//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Rendering and mouse handling in the logical view. // //===========================================================================// #include "stdafx.h" #include "MapViewLogical.h" #include "Render2D.h" #include "MapWorld.h" #include "TitleWnd.h" #include "MapDoc.h" #include "ToolManager.h" #include "history.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMapViewLogical, CMapView2DBase) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMapViewLogical, CMapView2DBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMapViewLogical) ON_WM_TIMER() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Logical View Look and feel constants //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define LOGICAL_CONN_VERT_SPACING 100 #define LOGICAL_CONN_HORIZ_SPACING 20 #define LOGICAL_CONN_SPREAD_DIST 50 #define LOGICAL_CONN_TEXT_LENGTH 450 #define LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE 30 #define LOGICAL_CONN_MULTI_CIRCLE_RADIUS 15 // Broken connection blinking interval (in ms) #define TIMER_BLINK_INTERVAL 512 // Unselected and selected color values for the connections palette against the background color #define DARK 112 #define MID 144 #define BACKGROUND 168 #define LITE 224 #define BRITE 255 #define LOGICAL_CONN_COLOR_COUNT 7 #define LOGICAL_CONN_SELECTION_STATES 2 static color32 s_pWireColors[LOGICAL_CONN_COLOR_COUNT][LOGICAL_CONN_SELECTION_STATES] = { { { MID, MID, 0, 255 }, /* Mid Yellow */ { BRITE, BRITE, 0, 255 }, /* Bright Yellow */ }, { { MID, DARK, 0, 255 }, /* Dark Orange */ { BRITE, MID, 0, 255 }, /* Bright Orange */ }, { { 0, DARK, 0, 255 }, /* Dark Green */ { 0, BRITE, 0, 255 }, /* Bright Green */ }, { { 0, MID, MID, 255 }, /* Mid Cyan */ { 0, BRITE, BRITE, 255 }, /* Bright Cyan */ }, { { 0, 0, MID, 255 }, /* Mid Blue */ { 0, MID, BRITE, 255 }, /* Bright Baby Blue */ }, { { MID, 0, MID, 255 }, /* Mid Magenta */ { BRITE, 0, BRITE, 255 }, /* Bright Magenta */ }, { { DARK, DARK, DARK, 255 }, /* Dark Gray */ { BRITE, BRITE, BRITE, 255 }, /* Bright White */ }, }; static color32 s_pBrokenWireColor[LOGICAL_CONN_SELECTION_STATES] = { { DARK, 0, 0, 255 }, /* Dark Red */ { BRITE, 0, 0, 255 }, /* Bright Red */ }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor. Initializes data members. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMapViewLogical::CMapViewLogical(void) : m_RenderDict( 0, 1024, DefLessFunc( CMapClass* ) ) { m_bUpdateRenderObjects = true; SetAxes(AXIS_X, FALSE, AXIS_Y, TRUE); SetDrawType( VIEW_LOGICAL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor. Frees dynamically allocated resources. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMapViewLogical::~CMapViewLogical(void) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: First-time initialization of this view. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMapViewLogical::OnInitialUpdate(void) { CreateTitleWindow(); GetTitleWnd()->SetTitle("Logical"); SetZoom(0); // Zoom out as far as possible. UpdateClientView(); CMapView2DBase::OnInitialUpdate(); // FIXME: Hardcoded light gray background - should be from a new "Logical View" options settings dialog m_ClearColor.SetColor( BACKGROUND, BACKGROUND, BACKGROUND, 255 ); m_clrGrid.SetColor( MID, MID, MID, 255 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : point - Point in client coordinates. // bMakeFirst - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMapViewLogical::SelectAtCascading( const Vector2D &ptClient, bool bMakeFirst ) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); CSelection *pSelection = pDoc->GetSelection(); pSelection->ClearHitList(); GetHistory()->MarkUndoPosition(pSelection->GetList(), "Selection"); // // Check all the objects in the world for a hit at this point. // HitInfo_t HitData[MAX_PICK_HITS]; int nHits = ObjectsAt(ptClient, HitData, MAX_PICK_HITS); // If there were no hits at the given point, clear selection. if ( nHits == 0 ) { if (bMakeFirst) { pDoc->SelectFace(NULL, 0, scClear|scSaveChanges); pDoc->SelectObject(NULL, scClear|scSaveChanges); } return false; } SelectMode_t eSelectMode = pSelection->GetMode(); for ( int i=0; i<nHits; ++i ) { CMapClass *pSelObject = HitData[i].pObject->PrepareSelection( eSelectMode ); if ( !pSelObject ) continue; pSelection->AddHit( pSelObject ); } // // Select a single object. // if ( bMakeFirst ) { pDoc->SelectFace( NULL, 0, scClear|scSaveChanges ); pDoc->SelectObject( NULL, scClear|scSaveChanges ); } pSelection->SetCurrentHit( hitFirst, true ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Base class calls this when render lists need rebuilding //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMapViewLogical::OnRenderListDirty() { m_bUpdateRenderObjects = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Builds up list of mapclasses to render //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMapViewLogical::AddToRenderLists( CMapClass *pObject ) { #if _DEBUG && 0 CMapEntity *pEntity = dynamic_cast<CMapEntity *>(pObject); if (pEntity) { LPCTSTR pszTargetName = pEntity->GetKeyValue("targetname"); if ( pszTargetName && !strcmp(pszTargetName, "relay_cancelVCDs") ) { // Set breakpoint here for debugging this entity's visiblity int foo = 0; } } #endif if ( !pObject->IsVisibleLogical() ) return; // Don't render groups, render their children instead. if ( !pObject->IsGroup() && pObject->IsLogical() ) { Vector2D vecMins, vecMaxs; pObject->GetRenderLogicalBox( vecMins, vecMaxs ); // Always paint all the entities to ensure that any inter-entity connections are visible // if ( !IsValidBox( vecMins, vecMaxs ) || IsInClientView( vecMins, vecMaxs ) ) { // Make sure the object is in the update region. m_RenderList.AddToTail( pObject ); m_ConnectionList.AddToTail( pObject ); m_RenderDict.Insert( pObject ); } } // Recurse into children and add them. const CMapObjectList *pChildren = pObject->GetChildren(); FOR_EACH_OBJ( *pChildren, pos ) { AddToRenderLists( pChildren->Element(pos) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Builds up list of mapclasses to render //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMapViewLogical::PopulateConnectionList( ) { while ( m_ConnectionUpdate.Count() ) { CMapClass *pObject; m_ConnectionUpdate.Pop( pObject ); if ( !pObject->IsVisibleLogical() ) continue; // Don't render groups, render their children instead. if ( !pObject->IsGroup() && pObject->IsLogical() ) { // Don't add it if it's visible already if ( m_RenderDict.Find( pObject ) == m_RenderDict.InvalidIndex() ) { CEditGameClass *pClass = dynamic_cast< CEditGameClass * >( pObject ); if ( pClass ) { int nCount = pClass->Connections_GetCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CEntityConnection *pConn = pClass->Connections_Get( i ); // Find the input entity associated with this connection CMapEntityList *pEntityList = pConn->GetTargetEntityList(); int j; int nInputCount = pEntityList->Count(); for ( j = 0; j < nInputCount; ++j ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = pEntityList->Element(j); if ( m_RenderDict.Find( pEntity ) != m_RenderDict.InvalidIndex() ) { m_ConnectionList.AddToTail( pObject ); break; } } if ( j != nInputCount ) break; } } } } // Recurse into children and add them. const CMapObjectList *pChildren = pObject->GetChildren(); FOR_EACH_OBJ( *pChildren, pos ) { m_ConnectionUpdate.Push( pChildren->Element(pos) ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : nIDEvent - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMapViewLogical::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { if ( nIDEvent == TIMER_CONNECTIONUPDATE ) { // Make sure we don't blink too fast static unsigned int nLastUpdate = 0; if ( GetTickCount() >= (nLastUpdate+TIMER_BLINK_INTERVAL/2) ) { nLastUpdate = GetTickCount(); UpdateView( 0 ); // Force the view to redraw for blinking errors } } else CView::OnTimer(nIDEvent); } const color32 & CMapViewLogical::GetWireColor(const char *pszName, const bool bSelected, const bool bError, const bool bAnySelected) { // Select the connecting color based on the string passed in // (using OutputName for instance, gives varying "wire colors" by entity output type). Assert( LOGICAL_CONN_COLOR_COUNT == (sizeof(s_pWireColors) / sizeof(color32) ) / LOGICAL_CONN_SELECTION_STATES ); if ( !bError ) { int nIndex = 0; // Has the named passed in while ( *pszName ) nIndex += *pszName++; // Index based on the number of colors available nIndex %= LOGICAL_CONN_COLOR_COUNT; // Only blink non-errors if the drawing object is selected // bool bBlinkingState = bSelected ? (GetTickCount() / TIMER_BLINK_INTERVAL) & 1 : 0; return s_pWireColors[nIndex][bSelected]; } else { // Only blink errors if nothing is selected, or this is selected bool bBlinkingState = bSelected || !bAnySelected ? (GetTickCount() / TIMER_BLINK_INTERVAL) & 1 : bSelected; return s_pBrokenWireColor[bBlinkingState]; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a wire from a particular point to a target //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BACKWARD_WIRE_OVERSHOOT 50 #define BACKWARD_WIRE_Y_DISTANCE 150 void CMapViewLogical::DrawConnectingWire( float x, float y, CMapEntity *pSource, CEntityConnection *pConnection, CMapEntity *pTarget ) { CRender2D *pRender = GetRender(); // FIXME: Deal with bad input type Vector2D vecEndPosition, vecConnector; pTarget->GetLogicalConnectionPosition( LOGICAL_CONNECTION_INPUT, vecConnector ); vecEndPosition = vecConnector; int nInputs = pTarget->Upstream_GetCount(); // Compensate for multiple inputs -- fan-in the connections from the various pSource entities BOOL bFound = false; if ( nInputs ) { int nInput; for ( nInput = 0; nInput < nInputs; nInput++ ) { CEntityConnection *pInputConnection = pTarget->Upstream_Get(nInput); if ( pInputConnection ) { if ( pInputConnection == pConnection ) { bFound = true; break; } } } if (bFound) { vecEndPosition.x -= LOGICAL_CONN_SPREAD_DIST; vecEndPosition.y += ( (nInputs - 1) * LOGICAL_CONN_VERT_SPACING / 2 ) / 2 - (nInput * LOGICAL_CONN_VERT_SPACING / 2); pRender->MoveTo( Vector( vecEndPosition.x, vecEndPosition.y, 0.0f) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( vecConnector.x, vecConnector.y, 0.0f) ); } else { Assert(0); } } pRender->MoveTo( Vector( x, y, 0.0f ) ); if ( x < vecEndPosition.x ) { // Do direct connection pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( x, vecEndPosition.y, 0.0f ) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( vecEndPosition.x, vecEndPosition.y, 0.0f ) ); return; } Vector2D vecTargetMins, vecTargetMaxs; pTarget->GetRenderLogicalBox( vecTargetMins, vecTargetMaxs ); vecTargetMins.y -= BACKWARD_WIRE_Y_DISTANCE; vecTargetMaxs.y += BACKWARD_WIRE_Y_DISTANCE; float flHalfY = ( y + vecEndPosition.y ) * 0.5f; if ( flHalfY > vecTargetMins.y && flHalfY < vecTargetMaxs.y ) { flHalfY = ( flHalfY < vecEndPosition.y ) ? vecTargetMins.y : vecTargetMaxs.y; } pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( x, flHalfY, 0.0f ) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( vecEndPosition.x - BACKWARD_WIRE_OVERSHOOT, flHalfY, 0.0f ) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( vecEndPosition.x - BACKWARD_WIRE_OVERSHOOT, vecEndPosition.y, 0.0f ) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( vecEndPosition.x, vecEndPosition.y, 0.0f ) ); } void CMapViewLogical::RenderConnections(const bool bDrawSelected, const bool bAnySelected) { Vector2D pt, pt2; WorldToClient( pt, Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); WorldToClient( pt2, Vector( 0.0f, LOGICAL_CONN_VERT_SPACING, 0.0f ) ); int nCount = m_ConnectionList.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount ; ++i ) { CMapEntity *pMapClass = dynamic_cast<CMapEntity*>( m_ConnectionList[i] ); if ( !pMapClass ) continue; CEditGameClass *pEditClass = dynamic_cast<CEditGameClass*>( pMapClass ); if ( !pEditClass ) continue; int nConnectionCount = pEditClass->Connections_GetCount(); if ( nConnectionCount == 0 ) continue; Vector2D vecStartPosition; pMapClass->GetLogicalConnectionPosition( LOGICAL_CONNECTION_OUTPUT, vecStartPosition ); CRender2D *pRender = GetRender(); float x = vecStartPosition.x + LOGICAL_CONN_SPREAD_DIST + LOGICAL_CONN_TEXT_LENGTH; float y = vecStartPosition.y + ( nConnectionCount - 1 ) * LOGICAL_CONN_VERT_SPACING / 2; for ( int j = 0; j < nConnectionCount; ++j ) { CEntityConnection *pConn = pEditClass->Connections_Get( j ); // Find the input entity associated with this connection CMapEntityList *pEntityList = pConn->GetTargetEntityList(); int nInputCount = pEntityList->Count(); bool bBadInput = !MapEntityList_HasInput( pEntityList, pConn->GetInputName() ); bool bBadConnection = (nInputCount == 0); // Stop drawing entity connection text once the entity itself gets too small. bool bDrawOutput = ( fabs( pt.y - pt2.y ) >= 16 ); bool bDrawDelay = ( fabs( pt.y - pt2.y ) >= 20 ); bool bDrawInput = ( fabs( pt.y - pt2.y ) >= 24 ); bool bDrawTarget = ( fabs( pt.y - pt2.y ) >= 28 ); bool bEntitySelected = ( pMapClass->GetSelectionState() != SELECT_NONE ); bool bInputSelected = false; for ( int k = 0; k < nInputCount; ++k ) { if ( pEntityList->Element( k )->GetSelectionState() != SELECT_NONE ) bInputSelected = true; // Make sure all the connected entities are all visible if ( pEntityList->Element( k )->IsVisibleLogical() == false ) bBadConnection = true; } // Make sure we only draw the selected OR unselected connections as requested if ( bDrawSelected == (bEntitySelected || bInputSelected) ) { color32 c = GetWireColor( pConn->GetOutputName(), bEntitySelected || bInputSelected, bBadConnection || bBadInput, bAnySelected ); if ( bDrawDelay || bDrawOutput || bDrawInput || bDrawTarget ) { char pBuf[1024]; pRender->SetTextColor( c.r, c.g, c.b ); int nChars = 0; if ( bDrawOutput ) nChars += Q_snprintf( pBuf+nChars, sizeof(pBuf), "%s", pConn->GetOutputName() ); if ( bDrawDelay ) nChars += Q_snprintf( pBuf+nChars, sizeof(pBuf), "(%.2f)", pConn->GetDelay() ); if ( nChars ) pRender->DrawText( pBuf, Vector2D( vecStartPosition.x + LOGICAL_CONN_SPREAD_DIST, y ), 2, 1, CRender2D::TEXT_JUSTIFY_TOP | CRender2D::TEXT_JUSTIFY_RIGHT ); nChars = 0; if ( bDrawInput ) nChars += Q_snprintf( pBuf+nChars, sizeof(pBuf), "%s", pConn->GetInputName() ); if ( bDrawTarget ) nChars += Q_snprintf( pBuf+nChars, sizeof(pBuf), "[%s] ", pConn->GetTargetName() ); if ( nChars ) pRender->DrawText( pBuf, Vector2D( vecStartPosition.x + LOGICAL_CONN_SPREAD_DIST, y ), 2, -1, CRender2D::TEXT_JUSTIFY_BOTTOM | CRender2D::TEXT_JUSTIFY_RIGHT ); } pRender->SetDrawColor( c.r, c.g, c.b ); pRender->MoveTo( Vector( vecStartPosition.x, vecStartPosition.y, 0.0f ) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( vecStartPosition.x + LOGICAL_CONN_SPREAD_DIST, y, 0.0f ) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( x, y, 0.0f ) ); if ( bBadConnection ) { // Draw an X for a bogus connection. pRender->MoveTo( Vector( x - LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE, y - LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE, 0.0f ) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( x + LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE, y + LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE, 0.0f ) ); pRender->MoveTo( Vector( x - LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE, y + LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE, 0.0f ) ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( x + LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE, y - LOGICAL_CONN_CROSS_SIZE, 0.0f ) ); } else if ( nInputCount == 1 ) { DrawConnectingWire( x, y, pMapClass, pConn, pEntityList->Element( 0 ) ); } else { // Draw a circle for multiple connections pRender->DrawCircle( Vector( x + LOGICAL_CONN_MULTI_CIRCLE_RADIUS, y, 0.0f ), LOGICAL_CONN_MULTI_CIRCLE_RADIUS ); float mx = x + LOGICAL_CONN_SPREAD_DIST; float my = y + ( nInputCount / 2 ) * LOGICAL_CONN_VERT_SPACING/2; Vector vecStart( x + LOGICAL_CONN_MULTI_CIRCLE_RADIUS, y, 0.0f ); for ( int k = 0; k < nInputCount; ++k ) { // bBadInput = false; // This should be based on whether downstream entity has the specificied named input bInputSelected = ( pEntityList->Element( k )->GetSelectionState() != SELECT_NONE ); color32 col = GetWireColor( pConn->GetOutputName(), bEntitySelected || bInputSelected, bBadInput, bAnySelected ); pRender->SetDrawColor( col.r, col.g, col.b ); Vector vecEnd( mx, my, 0.0f ); Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( vecEnd, vecStart, vecDelta ); VectorNormalize( vecDelta ); vecDelta *= LOGICAL_CONN_MULTI_CIRCLE_RADIUS; vecDelta += vecStart; pRender->MoveTo( vecDelta ); pRender->DrawLineTo( Vector( mx, my, 0.0f ) ); DrawConnectingWire( mx, my, pMapClass, pConn, pEntityList->Element( k ) ); mx += LOGICAL_CONN_HORIZ_SPACING; my -= LOGICAL_CONN_VERT_SPACING/2; } } } x += LOGICAL_CONN_HORIZ_SPACING * (nInputCount+1) + 2*LOGICAL_CONN_MULTI_CIRCLE_RADIUS; y -= LOGICAL_CONN_VERT_SPACING; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMapViewLogical::Render() { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); CMapWorld *pWorld = pDoc->GetMapWorld(); GetRender()->StartRenderFrame(); // Draw grid if enabled. if ( pDoc->m_bShowLogicalGrid ) { DrawGridLogical( GetRender() ); } // Draw the world if we have one. if (pWorld == NULL) return; // Traverse the entire world, sorting visible elements into two arrays: // Normal objects and selected objects, so that we can render the selected // objects last. if ( m_bUpdateRenderObjects ) { m_bUpdateRenderObjects = false; m_RenderList.RemoveAll(); m_RenderDict.RemoveAll(); m_ConnectionList.RemoveAll(); m_ConnectionUpdate.Clear(); // fill render lists with visible objects AddToRenderLists( pWorld ); // Add the connections too m_ConnectionUpdate.Push( pWorld ); PopulateConnectionList(); // Make sure we have a timer running to drive error animations SetTimer( TIMER_CONNECTIONUPDATE, TIMER_BLINK_INTERVAL, NULL); } // Assume we are blinking, unless something is selected. bool bAnySelected = FALSE; CUtlVector<CMapClass *> selectedObjects; CUtlVector<CMapClass *> helperObjects; CUtlVector<CMapClass *> unselectedObjects; // Render normal (nonselected) objects first for (int i = 0; i < m_RenderList.Count(); i++) { CMapClass *pObject = m_RenderList[i]; if ( pObject->IsSelected() ) { bAnySelected = TRUE; // render later if ( pObject->GetToolObject( 0, false ) ) { helperObjects.AddToTail( pObject ); } else { selectedObjects.AddToTail( pObject ); } } else { unselectedObjects.AddToTail( pObject ); } } // Render unselected connections first RenderConnections(false, bAnySelected); // render unselected objects next, on top of the connections for ( int j = 0; j < unselectedObjects.Count(); j++ ) { unselectedObjects[j]->RenderLogical( GetRender() ); } if ( bAnySelected ) { // Render selected objects in second batch, so they overdraw normal object for (int i = 0; i < selectedObjects.Count(); i++) { selectedObjects[i]->RenderLogical( GetRender() ); } // Render selected connections on top of everything else RenderConnections(true, bAnySelected); } // render all tools CBaseTool *pCurTool = pDoc->GetTools()->GetActiveTool(); int nToolCount = pDoc->GetTools()->GetToolCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nToolCount; i++) { CBaseTool *pTool = pDoc->GetTools()->GetTool(i); if ((pTool != NULL) && (pTool != pCurTool)) { pTool->RenderToolLogical( GetRender() ); } } // render active tool over all other tools if ( pCurTool ) { pCurTool->RenderToolLogical( GetRender() ); } // render map helpers at last for (int i = 0; i < helperObjects.Count(); i++) { helperObjects[i]->RenderLogical( GetRender() ); } GetRender()->EndRenderFrame(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // convert client view space to map world coordinates (2D versions for convenience) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMapViewLogical::WorldToClient( Vector2D &ptClient, const Vector2D &vWorld ) { Vector vWorld3D( vWorld.x, vWorld.y, 0.0f ); CMapView2DBase::WorldToClient( ptClient, vWorld3D ); } void CMapViewLogical::ClientToWorld( Vector2D &vWorld, const Vector2D &vClient ) { Vector vWorld3D; CMapView2DBase::ClientToWorld( vWorld3D, vClient ); vWorld.x = vWorld3D.x; vWorld.y = vWorld3D.y; } void CMapViewLogical::WorldToClient( Vector2D &ptClient, const Vector &vWorld ) { CMapView2DBase::WorldToClient( ptClient, vWorld ); } void CMapViewLogical::ClientToWorld( Vector &vWorld, const Vector2D &vClient ) { CMapView2DBase::ClientToWorld( vWorld, vClient ); }