//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #ifndef BASEFILESYSTEM_H #define BASEFILESYSTEM_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #if defined( _WIN32 ) #if !defined( _X360 ) #include <io.h> #include <direct.h> #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #endif #undef GetCurrentDirectory #undef GetJob #undef AddJob #include "tier0/threadtools.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <string.h> #include "tier1/utldict.h" #elif defined(POSIX) #include <unistd.h> // unlink #include "linux_support.h" #define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (void *)-1 // undo the prepended "_" 's #define _chmod chmod #define _stat stat #define _alloca alloca #define _S_IFDIR S_IFDIR #endif #include <time.h> #include "refcount.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "tier1/utlvector.h" #include <stdarg.h> #include "tier1/utlhashtable.h" #include "tier1/utlrbtree.h" #include "tier1/utlsymbol.h" #include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h" #include "tier1/utlstring.h" #include "tier1/UtlSortVector.h" #include "bspfile.h" #include "tier1/utldict.h" #include "tier1/tier1.h" #include "byteswap.h" #include "threadsaferefcountedobject.h" #include "filetracker.h" // #include "filesystem_init.h" #if defined( SUPPORT_PACKED_STORE ) #include "vpklib/packedstore.h" #endif #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' #define INCORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #elif defined(POSIX) #define CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #define INCORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define PATHSEPARATOR(c) ((c) == '\\' || (c) == '/') #elif defined(POSIX) #define PATHSEPARATOR(c) ((c) == '/') #endif //_WIN32 #define MAX_FILEPATH 512 extern CUtlSymbolTableMT g_PathIDTable; enum FileMode_t { FM_BINARY, FM_TEXT }; enum FileType_t { FT_NORMAL, FT_PACK_BINARY, FT_PACK_TEXT, FT_MEMORY_BINARY, FT_MEMORY_TEXT }; class IThreadPool; class CBlockingFileItemList; class KeyValues; class CCompiledKeyValuesReader; class CBaseFileSystem; class CPackFileHandle; class CPackFile; class IFileList; class CFileOpenInfo; class CFileAsyncReadJob; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CFileHandle { public: CFileHandle( CBaseFileSystem* fs ); virtual ~CFileHandle(); void Init( CBaseFileSystem* fs ); int GetSectorSize(); bool IsOK(); void Flush(); void SetBufferSize( int nBytes ); int Read( void* pBuffer, int nLength ); int Read( void* pBuffer, int nDestSize, int nLength ); int Write( const void* pBuffer, int nLength ); int Seek( int64 nOffset, int nWhence ); int Tell(); int Size(); int64 AbsoluteBaseOffset(); bool EndOfFile(); #if !defined( _RETAIL ) char *m_pszTrueFileName; char const *Name() const { return m_pszTrueFileName ? m_pszTrueFileName : ""; } void SetName( char const *pName ) { Assert( pName ); Assert( !m_pszTrueFileName ); int len = Q_strlen( pName ); m_pszTrueFileName = new char[len + 1]; memcpy( m_pszTrueFileName, pName, len + 1 ); } #endif CPackFileHandle *m_pPackFileHandle; #if defined( SUPPORT_PACKED_STORE ) CPackedStoreFileHandle m_VPKHandle; #endif int64 m_nLength; FileType_t m_type; FILE *m_pFile; protected: CBaseFileSystem *m_fs; enum { MAGIC = 0x43464861, // 'CFHa', FREE_MAGIC = 0x4672654d // 'FreM' }; unsigned int m_nMagic; bool IsValid(); }; class CMemoryFileHandle : public CFileHandle { public: CMemoryFileHandle( CBaseFileSystem* pFS, CMemoryFileBacking* pBacking ) : CFileHandle( pFS ), m_pBacking( pBacking ), m_nPosition( 0 ) { m_nLength = pBacking->m_nLength; } ~CMemoryFileHandle() { m_pBacking->Release(); } int Read( void* pBuffer, int nDestSize, int nLength ); int Seek( int64 nOffset, int nWhence ); int Tell() { return m_nPosition; } int Size() { return (int) m_nLength; } CMemoryFileBacking *m_pBacking; int m_nPosition; private: CMemoryFileHandle( const CMemoryFileHandle& ); // not defined CMemoryFileHandle& operator=( const CMemoryFileHandle& ); // not defined }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef AsyncRead #undef AsyncRead #undef AsyncReadMutiple #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_PACKED_STORE class CPackedStoreRefCount : public CPackedStore, public CRefCounted<CRefCountServiceMT> { public: CPackedStoreRefCount( char const *pFileBasename, char *pszFName, IBaseFileSystem *pFS ); bool m_bSignatureValid; }; #else class CPackedStoreRefCount : public CRefCounted<CRefCountServiceMT> { }; #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract_class CBaseFileSystem : public CTier1AppSystem< IFileSystem > { friend class CPackFileHandle; friend class CZipPackFileHandle; friend class CPackFile; friend class CZipPackFile; friend class CFileHandle; friend class CFileTracker; friend class CFileTracker2; friend class CFileOpenInfo; typedef CTier1AppSystem< IFileSystem > BaseClass; public: CBaseFileSystem(); ~CBaseFileSystem(); // Methods of IAppSystem virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ); virtual InitReturnVal_t Init(); virtual void Shutdown(); void InitAsync(); void ShutdownAsync(); void ParsePathID( const char* &pFilename, const char* &pPathID, char tempPathID[MAX_PATH] ); // file handling virtual FileHandle_t Open( const char *pFileName, const char *pOptions, const char *pathID ); virtual FileHandle_t OpenEx( const char *pFileName, const char *pOptions, unsigned flags = 0, const char *pathID = 0, char **ppszResolvedFilename = NULL ); virtual void Close( FileHandle_t ); virtual void Seek( FileHandle_t file, int pos, FileSystemSeek_t method ); virtual unsigned int Tell( FileHandle_t file ); virtual unsigned int Size( FileHandle_t file ); virtual unsigned int Size( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID ); virtual void SetBufferSize( FileHandle_t file, unsigned nBytes ); virtual bool IsOk( FileHandle_t file ); virtual void Flush( FileHandle_t file ); virtual bool Precache( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID ); virtual bool EndOfFile( FileHandle_t file ); virtual int Read( void *pOutput, int size, FileHandle_t file ); virtual int ReadEx( void* pOutput, int sizeDest, int size, FileHandle_t file ); virtual int Write( void const* pInput, int size, FileHandle_t file ); virtual char *ReadLine( char *pOutput, int maxChars, FileHandle_t file ); virtual int FPrintf( FileHandle_t file, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 3, 4 ); // Reads/writes files to utlbuffers virtual bool ReadFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf, int nMaxBytes, int nStartingByte, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ); virtual bool WriteFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf ); virtual bool UnzipFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, const char *pDestination ); virtual int ReadFileEx( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, void **ppBuf, bool bNullTerminate, bool bOptimalAlloc, int nMaxBytes = 0, int nStartingByte = 0, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ); virtual bool ReadToBuffer( FileHandle_t hFile, CUtlBuffer &buf, int nMaxBytes = 0, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ); // Optimal buffer bool GetOptimalIOConstraints( FileHandle_t hFile, unsigned *pOffsetAlign, unsigned *pSizeAlign, unsigned *pBufferAlign ); void *AllocOptimalReadBuffer( FileHandle_t hFile, unsigned nSize, unsigned nOffset ) { return malloc( nSize ); } void FreeOptimalReadBuffer( void *p ) { free( p ); } // Gets the current working directory virtual bool GetCurrentDirectory( char* pDirectory, int maxlen ); // this isn't implementable on STEAM as is. virtual void CreateDirHierarchy( const char *path, const char *pathID ); // returns true if the file is a directory virtual bool IsDirectory( const char *pFileName, const char *pathID ); // path info virtual const char *GetLocalPath( const char *pFileName, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ); virtual bool FullPathToRelativePath( const char *pFullpath, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ); virtual bool GetCaseCorrectFullPath_Ptr( const char *pFullPath, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ); // removes a file from disk virtual void RemoveFile( char const* pRelativePath, const char *pathID ); // Remove all search paths (including write path?) virtual void RemoveAllSearchPaths( void ); // Purpose: Removes all search paths for a given pathID, such as all "GAME" paths. virtual void RemoveSearchPaths( const char *pathID ); // STUFF FROM IFileSystem // Add paths in priority order (mod dir, game dir, ....) // Can also add pak files (errr, NOT YET!) virtual void AddSearchPath( const char *pPath, const char *pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType ); virtual bool RemoveSearchPath( const char *pPath, const char *pathID ); virtual void PrintSearchPaths( void ); virtual void MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( const char *pPathID, bool bRequestOnly ); virtual bool FileExists( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = NULL ); virtual long GetFileTime( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = NULL ); virtual bool IsFileWritable( char const *pFileName, const char *pPathID = NULL ); virtual bool SetFileWritable( char const *pFileName, bool writable, const char *pPathID = 0 ); virtual void FileTimeToString( char *pString, int maxChars, long fileTime ); virtual const char *FindFirst( const char *pWildCard, FileFindHandle_t *pHandle ); virtual const char *FindFirstEx( const char *pWildCard, const char *pPathID, FileFindHandle_t *pHandle ); virtual const char *FindNext( FileFindHandle_t handle ); virtual bool FindIsDirectory( FileFindHandle_t handle ); virtual void FindClose( FileFindHandle_t handle ); virtual void PrintOpenedFiles( void ); virtual void SetWarningFunc( void (*pfnWarning)( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ... ) ); virtual void SetWarningLevel( FileWarningLevel_t level ); virtual void AddLoggingFunc( FileSystemLoggingFunc_t logFunc ); virtual void RemoveLoggingFunc( FileSystemLoggingFunc_t logFunc ); virtual bool RenameFile( char const *pOldPath, char const *pNewPath, const char *pathID ); virtual void GetLocalCopy( const char *pFileName ); virtual bool FixUpPath( const char *pFileName, char *pFixedUpFileName, int sizeFixedUpFileName ); virtual FileNameHandle_t FindOrAddFileName( char const *pFileName ); virtual FileNameHandle_t FindFileName( char const *pFileName ); virtual bool String( const FileNameHandle_t& handle, char *buf, int buflen ); virtual int GetPathIndex( const FileNameHandle_t &handle ); long GetPathTime( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID ); virtual void EnableWhitelistFileTracking( bool bEnable, bool bCacheAllVPKHashes, bool bRecalculateAndCheckHashes ); virtual void RegisterFileWhitelist( IPureServerWhitelist *pWhiteList, IFileList **ppFilesToReload ) OVERRIDE; virtual void MarkAllCRCsUnverified(); virtual void CacheFileCRCs( const char *pPathname, ECacheCRCType eType, IFileList *pFilter ); //void CacheFileCRCs_R( const char *pPathname, ECacheCRCType eType, IFileList *pFilter, CUtlDict<int,int> &searchPathNames ); virtual EFileCRCStatus CheckCachedFileHash( const char *pPathID, const char *pRelativeFilename, int nFileFraction, FileHash_t *pFileHash ); virtual int GetUnverifiedFileHashes( CUnverifiedFileHash *pFiles, int nMaxFiles ); virtual int GetWhitelistSpewFlags(); virtual void SetWhitelistSpewFlags( int flags ); virtual void InstallDirtyDiskReportFunc( FSDirtyDiskReportFunc_t func ); // Low-level file caching virtual FileCacheHandle_t CreateFileCache(); virtual void AddFilesToFileCache( FileCacheHandle_t cacheId, const char **ppFileNames, int nFileNames, const char *pPathID ); virtual bool IsFileCacheFileLoaded( FileCacheHandle_t cacheId, const char* pFileName ); virtual bool IsFileCacheLoaded( FileCacheHandle_t cacheId ); virtual void DestroyFileCache( FileCacheHandle_t cacheId ); virtual void CacheAllVPKFileHashes( bool bCacheAllVPKHashes, bool bRecalculateAndCheckHashes ); virtual bool CheckVPKFileHash( int PackFileID, int nPackFileNumber, int nFileFraction, MD5Value_t &md5Value ); virtual void NotifyFileUnloaded( const char *pszFilename, const char *pPathId ) OVERRIDE; // Returns the file system statistics retreived by the implementation. Returns NULL if not supported. virtual const FileSystemStatistics *GetFilesystemStatistics(); // Load dlls virtual CSysModule *LoadModule( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, bool bValidatedDllOnly ); virtual void UnloadModule( CSysModule *pModule ); //-------------------------------------------------------- // asynchronous file loading //-------------------------------------------------------- virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncReadMultiple( const FileAsyncRequest_t *pRequests, int nRequests, FSAsyncControl_t *pControls ); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncReadMultipleCreditAlloc( const FileAsyncRequest_t *pRequests, int nRequests, const char *pszFile, int line, FSAsyncControl_t *phControls = NULL ); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncFinish( FSAsyncControl_t hControl, bool wait ); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncGetResult( FSAsyncControl_t hControl, void **ppData, int *pSize ); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncAbort( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncStatus( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncSetPriority(FSAsyncControl_t hControl, int newPriority); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncFlush(); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncAppend(const char *pFileName, const void *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl) { return AsyncWrite( pFileName, pSrc, nSrcBytes, bFreeMemory, true, pControl); } virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncWrite(const char *pFileName, const void *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncWriteFile(const char *pFileName, const CUtlBuffer *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncAppendFile(const char *pDestFileName, const char *pSrcFileName, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl); virtual void AsyncFinishAll( int iToPriority = INT_MIN ); virtual void AsyncFinishAllWrites(); virtual bool AsyncSuspend(); virtual bool AsyncResume(); virtual void AsyncAddRef( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ); virtual void AsyncRelease( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncBeginRead( const char *pszFile, FSAsyncFile_t *phFile ); virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncEndRead( FSAsyncFile_t hFile ); virtual void AsyncAddFetcher( IAsyncFileFetch *pFetcher ); virtual void AsyncRemoveFetcher( IAsyncFileFetch *pFetcher ); //-------------------------------------------------------- // pack files //-------------------------------------------------------- bool AddPackFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pathID ); bool AddPackFileFromPath( const char *pPath, const char *pakfile, bool bCheckForAppendedPack, const char *pathID ); // converts a partial path into a full path // can be filtered to restrict path types and can provide info about resolved path virtual const char *RelativePathToFullPath( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars, PathTypeFilter_t pathFilter = FILTER_NONE, PathTypeQuery_t *pPathType = NULL ); // Returns the search path, each path is separated by ;s. Returns the length of the string returned virtual int GetSearchPath( const char *pathID, bool bGetPackFiles, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) virtual void EnableBlockingFileAccessTracking( bool state ); virtual bool IsBlockingFileAccessEnabled() const; virtual IBlockingFileItemList *RetrieveBlockingFileAccessInfo(); virtual void RecordBlockingFileAccess( bool synchronous, const FileBlockingItem& item ); virtual bool SetAllowSynchronousLogging( bool state ); #endif virtual bool GetFileTypeForFullPath( char const *pFullPath, wchar_t *buf, size_t bufSizeInBytes ); virtual void BeginMapAccess(); virtual void EndMapAccess(); virtual bool FullPathToRelativePathEx( const char *pFullpath, const char *pPathId, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ); FSAsyncStatus_t SyncRead( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request ); FSAsyncStatus_t SyncWrite(const char *pszFilename, const void *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend ); FSAsyncStatus_t SyncAppendFile(const char *pAppendToFileName, const char *pAppendFromFileName ); FSAsyncStatus_t SyncGetFileSize( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request ); void DoAsyncCallback( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request, void *pData, int nBytesRead, FSAsyncStatus_t result ); void SetupPreloadData(); void DiscardPreloadData(); virtual void LoadCompiledKeyValues( KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char const *archiveFile ); // If the "PreloadedData" hasn't been purged, then this'll try and instance the KeyValues using the fast path of compiled keyvalues loaded during startup. // Otherwise, it'll just fall through to the regular KeyValues loading routines virtual KeyValues *LoadKeyValues( KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char const *filename, char const *pPathID = 0 ); virtual bool LoadKeyValues( KeyValues& head, KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char const *filename, char const *pPathID = 0 ); virtual bool ExtractRootKeyName( KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char *outbuf, size_t bufsize, char const *filename, char const *pPathID = 0 ); virtual DVDMode_t GetDVDMode() { return m_DVDMode; } FSDirtyDiskReportFunc_t GetDirtyDiskReportFunc() { return m_DirtyDiskReportFunc; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MemoryFile cache implementation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CFileCacheObject; // XXX For now, we assume that all path IDs are "GAME", never cache files // outside of the game search path, and preferentially return those files // whenever anyone searches for a match even if an on-disk file in another // folder would have been found first in a traditional search. extending // the memory cache to cover non-game files isn't necessary right now, but // should just be a matter of defining a more complex key type. (henryg) // Register a CMemoryFileBacking; must balance with UnregisterMemoryFile. // Returns false and outputs an ref-bumped pointer to the existing entry // if the same file has already been registered by someone else; this must // be Unregistered to maintain the balance. virtual bool RegisterMemoryFile( CMemoryFileBacking *pFile, CMemoryFileBacking **ppExistingFileWithRef ); // Unregister a CMemoryFileBacking; must balance with RegisterMemoryFile. virtual void UnregisterMemoryFile( CMemoryFileBacking *pFile ); //------------------------------------ // Synchronous path for file operations //------------------------------------ class CPathIDInfo { public: const CUtlSymbol& GetPathID() const; const char* GetPathIDString() const; void SetPathID( CUtlSymbol id ); public: // See MarkPathIDByRequestOnly. bool m_bByRequestOnly; private: CUtlSymbol m_PathID; const char *m_pDebugPathID; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS FOR CBaseFileSystem // //////////////////////////////////////////////// class CSearchPath { public: CSearchPath( void ); ~CSearchPath( void ); const char* GetPathString() const; const char* GetDebugString() const; // Path ID ("game", "mod", "gamebin") accessors. const CUtlSymbol& GetPathID() const; const char* GetPathIDString() const; // Search path (c:\hl2\hl2) accessors. void SetPath( CUtlSymbol id ); const CUtlSymbol& GetPath() const; void SetPackFile(CPackFile *pPackFile) { m_pPackFile = pPackFile; } CPackFile *GetPackFile() const { return m_pPackFile; } #ifdef SUPPORT_PACKED_STORE void SetPackedStore( CPackedStoreRefCount *pPackedStore ) { m_pPackedStore = pPackedStore; } #endif CPackedStoreRefCount *GetPackedStore() const { return m_pPackedStore; } bool IsMapPath() const; int m_storeId; // Used to track if its search CPathIDInfo *m_pPathIDInfo; bool m_bIsRemotePath; bool m_bIsTrustedForPureServer; private: CUtlSymbol m_Path; const char *m_pDebugPath; CPackFile *m_pPackFile; CPackedStoreRefCount *m_pPackedStore; }; class CSearchPathsVisits { public: void Reset() { m_Visits.RemoveAll(); } bool MarkVisit( const CSearchPath &searchPath ) { if ( m_Visits.Find( searchPath.m_storeId ) == m_Visits.InvalidIndex() ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); m_Visits.AddToTail( searchPath.m_storeId ); return false; } return true; } private: CUtlVector<int> m_Visits; // This is a copy of IDs for the search paths we've visited, so }; class CSearchPathsIterator { public: CSearchPathsIterator( CBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem, const char **ppszFilename, const char *pszPathID, PathTypeFilter_t pathTypeFilter = FILTER_NONE ) : m_iCurrent( -1 ), m_PathTypeFilter( pathTypeFilter ) { char tempPathID[MAX_PATH]; if ( *ppszFilename && (*ppszFilename)[0] == '/' && (*ppszFilename)[1] == '/' ) // ONLY '//' (and not '\\') for our special format { // Allow for UNC-type syntax to specify the path ID. pFileSystem->ParsePathID( *ppszFilename, pszPathID, tempPathID ); } if ( pszPathID ) { m_pathID = g_PathIDTable.AddString( pszPathID ); } else { m_pathID = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; } if ( *ppszFilename && !Q_IsAbsolutePath( *ppszFilename ) ) { // Copy paths to minimize mutex lock time pFileSystem->m_SearchPathsMutex.Lock(); CopySearchPaths( pFileSystem->m_SearchPaths ); pFileSystem->m_SearchPathsMutex.Unlock(); pFileSystem->FixUpPath ( *ppszFilename, m_Filename, sizeof( m_Filename ) ); } else { // If it's an absolute path, it isn't worth using the paths at all. Simplify // client logic by pretending there's a search path of 1 m_EmptyPathIDInfo.m_bByRequestOnly = false; m_EmptySearchPath.m_pPathIDInfo = &m_EmptyPathIDInfo; m_EmptySearchPath.SetPath( m_pathID ); m_EmptySearchPath.m_storeId = -1; m_Filename[0] = '\0'; } } CSearchPathsIterator( CBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem, const char *pszPathID, PathTypeFilter_t pathTypeFilter = FILTER_NONE ) : m_iCurrent( -1 ), m_PathTypeFilter( pathTypeFilter ) { if ( pszPathID ) { m_pathID = g_PathIDTable.AddString( pszPathID ); } else { m_pathID = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; } // Copy paths to minimize mutex lock time pFileSystem->m_SearchPathsMutex.Lock(); CopySearchPaths( pFileSystem->m_SearchPaths ); pFileSystem->m_SearchPathsMutex.Unlock(); m_Filename[0] = '\0'; } CSearchPath *GetFirst(); CSearchPath *GetNext(); private: CSearchPathsIterator( const CSearchPathsIterator & ); void operator=(const CSearchPathsIterator &); void CopySearchPaths( const CUtlVector<CSearchPath> &searchPaths ); int m_iCurrent; CUtlSymbol m_pathID; CUtlVector<CSearchPath> m_SearchPaths; CSearchPathsVisits m_visits; CSearchPath m_EmptySearchPath; CPathIDInfo m_EmptyPathIDInfo; PathTypeFilter_t m_PathTypeFilter; char m_Filename[MAX_PATH]; // set for relative names only }; friend class CSearchPathsIterator; struct FindData_t { WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; int currentSearchPathID; CUtlVector<char> wildCardString; HANDLE findHandle; CSearchPathsVisits m_VisitedSearchPaths; // This is a copy of IDs for the search paths we've visited, so avoids searching duplicate paths. int m_CurrentStoreID; // CSearchPath::m_storeId of the current search path. CUtlSymbol m_FilterPathID; // What path ID are we looking at? Ignore all others. (Only set by FindFirstEx). CUtlDict<int,int> m_VisitedFiles; // We go through the search paths in priority order, and we use this to make sure // that we don't return the same file more than once. CUtlStringList m_fileMatchesFromVPKOrPak; CUtlStringList m_dirMatchesFromVPKOrPak; }; friend class CSearchPath; IPureServerWhitelist *m_pPureServerWhitelist; int m_WhitelistSpewFlags; // Combination of WHITELIST_SPEW_ flags. // logging functions CUtlVector< FileSystemLoggingFunc_t > m_LogFuncs; CThreadMutex m_SearchPathsMutex; CUtlVector< CSearchPath > m_SearchPaths; CUtlVector<CPathIDInfo*> m_PathIDInfos; CUtlLinkedList<FindData_t> m_FindData; CSearchPath *FindSearchPathByStoreId( int storeId ); int m_iMapLoad; // Global list of pack file handles CUtlVector<CPackFile *> m_ZipFiles; FILE *m_pLogFile; bool m_bOutputDebugString; IThreadPool * m_pThreadPool; CThreadFastMutex m_AsyncCallbackMutex; // Statistics: FileSystemStatistics m_Stats; #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) CBlockingFileItemList *m_pBlockingItems; bool m_bBlockingFileAccessReportingEnabled; bool m_bAllowSynchronousLogging; friend class CBlockingFileItemList; friend class CAutoBlockReporter; #endif CFileTracker2 m_FileTracker2; protected: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Functions implementing basic file system behavior. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual FILE *FS_fopen( const char *filename, const char *options, unsigned flags, int64 *size ) = 0; virtual void FS_setbufsize( FILE *fp, unsigned nBytes ) = 0; virtual void FS_fclose( FILE *fp ) = 0; virtual void FS_fseek( FILE *fp, int64 pos, int seekType ) = 0; virtual long FS_ftell( FILE *fp ) = 0; virtual int FS_feof( FILE *fp ) = 0; size_t FS_fread( void *dest, size_t size, FILE *fp ) { return FS_fread( dest, (size_t)-1, size, fp ); } virtual size_t FS_fread( void *dest, size_t destSize, size_t size, FILE *fp ) = 0; virtual size_t FS_fwrite( const void *src, size_t size, FILE *fp ) = 0; virtual bool FS_setmode( FILE *fp, FileMode_t mode ) { return false; } virtual size_t FS_vfprintf( FILE *fp, const char *fmt, va_list list ) = 0; virtual int FS_ferror( FILE *fp ) = 0; virtual int FS_fflush( FILE *fp ) = 0; virtual char *FS_fgets( char *dest, int destSize, FILE *fp ) = 0; virtual int FS_stat( const char *path, struct _stat *buf, bool *pbLoadedFromSteamCache=NULL ) = 0; virtual int FS_chmod( const char *path, int pmode ) = 0; virtual HANDLE FS_FindFirstFile( const char *findname, WIN32_FIND_DATA *dat) = 0; virtual bool FS_FindNextFile(HANDLE handle, WIN32_FIND_DATA *dat) = 0; virtual bool FS_FindClose(HANDLE handle) = 0; virtual int FS_GetSectorSize( FILE * ) { return 1; } #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) void BlockingFileAccess_EnterCriticalSection(); void BlockingFileAccess_LeaveCriticalSection(); CThreadMutex m_BlockingFileMutex; #endif void GetFileNameForHandle( FileHandle_t handle, char *buf, size_t buflen ); protected: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: For tracking unclosed files // NOTE: The symbol table could take up memory that we don't want to eat here. // In that case, we shouldn't store them in a table, or we should store them as locally allocates stings // so we can control the size //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class COpenedFile { public: COpenedFile( void ); ~COpenedFile( void ); COpenedFile( const COpenedFile& src ); bool operator==( const COpenedFile& src ) const; void SetName( char const *name ); char const *GetName( void ); FILE *m_pFile; char *m_pName; }; CThreadFastMutex m_MemoryFileMutex; CUtlHashtable< const char*, CMemoryFileBacking* > m_MemoryFileHash; //CUtlRBTree< COpenedFile, int > m_OpenedFiles; CThreadMutex m_OpenedFilesMutex; CUtlVector <COpenedFile> m_OpenedFiles; static bool OpenedFileLessFunc( COpenedFile const& src1, COpenedFile const& src2 ); FileWarningLevel_t m_fwLevel; void (*m_pfnWarning)( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ... ); FILE *Trace_FOpen( const char *filename, const char *options, unsigned flags, int64 *size ); void Trace_FClose( FILE *fp ); void Trace_FRead( int size, FILE* file ); void Trace_FWrite( int size, FILE* file ); void Trace_DumpUnclosedFiles( void ); public: void LogAccessToFile( char const *accesstype, char const *fullpath, char const *options ); void Warning( FileWarningLevel_t level, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ... ); protected: // Note: if pFoundStoreID is passed in, then it will set that to the CSearchPath::m_storeId value of the search path it found the file in. const char* FindFirstHelper( const char *pWildCard, const char *pPathID, FileFindHandle_t *pHandle, int *pFoundStoreID ); bool FindNextFileHelper( FindData_t *pFindData, int *pFoundStoreID ); bool FindNextFileInVPKOrPakHelper( FindData_t *pFindData ); void RemoveAllMapSearchPaths( void ); void AddMapPackFile( const char *pPath, const char *pPathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType ); void AddPackFiles( const char *pPath, const CUtlSymbol &pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType ); bool PreparePackFile( CPackFile &packfile, int offsetofpackinmetafile, int64 filelen ); void AddVPKFile( const char *pPath, const char *pPathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType ); bool RemoveVPKFile( const char *pPath, const char *pPathID ); void HandleOpenRegularFile( CFileOpenInfo &openInfo, bool bIsAbsolutePath ); FileHandle_t FindFileInSearchPath( CFileOpenInfo &openInfo ); long FastFileTime( const CSearchPath *path, const char *pFileName ); const char *GetWritePath( const char *pFilename, const char *pathID ); // Computes a full write path void ComputeFullWritePath( char* pDest, int maxlen, const char *pWritePathID, char const *pRelativePath ); void AddSearchPathInternal( const char *pPath, const char *pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType, bool bAddPackFiles ); // Opens a file for read or write FileHandle_t OpenForRead( const char *pFileName, const char *pOptions, unsigned flags, const char *pathID, char **ppszResolvedFilename = NULL ); FileHandle_t OpenForWrite( const char *pFileName, const char *pOptions, const char *pathID ); CSearchPath *FindWritePath( const char *pFilename, const char *pathID ); // Helper function for fs_log file logging void LogFileAccess( const char *pFullFileName ); bool LookupKeyValuesRootKeyName( char const *filename, char const *pPathID, char *rootName, size_t bufsize ); void UnloadCompiledKeyValues(); // If bByRequestOnly is -1, then it will default to false if it doesn't already exist, and it // won't change it if it does already exist. Otherwise, it will be set to the value of bByRequestOnly. CPathIDInfo* FindOrAddPathIDInfo( const CUtlSymbol &id, int bByRequestOnly ); static bool FilterByPathID( const CSearchPath *pSearchPath, const CUtlSymbol &pathID ); // Global/shared filename/path table CUtlFilenameSymbolTable m_FileNames; int m_WhitelistFileTrackingEnabled; // -1 if unset, 0 if disabled (single player), 1 if enabled (multiplayer). FSDirtyDiskReportFunc_t m_DirtyDiskReportFunc; void SetSearchPathIsTrustedSource( CSearchPath *pPath ); struct CompiledKeyValuesPreloaders_t { CompiledKeyValuesPreloaders_t() : m_CacheFile( 0 ), m_pReader( 0 ) { } FileNameHandle_t m_CacheFile; CCompiledKeyValuesReader *m_pReader; }; CompiledKeyValuesPreloaders_t m_PreloadData[ NUM_PRELOAD_TYPES ]; static CUtlSymbol m_GamePathID; static CUtlSymbol m_BSPPathID; static DVDMode_t m_DVDMode; // Pack exclude paths are strictly for 360 to allow holes in search paths and pack files // which fall through to support new or dynamic data on the host pc. static CUtlVector< FileNameHandle_t > m_ExcludePaths; /// List of installed hooks to intercept async file operations CUtlVector< IAsyncFileFetch * > m_vecAsyncFetchers; /// List of active async jobs being serviced by customer fetchers CUtlVector< CFileAsyncReadJob * > m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs; /// Remove a custom fetch job from the list (and release our reference) friend class CFileAsyncReadJob; void RemoveAsyncCustomFetchJob( CFileAsyncReadJob *pJob ); }; inline const CUtlSymbol& CBaseFileSystem::CPathIDInfo::GetPathID() const { return m_PathID; } inline const char* CBaseFileSystem::CPathIDInfo::GetPathIDString() const { return g_PathIDTable.String( m_PathID ); } inline const char* CBaseFileSystem::CSearchPath::GetPathString() const { return g_PathIDTable.String( m_Path ); } inline void CBaseFileSystem::CPathIDInfo::SetPathID( CUtlSymbol sym ) { m_PathID = sym; m_pDebugPathID = GetPathIDString(); } inline const CUtlSymbol& CBaseFileSystem::CSearchPath::GetPathID() const { return m_pPathIDInfo->GetPathID(); } inline const char* CBaseFileSystem::CSearchPath::GetPathIDString() const { return m_pPathIDInfo->GetPathIDString(); } inline void CBaseFileSystem::CSearchPath::SetPath( CUtlSymbol id ) { m_Path = id; m_pDebugPath = g_PathIDTable.String( m_Path ); } inline const CUtlSymbol& CBaseFileSystem::CSearchPath::GetPath() const { return m_Path; } inline bool CBaseFileSystem::FilterByPathID( const CSearchPath *pSearchPath, const CUtlSymbol &pathID ) { if ( (UtlSymId_t)pathID == UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ) { // They didn't specify a specific search path, so if this search path's path ID is by // request only, then ignore it. return pSearchPath->m_pPathIDInfo->m_bByRequestOnly; } else { // Bit of a hack, but specifying "BSP" as the search path will search in "GAME" for only the map/.bsp pack file path if ( pathID == m_BSPPathID ) { if ( pSearchPath->GetPathID() != m_GamePathID ) return true; if ( !pSearchPath->GetPackFile() ) return true; if ( !pSearchPath->IsMapPath() ) return true; return false; } else { return (pSearchPath->GetPathID() != pathID); } } } #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) class CAutoBlockReporter { public: CAutoBlockReporter( CBaseFileSystem *fs, bool synchronous, char const *filename, int eBlockType, int nTypeOfAccess ) : m_pFS( fs ), m_Item( eBlockType, filename, 0.0f, nTypeOfAccess ), m_bSynchronous( synchronous ) { Assert( m_pFS ); m_Timer.Start(); } CAutoBlockReporter( CBaseFileSystem *fs, bool synchronous, FileHandle_t handle, int eBlockType, int nTypeOfAccess ) : m_pFS( fs ), m_Item( eBlockType, NULL, 0.0f, nTypeOfAccess ), m_bSynchronous( synchronous ) { Assert( m_pFS ); char name[ 512 ]; m_pFS->GetFileNameForHandle( handle, name, sizeof( name ) ); m_Item.SetFileName( name ); m_Timer.Start(); } ~CAutoBlockReporter() { m_Timer.End(); m_Item.m_flElapsed = m_Timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds(); m_pFS->RecordBlockingFileAccess( m_bSynchronous, m_Item ); } private: CBaseFileSystem *m_pFS; CFastTimer m_Timer; FileBlockingItem m_Item; bool m_bSynchronous; }; #define AUTOBLOCKREPORTER_FN( name, fs, sync, filename, blockType, accessType ) CAutoBlockReporter block##name( fs, sync, filename, blockType, accessType ); #define AUTOBLOCKREPORTER_FH( name, fs, sync, handle, blockType, accessType ) CAutoBlockReporter block##name( fs, sync, handle, blockType, accessType ); #else #define AUTOBLOCKREPORTER_FN( name, fs, sync, filename, blockType, accessType ) // Nothing #define AUTOBLOCKREPORTER_FH( name, fs, sync, handle , blockType, accessType ) // Nothing #endif // singleton accessor CBaseFileSystem *BaseFileSystem(); #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" #endif // BASEFILESYSTEM_H