//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#include "net_ws_headers.h"
#include "net_ws_queued_packet_sender.h"

#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlpriorityqueue.h"

#include "tier0/etwprof.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

ConVar net_queued_packet_thread( "net_queued_packet_thread", "1", 0, "Use a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame." );
ConVar net_queue_trace( "net_queue_trace", "0", 0 );

class CQueuedPacketSender : public CThread, public IQueuedPacketSender

	// IQueuedPacketSender

	virtual bool Setup();
	virtual void Shutdown();
	virtual bool IsRunning() { return CThread::IsAlive(); }

	virtual void ClearQueuedPacketsForChannel( INetChannel *pChan );
	virtual void QueuePacket( INetChannel *pChan, SOCKET s, const char FAR *buf, int len, const struct sockaddr FAR * to, int tolen, uint32 msecDelay );
	virtual bool HasQueuedPackets( const INetChannel *pChan ) const;

	// CThread Overrides
	virtual bool Start( unsigned int nBytesStack = 0 );
	virtual int Run();


	class CQueuedPacket
		uint32				m_unSendTime;
		const void 			*m_pChannel;  // We don't actually use the channel
		SOCKET				m_Socket;
		CUtlVector<char>	to;	// sockaddr
		CUtlVector<char>	buf;

		// We want the list sorted in ascending order, so note that we return > rather than <
		static bool LessFunc( CQueuedPacket * const &lhs, CQueuedPacket * const &rhs )
			return lhs->m_unSendTime > rhs->m_unSendTime;

	CUtlPriorityQueue< CQueuedPacket * > m_QueuedPackets;
	CThreadMutex m_QueuedPacketsCS;
	CThreadEvent m_hThreadEvent;
	volatile bool m_bThreadShouldExit;

static CQueuedPacketSender g_QueuedPacketSender;
IQueuedPacketSender *g_pQueuedPackedSender = &g_QueuedPacketSender;

CQueuedPacketSender::CQueuedPacketSender() :
	m_QueuedPackets( 0, 0, CQueuedPacket::LessFunc )
	SetName( "QueuedPacketSender" );
	m_bThreadShouldExit = false;


bool CQueuedPacketSender::Setup()
	return Start();

bool CQueuedPacketSender::Start( unsigned nBytesStack )

	if ( CThread::Start( nBytesStack ) )
		// Ahhh the perfect cross-platformness of the threads library.
#elif POSIX
		//SetPriority( PRIORITY_MAX );
		m_bThreadShouldExit = false;
		return true;
		return false;

void CQueuedPacketSender::Shutdown()
	if ( !IsAlive() )
	m_bThreadShouldExit = true;
	Join(); // Wait for the thread to exit.

	while ( m_QueuedPackets.Count() > 0 )
		delete m_QueuedPackets.ElementAtHead();

void CQueuedPacketSender::ClearQueuedPacketsForChannel( INetChannel *pChan )
	AUTO_LOCK( m_QueuedPacketsCS );

	for ( int i = m_QueuedPackets.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
		CQueuedPacket *p = m_QueuedPackets.Element( i );
		if ( p->m_pChannel == pChan )
			m_QueuedPackets.RemoveAt( i );
			delete p;

bool CQueuedPacketSender::HasQueuedPackets( const INetChannel *pChan ) const
	AUTO_LOCK( m_QueuedPacketsCS );

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_QueuedPackets.Count(); ++i )
		const CQueuedPacket *p = m_QueuedPackets.Element( i );
		if ( p->m_pChannel == pChan )
			return true;

	return false;
void CQueuedPacketSender::QueuePacket( INetChannel *pChan, SOCKET s, const char FAR *buf, int len, const struct sockaddr FAR * to, int tolen, uint32 msecDelay )
	AUTO_LOCK( m_QueuedPacketsCS );

	// We'll pull all packets we should have sent by now and send them out right away
	uint32 msNow = Plat_MSTime();

	int nMaxQueuedPackets = 1024;
	if ( m_QueuedPackets.Count() < nMaxQueuedPackets )
		// Add this packet to the queue.
		CQueuedPacket *pPacket = new CQueuedPacket;
		pPacket->m_unSendTime = msNow + msecDelay;
		pPacket->m_Socket = s;
		pPacket->m_pChannel = pChan;
		pPacket->buf.CopyArray( (char*)buf, len );
		pPacket->to.CopyArray( (char*)to, tolen );
		m_QueuedPackets.Insert( pPacket );
		static int nWarnings = 5;
		if ( --nWarnings > 0 )
			Warning( "CQueuedPacketSender: num queued packets >= nMaxQueuedPackets. Not queueing anymore.\n" );

	// Tell the thread that we have a queued packet.

extern int NET_SendToImpl( SOCKET s, const char FAR * buf, int len, const struct sockaddr FAR * to, int tolen, int iGameDataLength );

int CQueuedPacketSender::Run()
	 // Normally TT_INFINITE but we wakeup every 50ms just in case.
	uint32 waitIntervalNoPackets = 50;
	uint32 waitInterval = waitIntervalNoPackets;
	while ( 1 )
		if ( m_hThreadEvent.Wait( waitInterval ) )
			// Someone signaled the thread. Either we're being told to exit or 
			// we're being told that a packet was just queued.
			if ( m_bThreadShouldExit )
				return 0;

		// Assume nothing to do and that we'll sleep again
		waitInterval = waitIntervalNoPackets;

		// OK, now send a packet.
			AUTO_LOCK( m_QueuedPacketsCS );
			// We'll pull all packets we should have sent by now and send them out right away
			uint32 msNow = Plat_MSTime();

			bool bTrace = net_queue_trace.GetInt() == NET_QUEUED_PACKET_THREAD_DEBUG_VALUE;

			while ( m_QueuedPackets.Count() > 0 )
				CQueuedPacket *pPacket = m_QueuedPackets.ElementAtHead();
				if ( pPacket->m_unSendTime > msNow )
					// Sleep until next we need this packet
					waitInterval = pPacket->m_unSendTime - msNow;
					// Emit ETW events to help with diagnosing network throttling issues as
					// these often have a severe effect on load times in Dota.
					ETWMark1I( "CQueuedPacketSender::Run sleeping (ms)", waitInterval );
					if ( bTrace )
						Warning( "SQ:  sleeping for %u msecs at %f\n", waitInterval, Plat_FloatTime() );

				// If it's a bot, don't do anything. Note: we DO want this code deep here because bots only
				// try to send packets when sv_stressbots is set, in which case we want it to act as closely
				// as a real player as possible.
				sockaddr_in *pInternetAddr = (sockaddr_in*)pPacket->to.Base();
			#ifdef _WIN32
				if ( pInternetAddr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != 0
				if ( pInternetAddr->sin_addr.s_addr != 0 
					&& pInternetAddr->sin_port != 0 )
					if ( bTrace )
						Warning( "SQ:  sending %d bytes at %f\n", pPacket->buf.Count(), Plat_FloatTime() );

				delete pPacket;