//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $
// nav_generate.cpp
// Auto-generate a Navigation Mesh by sampling the current map
// Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003

#include "cbase.h"
#include "util_shared.h"
#include "nav_mesh.h"
#include "cs_nav_area.h"
#include "cs_nav_node.h"
#include "cs_nav_pathfind.h"
#include "viewport_panel_names.h"

enum { MAX_BLOCKED_AREAS = 256 };
static unsigned int blockedID[ MAX_BLOCKED_AREAS ];
static int blockedIDCount = 0;
static float lastMsgTime = 0.0f;

//ConVar nav_slope_limit( "nav_slope_limit", "0.7", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "The ground unit normal's Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated." );
ConVar nav_restart_after_analysis( "nav_restart_after_analysis", "1", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "When nav nav_restart_after_analysis finishes, restart the server.  Turning this off can cause crashes, but is useful for incremental generation." );

 * Shortest path cost, paying attention to "blocked" areas
class ApproachAreaCost
	// HPE_TODO[pmf]: check that these new parameters are okay to be ignored
	float operator() ( CNavArea *area, CNavArea *fromArea, const CNavLadder *ladder, const CFuncElevator *elevator, float length )
		// check if this area is "blocked"
		for( int i=0; i<blockedIDCount; ++i )
			if (area->GetID() == blockedID[i])
				return -1.0f;

		if (fromArea == NULL)
			// first area in path, no cost
			return 0.0f;
			// compute distance traveled along path so far
			float dist;

			if (ladder)
				dist = ladder->m_length;
				dist = (area->GetCenter() - fromArea->GetCenter()).Length();

			float cost = dist + fromArea->GetCostSoFar();

			return cost;

 * Determine the set of "approach areas".
 * An approach area is an area representing a place where players 
 * move into/out of our local neighborhood of areas.
 * @todo Optimize by search from eye outward and modifying pathfinder to treat all links as bi-directional
void CCSNavArea::ComputeApproachAreas( void )
	m_approachCount = 0;

	if (nav_quicksave.GetBool())

	// use the center of the nav area as the "view" point
	Vector eye = m_center;
	if (TheNavMesh->GetGroundHeight( eye, &eye.z ) == false)

	// approximate eye position
	if (GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH)
		eye.z += 0.9f * HalfHumanHeight;
		eye.z += 0.9f * HumanHeight;

	enum { MAX_PATH_LENGTH = 256 };
	CNavArea *path[ MAX_PATH_LENGTH ];
	ApproachAreaCost cost;

	enum SearchType
		FROM_EYE,		///< start search from our eyepoint outward to farArea
		TO_EYE,			///< start search from farArea beack towards our eye

	// In order to *completely* enumerate all of the approach areas, we
	// need to search from our eyepoint outward, as well as from outwards
	// towards our eyepoint
	for( int searchType = FROM_EYE; searchType != SEARCH_FINISHED; ++searchType )
		// In order to enumerate all of the approach areas, we need to
		// run the algorithm many times, once for each "far away" area
		// and keep the union of the approach area sets
		int it;
		for( it = 0; it < TheNavAreas.Count(); ++it )
			CNavArea *farArea = TheNavAreas[ it ];

			blockedIDCount = 0;

			// skip the small areas
			const float minSize = 200.0f;		// 150
			Extent extent;
			if (extent.SizeX() < minSize || extent.SizeY() < minSize)

			// if we can see 'farArea', try again - the whole point is to go "around the bend", so to speak
			if (farArea->IsVisible( eye ))

			// Keep building paths to farArea and blocking them off until we
			// cant path there any more.
			// As areas are blocked off, all exits will be enumerated.
			while( m_approachCount < MAX_APPROACH_AREAS )
				CNavArea *from, *to;

				if (searchType == FROM_EYE)
					// find another path *to* 'farArea'
					// we must pathfind from us in order to pick up one-way paths OUT OF our area
					from = this;
					to = farArea;
				else // TO_EYE
					// find another path *from* 'farArea'
					// we must pathfind to us in order to pick up one-way paths INTO our area
					from = farArea;
					to = this;

				// build the actual path
				if (NavAreaBuildPath( from, to, NULL, cost ) == false)

				// find number of areas on path
				int count = 0;
				CNavArea *area;
				for( area = to; area; area = area->GetParent() )

				if (count > MAX_PATH_LENGTH)
					count = MAX_PATH_LENGTH;

				// if the path is only two areas long, there can be no approach points
				if (count <= 2)

				// build path starting from eye
				int i = 0;

				if (searchType == FROM_EYE)
					for( area = to; i < count && area; area = area->GetParent() )
						path[ count-i-1 ] = area;
				else // TO_EYE
					for( area = to; i < count && area; area = area->GetParent() )
						path[ i++ ] = area;

				// traverse path to find first area we cannot see (skip the first area)
				for( i=1; i<count; ++i )
					// if we see this area, continue on
					if (path[i]->IsVisible( eye ))

					// we can't see this area - mark this area as "blocked" and unusable by subsequent approach paths
					if (blockedIDCount == MAX_BLOCKED_AREAS)
						Msg( "Overflow computing approach areas for area #%d.\n", GetID());

					// if the area to be blocked is actually farArea, block the one just prior
					// (blocking farArea will cause all subsequent pathfinds to fail)
					int block = (path[i] == farArea) ? i-1 : i;

					// dont block the start area, or all subsequence pathfinds will fail
					if (block == 0)

					blockedID[ blockedIDCount++ ] = path[ block ]->GetID();

					// store new approach area if not already in set
					int a;
					for( a=0; a<m_approachCount; ++a )
						if (m_approach[a].here.area == path[block-1])

					if (a == m_approachCount)
						m_approach[ m_approachCount ].prev.area = (block >= 2) ? path[block-2] : NULL;

						m_approach[ m_approachCount ].here.area = path[block-1];
						m_approach[ m_approachCount ].prevToHereHow = path[block-1]->GetParentHow();

						m_approach[ m_approachCount ].next.area = path[block];
						m_approach[ m_approachCount ].hereToNextHow = path[block]->GetParentHow();


					// we are done with this path