//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Insert this file into all projects using the memory system
// It will cause that project to use the shader memory allocator
// $NoKeywords: $

#if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE)

#undef PROTECTED_THINGS_ENABLE   // allow use of _vsnprintf

#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#define WIN_32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include <windows.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
// ARG: crtdbg is necessary for certain definitions below,
// but it also redefines malloc as a macro in release.
// To disable this, we gotta define _DEBUG before including it.. BLEAH!
#define _DEBUG 1
#include "crtdbg.h"
#ifdef NDEBUG
#undef _DEBUG
// Turn this back off in release mode.
#ifdef NDEBUG
#undef _DEBUG

#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "memdbgoff.h"

#define __cdecl

#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
const char *MakeModuleFileName()
	if ( g_pMemAlloc && g_pMemAlloc->IsDebugHeap() )
		char *pszModuleName = (char *)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAX_PATH ); // small leak, debug only

		static int dummy;
		VirtualQuery( &dummy, &mbi, sizeof(mbi) );

		GetModuleFileName( reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(mbi.AllocationBase), pszModuleName, MAX_PATH );
		char *pDot = strrchr( pszModuleName, '.' );
		if ( pDot )
			char *pSlash = strrchr( pszModuleName, '\\' );
			if ( pSlash )
				pszModuleName = pSlash + 1;
				*pDot = 0;

		return pszModuleName;
	return NULL;

// Purpose: helper class to detect when static construction has been done by the CRT
class CStaticConstructionCheck
	volatile bool m_bConstructed = true;

static CStaticConstructionCheck s_CheckStaticsConstructed;

const char *GetModuleFileName()
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || ( _MSC_VER >= 1900 ) //  VC 2015 and above, with the UCRT, will crash if you use a static before it is constructed
	if ( !s_CheckStaticsConstructed.m_bConstructed )
		return nullptr;

	static const char *pszOwner = MakeModuleFileName();
	return pszOwner;

static void *AllocUnattributed( size_t nSize )
	const char *pszOwner = GetModuleFileName();

	if ( !pszOwner )
		return g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize);
		return g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize, pszOwner, 0);

static void *ReallocUnattributed( void *pMem, size_t nSize )
	const char *pszOwner = GetModuleFileName();

	if ( !pszOwner )
		return g_pMemAlloc->Realloc(pMem, nSize);
		return g_pMemAlloc->Realloc(pMem, nSize, pszOwner, 0);

#define MakeModuleFileName() NULL
inline void *AllocUnattributed( size_t nSize )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize);

inline void *ReallocUnattributed( void *pMem, size_t nSize )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Realloc(pMem, nSize);

// Standard functions in the CRT that we're going to override to call our allocator
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_STATIC_LINKED)
// this magic only works under win32
// under linux this malloc() overrides the libc malloc() and so we
// end up in a recursion (as g_pMemAlloc->Alloc() calls malloc)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1900
#define ALLOC_CALL  __declspec(restrict)
#define FREE_CALL 
#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400
#define ALLOC_CALL
#define FREE_CALL

// check for noexcept in crt

extern "C"
ALLOC_CALL void *malloc( size_t nSize )
	return AllocUnattributed( nSize );

FREE_CALL void free( void *pMem )

ALLOC_CALL void *realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize )
	return ReallocUnattributed( pMem, nSize );

ALLOC_CALL void *calloc( size_t nCount, size_t nElementSize )
	void *pMem = AllocUnattributed( nElementSize * nCount );
	memset(pMem, 0, nElementSize * nCount);
	return pMem;

} // end extern "C"

// Non-standard MSVC functions that we're going to override to call our allocator
extern "C"

// 64-bit
#ifdef _WIN64
void* __cdecl _malloc_base( size_t nSize )
	return AllocUnattributed( nSize );
ALLOC_CALL void *_malloc_base( size_t nSize )
	return AllocUnattributed( nSize );

ALLOC_CALL void *_calloc_base( size_t nCount, size_t nSize )
	void *pMem = AllocUnattributed( nSize*nCount );
	memset(pMem, 0, nSize*nCount );
	return pMem;

ALLOC_CALL void *_realloc_base( void *pMem, size_t nSize )
	return ReallocUnattributed( pMem, nSize );

ALLOC_CALL void *_recalloc_base( void *pMem, size_t nCount, size_t nSize )
	void *pMemOut = ReallocUnattributed( pMem, nCount * nSize );
	if ( !pMem )
		memset( pMemOut, 0, nCount * nSize);
	return pMemOut;

void _free_base( void *pMem )

void *__cdecl _expand_base( void *pMem, size_t nNewSize, int nBlockUse )
	Assert( 0 );
	return NULL;

// crt
void * __cdecl _malloc_crt(size_t size)
	return AllocUnattributed( size );

void * __cdecl _calloc_crt(size_t count, size_t size)
	return _calloc_base( count, size );

void * __cdecl _realloc_crt(void *ptr, size_t size)
	return _realloc_base( ptr, size );

void * __cdecl _recalloc_crt(void *ptr, size_t count, size_t size)
	return _recalloc_base( ptr, size, count );

ALLOC_CALL void * __cdecl _recalloc ( void * memblock, size_t count, size_t size )
	void *pMem = ReallocUnattributed( memblock, size * count );
	if ( !memblock )
		memset( pMem, 0, size * count );
	return pMem;

size_t _msize_base( void *pMem ) _CRT_NOEXCEPT
	return g_pMemAlloc->GetSize(pMem);

size_t _msize( void *pMem )
	return _msize_base(pMem);

size_t msize( void *pMem )
	return g_pMemAlloc->GetSize(pMem);

void *__cdecl _heap_alloc( size_t nSize )
	return AllocUnattributed( nSize );

void *__cdecl _nh_malloc( size_t nSize, int )
	return AllocUnattributed( nSize );

void *__cdecl _expand( void *pMem, size_t nSize )
	Assert( 0 );
	return NULL;

unsigned int _amblksiz = 16; //BYTES_PER_PARA;

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
HANDLE _crtheap = (HANDLE)1;	// PatM Can't be 0 or CRT pukes
int __active_heap = 1;
#endif //  _MSC_VER >= 1400

size_t __cdecl _get_sbh_threshold( void )
	return 0;

int __cdecl _set_sbh_threshold( size_t )
	return 0;

int _heapchk()
	return g_pMemAlloc->heapchk();

int _heapmin()
	return 1;

int __cdecl _heapadd( void *, size_t )
	return 0;

int __cdecl _heapset( unsigned int )
	return 0;

size_t __cdecl _heapused( size_t *, size_t * )
	return 0;

#ifdef _WIN32
int __cdecl _heapwalk( _HEAPINFO * )
	return 0;

} // end extern "C"

// Debugging functions that we're going to override to call our allocator
// NOTE: These have to be here for release + debug builds in case we
// link to a debug static lib!!!

extern "C"
void *malloc_db( size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize, pFileName, nLine);

void free_db( void *pMem, const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	g_pMemAlloc->Free(pMem, pFileName, nLine);

void *realloc_db( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Realloc(pMem, nSize, pFileName, nLine);
} // end extern "C"

// These methods are standard MSVC heap initialization + shutdown methods
extern "C"

#if !defined( _X360 )
	int __cdecl _heap_init()
		return g_pMemAlloc != NULL;

	void __cdecl _heap_term()


// Prevents us from using an inappropriate new or delete method,
// ensures they are here even when linking against debug or release static libs
#if defined (OSX) || defined (ANDROID)
void *__cdecl operator new( size_t nSize ) throw (std::bad_alloc)
void *__cdecl operator new( size_t nSize )
	return AllocUnattributed( nSize );

void *__cdecl operator new( size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize, pFileName, nLine);

#if defined (OSX) || defined (ANDROID)
void __cdecl operator delete( void *pMem ) throw()
void __cdecl operator delete( void *pMem )
	g_pMemAlloc->Free( pMem );
#if defined (OSX) || defined (ANDROID)
void operator delete(void*pMem, std::size_t)
void operator delete(void*pMem, std::size_t) throw()
	g_pMemAlloc->Free( pMem );

#if defined (OSX) || defined (ANDROID)
void *__cdecl operator new[]( size_t nSize ) throw (std::bad_alloc)
void *__cdecl operator new[]( size_t nSize )
	return AllocUnattributed( nSize );

void *__cdecl operator new[] ( size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize, pFileName, nLine);

#if defined (OSX) || defined (ANDROID)
void __cdecl operator delete[]( void *pMem ) throw()
void __cdecl operator delete[]( void *pMem )
	g_pMemAlloc->Free( pMem );

// Override some debugging allocation methods in MSVC
// NOTE: These have to be here for release + debug builds in case we
// link to a debug static lib!!!
#ifdef _WIN32

// This here just hides the internal file names, etc of allocations
// made in the c runtime library
#define CRT_INTERNAL_FILE_NAME "C-runtime internal"

class CAttibCRT
	CAttibCRT(int nBlockUse) : m_nBlockUse(nBlockUse)
		if (m_nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK)
			g_pMemAlloc->PushAllocDbgInfo(CRT_INTERNAL_FILE_NAME, 0);
		if (m_nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK)
	int m_nBlockUse;

#define AttribIfCrt() CAttibCRT _attrib(nBlockUse)
#elif defined(POSIX)
#define AttribIfCrt()
#endif // _WIN32

extern "C"
void *__cdecl _nh_malloc_dbg( size_t nSize, int nFlag, int nBlockUse,
								const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize, pFileName, nLine);

void *__cdecl _malloc_dbg( size_t nSize, int nBlockUse,
							const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize, pFileName, nLine);

#if defined( _X360 )
void *__cdecl _calloc_dbg_impl( size_t nNum, size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, 
								const char * szFileName, int nLine, int * errno_tmp )
	return _calloc_dbg( nNum, nSize, nBlockUse, szFileName, nLine );

void *__cdecl _calloc_dbg( size_t nNum, size_t nSize, int nBlockUse,
							const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	void *pMem = g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize * nNum, pFileName, nLine);
	memset(pMem, 0, nSize * nNum);
	return pMem;

void *__cdecl _calloc_dbg_impl( size_t nNum, size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, 
	const char * szFileName, int nLine, int * errno_tmp )
	return _calloc_dbg( nNum, nSize, nBlockUse, szFileName, nLine );

void *__cdecl _realloc_dbg( void *pMem, size_t nNewSize, int nBlockUse,
							const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	return g_pMemAlloc->Realloc(pMem, nNewSize, pFileName, nLine);

void *__cdecl _expand_dbg( void *pMem, size_t nNewSize, int nBlockUse,
							const char *pFileName, int nLine )
	Assert( 0 );
	return NULL;

void __cdecl _free_dbg( void *pMem, int nBlockUse )

size_t __cdecl _msize_dbg( void *pMem, int nBlockUse )
#ifdef _WIN32
	return _msize(pMem);
#elif POSIX
	Assert( "_msize_dbg unsupported" );
	return 0;

#ifdef _WIN32

#if defined(_DEBUG) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
// aligned base
ALLOC_CALL void *__cdecl _aligned_malloc_base( size_t size, size_t align )
	return MemAlloc_AllocAligned( size, align );

inline void *MemAlloc_Unalign( void *pMemBlock )
	unsigned *pAlloc = (unsigned *)pMemBlock;

	// pAlloc points to the pointer to starting of the memory block
	pAlloc = (unsigned *)(((size_t)pAlloc & ~(sizeof( void * ) - 1)) - sizeof( void * ));

	// pAlloc is the pointer to the start of memory block
	return *((unsigned **)pAlloc);

ALLOC_CALL void *__cdecl _aligned_realloc_base( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t align )
	if ( ptr && !size )
		MemAlloc_FreeAligned( ptr );
		return NULL;

	void *pNew = MemAlloc_AllocAligned( size, align );
	if ( ptr )
		void *ptrUnaligned = MemAlloc_Unalign( ptr );
		size_t oldSize = g_pMemAlloc->GetSize( ptrUnaligned );
		size_t oldOffset = (uintp)ptr - (uintp)ptrUnaligned;
		size_t copySize = oldSize - oldOffset;
		if ( copySize > size )
			copySize = size;
		memcpy( pNew, ptr, copySize );
		MemAlloc_FreeAligned( ptr );
	return pNew;

ALLOC_CALL void *__cdecl _aligned_recalloc_base( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t align )
	Error( "Unsupported function\n" );
	return NULL;

FREE_CALL void __cdecl _aligned_free_base( void *ptr )
	MemAlloc_FreeAligned( ptr );

// aligned
ALLOC_CALL void * __cdecl _aligned_malloc( size_t size, size_t align )
	return _aligned_malloc_base(size, align);

ALLOC_CALL void *__cdecl _aligned_realloc(void *memblock, size_t size, size_t align)
    return _aligned_realloc_base(memblock, size, align);

ALLOC_CALL void * __cdecl _aligned_recalloc( void * memblock, size_t count, size_t size, size_t align )
    return _aligned_recalloc_base(memblock, count * size, align);

FREE_CALL void __cdecl _aligned_free( void *memblock )

// aligned offset base
ALLOC_CALL void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_malloc_base( size_t size, size_t align, size_t offset )
	Assert( IsPC() || 0 );
	return NULL;

ALLOC_CALL void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_realloc_base( void * memblock, size_t size, size_t align, size_t offset)
	Assert( IsPC() || 0 );
	return NULL;

ALLOC_CALL void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc_base( void * memblock, size_t size, size_t align, size_t offset)
	Assert( IsPC() || 0 );
	return NULL;

// aligned offset
ALLOC_CALL void *__cdecl _aligned_offset_malloc(size_t size, size_t align, size_t offset)
    return _aligned_offset_malloc_base( size, align, offset );

ALLOC_CALL void *__cdecl _aligned_offset_realloc(void *memblock, size_t size, size_t align, size_t offset)
    return _aligned_offset_realloc_base( memblock, size, align, offset );

ALLOC_CALL void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc( void * memblock, size_t count, size_t size, size_t align, size_t offset )
    return _aligned_offset_recalloc_base( memblock, count * size, align, offset );

#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400


} // end extern "C"

// Override some the _CRT debugging allocation methods in MSVC
#ifdef _WIN32

extern "C"
int _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(void)
	return 0;

_CRT_DUMP_CLIENT _CrtSetDumpClient( _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT dumpClient )
	return NULL;

int _CrtSetDbgFlag( int nNewFlag )
	return g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetDbgFlag( nNewFlag );

// 64-bit port.
#define AFNAME(var) __p_##var
#define AFRET(var)  &var
#if defined(_crtDbgFlag)
#undef _crtDbgFlag
#if defined(_crtBreakAlloc)
#undef _crtBreakAlloc

int _crtDbgFlag = _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF;
int* AFNAME(_crtDbgFlag)(void)
	return AFRET(_crtDbgFlag);

long _crtBreakAlloc;      /* Break on this allocation */
long* AFNAME(_crtBreakAlloc) (void)
	return AFRET(_crtBreakAlloc);

void __cdecl _CrtSetDbgBlockType( void *pMem, int nBlockUse )

_CRT_ALLOC_HOOK __cdecl _CrtSetAllocHook( _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK pfnNewHook )
	return NULL;

long __cdecl _CrtSetBreakAlloc( long lNewBreakAlloc )
	return g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetBreakAlloc( lNewBreakAlloc );
int __cdecl _CrtIsValidHeapPointer( const void *pMem )
	return g_pMemAlloc->CrtIsValidHeapPointer( pMem );

int __cdecl _CrtIsValidPointer( const void *pMem, unsigned int size, int access )
	return g_pMemAlloc->CrtIsValidPointer( pMem, size, access );

int __cdecl _CrtCheckMemory( void )
	// FIXME: Remove this when we re-implement the heap
	return g_pMemAlloc->CrtCheckMemory( );

int __cdecl _CrtIsMemoryBlock( const void *pMem, unsigned int nSize,
    long *plRequestNumber, char **ppFileName, int *pnLine )
	return 1;

int __cdecl _CrtMemDifference( _CrtMemState *pState, const _CrtMemState * oldState, const _CrtMemState * newState )
	return FALSE;

void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpStatistics( const _CrtMemState *pState )

void __cdecl _CrtMemCheckpoint( _CrtMemState *pState )
	// FIXME: Remove this when we re-implement the heap
	g_pMemAlloc->CrtMemCheckpoint( pState );

void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince( const _CrtMemState *pState )

void __cdecl _CrtDoForAllClientObjects( void (*pfn)(void *, void *), void * pContext )

// Methods in dbgrpt.cpp 
long _crtAssertBusy = -1;

int __cdecl _CrtSetReportMode( int nReportType, int nReportMode )
	return g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetReportMode( nReportType, nReportMode );

_HFILE __cdecl _CrtSetReportFile( int nRptType, _HFILE hFile )
	return (_HFILE)g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetReportFile( nRptType, hFile );

_CRT_REPORT_HOOK __cdecl _CrtSetReportHook( _CRT_REPORT_HOOK pfnNewHook )
	return (_CRT_REPORT_HOOK)g_pMemAlloc->CrtSetReportHook( pfnNewHook );

int __cdecl _CrtDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile,
        int nLine, const char * szModule, const char * szFormat, ... )
	static char output[1024];
	va_list args;
	if ( szFormat )
		va_start( args, szFormat );
		_vsnprintf( output, sizeof( output )-1, szFormat, args );
		va_end( args );
		output[0] = 0;

	return g_pMemAlloc->CrtDbgReport( nRptType, szFile, nLine, szModule, output );

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400

// Configure VS so that it will record crash dumps on pure-call violations
// and invalid parameter handlers.
// If you manage to call a pure-virtual function (easily done if you indirectly
// call a pure-virtual function from the base-class constructor or destructor)
// or if you invoke the invalid parameter handler (printf(NULL); is one way)
// then no crash dump will be created.
// This crash redirects the handlers for these two events so that crash dumps
// are created.
// The ErrorHandlerRegistrar object must be in memoverride.cpp so that it will
// be placed in every DLL and EXE. This is required because each DLL and EXE
// gets its own copy of the C run-time and these overrides are set on a per-CRT
// basis.

// This sample code will cause pure-call and invalid_parameter violations and
// was used for testing:
class Base
	virtual void PureFunction() = 0;


	void NonPureFunction()

class Derived : public Base
	void PureFunction() OVERRIDE

void PureCallViolation()
	Derived derived;

void InvalidParameterViolation()
	printf( NULL );

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "minidump.h"

// Disable compiler optimizations. If we don't do this then VC++ generates code
// that confuses the Visual Studio debugger and causes it to display completely
// random call stacks. That makes the minidumps excruciatingly hard to understand.
#pragma optimize("", off)

// Write a minidump file, unless running under the debugger in which case break
// into the debugger.
// The "int dummy" parameter is so that the callers can be unique so that the
// linker won't use its /opt:icf optimization to collapse them together. This
// makes reading the call stack easier.
void __cdecl WriteMiniDumpOrBreak( int dummy, const char *pchName )
	if ( Plat_IsInDebugSession() )
		// Continue at your peril...
		WriteMiniDump( pchName );
		// Call Plat_ExitProcess so we don't continue in a bad state. 
		TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 0);

void __cdecl VPureCall()
	WriteMiniDumpOrBreak( 0, "PureClass" );

void VInvalidParameterHandler(const wchar_t* expression,
   const wchar_t* function, 
   const wchar_t* file, 
   unsigned int line, 
   uintptr_t pReserved)
	WriteMiniDumpOrBreak( 1, "InvalidParameterHandler" );

// Restore compiler optimizations.
#pragma optimize("", on)

// Helper class for registering error callbacks. See above for details.
class ErrorHandlerRegistrar
} s_ErrorHandlerRegistration;

	_set_purecall_handler( VPureCall );
	_set_invalid_parameter_handler( VInvalidParameterHandler );

#if defined( _DEBUG )
// wrapper which passes no debug info; not available in debug
void __cdecl _invalid_parameter_noinfo(void)

#endif /* defined( _DEBUG ) */

#if defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( USE_MEM_DEBUG )

int __cdecl __crtMessageWindowW( int nRptType, const wchar_t * szFile, const wchar_t * szLine,
								 const wchar_t * szModule, const wchar_t * szUserMessage )
	return 0;

int __cdecl _CrtDbgReportV( int nRptType, const wchar_t *szFile, int nLine, 
						    const wchar_t *szModule, const wchar_t *szFormat, va_list arglist )
	return 0;

int __cdecl _CrtDbgReportW( int nRptType, const wchar_t *szFile, int nLine, 
						    const wchar_t *szModule, const wchar_t *szFormat, ...)
	return 0;

#if _MSC_VER >= 1900
int __cdecl _VCrtDbgReportA( int nRptType, void* ReturnAddress, const char * szFile, int nLine,
							 const char * szModule, const char * szFormat, va_list arglist )
	return 0;
int __cdecl _VCrtDbgReportA( int nRptType, const wchar_t * szFile, int nLine,
	const wchar_t * szModule, const wchar_t * szFormat, va_list arglist )
	Assert( 0 );
	return 0;

int __cdecl _CrtSetReportHook2( int mode, _CRT_REPORT_HOOK pfnNewHook )
	_CrtSetReportHook( pfnNewHook );
	return 0;

#endif  /* defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( USE_MEM_DEBUG ) */

extern "C" int __crtDebugCheckCount = FALSE;

extern "C" int __cdecl _CrtSetCheckCount( int fCheckCount )
    int oldCheckCount = __crtDebugCheckCount;
    return oldCheckCount;

extern "C" int __cdecl _CrtGetCheckCount( void )
    return __crtDebugCheckCount;

// aligned offset debug
extern "C" void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg( void * memblock, size_t count, size_t size, size_t align, size_t offset, const char * f_name, int line_n )
	Assert( IsPC() || 0 );
	void *pMem = ReallocUnattributed( memblock, size * count );
	if ( !memblock )
		memset( pMem, 0, size * count );
	return pMem;

extern "C" void * __cdecl _aligned_recalloc_dbg( void *memblock, size_t count, size_t size, size_t align, const char * f_name, int line_n )
    return _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(memblock, count, size, align, 0, f_name, line_n);

extern "C" void * __cdecl _recalloc_dbg ( void * memblock, size_t count, size_t size, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine )
	return _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(memblock, count, size, 0, 0, szFileName, nLine);

_CRT_REPORT_HOOK __cdecl _CrtGetReportHook( void )
	return NULL;

int __cdecl _CrtReportBlockType(const void * pUserData)
	return 0;

} // end extern "C"
#endif // _WIN32

// Most files include this file, so when it's used it adds an extra .ValveDbg section,
// to help identify debug binaries.
#ifdef _WIN32
	#ifndef NDEBUG // _DEBUG
		#pragma data_seg("ValveDBG") 
		volatile const char* DBG = "*** DEBUG STUB ***";                     


// Extras added prevent dbgheap.obj from being included - DAL
#ifdef _WIN32

extern "C"
size_t __crtDebugFillThreshold = 0;

extern "C" void * __cdecl _heap_alloc_base (size_t size) {
	return NULL;

void * __cdecl _heap_alloc_dbg( size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine)
		return _heap_alloc(nSize);

// 64-bit
#ifdef _WIN64
static void * __cdecl realloc_help( void * pUserData, size_t * pnNewSize, int nBlockUse,const char * szFileName,
				int nLine, int fRealloc )
		assert(0); // Shouldn't be needed
		return NULL;
static void * __cdecl realloc_help( void * pUserData, size_t nNewSize, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName,
                  int nLine, int fRealloc)
		assert(0); // Shouldn't be needed
		return NULL;

void __cdecl _free_nolock( void * pUserData)
		// I don't think the second param is used in memoverride
        _free_dbg(pUserData, 0);

void __cdecl _free_dbg_nolock( void * pUserData, int nBlockUse)
        _free_dbg(pUserData, 0);

_CRT_ALLOC_HOOK __cdecl _CrtGetAllocHook ( void)
        return NULL;

static int __cdecl CheckBytes( unsigned char * pb, unsigned char bCheck, size_t nSize)
        int bOkay = TRUE;
        return bOkay;

_CRT_DUMP_CLIENT __cdecl _CrtGetDumpClient ( void)
        return NULL;

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
static void __cdecl _printMemBlockData( _locale_t plocinfo, _CrtMemBlockHeader * pHead)

static void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince_stat( const _CrtMemState * state, _locale_t plocinfo)
void * __cdecl _aligned_malloc_dbg( size_t size, size_t align, const char * f_name, int line_n)
    return _aligned_malloc(size, align);

void * __cdecl _aligned_realloc_dbg( void *memblock, size_t size, size_t align,
               const char * f_name, int line_n)
    return _aligned_realloc(memblock, size, align);

void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_malloc_dbg( size_t size, size_t align, size_t offset,
              const char * f_name, int line_n)
    return _aligned_offset_malloc(size, align, offset);

void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_realloc_dbg( void * memblock, size_t size, size_t align, 
                 size_t offset, const char * f_name, int line_n)
    return _aligned_offset_realloc(memblock, size, align, offset);

void __cdecl _aligned_free_dbg( void * memblock)

#if _MSC_VER < 1900
size_t __cdecl _CrtSetDebugFillThreshold( size_t _NewDebugFillThreshold)
    return 0;

// NEW!!! 64-bit

char * __cdecl _strdup ( const char * string )
	int nSize = (int)strlen(string) + 1;
	// Check for integer underflow.
	if ( nSize <= 0 )
		return NULL;
	char *pCopy = (char*)AllocUnattributed( nSize );
	if ( pCopy )
		memcpy( pCopy, string, nSize );
	return pCopy;

#if 0
_TSCHAR * __cdecl _tfullpath_dbg ( _TSCHAR *UserBuf, const _TSCHAR *path, size_t maxlen, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine )
	return NULL;

_TSCHAR * __cdecl _tfullpath ( _TSCHAR *UserBuf, const _TSCHAR *path, size_t maxlen )
	return NULL;

_TSCHAR * __cdecl _tgetdcwd_lk_dbg ( int drive, _TSCHAR *pnbuf, int maxlen, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine )
	return NULL;

_TSCHAR * __cdecl _tgetdcwd_nolock ( int drive, _TSCHAR *pnbuf, int maxlen )
	return NULL;

errno_t __cdecl _tdupenv_s_helper ( _TSCHAR **pBuffer, size_t *pBufferSizeInTChars, const _TSCHAR *varname, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine )
	return 0;

errno_t __cdecl _tdupenv_s_helper ( _TSCHAR **pBuffer, size_t *pBufferSizeInTChars, const _TSCHAR *varname )
	return 0;

_TSCHAR * __cdecl _ttempnam_dbg ( const _TSCHAR *dir, const _TSCHAR *pfx, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine )
	return 0;

_TSCHAR * __cdecl _ttempnam ( const _TSCHAR *dir, const _TSCHAR *pfx )
	return 0;

wchar_t * __cdecl _wcsdup_dbg ( const wchar_t * string, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine )
	return 0;

wchar_t * __cdecl _wcsdup ( const wchar_t * string )
	return 0;
} // end extern "C"

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400

// 	XBox Memory Allocator Override
#if defined( _X360 )
#if defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( USE_MEM_DEBUG )
#include "utlmap.h"


CThreadFastMutex g_XMemAllocMutex;

void XMemAlloc_RegisterAllocation( void *p, DWORD dwAllocAttributes )
	if ( !g_pMemAlloc )
		// core xallocs cannot be journaled until system is ready

	AUTO_LOCK_FM( g_XMemAllocMutex );
	int size = XMemSize( p, dwAllocAttributes );
	MemAlloc_RegisterExternalAllocation( XMem, p, size );

void XMemAlloc_RegisterDeallocation( void *p, DWORD dwAllocAttributes )
	if ( !g_pMemAlloc )
		// core xallocs cannot be journaled until system is ready

	AUTO_LOCK_FM( g_XMemAllocMutex );
	int size = XMemSize( p, dwAllocAttributes );
	MemAlloc_RegisterExternalDeallocation( XMem, p, size );


#define XMemAlloc_RegisterAllocation( p, a )	((void)0)
#define XMemAlloc_RegisterDeallocation( p, a )	((void)0)


//	XMemAlloc
//	XBox Memory Allocator Override
LPVOID WINAPI XMemAlloc( SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD dwAllocAttributes )
	LPVOID	ptr;
	XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES *pAttribs = (XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES *)&dwAllocAttributes;
	bool bPhysical = ( pAttribs->dwMemoryType == XALLOC_MEMTYPE_PHYSICAL );

	if ( !bPhysical && !pAttribs->dwHeapTracksAttributes && pAttribs->dwAllocatorId != eXALLOCAllocatorId_XUI )
		switch ( pAttribs->dwAlignment )
			ptr = g_pMemAlloc->Alloc( dwSize );
			ptr = MemAlloc_AllocAligned( dwSize, 8 );
			ptr = MemAlloc_AllocAligned( dwSize, 16 );
		if ( pAttribs->dwZeroInitialize != 0 )
			memset( ptr, 0, XMemSize( ptr, dwAllocAttributes ) );
		return ptr;

	ptr = XMemAllocDefault( dwSize, dwAllocAttributes );
	if ( ptr )
		XMemAlloc_RegisterAllocation( ptr, dwAllocAttributes );

	return ptr;

//	XMemFree
//	XBox Memory Allocator Override
VOID WINAPI XMemFree( PVOID pAddress, DWORD dwAllocAttributes )
	if ( !pAddress )

	XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES *pAttribs = (XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES *)&dwAllocAttributes;
	bool bPhysical = ( pAttribs->dwMemoryType == XALLOC_MEMTYPE_PHYSICAL );

	if ( !bPhysical && !pAttribs->dwHeapTracksAttributes && pAttribs->dwAllocatorId != eXALLOCAllocatorId_XUI )
		switch ( pAttribs->dwAlignment )
			return g_pMemAlloc->Free( pAddress );
			return MemAlloc_FreeAligned( pAddress );

	XMemAlloc_RegisterDeallocation( pAddress, dwAllocAttributes );

	XMemFreeDefault( pAddress, dwAllocAttributes );

//	XMemSize
//	XBox Memory Allocator Override
SIZE_T WINAPI XMemSize( PVOID pAddress, DWORD dwAllocAttributes )
	XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES *pAttribs = (XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES *)&dwAllocAttributes;
	bool bPhysical = ( pAttribs->dwMemoryType == XALLOC_MEMTYPE_PHYSICAL );

	if ( !bPhysical && !pAttribs->dwHeapTracksAttributes && pAttribs->dwAllocatorId != eXALLOCAllocatorId_XUI )
		switch ( pAttribs->dwAlignment )
			return g_pMemAlloc->GetSize( pAddress );
			return MemAlloc_GetSizeAligned( pAddress );

	return XMemSizeDefault( pAddress, dwAllocAttributes );

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4483)
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 140050415
#define _NATIVE_STARTUP_NAMESPACE  __identifier("<CrtImplementationDetails>")
#else  /* _MSC_FULL_VER >= 140050415 */
#define _NATIVE_STARTUP_NAMESPACE __CrtImplementationDetails
#endif  /* _MSC_FULL_VER >= 140050415 */

    class NativeDll
        static const unsigned int ProcessDetach   = 0;
        static const unsigned int ProcessAttach   = 1;
        static const unsigned int ThreadAttach    = 2;
        static const unsigned int ThreadDetach    = 3;
        static const unsigned int ProcessVerifier = 4;


        inline static bool IsInDllMain()
            return false;

        inline static bool IsInProcessAttach()
            return false;

        inline static bool IsInProcessDetach()
            return false;

        inline static bool IsInVcclrit()
            return false;

        inline static bool IsSafeForManagedCode()
            if (!IsInDllMain())
                return true;

            if (IsInVcclrit())
                return true;

            return !IsInProcessAttach() && !IsInProcessDetach();
#pragma warning(pop)

#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400


#endif // _WIN32