/* * CVReturn.h * CoreVideo * * Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * */ /*! @header CVReturn.h @copyright 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. @availability Mac OS X 10.4 or later @discussion Here you can find all the CoreVideo specific error codes. */ #if !defined(__COREVIDEO_CVRETURN_H__) #define __COREVIDEO_CVRETURN_H__ 1 #include <TargetConditionals.h> #if TARGET_OS_MAC #include <QuartzCore/CVBase.h> #else #include <CVBase.h> #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /*! @enum CVReturn @abstract CoreVideo specific error codes @constant kCVReturnSuccess Function executed successfully without errors. @constant kCVReturnFirst Placeholder to mark the beginning of the range of CVReturn codes. @constant kCVReturnLast Placeholder to mark the end of the range of CVReturn codes. @constant kCVReturnInvalidArgument At least one of the arguments passed in is not valid. Either out of range or the wrong type. @constant kCVReturnAllocationFailed The allocation for a buffer or buffer pool failed. Most likely because of lack of resources. @constant kCVReturnInvalidDisplay A CVDisplayLink cannot be created for the given DisplayRef. @constant kCVReturnDisplayLinkAlreadyRunning The CVDisplayLink is already started and running. @constant kCVReturnDisplayLinkNotRunning The CVDisplayLink has not been started. @constant kCVReturnDisplayLinkCallbacksNotSet The render and display callbacks or the output callback is not set. You have to set either the render/display pair or the single output callback. @constant kCVReturnInvalidPixelFormat The requested pixelformat is not supported for the CVBuffer type. @constant kCVReturnInvalidSize The requested size (most likely too big) is not supported for the CVBuffer type. @constant kCVReturnInvalidPixelBufferAttributes A CVBuffer cannot be created with the given attributes. @constant kCVReturnPixelBufferNotOpenGLCompatible The Buffer cannot be used with OpenGL as either its size, pixelformat or attributes are not supported by OpenGL. @constant kCVReturnPoolAllocationFailed The allocation for the buffer pool failed. Most likely because of lack of resources. Check if your parameters are in range. @constant kCVReturnInvalidPoolAttributes A CVBufferPool cannot be created with the given attributes. */ enum _CVReturn { kCVReturnSuccess = 0, kCVReturnFirst = -6660, kCVReturnError = kCVReturnFirst, kCVReturnInvalidArgument = -6661, kCVReturnAllocationFailed = -6662, // DisplayLink related errors kCVReturnInvalidDisplay = -6670, kCVReturnDisplayLinkAlreadyRunning = -6671, kCVReturnDisplayLinkNotRunning = -6672, kCVReturnDisplayLinkCallbacksNotSet = -6673, // Buffer related errors kCVReturnInvalidPixelFormat = -6680, kCVReturnInvalidSize = -6681, kCVReturnInvalidPixelBufferAttributes = -6682, kCVReturnPixelBufferNotOpenGLCompatible = -6683, // Buffer Pool related errors kCVReturnPoolAllocationFailed = -6690, kCVReturnInvalidPoolAttributes = -6691, kCVReturnLast = -6699 }; typedef int32_t CVReturn; #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif