//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#include <stdio.h>

#include <vgui/IBorder.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/IBorder.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>

#include <vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Image.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>

using namespace vgui;


// Purpose: 
ImagePanel::ImagePanel(Panel *parent, const char *name) : Panel(parent, name)
	m_pImage = NULL;
	m_pszImageName = NULL;
	m_pszFillColorName = NULL;
	m_pszDrawColorName = NULL;	// HPE addition
	m_bCenterImage = false;
	m_bScaleImage = false;
	m_bTileImage = false;
	m_bTileHorizontally = false;
	m_bTileVertically = false;
	m_bPositionImage = true;
	m_fScaleAmount = 0.0f;
	m_FillColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
	m_DrawColor = Color(255,255,255,255);

	SetImage( m_pImage );

	REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( m_FillColor, "fillcolor_override" );
	REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( m_DrawColor, "drawcolor_override" );

// Purpose: 
	delete [] m_pszImageName;
	delete [] m_pszFillColorName;
	delete [] m_pszDrawColorName;	// HPE addition

// Purpose: handles size changing
void ImagePanel::OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall)
	BaseClass::OnSizeChanged(newWide, newTall);

// Purpose: 
void ImagePanel::SetImage(IImage *image)
	m_pImage = image;

// Purpose: sets an image by file name
void ImagePanel::SetImage(const char *imageName)
	if ( imageName && m_pszImageName && V_stricmp( imageName, m_pszImageName ) == 0 )

	int len = Q_strlen(imageName) + 1;
	delete [] m_pszImageName;
	m_pszImageName = new char[ len ];
	Q_strncpy(m_pszImageName, imageName, len );
	InvalidateLayout(false, true); // force applyschemesettings to run

// Purpose: 
IImage *ImagePanel::GetImage()
	return m_pImage;

// Purpose: 
Color ImagePanel::GetDrawColor( void )
	return m_DrawColor;

// Purpose: 
void ImagePanel::SetDrawColor( Color drawColor )
	m_DrawColor = drawColor;

// Purpose: 
void ImagePanel::PaintBackground()
	if (m_FillColor[3] > 0)
		// draw the specified fill color
		int wide, tall;
		GetSize(wide, tall);
		surface()->DrawFilledRect(0, 0, wide, tall);
	if ( m_pImage )
		// [pfreese] Color should be always set from GetDrawColor(), not just when 
		// scaling is true (see previous code)
		// surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, GetAlpha() );
		m_pImage->SetColor( GetDrawColor() );
		m_pImage->SetRotation( m_iRotation );
		// HPE_END

		if ( m_bPositionImage )
			if ( m_bCenterImage )
				int wide, tall;
				GetSize(wide, tall);

				int imageWide, imageTall;
				m_pImage->GetSize( imageWide, imageTall );

				if ( m_bScaleImage && m_fScaleAmount > 0.0f )
					imageWide = static_cast<int>( static_cast<float>(imageWide) * m_fScaleAmount );
					imageTall = static_cast<int>( static_cast<float>(imageTall) * m_fScaleAmount );

				m_pImage->SetPos( (wide - imageWide) / 2, (tall - imageTall) / 2 );
				m_pImage->SetPos(0, 0);

		if (m_bScaleImage)
			// Image size is stored in the bitmap, so temporarily set its size
			// to our panel size and then restore after we draw it.

			int imageWide, imageTall;
			m_pImage->GetSize( imageWide, imageTall );

			if ( m_fScaleAmount > 0.0f )
				float wide, tall;
				wide = static_cast<float>(imageWide) * m_fScaleAmount;
				tall = static_cast<float>(imageTall) * m_fScaleAmount;
				m_pImage->SetSize( static_cast<int>(wide), static_cast<int>(tall) );
				int wide, tall;
				GetSize( wide, tall );
				m_pImage->SetSize( wide, tall );


			m_pImage->SetSize( imageWide, imageTall );
		else if ( m_bTileImage || m_bTileHorizontally || m_bTileVertically )
			int wide, tall;
			GetSize(wide, tall);
			int imageWide, imageTall;
			m_pImage->GetSize( imageWide, imageTall );

			int y = 0;
			while ( y < tall )
				int x = 0;
				while (x < wide)

					x += imageWide;

					if ( !m_bTileHorizontally )

				y += imageTall;

				if ( !m_bTileVertically )

			if ( m_bPositionImage )
				m_pImage->SetPos(0, 0);
			m_pImage->SetColor( GetDrawColor() );

// Purpose: Gets control settings for editing
void ImagePanel::GetSettings(KeyValues *outResourceData)
	if (m_pszImageName)
		outResourceData->SetString("image", m_pszImageName);
	if (m_pszFillColorName)
		outResourceData->SetString("fillcolor", m_pszFillColorName);

	// [pfreese] Added support for specifying drawcolor
	if (m_pszDrawColorName)
		outResourceData->SetString("drawcolor", m_pszDrawColorName);

	if (GetBorder())
		outResourceData->SetString("border", GetBorder()->GetName());

	outResourceData->GetInt("positionImage", m_bPositionImage );
	outResourceData->SetInt("scaleImage", m_bScaleImage);
	outResourceData->SetFloat("scaleAmount", m_fScaleAmount);
	outResourceData->SetInt("tileImage", m_bTileImage);
	outResourceData->SetInt("tileHorizontally", m_bTileHorizontally);
	outResourceData->SetInt("tileVertically", m_bTileVertically);

// Purpose: Applies designer settings from res file
void ImagePanel::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData)
	delete [] m_pszImageName;
	delete [] m_pszFillColorName;
	delete [] m_pszDrawColorName;	// HPE addition
	m_pszImageName = NULL;
	m_pszFillColorName = NULL;
	m_pszDrawColorName = NULL;		// HPE addition

	m_bPositionImage = inResourceData->GetInt("positionImage", 1);
	m_bScaleImage = inResourceData->GetInt("scaleImage", 0);
	m_fScaleAmount = inResourceData->GetFloat("scaleAmount", 0.0f);
	m_bTileImage = inResourceData->GetInt("tileImage", 0);
	m_bTileHorizontally = inResourceData->GetInt("tileHorizontally", m_bTileImage);
	m_bTileVertically = inResourceData->GetInt("tileVertically", m_bTileImage);
	m_iRotation = inResourceData->GetInt( "rotation", ROTATED_UNROTATED );
	const char *imageName = inResourceData->GetString("image", "");
	if ( *imageName )
		SetImage( imageName );

	const char *pszFillColor = inResourceData->GetString("fillcolor", "");
	if (*pszFillColor)
		int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255;
		int len = Q_strlen(pszFillColor) + 1;
		m_pszFillColorName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy( m_pszFillColorName, pszFillColor, len );

		if (sscanf(pszFillColor, "%d %d %d %d", &r, &g, &b, &a) >= 3)
			// it's a direct color
			m_FillColor = Color(r, g, b, a);
			IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
			m_FillColor = pScheme->GetColor(pszFillColor, Color(0, 0, 0, 0));

	// [pfreese] Added support for specifying drawcolor
	const char *pszDrawColor = inResourceData->GetString("drawcolor", "");
	if (*pszDrawColor)
		int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255;
		int len = Q_strlen(pszDrawColor) + 1;
		m_pszDrawColorName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy( m_pszDrawColorName, pszDrawColor, len );

		if (sscanf(pszDrawColor, "%d %d %d %d", &r, &g, &b, &a) >= 3)
			// it's a direct color
			m_DrawColor = Color(r, g, b, a);
			IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
			m_DrawColor = pScheme->GetColor(pszDrawColor, Color(255, 255, 255, 255));

	const char *pszBorder = inResourceData->GetString("border", "");
	if (*pszBorder)
		IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );


// Purpose:  load the image, this is done just before this control is displayed
void ImagePanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
	if ( m_pszImageName && strlen( m_pszImageName ) > 0 )
		SetImage(scheme()->GetImage(m_pszImageName, m_bScaleImage));

// Purpose: Describes editing details
const char *ImagePanel::GetDescription()
	static char buf[1024];
	_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s, string image, string border, string fillcolor, bool scaleImage", BaseClass::GetDescription());
	return buf;

// Purpose: sets whether or not the image should scale to fit the size of the ImagePanel (defaults to false)
void ImagePanel::SetShouldScaleImage( bool state )
	m_bScaleImage = state;

// Purpose: gets whether or not the image should be scaled to fit the size of the ImagePanel
bool ImagePanel::GetShouldScaleImage()
	return m_bScaleImage;

// Purpose: used in conjunction with setting that the image should scale and defines an absolute scale amount
void ImagePanel::SetScaleAmount( float scale )
	m_fScaleAmount = scale;

float ImagePanel::GetScaleAmount( void )
	return m_fScaleAmount;

// Purpose: set the color to fill with, if no Image is specified
void ImagePanel::SetFillColor( Color col )
	m_FillColor = col;

// Purpose: data accessor
Color ImagePanel::GetFillColor()
	return m_FillColor;

char *ImagePanel::GetImageName()
	return m_pszImageName;

bool ImagePanel::EvictImage()
	if ( !m_pImage )
		// nothing to do
		return false;

	if ( !scheme()->DeleteImage( m_pszImageName ) )
		// no eviction occured, could have an outstanding reference
		return false;

	// clear out our cached concept of it
	// as it may change
	// the next SetImage() will re-establish
	m_pImage = NULL;
	delete [] m_pszImageName;
	m_pszImageName = NULL;

	return true;

int ImagePanel::GetNumFrames()
	if ( !m_pImage )
		return 0;

	return m_pImage->GetNumFrames();

void ImagePanel::SetFrame( int nFrame )
	if ( !m_pImage )

	return m_pImage->SetFrame( nFrame );