--- 02/10

* fixed crash when loading same .fgd twice
+ added new "build programs" field - "bsp directory". this is used
  in the non-expert compile for a location to save the compiled 
  BSP. also is a new parameter variable in expert mode - "$bspdir".

--- 02/02

(b) * fixed problem loading old cmdseq.wc files

* default pointentity wasn't working - fixed. (default solid
  entity always did work.)
* fixed map directory being ignored.
* fixed about box version.
* fixed semicolon separation problem in multiple .WADs.
* fixed problem with lockup after running game in NORMAL
  run-map mode.

--- 01/30

* fixed the texture applicator "apply" button.
* fixed non-expert run map - works now for all games.
* solids keep their shape when resized way down, then back up.
* took out 3-4-5-6 keys in 3d window (changed front clip plane
  and fov.)

--- 01/28

* pointfile loader now tries to find a default pointfile (same
  directory as the loaded map, with a .pts or a .lin extension)
  and asks if you'd like to load it (if found) instead of
  picking one yourself.
* visgroups are displayed when you load a map now. they had to
  be fiddled with before.
+ new expert run map variables for use in the COMMAND part of an
  expert compile step, that are replaced with the BUILD PROGRAMS
  tab info (that was meant to be confusing):

--- 01/27

* the map size limit is back to -4096 to +4096.
* fixed more of the non-expert run map dialog. should work better
* the default pointentity/solidentity feature works now.
+ added pointfile loader. access it from the MAP menu. when the 
  pointfile is loaded, use the HOME/END keys to cycle through the


* quake2 maps were being saved with "wad" "" - fixed.
* added "build programs" tab - set up the build utilities/game
  executable for each game configuration.
* moved game directory and map directory fields from the general
  tab to the game configs tab.
* run map NON-expert dialog doesn't totally work yet. it should
  be alright for now, though.


* fixed the pick color button showing up where it's not supposed to
* fixed the face attributes getting all mixed up in a carve
* can no longer edit a game config that is not selected (used to
  crash - now you just can't do it)
* PAK files are now never saved in the wad file list of a MAP file.
  also a check is now made for each WAD file to make sure it is 
  the same texture format as the document before saving to the MAP's
  WAD list.


+ added two new variable types to the FGD file - color255 and color1.
  these tell worldcraft to display a "pick color" button in entity
  smartedit to aid selection of colors. the difference between the
  two is that color255 uses integer components of 0-255, and color1
  uses fractional components of 0.0-1.0. 

* face properties window no longer docks - easiest UI choice because
  it's so big
* fixed texture browser - changing filters did not redraw the 
  texture list properly sometimes.