//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// // socket_tests.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include "iphelpers.h" #include "tcpsocket.h" #include "utlvector.h" #include "fragment_channel.h" #include "reliable_channel.h" #include "tier0/fasttimer.h" #if defined( _DEBUG ) #if defined( assert ) #undef assert #endif #define assert(x) if ( !x ) __asm int 3; #else #define assert(x) #endif bool CompareArrays( const CUtlVector<unsigned char> &a1, const CUtlVector<unsigned char> &a2 ) { if ( a1.Count() != a2.Count() ) return false; for ( int i=0; i < a1.Count(); i++ ) { if ( a1[i] != a2[i] ) return false; } return true; } // Test two reliable channels that are hooked up to each other. void TestChannels( IChannel *pChannel1, IChannel *pChannel2, int maxPacketSize, int nTests ) { for ( int iTest=0; iTest < nTests; iTest++ ) { float t = (float)rand() / VALVE_RAND_MAX; int testSize = (int)( t * (maxPacketSize-1) ) + 1; CUtlVector<unsigned char> rnd1, rnd2; rnd1.SetSize( testSize ); rnd2.SetSize( testSize ); for ( int i=0; i < testSize; i++ ) { rnd1[i] = rand(); rnd2[i] = rand(); } pChannel1->Send( rnd1.Base(), testSize ); pChannel2->Send( rnd2.Base(), testSize ); // Now wait for up to 5 seconds for the data to come in. CUtlVector<unsigned char> tmp; tmp.SetSize( testSize ); CUtlVector<unsigned char> testVec; bool bReceived; if ( !( bReceived = pChannel1->Recv( testVec, 15 ) ) || !CompareArrays( testVec, rnd2 ) ) { assert( false ); } if ( !( bReceived = pChannel2->Recv( testVec, 15 ) ) || !CompareArrays( testVec, rnd1 ) ) { assert( false ); } } } template<class T> void TestChannels( T *pSock[2] ) { int iPorts[2]; for ( int iPort=0; iPort < 2; iPort++ ) { int nTries = 150; for ( int iTry=0; iTry < nTries; iTry++ ) { iPorts[iPort] = 27111 + iTry; if ( pSock[iPort]->BindToAny( iPorts[iPort] ) ) break; } } // Bind them to random ports. pSock[0]->BeginListen(); pSock[1]->BeginConnect( CIPAddr( 127, 0, 0, 1, iPorts[0] ) ); while ( !pSock[0]->IsConnected() || !pSock[1]->IsConnected() ) { CIPAddr remoteAddr; if ( !pSock[0]->IsConnected() ) pSock[0]->UpdateListen( &remoteAddr ); if ( !pSock[1]->IsConnected() ) pSock[1]->UpdateConnect(); } // Measure ping-pong time. __int64 totalMicroseconds = 0; int nTests = 1500; for ( int i=0; i < nTests; i++ ) { char buf[2116]; CFastTimer timer; timer.Start(); pSock[0]->Send( buf, sizeof( buf ) ); CUtlVector<unsigned char> recvBuf; pSock[1]->Recv( recvBuf ); timer.End(); totalMicroseconds += timer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds(); } // Now, test them with the fragmentation layer. IChannel *pFrag[2] = { CreateFragmentLayer( pSock[0] ), CreateFragmentLayer( pSock[1] ) }; TestChannels( pFrag[0], pFrag[1], 1024*300, 5 ); TestChannels( pSock[0], pSock[1], 1024, 1000 ); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // First, test two TCP sockets. for ( int iChannelType=0; iChannelType < 2; iChannelType++ ) { DWORD startTime = GetTickCount(); srand( 0 ); if ( iChannelType == 0 ) { ITCPSocket *pTCPSockets[2] = { CreateTCPSocket(), CreateTCPSocket() }; TestChannels( pTCPSockets ); } else { IReliableChannel *pReliableChannels[2] = { CreateReliableChannel(), CreateReliableChannel() }; TestChannels( pReliableChannels ); } float flElapsed = (float)( GetTickCount() - startTime ) / 1000.0; } return 0; }