//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Deals with singleton  
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $

#include "cbase.h"
#include "igamesystem.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "vprof.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Pointer to a member method of IGameSystem
typedef void (IGameSystem::*GameSystemFunc_t)();

// Pointer to a member method of IGameSystem
typedef void (IGameSystemPerFrame::*PerFrameGameSystemFunc_t)();

// Used to invoke a method of all added Game systems in order
static void InvokeMethod( GameSystemFunc_t f, char const *timed = 0 );
// Used to invoke a method of all added Game systems in reverse order
static void InvokeMethodReverseOrder( GameSystemFunc_t f );

// Used to invoke a method of all added Game systems in order
static void InvokePerFrameMethod( PerFrameGameSystemFunc_t f, char const *timed = 0 );

static bool s_bSystemsInitted = false; 

// List of all installed Game systems
static CUtlVector<IGameSystem*> s_GameSystems( 0, 4 );
// List of all installed Game systems
static CUtlVector<IGameSystemPerFrame*> s_GameSystemsPerFrame( 0, 4 );

// The map name
static char* s_pMapName = 0;

static CBasePlayer *s_pRunCommandPlayer = NULL;
static CUserCmd *s_pRunCommandUserCmd = NULL;

// Auto-registration of game systems
static	CAutoGameSystem *s_pSystemList = NULL;

CAutoGameSystem::CAutoGameSystem( char const *name ) :
	m_pszName( name )
	// If s_GameSystems hasn't been initted yet, then add ourselves to the global list
	// because we don't know if the constructor for s_GameSystems has happened yet.
	// Otherwise, we can add ourselves right into that list.
	if ( s_bSystemsInitted )
		Add( this );
		m_pNext = s_pSystemList;
		s_pSystemList = this;

static	CAutoGameSystemPerFrame *s_pPerFrameSystemList = NULL;

// Purpose: This is a CAutoGameSystem which also cares about the "per frame" hooks
CAutoGameSystemPerFrame::CAutoGameSystemPerFrame( char const *name ) :
	m_pszName( name )
	// If s_GameSystems hasn't been initted yet, then add ourselves to the global list
	// because we don't know if the constructor for s_GameSystems has happened yet.
	// Otherwise, we can add ourselves right into that list.
	if ( s_bSystemsInitted )
		Add( this );
		m_pNext = s_pPerFrameSystemList;
		s_pPerFrameSystemList = this;

// destructor, cleans up automagically....
	Remove( this );

// destructor, cleans up automagically....
	Remove( this );

// Adds a system to the list of systems to run
void IGameSystem::Add( IGameSystem* pSys )
	s_GameSystems.AddToTail( pSys );
	if ( dynamic_cast< IGameSystemPerFrame * >( pSys ) != NULL )
		s_GameSystemsPerFrame.AddToTail( static_cast< IGameSystemPerFrame * >( pSys ) );

// Removes a system from the list of systems to update
void IGameSystem::Remove( IGameSystem* pSys )
	s_GameSystems.FindAndRemove( pSys );
	if ( dynamic_cast< IGameSystemPerFrame * >( pSys ) != NULL )
		s_GameSystemsPerFrame.FindAndRemove( static_cast< IGameSystemPerFrame * >( pSys ) );

// Removes *all* systems from the list of systems to update
void IGameSystem::RemoveAll(  )

// Client systems can use this to get at the map name
char const*	IGameSystem::MapName()
	return s_pMapName;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
CBasePlayer *IGameSystem::RunCommandPlayer()
	return s_pRunCommandPlayer;

CUserCmd *IGameSystem::RunCommandUserCmd()
	return s_pRunCommandUserCmd;

// Invokes methods on all installed game systems
bool IGameSystem::InitAllSystems()
	int i;

		// first add any auto systems to the end
		CAutoGameSystem *pSystem = s_pSystemList;
		while ( pSystem )
			if ( s_GameSystems.Find( pSystem ) == s_GameSystems.InvalidIndex() )
				Add( pSystem );
				DevWarning( 1, "AutoGameSystem already added to game system list!!!\n" );
			pSystem = pSystem->m_pNext;
		s_pSystemList = NULL;

		CAutoGameSystemPerFrame *pSystem = s_pPerFrameSystemList;
		while ( pSystem )
			if ( s_GameSystems.Find( pSystem ) == s_GameSystems.InvalidIndex() )
				Add( pSystem );
				DevWarning( 1, "AutoGameSystem already added to game system list!!!\n" );

			pSystem = pSystem->m_pNext;
		s_pSystemList = NULL;
	// Now remember that we are initted so new CAutoGameSystems will add themselves automatically.
	s_bSystemsInitted = true;

	for ( i = 0; i < s_GameSystems.Count(); ++i )

		IGameSystem *sys = s_GameSystems[i];

#if defined( _X360 )
		char sz[128];
		Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s->Init():Start", sys->Name() );
		XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
		bool valid = sys->Init();

#if defined( _X360 )
		Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s->Init():Finish", sys->Name() );
		XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
		if ( !valid )
			return false;

	return true;

void IGameSystem::PostInitAllSystems( void )
	InvokeMethod( &IGameSystem::PostInit, "PostInit" );

void IGameSystem::ShutdownAllSystems()
	InvokeMethodReverseOrder( &IGameSystem::Shutdown );

void IGameSystem::LevelInitPreEntityAllSystems( char const* pMapName )
	// Store off the map name
	if ( s_pMapName )
		delete[] s_pMapName;

	int len = Q_strlen(pMapName) + 1;
	s_pMapName = new char [ len ];
	Q_strncpy( s_pMapName, pMapName, len );

	InvokeMethod( &IGameSystem::LevelInitPreEntity, "LevelInitPreEntity" );

void IGameSystem::LevelInitPostEntityAllSystems( void )
	InvokeMethod( &IGameSystem::LevelInitPostEntity, "LevelInitPostEntity" );

void IGameSystem::LevelShutdownPreClearSteamAPIContextAllSystems()
	InvokeMethodReverseOrder( &IGameSystem::LevelShutdownPreClearSteamAPIContext );

void IGameSystem::LevelShutdownPreEntityAllSystems()
	InvokeMethodReverseOrder( &IGameSystem::LevelShutdownPreEntity );

void IGameSystem::LevelShutdownPostEntityAllSystems()
	InvokeMethodReverseOrder( &IGameSystem::LevelShutdownPostEntity );

	if ( s_pMapName )
		delete[] s_pMapName;
		s_pMapName = 0;

void IGameSystem::OnSaveAllSystems()
	InvokeMethod( &IGameSystem::OnSave );

void IGameSystem::OnRestoreAllSystems()
	InvokeMethod( &IGameSystem::OnRestore );

void IGameSystem::SafeRemoveIfDesiredAllSystems()
	InvokeMethodReverseOrder( &IGameSystem::SafeRemoveIfDesired );


void IGameSystem::PreRenderAllSystems()
	InvokePerFrameMethod( &IGameSystemPerFrame::PreRender );

void IGameSystem::UpdateAllSystems( float frametime )

	int i;
	int c = s_GameSystemsPerFrame.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		IGameSystemPerFrame *sys = s_GameSystemsPerFrame[i];
		tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s - %s", __FUNCTION__, sys->Name() );
		sys->Update( frametime );

void IGameSystem::PostRenderAllSystems()
	InvokePerFrameMethod( &IGameSystemPerFrame::PostRender );


void IGameSystem::FrameUpdatePreEntityThinkAllSystems()
	InvokePerFrameMethod( &IGameSystemPerFrame::FrameUpdatePreEntityThink );

void IGameSystem::FrameUpdatePostEntityThinkAllSystems()

	InvokePerFrameMethod( &IGameSystemPerFrame::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink );

void IGameSystem::PreClientUpdateAllSystems() 
	InvokePerFrameMethod( &IGameSystemPerFrame::PreClientUpdate );


// Invokes a method on all installed game systems in proper order
void InvokeMethod( GameSystemFunc_t f, char const *timed /*=0*/ )
	NOTE_UNUSED( timed );

	int i;
	int c = s_GameSystems.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c ; ++i )
		IGameSystem *sys = s_GameSystems[i];



// Invokes a method on all installed game systems in proper order
void InvokePerFrameMethod( PerFrameGameSystemFunc_t f, char const *timed /*=0*/ )
	NOTE_UNUSED( timed );

	int i;
	int c = s_GameSystemsPerFrame.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c ; ++i )
		IGameSystemPerFrame *sys  = s_GameSystemsPerFrame[i];

// Invokes a method on all installed game systems in reverse order
void InvokeMethodReverseOrder( GameSystemFunc_t f )
	int i;
	int c = s_GameSystems.Count();
	for ( i = c; --i >= 0; )
		IGameSystem *sys = s_GameSystems[i];