsPausable() )

	if ( !IsActive() )

	if ( paused )
		m_State = ss_paused;
		m_State = ss_active;

	SVC_SetPause setpause( paused );
	BroadcastMessage( setpause );

// Purpose: General initialization of the server
void CBaseServer::Init (bool bIsDedicated)
	m_nMaxclients = 0;
	m_nSpawnCount = 0;
	m_nUserid = 1;
	m_nNumConnections = 0;
	m_bIsDedicated = bIsDedicated;
	m_Socket = NS_SERVER;	
	m_Signon.SetDebugName( "m_Signon" );
	g_pCVar->InstallGlobalChangeCallback( ServerNotifyVarChangeCallback );

INetworkStringTable *CBaseServer::GetInstanceBaselineTable( void )
	if ( m_pInstanceBaselineTable == NULL )
		m_pInstanceBaselineTable = m_StringTables->FindTable( INSTANCE_BASELINE_TABLENAME );

	return m_pInstanceBaselineTable;

INetworkStringTable *CBaseServer::GetLightStyleTable( void )
	if ( m_pLightStyleTable == NULL )
		m_pLightStyleTable= m_StringTables->FindTable( LIGHT_STYLES_TABLENAME );

	return m_pLightStyleTable;

INetworkStringTable *CBaseServer::GetUserInfoTable( void )
	if ( m_pUserInfoTable == NULL )
		if ( m_StringTables == NULL )
			return NULL;
		m_pUserInfoTable = m_StringTables->FindTable( USER_INFO_TABLENAME );

	return m_pUserInfoTable;

bool CBaseServer::GetClassBaseline( ServerClass *pClass, void const **pData, int *pDatalen )
	if ( sv_instancebaselines.GetInt() )
		ErrorIfNot( pClass->m_InstanceBaselineIndex != INVALID_STRING_INDEX,
			("SV_GetInstanceBaseline: missing instance baseline for class '%s'", pClass->m_pNetworkName)
		AUTO_LOCK( g_svInstanceBaselineMutex );
		*pData = GetInstanceBaselineTable()->GetStringUserData(
			pDatalen );
		return *pData != NULL;
		static char dummy[1] = {0};
		*pData = dummy;
		*pDatalen = 1;
		return true;

bool CBaseServer::ShouldUpdateMasterServer()
	// If the game server itself is ever running, then it's the one who gets to update the master server.
	// (SourceTV will not update it in this case).
	return true;

void CBaseServer::CheckMasterServerRequestRestart()
	if ( !Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() || !Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->WasRestartRequested() )
	// Connection was rejected by the HLMaster (out of date version)

	// hack, vgui console looks for this string; 
	Msg("%cMasterRequestRestart\n", 3);

#ifndef _WIN32
	if (CommandLine()->FindParm(AUTO_RESTART))
		Msg("Your server will be restarted on map change.\n");
		Log("Your server will be restarted on map change.\n");
		SetRestartOnLevelChange( true );
	if ( sv.IsDedicated() ) // under linux assume steam
		Msg("Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.\n");
		Log("Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.\n");
		Msg("Your server is out of date.  Please update and restart.\n");

void CBaseServer::UpdateMasterServer()
	if ( !ShouldUpdateMasterServer() )

	if ( !Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() )
	// Only update every so often.
	double flCurTime = Plat_FloatTime();
	if ( flCurTime - m_flLastMasterServerUpdateTime < MASTER_SERVER_UPDATE_INTERVAL )

	m_flLastMasterServerUpdateTime = flCurTime;


	if ( NET_IsDedicated() && sv_region.GetInt() == -1 )
		sv_region.SetValue( 255 ); // HACK!HACK! undo me once we want to enforce regions

        //Log_Printf( "You must set sv_region in your server.cfg or use +sv_region on the command line\n" );
		//Con_Printf( "You must set sv_region in your server.cfg or use +sv_region on the command line\n" );
        //Cbuf_AddText( "quit\n" );

	static bool bUpdateMasterServers = !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nomaster" );
	if ( !bUpdateMasterServers )

	bool bActive = IsActive() && IsMultiplayer();
	if ( serverGameDLL && serverGameDLL->ShouldHideServer() )
		bActive = false;
	Steam3Server().SteamGameServer()->EnableHeartbeats( bActive );

	if ( !bActive )


void CBaseServer::UpdateMasterServerRules()
	// Only do this if the rules vars are dirty.
	if ( !m_bMasterServerRulesDirty )

	ISteamGameServer *pUpdater = Steam3Server().SteamGameServer();
	if ( !pUpdater )

	// Need to respond with game directory, game name, and any server variables that have been set that
	//  effect rules.  Also, probably need a hook into the .dll to respond with additional rule information.
	ConCommandBase *var;
	for ( var = g_pCVar->GetCommands() ; var ; var=var->GetNext() )
		if ( !(var->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_NOTIFY ) ) )
		if ( var->IsCommand() )

		ConVar *pConVar = static_cast< ConVar* >( var );
		if ( !pConVar )

		SetMasterServerKeyValue( pUpdater, pConVar );

	if (  Steam3Server().SteamGameServer() )

	// Ok.. it's all updated, only send incremental updates now until we decide they're all dirty.
	m_bMasterServerRulesDirty = false;

void CBaseServer::ForwardPacketsFromMasterServerUpdater()
	ISteamGameServer *p = Steam3Server().SteamGameServer();
	if ( !p )
	while ( 1 )
		uint32 netadrAddress;
		uint16 netadrPort;
		unsigned char packetData[16 * 1024];
 		int len = p->GetNextOutgoingPacket( packetData, sizeof( packetData ), &netadrAddress, &netadrPort );
		if ( len <= 0 )
		// Send this packet for them..
		netadr_t adr( netadrAddress, netadrPort );
		NET_SendPacket( NULL, m_Socket, adr, packetData, len );


Read's packets from clients and executes messages as appropriate.

void CBaseServer::RunFrame( void )
	tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "CBaseServer::RunFrame" );

	NET_ProcessSocket( m_Socket, this );	

#ifdef LINUX
	// Process the linux sv lan port if it's open.
	if ( NET_GetUDPPort( NS_SVLAN ) )
		NET_ProcessSocket( NS_SVLAN, this );

	CheckTimeouts();	// drop clients that timeed out

	UpdateUserSettings(); // update client settings 
	SendPendingServerInfo(); // send outstanding signon packets after ALL user settings have been updated

	CalculateCPUUsage(); // update CPU usage


	if ( m_flLastRandomNumberGenerationTime < 0 || (m_flLastRandomNumberGenerationTime + CHALLENGE_NONCE_LIFETIME) < g_ServerGlobalVariables.realtime  )
		m_LastRandomNonce = m_CurrentRandomNonce;

		// RandomInt maps a uniform distribution on the interval [0,INT_MAX], so make two calls to get the random number.
		// RandomInt will always return the minimum value if the difference in min and max is greater than or equal to INT_MAX.
		m_CurrentRandomNonce = ( ( (uint32)RandomInt( 0, 0xFFFF ) ) << 16 ) | RandomInt( 0, 0xFFFF );
		m_flLastRandomNumberGenerationTime = g_ServerGlobalVariables.realtime;

	// Timed pause - resume game when time expires
	if ( m_flPausedTimeEnd >= 0.f && m_State == ss_paused && Sys_FloatTime() >= m_flPausedTimeEnd )
		SetPausedForced( false );

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *adr - 
//			*pslot - 
//			**ppClient - 
// Output : int
CBaseClient * CBaseServer::GetFreeClient( netadr_t &adr )
	CBaseClient *freeclient = NULL;
	for ( int slot = 0 ; slot < m_Clients.Count() ; slot++ )
		CBaseClient *client = m_Clients[slot];

		if ( client->IsFakeClient() )

		if ( client->IsConnected() )
			if ( adr.CompareAdr ( client->m_NetChannel->GetRemoteAddress() ) )
				ConMsg ( "%s:reconnect\n", adr.ToString() );

				RemoveClientFromGame( client );

				// perform a silent netchannel shutdown, don't send disconnect msg
				client->m_NetChannel->Shutdown( NULL );
				client->m_NetChannel = NULL;
				return client;
			// use first found free slot 
			if ( !freeclient )
				freeclient = client; 

	if ( !freeclient )
		int count = m_Clients.Count();

		if ( count >= m_nMaxclients )
			return NULL; // server full

		// we have to create a new client slot
		freeclient = CreateNewClient( count );
		m_Clients.AddToTail( freeclient );
	// Success
	return freeclient;

void CBaseServer::SendClientMessages ( bool bSendSnapshots )
	for (int i=0; i< m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
		CBaseClient* client = m_Clients[i];
		// Update Host client send state...
		if ( !client->ShouldSendMessages() )

		// Connected, but inactive, just send reliable, sequenced info.
		if ( client->m_NetChannel )
			Msg("Client has no netchannel.\n");

CBaseClient *CBaseServer::CreateFakeClient( const char *name )
	netadr_t adr; // it's an empty address

	CBaseClient *fakeclient = GetFreeClient( adr );
	if ( !fakeclient )
		// server is full
		return NULL;		

	INetChannel *netchan = NULL;
	if ( sv_stressbots.GetBool() )
		netadr_t adrNull( 0, 0 ); // signifies a bot. It'll plumb all the way down to winsock calls but it won't make them.
		netchan = NET_CreateNetChannel( m_Socket, &adrNull, adrNull.ToString(), fakeclient, true );

	// a NULL netchannel signals a fakeclient
	m_nUserid = GetNextUserID();

	fakeclient->SetReportThisFakeClient( m_bReportNewFakeClients );
	fakeclient->Connect( name, m_nUserid, netchan, true, 0 );

	// fake some cvar settings
	//fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "name", name ); // set already by Connect()
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "rate", "30000" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_updaterate", "20" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_interp_ratio", "1.0" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_interp", "0.1" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_interpolate", "0" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_predict", "1" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_predictweapons", "1" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_lagcompensation", "1" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "closecaption","0" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "english", "1" );

	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_clanid", "0" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_team", "blue" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "hud_classautokill", "1" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "tf_medigun_autoheal", "0" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_autorezoom", "1" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "fov_desired", "75" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "tf_remember_lastswitched", "0" );

	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_autoreload", "0" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "tf_remember_activeweapon", "0" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "hud_combattext", "0" );
	fakeclient->SetUserCVar( "cl_flipviewmodels", "0" );

	// create client in game.dll

	fakeclient->m_nSignonTick = m_nTickCount;
	return fakeclient;

void CBaseServer::Shutdown( void )
	if ( !IsActive() )

	m_State = ss_dead;

	// Only drop clients if we have not cleared out entity data prior to this.
	for(  int i=m_Clients.Count()-1; i>=0; i-- )
		CBaseClient * cl = m_Clients[ i ];
		if ( cl->IsConnected() )
			cl->Disconnect( "Server shutting down" );
			// free any memory do this out side here in case the reason the server is shutting down 
			// is because the listen server client typed disconnect, in which case we won't call
			// cl->DropClient, but the client might have some frame snapshot references left over, etc.

		delete cl;

		m_Clients.Remove( i );

	// Let drop messages go out
	Sys_Sleep( 100 );

	// clear everything

// Purpose: Sends text to all active clients
// Input  : *fmt -
//			... -
void CBaseServer::BroadcastPrintf (const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list		argptr;
	char		string[1024];

	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof( string ), fmt,argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	SVC_Print print( string );
	BroadcastMessage( print );	

void CBaseServer::BroadcastMessage( INetMessage &msg, bool onlyActive, bool reliable )
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Clients.Count(); i++ )
		CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ i ];

		if ( (onlyActive && !cl->IsActive()) || !cl->IsSpawned() )

		if ( !cl->SendNetMsg( msg, reliable ) )
			if ( msg.IsReliable() || reliable )
				DevMsg( "BroadcastMessage: Reliable broadcast message overflow for client %s", cl->GetClientName() );

void CBaseServer::BroadcastMessage( INetMessage &msg, IRecipientFilter &filter )
	if ( filter.IsInitMessage() )
		// This really only applies to the first player to connect, but that works in single player well enought
		if ( IsActive() )
			ConDMsg( "SV_BroadcastMessage: Init message being created after signon buffer has been transmitted\n" );
		if ( !msg.WriteToBuffer( m_Signon ) )
			Sys_Error( "SV_BroadcastMessage: Init message would overflow signon buffer!\n" );
		msg.SetReliable( filter.IsReliable() );

		int num = filter.GetRecipientCount();
		for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
			int index = filter.GetRecipientIndex( i );

			if ( index < 1 || index > m_Clients.Count() )
				Msg( "SV_BroadcastMessage:  Recipient Filter for message type %i (reliable: %s, init: %s) with bogus client index (%i) in list of %i clients\n", 
						filter.IsReliable() ? "yes" : "no",
						filter.IsInitMessage() ? "yes" : "no",
						index, num );

				if ( msg.IsReliable() )
					Host_Error( "Reliable message (type %i) discarded.", msg.GetType() );


			CBaseClient *cl = m_Clients[ index - 1 ];

			if ( !cl->IsSpawned() )

			if ( !cl->SendNetMsg( msg ) )
				if ( msg.IsReliable() )
					DevMsg( "BroadcastMessage: Reliable filter message overflow for client %s", cl->GetClientName() );

// Purpose: Writes events to the client's network buffer
// Input  : *cl -
//			*pack -
//			*msg -
static ConVar sv_debugtempentities( "sv_debugtempentities", "0", 0, "Show temp entity bandwidth usage." );

static bool CEventInfo_LessFunc( CEventInfo * const &lhs, CEventInfo * const &rhs )
	return lhs->classID < rhs->classID;

void CBaseServer::WriteTempEntities( CBaseClient *client, CFrameSnapshot *pCurrentSnapshot, CFrameSnapshot *pLastSnapshot, bf_write &buf, int ev_max )

	SVC_TempEntities msg;
	msg.m_DataOut.StartWriting( data, sizeof(data) );
	bf_write &buffer = msg.m_DataOut; // shortcut
	CFrameSnapshot *pSnapshot;
	CEventInfo *pLastEvent = NULL;

	bool bDebug = sv_debugtempentities.GetBool();

	// limit max entities to field bit length
	ev_max = min( ev_max, ((1<<CEventInfo::EVENT_INDEX_BITS)-1) );

	if ( pLastSnapshot )
		pSnapshot = pLastSnapshot->NextSnapshot();
		pSnapshot = pCurrentSnapshot;

	CUtlRBTree< CEventInfo * >	sorted( 0, ev_max, CEventInfo_LessFunc );

	// Build list of events sorted by send table classID (makes the delta work better in cases with a lot of the same message type )
	while ( pSnapshot && ((int)sorted.Count() < ev_max) )
		for( int i = 0; i < pSnapshot->m_nTempEntities; ++i )
			CEventInfo *event = pSnapshot->m_pTempEntities[ i ];

			if ( client->IgnoreTempEntity( event ) )
				continue; // event is not seen by this player
			sorted.Insert( event );
			// More space still
			if ( (int)sorted.Count() >= ev_max )

		// stop, we reached our current snapshot
		if ( pSnapshot == pCurrentSnapshot )

		// got to next snapshot
		pSnapshot = framesnapshotmanager->NextSnapshot( pSnapshot );

	if ( sorted.Count() <= 0 )

	for ( int i = sorted.FirstInorder(); 
		i != sorted.InvalidIndex(); 
		i = sorted.NextInorder( i ) )
		CEventInfo *event = sorted[ i ];

		if ( event->fire_delay == 0.0f )
			buffer.WriteOneBit( 0 );
			buffer.WriteOneBit( 1 );
			buffer.WriteSBitLong( event->fire_delay*100.0f, 8 );

		if ( pLastEvent && 
			pLastEvent->classID == event->classID )
			buffer.WriteOneBit( 0 ); // delta against last temp entity

			int startBit = bDebug ? buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() : 0;

			SendTable_WriteAllDeltaProps( event->pSendTable, 
				&buffer );

			if ( bDebug )
				int length = buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() - startBit;
				DevMsg("TE %s delta bits: %i\n", event->pSendTable->GetName(), length );
			 // full update, just compressed against zeros in MP

			buffer.WriteOneBit( 1 );

			int startBit = bDebug ? buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() : 0;

			buffer.WriteUBitLong( event->classID, GetClassBits() );

			if ( IsMultiplayer() )
				SendTable_WriteAllDeltaProps( event->pSendTable, 
					NULL,	// will write only non-zero elements
					&buffer );
				// write event with zero properties
				buffer.WriteBits( event->pData, event->bits );

			if ( bDebug )
				int length = buffer.GetNumBitsWritten() - startBit;
				DevMsg("TE %s full bits: %i\n", event->pSendTable->GetName(), length );

		if ( IsMultiplayer() )
			// in single player, don't used delta compression, lastEvent remains NULL
			pLastEvent = event;

	// set num entries
	msg.m_nNumEntries = sorted.Count();
	msg.WriteToBuffer( buf );

void CBaseServer::SetMaxClients( int number )
	m_nMaxclients = clamp( number, 1, ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT );

extern ConVar tv_enable;

// Purpose: 
void CBaseServer::RecalculateTags( void )
	if ( IsHLTV() || IsReplay() )

	// We're going to modify the sv_tags convar here, which will cause this to be called again. Prevent recursion.
	static bool bRecalculatingTags = false;
	if ( bRecalculatingTags )

	bRecalculatingTags = true;

	// Games without this interface will have no tagged cvars besides "increased_maxplayers"
	if ( serverGameTags )
		KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "GameTags" );

		serverGameTags->GetTaggedConVarList( pKV );

		KeyValues *p = pKV->GetFirstSubKey();
		while ( p )
			ConVar *pConVar = g_pCVar->FindVar( p->GetString("convar") );
			if ( pConVar )
				const char *pszDef = pConVar->GetDefault();
				const char *pszCur = pConVar->GetString();
				if ( Q_strcmp( pszDef, pszCur ) )
					AddTag( p->GetString("tag") );
					RemoveTag( p->GetString("tag") );

			p = p->GetNextKey();


	// Check maxplayers
	int minmaxplayers = 1;
	int maxmaxplayers = ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT;
	int defaultmaxplayers = 1;
	serverGameClients->GetPlayerLimits( minmaxplayers, maxmaxplayers, defaultmaxplayers );
	int nMaxReportedClients = GetMaxClients() - GetNumProxies();
	if ( sv_visiblemaxplayers.GetInt() > 0 && sv_visiblemaxplayers.GetInt() < nMaxReportedClients )
		nMaxReportedClients = sv_visiblemaxplayers.GetInt();
	if ( nMaxReportedClients > defaultmaxplayers )
		AddTag( "increased_maxplayers" );
		RemoveTag( "increased_maxplayers" );

#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
	ConVarRef replay_enable( "replay_enable", true );
	if ( replay_enable.IsValid() && replay_enable.GetBool() )
		AddTag( "replays" );
		RemoveTag( "replays" );

	bRecalculatingTags = false;

// Purpose: 
void CBaseServer::AddTag( const char *pszTag )
	CUtlVector<char*> TagList;
	V_SplitString( sv_tags.GetString(), ",", TagList );
	for ( int i = 0; i < TagList.Count(); i++ )
		// Already in the tag list?
		if ( !Q_stricmp(TagList[i],pszTag) )

	// Append it
	char tmptags[MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH];
	tmptags[0] = '\0';
	Q_strncpy( tmptags, pszTag, MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
	Q_strncat( tmptags, ",", MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
	Q_strncat( tmptags, sv_tags.GetString(), MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
	sv_tags.SetValue( tmptags );

// Purpose: 
void CBaseServer::RemoveTag( const char *pszTag )
	const char *pszTags = sv_tags.GetString();
	if ( !pszTags || !pszTags[0] )

	char tmptags[MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH];
	tmptags[0] = '\0';

	CUtlVector<char*> TagList;
	bool bFoundIt = false;
	V_SplitString( sv_tags.GetString(), ",", TagList );
	for ( int i = 0; i < TagList.Count(); i++ )
		// Keep any tags other than the specified one
		if ( Q_stricmp(TagList[i],pszTag) )
			Q_strncat( tmptags, TagList[i], MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
			Q_strncat( tmptags, ",", MAX_TAG_STRING_LENGTH );
			bFoundIt = true;

	// Didn't find it in our list?
	if ( !bFoundIt )

	sv_tags.SetValue( tmptags );

// Purpose: Server-only override (ignores sv_pausable).  Can be on a timer.
void CBaseServer::SetPausedForced( bool bPaused, float flDuration /*= -1.f*/ )
	if ( !IsActive() )

	m_State = ( bPaused ) ? ss_paused : ss_active;
	m_flPausedTimeEnd = ( bPaused && flDuration > 0.f ) ? Sys_FloatTime() + flDuration : -1.f;

	SVC_SetPauseTimed setpause( bPaused, m_flPausedTimeEnd );
	BroadcastMessage( setpause );