//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: A slow-moving, once-human headcrab victim with only melee attacks. // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "doors.h" #include "simtimer.h" #include "npc_BaseZombie.h" #include "ai_hull.h" #include "ai_navigator.h" #include "ai_memory.h" #include "gib.h" #include "soundenvelope.h" #include "engine/IEngineSound.h" #include "ammodef.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // ACT_FLINCH_PHYSICS ConVar sk_zombie_health( "sk_zombie_health","0"); envelopePoint_t envZombieMoanVolumeFast[] = { { 7.0f, 7.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f, }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f, 0.3f, }, }; envelopePoint_t envZombieMoanVolume[] = { { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f, }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.4f, }, }; envelopePoint_t envZombieMoanVolumeLong[] = { { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f, 0.5f, }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.6f, 1.0f, }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.4f, }, }; envelopePoint_t envZombieMoanIgnited[] = { { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 30.0f, 30.0f, }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, }, }; //============================================================================= //============================================================================= class CZombie : public CAI_BlendingHost<CNPC_BaseZombie> { DECLARE_DATADESC(); DECLARE_CLASS( CZombie, CAI_BlendingHost<CNPC_BaseZombie> ); public: CZombie() : m_DurationDoorBash( 2, 6), m_NextTimeToStartDoorBash( 3.0 ) { } void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void SetZombieModel( void ); void MoanSound( envelopePoint_t *pEnvelope, int iEnvelopeSize ); bool ShouldBecomeTorso( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, float flDamageThreshold ); bool CanBecomeLiveTorso() { return !m_fIsHeadless; } void GatherConditions( void ); int SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode ); int TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ); #ifndef HL2_EPISODIC void CheckFlinches() {} // Zombie has custom flinch code #endif // HL2_EPISODIC Activity NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity newActivity ); void OnStateChange( NPC_STATE OldState, NPC_STATE NewState ); void StartTask( const Task_t *pTask ); void RunTask( const Task_t *pTask ); virtual const char *GetLegsModel( void ); virtual const char *GetTorsoModel( void ); virtual const char *GetHeadcrabClassname( void ); virtual const char *GetHeadcrabModel( void ); virtual bool OnObstructingDoor( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, CBaseDoor *pDoor, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ); Activity SelectDoorBash(); void Ignite( float flFlameLifetime, bool bNPCOnly = true, float flSize = 0.0f, bool bCalledByLevelDesigner = false ); void Extinguish(); int OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &inputInfo ); bool IsHeavyDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); bool IsSquashed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); void BuildScheduleTestBits( void ); void PrescheduleThink( void ); int SelectSchedule ( void ); void PainSound( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); void DeathSound( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); void AlertSound( void ); void IdleSound( void ); void AttackSound( void ); void AttackHitSound( void ); void AttackMissSound( void ); void FootstepSound( bool fRightFoot ); void FootscuffSound( bool fRightFoot ); const char *GetMoanSound( int nSound ); public: DEFINE_CUSTOM_AI; protected: static const char *pMoanSounds[]; private: CHandle< CBaseDoor > m_hBlockingDoor; float m_flDoorBashYaw; CRandSimTimer m_DurationDoorBash; CSimTimer m_NextTimeToStartDoorBash; Vector m_vPositionCharged; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( npc_zombie, CZombie ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( npc_zombie_torso, CZombie ); //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- const char *CZombie::pMoanSounds[] = { "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1", "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2", "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3", "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4", }; //========================================================= // Conditions //========================================================= enum { COND_BLOCKED_BY_DOOR = LAST_BASE_ZOMBIE_CONDITION, COND_DOOR_OPENED, COND_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_TARGET_MOVED, }; //========================================================= // Schedules //========================================================= enum { SCHED_ZOMBIE_BASH_DOOR = LAST_BASE_ZOMBIE_SCHEDULE, SCHED_ZOMBIE_WANDER_ANGRILY, SCHED_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY, SCHED_ZOMBIE_FAIL, }; //========================================================= // Tasks //========================================================= enum { TASK_ZOMBIE_EXPRESS_ANGER = LAST_BASE_ZOMBIE_TASK, TASK_ZOMBIE_YAW_TO_DOOR, TASK_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_DOOR, TASK_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ACT_ZOMBIE_TANTRUM; int ACT_ZOMBIE_WALLPOUND; BEGIN_DATADESC( CZombie ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_hBlockingDoor, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flDoorBashYaw, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_EMBEDDED( m_DurationDoorBash ), DEFINE_EMBEDDED( m_NextTimeToStartDoorBash ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vPositionCharged, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::Precache( void ) { BaseClass::Precache(); PrecacheModel( "models/zombie/classic.mdl" ); PrecacheModel( "models/zombie/classic_torso.mdl" ); PrecacheModel( "models/zombie/classic_legs.mdl" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.FootstepRight" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.FootstepLeft" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.FootstepLeft" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.ScuffRight" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.ScuffLeft" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.AttackHit" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.AttackMiss" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.Pain" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.Die" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.Alert" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.Idle" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Zombie.Attack" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan1" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan2" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan3" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_BaseZombie.Moan4" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::Spawn( void ) { Precache(); if( FClassnameIs( this, "npc_zombie" ) ) { m_fIsTorso = false; } else { // This was placed as an npc_zombie_torso m_fIsTorso = true; } m_fIsHeadless = false; #ifdef HL2_EPISODIC SetBloodColor( BLOOD_COLOR_ZOMBIE ); #else SetBloodColor( BLOOD_COLOR_GREEN ); #endif // HL2_EPISODIC m_iHealth = sk_zombie_health.GetFloat(); m_flFieldOfView = 0.2; CapabilitiesClear(); //GetNavigator()->SetRememberStaleNodes( false ); BaseClass::Spawn(); m_flNextMoanSound = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 1.0, 4.0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::PrescheduleThink( void ) { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextMoanSound ) { if( CanPlayMoanSound() ) { // Classic guy idles instead of moans. IdleSound(); m_flNextMoanSound = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 2.0, 5.0 ); } else { m_flNextMoanSound = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 1.0, 2.0 ); } } BaseClass::PrescheduleThink(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CZombie::SelectSchedule ( void ) { if( HasCondition( COND_PHYSICS_DAMAGE ) && !m_ActBusyBehavior.IsActive() ) { return SCHED_FLINCH_PHYSICS; } return BaseClass::SelectSchedule(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sound of a footstep //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::FootstepSound( bool fRightFoot ) { if( fRightFoot ) { EmitSound( "Zombie.FootstepRight" ); } else { EmitSound( "Zombie.FootstepLeft" ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sound of a foot sliding/scraping //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::FootscuffSound( bool fRightFoot ) { if( fRightFoot ) { EmitSound( "Zombie.ScuffRight" ); } else { EmitSound( "Zombie.ScuffLeft" ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Play a random attack hit sound //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::AttackHitSound( void ) { EmitSound( "Zombie.AttackHit" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Play a random attack miss sound //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::AttackMissSound( void ) { // Play a random attack miss sound EmitSound( "Zombie.AttackMiss" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::PainSound( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { // We're constantly taking damage when we are on fire. Don't make all those noises! if ( IsOnFire() ) { return; } EmitSound( "Zombie.Pain" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::DeathSound( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { EmitSound( "Zombie.Die" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::AlertSound( void ) { EmitSound( "Zombie.Alert" ); // Don't let a moan sound cut off the alert sound. m_flNextMoanSound += random->RandomFloat( 2.0, 4.0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns a moan sound for this class of zombie. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CZombie::GetMoanSound( int nSound ) { return pMoanSounds[ nSound % ARRAYSIZE( pMoanSounds ) ]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Play a random idle sound. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::IdleSound( void ) { if( GetState() == NPC_STATE_IDLE && random->RandomFloat( 0, 1 ) == 0 ) { // Moan infrequently in IDLE state. return; } if( IsSlumped() ) { // Sleeping zombies are quiet. return; } EmitSound( "Zombie.Idle" ); MakeAISpookySound( 360.0f ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Play a random attack sound. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::AttackSound( void ) { EmitSound( "Zombie.Attack" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the classname (ie "npc_headcrab") to spawn when our headcrab bails. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CZombie::GetHeadcrabClassname( void ) { return "npc_headcrab"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CZombie::GetHeadcrabModel( void ) { return "models/headcrabclassic.mdl"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CZombie::GetLegsModel( void ) { return "models/zombie/classic_legs.mdl"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CZombie::GetTorsoModel( void ) { return "models/zombie/classic_torso.mdl"; } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::SetZombieModel( void ) { Hull_t lastHull = GetHullType(); if ( m_fIsTorso ) { SetModel( "models/zombie/classic_torso.mdl" ); SetHullType( HULL_TINY ); } else { SetModel( "models/zombie/classic.mdl" ); SetHullType( HULL_HUMAN ); } SetBodygroup( ZOMBIE_BODYGROUP_HEADCRAB, !m_fIsHeadless ); SetHullSizeNormal( true ); SetDefaultEyeOffset(); SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); // hull changed size, notify vphysics // UNDONE: Solve this generally, systematically so other // NPCs can change size if ( lastHull != GetHullType() ) { if ( VPhysicsGetObject() ) { SetupVPhysicsHull(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Classic zombie only uses moan sound if on fire. //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::MoanSound( envelopePoint_t *pEnvelope, int iEnvelopeSize ) { if( IsOnFire() ) { BaseClass::MoanSound( pEnvelope, iEnvelopeSize ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- bool CZombie::ShouldBecomeTorso( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, float flDamageThreshold ) { if( IsSlumped() ) { // Never break apart a slouched zombie. This is because the most fun // slouched zombies to kill are ones sleeping leaning against explosive // barrels. If you break them in half in the blast, the force of being // so close to the explosion makes the body pieces fly at ridiculous // velocities because the pieces weigh less than the whole. return false; } return BaseClass::ShouldBecomeTorso( info, flDamageThreshold ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::GatherConditions( void ) { BaseClass::GatherConditions(); static int conditionsToClear[] = { COND_BLOCKED_BY_DOOR, COND_DOOR_OPENED, COND_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_TARGET_MOVED, }; ClearConditions( conditionsToClear, ARRAYSIZE( conditionsToClear ) ); if ( m_hBlockingDoor == NULL || ( m_hBlockingDoor->m_toggle_state == TS_AT_TOP || m_hBlockingDoor->m_toggle_state == TS_GOING_UP ) ) { ClearCondition( COND_BLOCKED_BY_DOOR ); if ( m_hBlockingDoor != NULL ) { SetCondition( COND_DOOR_OPENED ); m_hBlockingDoor = NULL; } } else SetCondition( COND_BLOCKED_BY_DOOR ); if ( ConditionInterruptsCurSchedule( COND_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_TARGET_MOVED ) ) { if ( GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive() ) { const float CHARGE_RESET_TOLERANCE = 60.0; if ( !GetEnemy() || ( m_vPositionCharged - GetEnemyLKP() ).Length() > CHARGE_RESET_TOLERANCE ) { SetCondition( COND_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_TARGET_MOVED ); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- int CZombie::SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode ) { if ( HasCondition( COND_BLOCKED_BY_DOOR ) && m_hBlockingDoor != NULL ) { ClearCondition( COND_BLOCKED_BY_DOOR ); if ( m_NextTimeToStartDoorBash.Expired() && failedSchedule != SCHED_ZOMBIE_BASH_DOOR ) return SCHED_ZOMBIE_BASH_DOOR; m_hBlockingDoor = NULL; } if ( failedSchedule != SCHED_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY && IsPathTaskFailure( taskFailCode ) && random->RandomInt( 1, 100 ) < 50 ) { return SCHED_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY; } if ( failedSchedule != SCHED_ZOMBIE_WANDER_ANGRILY && ( failedSchedule == SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY || failedSchedule == SCHED_CHASE_ENEMY_FAILED ) ) { return SCHED_ZOMBIE_WANDER_ANGRILY; } return BaseClass::SelectFailSchedule( failedSchedule, failedTask, taskFailCode ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- int CZombie::TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ) { if ( scheduleType == SCHED_COMBAT_FACE && IsUnreachable( GetEnemy() ) ) return SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY; if ( !m_fIsTorso && scheduleType == SCHED_FAIL ) return SCHED_ZOMBIE_FAIL; return BaseClass::TranslateSchedule( scheduleType ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- Activity CZombie::NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity newActivity ) { newActivity = BaseClass::NPC_TranslateActivity( newActivity ); if ( newActivity == ACT_RUN ) return ACT_WALK; if ( m_fIsTorso && ( newActivity == ACT_ZOMBIE_TANTRUM ) ) return ACT_IDLE; return newActivity; } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::OnStateChange( NPC_STATE OldState, NPC_STATE NewState ) { BaseClass::OnStateChange( OldState, NewState ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::StartTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { switch( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_ZOMBIE_EXPRESS_ANGER: { if ( random->RandomInt( 1, 4 ) == 2 ) { SetIdealActivity( (Activity)ACT_ZOMBIE_TANTRUM ); } else { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_ZOMBIE_YAW_TO_DOOR: { AssertMsg( m_hBlockingDoor != NULL, "Expected condition handling to break schedule before landing here" ); if ( m_hBlockingDoor != NULL ) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( m_flDoorBashYaw ); } TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_DOOR: { m_DurationDoorBash.Reset(); SetIdealActivity( SelectDoorBash() ); break; } case TASK_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY: { if ( !GetEnemy() ) TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ENEMY ); else if ( GetNavigator()->SetVectorGoalFromTarget( GetEnemy()->GetLocalOrigin() ) ) { m_vPositionCharged = GetEnemy()->GetLocalOrigin(); TaskComplete(); } else TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ROUTE ); break; } default: BaseClass::StartTask( pTask ); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { switch( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_DOOR: { if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { if ( m_DurationDoorBash.Expired() ) { TaskComplete(); m_NextTimeToStartDoorBash.Reset(); } else ResetIdealActivity( SelectDoorBash() ); } break; } case TASK_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY: { break; } case TASK_ZOMBIE_EXPRESS_ANGER: { if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } default: BaseClass::RunTask( pTask ); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- bool CZombie::OnObstructingDoor( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, CBaseDoor *pDoor, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ) { if ( BaseClass::OnObstructingDoor( pMoveGoal, pDoor, distClear, pResult ) ) { if ( IsMoveBlocked( *pResult ) && pMoveGoal->directTrace.vHitNormal != vec3_origin ) { m_hBlockingDoor = pDoor; m_flDoorBashYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( pMoveGoal->directTrace.vHitNormal * -1 ); } return true; } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- Activity CZombie::SelectDoorBash() { if ( random->RandomInt( 1, 3 ) == 1 ) return ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1; return (Activity)ACT_ZOMBIE_WALLPOUND; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Zombies should scream continuously while burning, so long // as they are alive... but NOT IN GERMANY! //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::Ignite( float flFlameLifetime, bool bNPCOnly, float flSize, bool bCalledByLevelDesigner ) { if( !IsOnFire() && IsAlive() ) { BaseClass::Ignite( flFlameLifetime, bNPCOnly, flSize, bCalledByLevelDesigner ); if ( !UTIL_IsLowViolence() ) { RemoveSpawnFlags( SF_NPC_GAG ); MoanSound( envZombieMoanIgnited, ARRAYSIZE( envZombieMoanIgnited ) ); if ( m_pMoanSound ) { ENVELOPE_CONTROLLER.SoundChangePitch( m_pMoanSound, 120, 1.0 ); ENVELOPE_CONTROLLER.SoundChangeVolume( m_pMoanSound, 1, 1.0 ); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // If a zombie stops burning and hasn't died, quiet him down //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::Extinguish() { if( m_pMoanSound ) { ENVELOPE_CONTROLLER.SoundChangeVolume( m_pMoanSound, 0, 2.0 ); ENVELOPE_CONTROLLER.SoundChangePitch( m_pMoanSound, 100, 2.0 ); m_flNextMoanSound = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 2.0, 4.0 ); } BaseClass::Extinguish(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- int CZombie::OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &inputInfo ) { #ifndef HL2_EPISODIC if ( inputInfo.GetDamageType() & DMG_BUCKSHOT ) { if( !m_fIsTorso && inputInfo.GetDamage() > (m_iMaxHealth/3) ) { // Always flinch if damaged a lot by buckshot, even if not shot in the head. // The reason for making sure we did at least 1/3rd of the zombie's max health // is so the zombie doesn't flinch every time the odd shotgun pellet hits them, // and so the maximum number of times you'll see a zombie flinch like this is 2.(sjb) AddGesture( ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_HEAD ); } } #endif // HL2_EPISODIC return BaseClass::OnTakeDamage_Alive( inputInfo ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CZombie::IsHeavyDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { #ifdef HL2_EPISODIC if ( info.GetDamageType() & DMG_BUCKSHOT ) { if ( !m_fIsTorso && info.GetDamage() > (m_iMaxHealth/3) ) return true; } // Randomly treat all damage as heavy if ( info.GetDamageType() & (DMG_BULLET | DMG_BUCKSHOT) ) { // Don't randomly flinch if I'm melee attacking if ( !HasCondition(COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1) && (RandomFloat() > 0.5) ) { // Randomly forget I've flinched, so that I'll be forced to play a big flinch // If this doesn't happen, it means I may not fully flinch if I recently flinched if ( RandomFloat() > 0.75 ) { Forget(bits_MEMORY_FLINCHED); } return true; } } #endif // HL2_EPISODIC return BaseClass::IsHeavyDamage(info); } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- #define ZOMBIE_SQUASH_MASS 300.0f // Anything this heavy or heavier squashes a zombie good. (show special fx) bool CZombie::IsSquashed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { if( GetHealth() > 0 ) { return false; } if( info.GetDamageType() & DMG_CRUSH ) { IPhysicsObject *pCrusher = info.GetInflictor()->VPhysicsGetObject(); if( pCrusher && pCrusher->GetMass() >= ZOMBIE_SQUASH_MASS && info.GetInflictor()->WorldSpaceCenter().z > EyePosition().z ) { // This heuristic detects when a zombie has been squashed from above by a heavy // item. Done specifically so we can add gore effects to Ravenholm cartraps. // The zombie must take physics damage from a 300+kg object that is centered above its eyes (comes from above) return true; } } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- void CZombie::BuildScheduleTestBits( void ) { BaseClass::BuildScheduleTestBits(); if( !m_fIsTorso && !IsCurSchedule( SCHED_FLINCH_PHYSICS ) && !m_ActBusyBehavior.IsActive() ) { SetCustomInterruptCondition( COND_PHYSICS_DAMAGE ); } } //============================================================================= AI_BEGIN_CUSTOM_NPC( npc_zombie, CZombie ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_BLOCKED_BY_DOOR ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_DOOR_OPENED ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_TARGET_MOVED ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ZOMBIE_EXPRESS_ANGER ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ZOMBIE_YAW_TO_DOOR ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_DOOR ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY ) DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_ZOMBIE_TANTRUM ); DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_ZOMBIE_WALLPOUND ); DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ZOMBIE_BASH_DOOR, " Tasks" " TASK_SET_ACTIVITY ACTIVITY:ACT_ZOMBIE_TANTRUM" " TASK_SET_FAIL_SCHEDULE SCHEDULE:SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY" " TASK_ZOMBIE_YAW_TO_DOOR 0" " TASK_FACE_IDEAL 0" " TASK_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_DOOR 0" "" " Interrupts" " COND_ZOMBIE_RELEASECRAB" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_DOOR_OPENED" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ZOMBIE_WANDER_ANGRILY, " Tasks" " TASK_WANDER 480240" // 48 units to 240 units. " TASK_WALK_PATH 0" " TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT 4" "" " Interrupts" " COND_ZOMBIE_RELEASECRAB" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_DOOR_OPENED" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY, " Tasks" " TASK_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_ENEMY 0" " TASK_WALK_PATH 0" " TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT 0" " TASK_PLAY_SEQUENCE ACTIVITY:ACT_ZOMBIE_TANTRUM" /* placeholder until frustration/rage/fence shake animation available */ "" " Interrupts" " COND_ZOMBIE_RELEASECRAB" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_DOOR_OPENED" " COND_ZOMBIE_CHARGE_TARGET_MOVED" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ZOMBIE_FAIL, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" " TASK_SET_ACTIVITY ACTIVITY:ACT_ZOMBIE_TANTRUM" " TASK_WAIT 1" " TASK_WAIT_PVS 0" "" " Interrupts" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1 " " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2 " " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1 " " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK2" " COND_GIVE_WAY" " COND_DOOR_OPENED" ) AI_END_CUSTOM_NPC() //=============================================================================