//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// #include <stdio.h> #include "hlfaceposer.h" #include "RampTool.h" #include "mdlviewer.h" #include "choreowidgetdrawhelper.h" #include "TimelineItem.h" #include "expressions.h" #include "expclass.h" #include "choreoevent.h" #include "StudioModel.h" #include "choreoscene.h" #include "choreoactor.h" #include "choreochannel.h" #include "ChoreoView.h" #include "InputProperties.h" #include "ControlPanel.h" #include "FlexPanel.h" #include "mxExpressionTray.h" #include "ExpressionProperties.h" #include "tier1/strtools.h" #include "faceposer_models.h" #include "UtlBuffer.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "iscenetokenprocessor.h" #include "choreoviewcolors.h" #include "MatSysWin.h" #include "curveeditorhelpers.h" #include "EdgeProperties.h" RampTool *g_pRampTool = 0; #define TRAY_HEIGHT 20 #define TRAY_ITEM_INSET 10 #define TAG_TOP ( TRAY_HEIGHT + 12 ) #define TAG_BOTTOM ( TAG_TOP + 20 ) #define MAX_TIME_ZOOM 1000 // 10% per step #define TIME_ZOOM_STEP 2 RampTool::RampTool( mxWindow *parent ) : IFacePoserToolWindow( "RampTool", "Ramp" ), mxWindow( parent, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) { m_pHelper = new CCurveEditorHelper< RampTool >( this ); m_bSuppressLayout = false; SetAutoProcess( true ); m_nFocusEventGlobalID = -1; m_flScrub = 0.0f; m_flScrubTarget = 0.0f; m_nDragType = DRAGTYPE_NONE; m_nClickedX = 0; m_nClickedY = 0; m_hPrevCursor = 0; m_nStartX = 0; m_nStartY = 0; m_pLastEvent = NULL; m_nMousePos[ 0 ] = m_nMousePos[ 1 ] = 0; m_nMinX = 0; m_nMaxX = 0; m_bUseBounds = false; m_bLayoutIsValid = false; m_flPixelsPerSecond = 500.0f; m_flLastDuration = 0.0f; m_nScrollbarHeight = 12; m_flLeftOffset = 0.0f; m_nLastHPixelsNeeded = -1; m_pHorzScrollBar = new mxScrollbar( this, 0, 0, 18, 100, IDC_RAMPHSCROLL, mxScrollbar::Horizontal ); m_pHorzScrollBar->setVisible( false ); m_bInSetEvent = false; m_flScrubberTimeOffset = 0.0f; m_nUndoSetup = 0; } RampTool::~RampTool( void ) { delete m_pHelper; } void RampTool::SetEvent( CChoreoEvent *event ) { if ( m_bInSetEvent ) return; m_bInSetEvent = true; if ( event == m_pLastEvent ) { if ( event ) { if ( event->GetDuration() != m_flLastDuration ) { m_flLastDuration = event->GetDuration(); m_nLastHPixelsNeeded = -1; m_flLeftOffset = 0.0f; InvalidateLayout(); } m_nFocusEventGlobalID = event->GetGlobalID(); } m_bInSetEvent = false; return; } m_pLastEvent = event; m_nFocusEventGlobalID = -1; if ( event ) { m_nFocusEventGlobalID = event->GetGlobalID(); } if ( event ) { m_flLastDuration = event->GetDuration(); } else { m_flLastDuration = 0.0f; } m_flLeftOffset = 0.0f; m_nLastHPixelsNeeded = -1; InvalidateLayout(); m_bInSetEvent = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CChoreoEvent *RampTool::GetSafeEvent( void ) { if ( m_nFocusEventGlobalID == -1 ) return NULL; if ( !g_pChoreoView ) return NULL; CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( !scene ) return NULL; // Find event by name for ( int i = 0; i < scene->GetNumEvents() ; i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = scene->GetEvent( i ); if ( !e || !e->HasEndTime() ) continue; if ( e->GetGlobalID() == m_nFocusEventGlobalID ) { return e; } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : rcHandle - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::GetScrubHandleRect( RECT& rcHandle, float scrub, bool clipped ) { float pixel = 0.0f; if ( w2() > 0 ) { pixel = GetPixelForTimeValue( scrub ); if ( clipped ) { pixel = clamp( pixel, SCRUBBER_HANDLE_WIDTH / 2, w2() - SCRUBBER_HANDLE_WIDTH / 2 ); } } rcHandle.left = pixel- SCRUBBER_HANDLE_WIDTH / 2; rcHandle.right = pixel + SCRUBBER_HANDLE_WIDTH / 2; rcHandle.top = 2 + GetCaptionHeight(); rcHandle.bottom = rcHandle.top + SCRUBBER_HANDLE_HEIGHT; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : drawHelper - // rcHandle - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::DrawScrubHandle( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rcHandle, float scrub, bool reference ) { HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush( reference ? RGB( 150, 0, 0 ) : RGB( 0, 150, 100 ) ); COLORREF areaBorder = RGB( 230, 230, 220 ); drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( areaBorder, PS_SOLID, 1, 0, rcHandle.top, w2(), rcHandle.top ); drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( areaBorder, PS_SOLID, 1, 0, rcHandle.bottom, w2(), rcHandle.bottom ); drawHelper.DrawFilledRect( br, rcHandle ); // char sz[ 32 ]; sprintf( sz, "%.3f", scrub ); CChoreoEvent *ev = GetSafeEvent(); if ( ev ) { float st, ed; st = ev->GetStartTime(); ed = ev->GetEndTime(); float dt = ed - st; if ( dt > 0.0f ) { sprintf( sz, "%.3f", st + scrub ); } } int len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, 500, sz ); RECT rcText = rcHandle; int textw = rcText.right - rcText.left; rcText.left += ( textw - len ) / 2; drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, 500, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ), rcText, sz ); DeleteObject( br ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *event - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RampTool::IsMouseOverScrubHandle( mxEvent *event ) { RECT rcHandle; GetScrubHandleRect( rcHandle, m_flScrub, true ); InflateRect( &rcHandle, 2, 2 ); POINT pt; pt.x = (short)event->x; pt.y = (short)event->y; if ( PtInRect( &rcHandle, pt ) ) { return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RampTool::IsProcessing( void ) { if ( !GetSafeEvent() ) return false; if ( m_flScrub != m_flScrubTarget ) return true; return false; } bool RampTool::IsScrubbing( void ) const { bool scrubbing = ( m_nDragType == DRAGTYPE_SCRUBBER ) ? true : false; return scrubbing; } void RampTool::SetScrubTime( float t ) { m_flScrub = t; CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( e && e->GetDuration() ) { float realtime = e->GetStartTime() + m_flScrub; g_pChoreoView->SetScrubTime( realtime ); g_pChoreoView->DrawScrubHandle(); } } void RampTool::SetScrubTargetTime( float t ) { m_flScrubTarget = t; CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( e && e->GetDuration() ) { float realtime = e->GetStartTime() + m_flScrubTarget; g_pChoreoView->SetScrubTargetTime( realtime ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : dt - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::Think( float dt ) { CChoreoEvent *event = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !event ) return; bool scrubbing = IsScrubbing(); ScrubThink( dt, scrubbing ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : dt - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::ScrubThink( float dt, bool scrubbing ) { CChoreoEvent *event = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !event ) return; if ( m_flScrubTarget == m_flScrub && !scrubbing ) return; float d = m_flScrubTarget - m_flScrub; int sign = d > 0.0f ? 1 : -1; float maxmove = dt; if ( sign > 0 ) { if ( d < maxmove ) { SetScrubTime( m_flScrubTarget ); } else { SetScrubTime( m_flScrub + maxmove ); } } else { if ( -d < maxmove ) { SetScrubTime( m_flScrubTarget ); } else { SetScrubTime( m_flScrub - maxmove ); } } if ( scrubbing ) { g_pMatSysWindow->Frame(); } } void RampTool::DrawScrubHandles() { RECT rcTray; RECT rcHandle; GetScrubHandleRect( rcHandle, m_flScrub, true ); rcTray = rcHandle; rcTray.left = 0; rcTray.right = w2(); CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( this, rcTray ); DrawScrubHandle( drawHelper, rcHandle, m_flScrub, false ); } void RampTool::redraw() { if ( !ToolCanDraw() ) return; CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( this ); HandleToolRedraw( drawHelper ); RECT rc; drawHelper.GetClientRect( rc ); CChoreoEvent *ev = GetSafeEvent(); if ( ev ) { RECT rcText; drawHelper.GetClientRect( rcText ); rcText.top += GetCaptionHeight()+1; rcText.bottom = rcText.top + 13; rcText.left += 5; rcText.right -= 5; OffsetRect( &rcText, 0, 12 ); int current, total; g_pChoreoView->GetUndoLevels( current, total ); if ( total > 0 ) { RECT rcUndo = rcText; OffsetRect( &rcUndo, 0, 2 ); drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Small Fonts", 8, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 0, 100, 0 ), rcUndo, "Undo: %i/%i", current, total ); } rcText.left += 60; // Found it, write out description // RECT rcTextLine = rcText; drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 11, 900, RGB( 200, 0, 0 ), rcTextLine, "Event: %s", ev->GetName() ); RECT rcTimeLine; drawHelper.GetClientRect( rcTimeLine ); rcTimeLine.left = 0; rcTimeLine.right = w2(); rcTimeLine.top += ( GetCaptionHeight() + 50 ); float lefttime = GetTimeValueForMouse( 0 ); float righttime = GetTimeValueForMouse( w2() ); DrawTimeLine( drawHelper, rcTimeLine, lefttime, righttime ); OffsetRect( &rcText, 0, 28 ); rcText.left = 5; RECT timeRect = rcText; timeRect.right = timeRect.left + 100; char sz[ 32 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%.2f", lefttime + ev->GetStartTime() ); drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ), timeRect, sz ); timeRect = rcText; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%.2f", righttime + ev->GetStartTime() ); int textW = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, sz ); timeRect.right = w2() - 10; timeRect.left = timeRect.right - textW; drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ), timeRect, sz ); } RECT rcHandle; GetScrubHandleRect( rcHandle, m_flScrub, true ); DrawScrubHandle( drawHelper, rcHandle, m_flScrub, false ); RECT rcSamples; GetSampleTrayRect( rcSamples ); DrawSamples( drawHelper, rcSamples ); DrawEventEnd( drawHelper ); RECT rcTags = rc; rcTags.top = TAG_TOP + GetCaptionHeight(); rcTags.bottom = TAG_BOTTOM + GetCaptionHeight(); DrawTimingTags( drawHelper, rcTags ); RECT rcPos; GetMouseOverPosRect( rcPos ); DrawMouseOverPos( drawHelper, rcPos ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::ShowContextMenu( mxEvent *event, bool include_track_menus ) { // Construct main menu mxPopupMenu *pop = new mxPopupMenu(); int current, total; g_pChoreoView->GetUndoLevels( current, total ); if ( total > 0 ) { if ( current > 0 ) { pop->add( va( "Undo %s", g_pChoreoView->GetUndoDescription() ), IDC_UNDO_RT ); } if ( current <= total - 1 ) { pop->add( va( "Redo %s", g_pChoreoView->GetRedoDescription() ), IDC_REDO_RT ); } pop->addSeparator(); } CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( e ) { if ( CountSelected() > 0 ) { pop->add( va( "Delete" ), IDC_RT_DELETE ); pop->add( "Deselect all", IDC_RT_DESELECT ); } pop->add( "Select all", IDC_RT_SELECTALL ); } pop->add( va( "Change scale..." ), IDC_RT_CHANGESCALE ); pop->addSeparator(); pop->add( "Edge Properties...", IDC_RT_EDGEPROPERTIES ); pop->popup( this, (short)event->x, (short)event->y ); } void RampTool::GetWorkspaceLeftRight( int& left, int& right ) { left = 0; right = w2(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::DrawFocusRect( void ) { HDC dc = GetDC( NULL ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_FocusRects.Size(); i++ ) { RECT rc = m_FocusRects[ i ].m_rcFocus; ::DrawFocusRect( dc, &rc ); } ReleaseDC( NULL, dc ); } void RampTool::SetClickedPos( int x, int y ) { m_nClickedX = x; m_nClickedY = y; } float RampTool::GetTimeForClickedPos( void ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return 0.0f; float t = GetTimeValueForMouse( m_nClickedX ); return t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : dragtype - // startx - // cursor - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::StartDragging( int dragtype, int startx, int starty, HCURSOR cursor ) { m_nDragType = dragtype; m_nStartX = startx; m_nLastX = startx; m_nStartY = starty; m_nLastY = starty; if ( m_hPrevCursor ) { SetCursor( m_hPrevCursor ); m_hPrevCursor = NULL; } m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( cursor ); m_FocusRects.Purge(); RECT rcStart; rcStart.left = startx; rcStart.right = startx; bool addrect = true; switch ( dragtype ) { case DRAGTYPE_SCRUBBER: { RECT rcScrub; GetScrubHandleRect( rcScrub, m_flScrub, true ); rcStart = rcScrub; rcStart.left = ( rcScrub.left + rcScrub.right ) / 2; rcStart.right = rcStart.left; rcStart.top = rcScrub.bottom; rcStart.bottom = h2(); } break; default: { rcStart.top = starty; rcStart.bottom = starty; } break; } if ( addrect ) { AddFocusRect( rcStart ); } DrawFocusRect(); } void RampTool::OnMouseMove( mxEvent *event ) { int mx = (short)event->x; int my = (short)event->y; event->x = (short)mx; if ( m_nDragType != DRAGTYPE_NONE ) { DrawFocusRect(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_FocusRects.Size(); i++ ) { CFocusRect *f = &m_FocusRects[ i ]; f->m_rcFocus = f->m_rcOrig; switch ( m_nDragType ) { default: { OffsetRect( &f->m_rcFocus, ( mx - m_nStartX ), ( my - m_nStartY ) ); } break; case DRAGTYPE_SCRUBBER: { ApplyBounds( mx, my ); if ( w2() > 0 ) { float t = GetTimeValueForMouse( mx ); t += m_flScrubberTimeOffset; ForceScrubPosition( t ); } OffsetRect( &f->m_rcFocus, ( mx - m_nStartX ), 0 ); } break; case DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_TIME: case DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE: { int dx = mx - m_nLastX; int dy = my - m_nLastY; if ( !( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyCtrl ) ) { // Zero out motion on other axis if ( m_nDragType == DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE ) { dx = 0; mx = m_nLastX; } else { dy = 0; my = m_nLastY; } } else { SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZEALL ) ); } RECT rcSamples; GetSampleTrayRect( rcSamples ); int height = rcSamples.bottom - rcSamples.top; Assert( height > 0 ); float dfdx = (float)dx / GetPixelsPerSecond(); float dfdy = (float)dy / (float)height; MoveSelectedSamples( dfdx, dfdy ); // Update the scrubber if ( w2() > 0 ) { float t = GetTimeValueForMouse( mx ); ForceScrubPosition( t ); g_pMatSysWindow->Frame(); } OffsetRect( &f->m_rcFocus, dx, dy ); } break; case DRAGTYPE_SELECTION: { RECT rcFocus; rcFocus.left = m_nStartX < m_nLastX ? m_nStartX : m_nLastX; rcFocus.right = m_nStartX < m_nLastX ? m_nLastX : m_nStartX; rcFocus.top = m_nStartY < m_nLastY ? m_nStartY : m_nLastY; rcFocus.bottom = m_nStartY < m_nLastY ? m_nLastY : m_nStartY; POINT offset; offset.x = 0; offset.y = 0; ClientToScreen( (HWND)getHandle(), &offset ); OffsetRect( &rcFocus, offset.x, offset.y ); f->m_rcFocus = rcFocus; } break; } } DrawFocusRect(); } else { if ( m_hPrevCursor ) { SetCursor( m_hPrevCursor ); m_hPrevCursor = NULL; } if ( IsMouseOverScrubHandle( event ) ) { m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZEWE ) ); } /* else if ( IsMouseOverTag( mx, my ) ) { m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZEWE ) ); } */ // See if anything is selected if ( CountSelected() <= 0 ) { // Nothing selected // Draw auto highlight DrawAutoHighlight( event ); } } m_nLastX = (short)event->x; m_nLastY = (short)event->y; } int RampTool::handleEvent( mxEvent *event ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache ); int iret = 0; if ( HandleToolEvent( event ) ) { return iret; } // Give helper a shot at the event if ( m_pHelper->HelperHandleEvent( event ) ) { return 1; } switch ( event->event ) { case mxEvent::Size: { int w, h; w = event->width; h = event->height; m_nLastHPixelsNeeded = 0; InvalidateLayout(); iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseWheeled: { CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene ) { int tz = g_pChoreoView->GetTimeZoom( GetToolName() ); bool shiftdown = ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyShift ) ? true : false; int stepMultipiler = shiftdown ? 5 : 1; // Zoom time in / out if ( event->height > 0 ) { tz = min( tz + TIME_ZOOM_STEP * stepMultipiler, MAX_TIME_ZOOM ); } else { tz = max( tz - TIME_ZOOM_STEP * stepMultipiler, TIME_ZOOM_STEP ); } g_pChoreoView->SetPreservedTimeZoom( this, tz ); } redraw(); iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseDown: { bool ctrldown = ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyCtrl ) ? true : false; bool shiftdown = ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyShift ) ? true : false; bool rightbutton = ( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) ? true : false; iret = 1; int mx = (short)event->x; int my = (short)event->y; SetClickedPos( mx, my ); SetMouseOverPos( mx, my ); DrawMouseOverPos(); POINT pt; pt.x = mx; pt.y = my; RECT rcSamples; GetSampleTrayRect( rcSamples ); bool insamplearea = PtInRect( &rcSamples, pt ) ? true : false; if ( m_nDragType == DRAGTYPE_NONE ) { bool ctrlDown = ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyCtrl ) ? true : false; CExpressionSample *sample = GetSampleUnderMouse( event->x, event->y, ctrlDown ? FP_RT_ADDSAMPLE_TOLERANCE : FP_RT_SELECTION_TOLERANCE ); if ( IsMouseOverScrubHandle( event ) ) { if ( w2() > 0 ) { float t = GetTimeValueForMouse( (short)event->x ); m_flScrubberTimeOffset = m_flScrub - t; float maxoffset = 0.5f * (float)SCRUBBER_HANDLE_WIDTH / GetPixelsPerSecond(); m_flScrubberTimeOffset = clamp( m_flScrubberTimeOffset, -maxoffset, maxoffset ); t += m_flScrubberTimeOffset; ForceScrubPosition( t ); } StartDragging( DRAGTYPE_SCRUBBER, m_nClickedX, m_nClickedY, LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZEWE ) ); } else if ( insamplearea ) { if ( sample ) { if ( shiftdown ) { sample->selected = !sample->selected; redraw(); } else if ( sample->selected ) { PreDataChanged( "move ramp points" ); StartDragging( rightbutton ? DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_TIME : DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE, m_nClickedX, m_nClickedY, LoadCursor( NULL, rightbutton ? IDC_SIZEWE : IDC_SIZENS ) ); } else { if ( !shiftdown ) { DeselectAll(); } StartDragging( DRAGTYPE_SELECTION, m_nClickedX, m_nClickedY, LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ) ); } } else if ( ctrldown ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( e ) { // Add a sample point float t = GetTimeValueForMouse( mx ); t = FacePoser_SnapTime( t ); float value = 1.0f - (float)( (short)event->y - rcSamples.top ) / (float)( rcSamples.bottom - rcSamples.top ); value = clamp( value, 0.0f, 1.0f ); PreDataChanged( "Add ramp point" ); e->AddRamp( t, value, false ); e->ResortRamp(); PostDataChanged( "Add ramp point" ); } } else { if ( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) { ShowContextMenu( event, false ); iret = 1; return iret; } else { if ( !shiftdown ) { DeselectAll(); } StartDragging( DRAGTYPE_SELECTION, m_nClickedX, m_nClickedY, LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ) ); } } } else { if ( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) { ShowContextMenu( event, false ); iret = 1; return iret; } else { if ( w2() > 0 ) { float t = GetTimeValueForMouse( (short)event->x ); SetScrubTargetTime( t ); } } } CalcBounds( m_nDragType ); } } break; case mxEvent::MouseDrag: case mxEvent::MouseMove: { int mx = (short)event->x; int my = (short)event->y; SetMouseOverPos( mx, my ); DrawMouseOverPos(); OnMouseMove( event ); iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseUp: { OnMouseMove( event ); int mx = (short)event->x; int my = (short)event->y; if ( m_nDragType != DRAGTYPE_NONE ) { DrawFocusRect(); } if ( m_hPrevCursor ) { SetCursor( m_hPrevCursor ); m_hPrevCursor = 0; } switch ( m_nDragType ) { case DRAGTYPE_NONE: break; case DRAGTYPE_SCRUBBER: { ApplyBounds( mx, my ); if ( w2() > 0 ) { float t = GetTimeValueForMouse( (short)event->x ); t += m_flScrubberTimeOffset; ForceScrubPosition( t ); m_flScrubberTimeOffset = 0.0f; } } break; case DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE: case DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_TIME: { PostDataChanged( "move ramp points" ); } break; case DRAGTYPE_SELECTION: { SelectPoints(); } break; } m_nDragType = DRAGTYPE_NONE; SetMouseOverPos( mx, my ); DrawMouseOverPos(); redraw(); iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::Action: { iret = 1; switch ( event->action ) { default: iret = 0; break; case IDC_UNDO_RT: { OnUndo(); } break; case IDC_REDO_RT: { OnRedo(); } break; case IDC_RT_DELETE: { Delete(); } break; case IDC_RT_DESELECT: { DeselectAll(); } break; case IDC_RT_SELECTALL: { SelectAll(); } break; case IDC_RAMPHSCROLL: { int offset = 0; bool processed = true; switch ( event->modifiers ) { case SB_THUMBTRACK: offset = event->height; break; case SB_PAGEUP: offset = m_pHorzScrollBar->getValue(); offset -= 20; offset = max( offset, m_pHorzScrollBar->getMinValue() ); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: offset = m_pHorzScrollBar->getValue(); offset += 20; offset = min( offset, m_pHorzScrollBar->getMaxValue() ); break; case SB_LINEUP: offset = m_pHorzScrollBar->getValue(); offset -= 10; offset = max( offset, m_pHorzScrollBar->getMinValue() ); break; case SB_LINEDOWN: offset = m_pHorzScrollBar->getValue(); offset += 10; offset = min( offset, m_pHorzScrollBar->getMaxValue() ); break; default: processed = false; break; } if ( processed ) { MoveTimeSliderToPos( offset ); } } break; case IDC_RT_CHANGESCALE: { OnChangeScale(); } break; case IDC_RT_EDGEPROPERTIES: { OnEdgeProperties(); } break; } } break; case mxEvent::KeyDown: { iret = 1; switch ( event->key ) { default: iret = g_pChoreoView->HandleZoomKey( this, event->key ); break; case VK_ESCAPE: DeselectAll(); break; case VK_DELETE: Delete(); break; } } } return iret; } void RampTool::ApplyBounds( int& mx, int& my ) { if ( !m_bUseBounds ) return; mx = clamp( mx, m_nMinX, m_nMaxX ); } void RampTool::CalcBounds( int movetype ) { switch ( movetype ) { default: case DRAGTYPE_NONE: { m_bUseBounds = false; m_nMinX = 0; m_nMaxX = 0; } break; case DRAGTYPE_SCRUBBER: { m_bUseBounds = true; m_nMinX = 0; m_nMaxX = w2(); } break; } } bool RampTool::PaintBackground() { redraw(); return false; } void RampTool::OnUndo( void ) { g_pChoreoView->Undo(); } void RampTool::OnRedo( void ) { g_pChoreoView->Redo(); } void RampTool::ForceScrubPositionFromSceneTime( float scenetime ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e || !e->GetDuration() ) return; float t = scenetime - e->GetStartTime(); m_flScrub = t; m_flScrubTarget = t; DrawScrubHandles(); } void RampTool::ForceScrubPosition( float t ) { m_flScrub = t; m_flScrubTarget = t; CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( e && e->GetDuration() ) { float realtime = e->GetStartTime() + t; g_pChoreoView->SetScrubTime( realtime ); g_pChoreoView->SetScrubTargetTime( realtime ); g_pChoreoView->DrawScrubHandle(); } DrawScrubHandles(); } void RampTool::SetMouseOverPos( int x, int y ) { m_nMousePos[ 0 ] = x; m_nMousePos[ 1 ] = y; } void RampTool::GetMouseOverPos( int &x, int& y ) { x = m_nMousePos[ 0 ]; y = m_nMousePos[ 1 ]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : rcPos - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::GetMouseOverPosRect( RECT& rcPos ) { rcPos.top = GetCaptionHeight() + 12; rcPos.left = w2() - 200; rcPos.right = w2() - 5; rcPos.bottom = rcPos.top + 13; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : drawHelper - // rcPos - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::DrawMouseOverPos( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rcPos ) { // Compute time for pixel x float t = GetTimeValueForMouse( m_nMousePos[ 0 ] ); CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return; t += e->GetStartTime(); float snapped = FacePoser_SnapTime( t ); // Found it, write out description // char sz[ 128 ]; if ( t != snapped ) { Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s", FacePoser_DescribeSnappedTime( t ) ); } else { Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%.3f", t ); } int len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 11, 900, sz ); RECT rcText = rcPos; rcText.left = max( rcPos.left, rcPos.right - len ); drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 11, 900, RGB( 255, 50, 70 ), rcText, sz ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::DrawMouseOverPos() { RECT rcPos; GetMouseOverPosRect( rcPos ); CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( this, rcPos ); DrawMouseOverPos( drawHelper, rcPos ); } void RampTool::AddFocusRect( RECT& rc ) { RECT rcFocus = rc; POINT offset; offset.x = 0; offset.y = 0; ClientToScreen( (HWND)getHandle(), &offset ); OffsetRect( &rcFocus, offset.x, offset.y ); // Convert to screen space? CFocusRect fr; fr.m_rcFocus = rcFocus; fr.m_rcOrig = rcFocus; m_FocusRects.AddToTail( fr ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : drawHelper - // rc - // left - // right - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::DrawTimeLine( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rc, float left, float right ) { RECT rcLabel; float granularity = 0.5f; drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 150, 150, 200 ), PS_SOLID, 1, rc.left, rc.top + 2, rc.right, rc.top + 2 ); float f = SnapTime( left, granularity ); while ( f < right ) { float frac = ( f - left ) / ( right - left ); if ( frac >= 0.0f && frac <= 1.0f ) { rcLabel.left = GetPixelForTimeValue( f ); rcLabel.top = rc.top + 5; rcLabel.bottom = rcLabel.top + 10; if ( f != left ) { drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 220, 220, 240 ), PS_DOT, 1, rcLabel.left, rc.top, rcLabel.left, h2() ); } char sz[ 32 ]; sprintf( sz, "%.2f", f ); int textWidth = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, sz ); rcLabel.right = rcLabel.left + textWidth; OffsetRect( &rcLabel, -textWidth / 2, 0 ); RECT rcOut = rcLabel; if ( rcOut.left <= 0 ) { OffsetRect( &rcOut, -rcOut.left + 2, 0 ); } drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 0, 50, 150 ), rcOut, sz ); } f += granularity; } } void RampTool::DrawTimingTags( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rc ) { CChoreoEvent *rampevent = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !rampevent ) return; CChoreoScene *scene = rampevent->GetScene(); if ( !scene ) return; float starttime = GetTimeValueForMouse( 0 ); float endtime = GetTimeValueForMouse( w2() ); if ( endtime - starttime <= 0.0f ) return; RECT rcText = rc; rcText.bottom = rcText.top + 10; drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 0, 100, 200 ), rcText, "Timing Tags:" ); // Loop through all events in scene int c = scene->GetNumEvents(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = scene->GetEvent( i ); if ( !e ) continue; // See if time overlaps if ( !e->HasEndTime() ) continue; if ( ( e->GetEndTime() - e->GetStartTime() ) < starttime ) continue; if ( ( e->GetStartTime() - e->GetStartTime() ) > endtime ) continue; if ( e->GetNumRelativeTags() > 0 ) { DrawRelativeTagsForEvent( drawHelper, rc, rampevent, e, starttime, endtime ); } if ( e->GetNumAbsoluteTags( CChoreoEvent::PLAYBACK ) > 0 ) { DrawAbsoluteTagsForEvent( drawHelper, rc, rampevent, e, starttime, endtime ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : drawHelper - // &rc - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::DrawAbsoluteTagsForEvent( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT &rc, CChoreoEvent *rampevent, CChoreoEvent *event, float starttime, float endtime ) { if ( !event ) return; for ( int i = 0; i < event->GetNumAbsoluteTags( CChoreoEvent::PLAYBACK ); i++ ) { CEventAbsoluteTag *tag = event->GetAbsoluteTag( CChoreoEvent::PLAYBACK, i ); if ( !tag ) continue; float tagtime = ( event->GetStartTime() + tag->GetPercentage() * event->GetDuration() ) - rampevent->GetStartTime(); if ( tagtime < starttime || tagtime > endtime ) continue; bool clipped = false; int left = GetPixelForTimeValue( tagtime, &clipped ); if ( clipped ) continue; // Don't add gesture tags except for the current event if ( event != rampevent && event->GetType() == CChoreoEvent::GESTURE ) { continue; } COLORREF clr = event == rampevent ? RGB( 0, 100, 250 ) : RGB( 100, 100, 100 ); RECT rcMark; rcMark = rc; rcMark.top = rc.bottom - 8; rcMark.bottom = rc.bottom; rcMark.left = left - 4; rcMark.right = left + 4; drawHelper.DrawTriangleMarker( rcMark, clr ); RECT rcText; rcText = rcMark; rcText.top -= 12; int len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, tag->GetName() ); rcText.left = left - len / 2; rcText.right = rcText.left + len + 2; rcText.bottom = rcText.top + 10; drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, clr, rcText, tag->GetName() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : drawHelper - // rc - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::DrawRelativeTagsForEvent( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rc, CChoreoEvent *rampevent, CChoreoEvent *event, float starttime, float endtime ) { if ( !event ) return; //drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, PEColor( COLOR_PHONEME_TIMING_TAG ), rc, "Timing Tags:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < event->GetNumRelativeTags(); i++ ) { CEventRelativeTag *tag = event->GetRelativeTag( i ); if ( !tag ) continue; // float tagtime = ( event->GetStartTime() + tag->GetPercentage() * event->GetDuration() ) - rampevent->GetStartTime(); if ( tagtime < starttime || tagtime > endtime ) continue; bool clipped = false; int left = GetPixelForTimeValue( tagtime, &clipped ); if ( clipped ) continue; //float frac = ( tagtime - starttime ) / ( endtime - starttime ); //int left = rc.left + (int)( frac * ( float )( rc.right - rc.left ) + 0.5f ); COLORREF clr = event == rampevent ? RGB( 0, 100, 250 ) : RGB( 100, 100, 100 ); RECT rcMark; rcMark = rc; rcMark.top = rc.bottom - 8; rcMark.bottom = rc.bottom; rcMark.left = left - 4; rcMark.right = left + 4; drawHelper.DrawTriangleMarker( rcMark, clr ); RECT rcText; rcText = rc; rcText.bottom = rc.bottom - 10; rcText.top = rcText.bottom - 10; int len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, tag->GetName() ); rcText.left = left - len / 2; rcText.right = rcText.left + len + 2; drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, clr, rcText, tag->GetName() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int RampTool::ComputeHPixelsNeeded( void ) { CChoreoEvent *event = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !event ) return 0; int pixels = 0; float maxtime = event->GetDuration(); pixels = (int)( ( maxtime ) * GetPixelsPerSecond() + 10 ); return pixels; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::RepositionHSlider( void ) { int pixelsneeded = ComputeHPixelsNeeded(); if ( pixelsneeded <= w2() - 10 ) { m_pHorzScrollBar->setVisible( false ); } else { m_pHorzScrollBar->setVisible( true ); } m_pHorzScrollBar->setBounds( 0, h2() - m_nScrollbarHeight, w2() - m_nScrollbarHeight, m_nScrollbarHeight ); m_flLeftOffset = max( 0.f, m_flLeftOffset ); m_flLeftOffset = min( (float)pixelsneeded, m_flLeftOffset ); m_pHorzScrollBar->setRange( 0, pixelsneeded ); m_pHorzScrollBar->setValue( (int)m_flLeftOffset ); m_pHorzScrollBar->setPagesize( w2() - 10 ); m_nLastHPixelsNeeded = pixelsneeded; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float RampTool::GetPixelsPerSecond( void ) { return m_flPixelsPerSecond * (float)g_pChoreoView->GetTimeZoom( GetToolName() ) / 100.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : x - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::MoveTimeSliderToPos( int x ) { m_flLeftOffset = (float)x; m_pHorzScrollBar->setValue( (int)m_flLeftOffset ); InvalidateRect( (HWND)m_pHorzScrollBar->getHandle(), NULL, TRUE ); InvalidateLayout(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::InvalidateLayout( void ) { if ( m_bSuppressLayout ) return; if ( ComputeHPixelsNeeded() != m_nLastHPixelsNeeded ) { RepositionHSlider(); } m_bLayoutIsValid = false; redraw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : st - // ed - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::GetStartAndEndTime( float& st, float& ed ) { st = m_flLeftOffset / GetPixelsPerSecond(); ed = st + (float)w2() / GetPixelsPerSecond(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : - // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float RampTool::GetEventEndTime() { CChoreoEvent *ev = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !ev ) return 1.0f; return ev->GetDuration(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : time - // *clipped - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int RampTool::GetPixelForTimeValue( float time, bool *clipped /*=NULL*/ ) { if ( clipped ) { *clipped = false; } float st, ed; GetStartAndEndTime( st, ed ); float frac = ( time - st ) / ( ed - st ); if ( frac < 0.0 || frac > 1.0 ) { if ( clipped ) { *clipped = true; } } int pixel = ( int )( frac * w2() ); return pixel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : mx - // clip - // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float RampTool::GetTimeValueForMouse( int mx, bool clip /*=false*/) { float st, ed; GetStartAndEndTime( st, ed ); if ( clip ) { if ( mx < 0 ) { return st; } if ( mx > w2() ) { return ed; } } float frac = (float)( mx ) / (float)( w2() ); return st + frac * ( ed - st ); } void RampTool::OnChangeScale( void ) { CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( !scene ) { return; } // Zoom time in / out CInputParams params; memset( ¶ms, 0, sizeof( params ) ); strcpy( params.m_szDialogTitle, "Change Zoom" ); strcpy( params.m_szPrompt, "New scale (e.g., 2.5x):" ); Q_snprintf( params.m_szInputText, sizeof( params.m_szInputText ), "%.2f", (float)g_pChoreoView->GetTimeZoom( GetToolName() ) / 100.0f ); if ( !InputProperties( ¶ms ) ) return; g_pChoreoView->SetTimeZoom( GetToolName(), clamp( (int)( 100.0f * atof( params.m_szInputText ) ), 1, MAX_TIME_ZOOM ), false ); m_nLastHPixelsNeeded = -1; m_flLeftOffset= 0.0f; InvalidateLayout(); Con_Printf( "Zoom factor %i %%\n", g_pChoreoView->GetTimeZoom( GetToolName() ) ); } void RampTool::DrawEventEnd( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return; float duration = e->GetDuration(); if ( !duration ) return; int leftx = GetPixelForTimeValue( duration ); if ( leftx >= w2() ) return; RECT rcSample; GetSampleTrayRect( rcSample ); drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( COLOR_CHOREO_ENDTIME, PS_SOLID, 1, leftx, rcSample.top, leftx, rcSample.bottom ); } void RampTool::GetSampleTrayRect( RECT& rc ) { rc.left = 0; rc.right = w2(); rc.top = GetCaptionHeight() + 65; rc.bottom = h2() - m_nScrollbarHeight-2; } void RampTool::DrawSamplesSimple( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, CChoreoEvent *e, bool clearbackground, COLORREF sampleColor, RECT &rcSamples ) { if ( clearbackground ) { drawHelper.DrawFilledRect( RGB( 230, 230, 215 ), rcSamples ); } if ( !e ) return; float starttime = e->GetStartTime(); COLORREF lineColor = sampleColor; int width = rcSamples.right - rcSamples.left; if ( width <= 0.0f ) return; int height = rcSamples.bottom - rcSamples.top; int bottom = rcSamples.bottom; float timestepperpixel = e->GetDuration() / (float)width; float prev_value = e->GetIntensity( starttime ); int prev_x = rcSamples.left; float prev_t = 0.0f; for ( float x = rcSamples.left; x < rcSamples.right; x+=3 ) { float t = (float)( x - rcSamples.left ) * timestepperpixel; float value = e->GetIntensity( starttime + t ); // Draw segment drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( lineColor, PS_SOLID, 1, prev_x, bottom - prev_value * height, x, bottom - value * height ); prev_x = x; prev_t = t; prev_value = value; } } void RampTool::DrawSamples( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT &rcSamples ) { drawHelper.DrawFilledRect( RGB( 230, 230, 215 ), rcSamples ); CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return; int rampCount = e->GetRampCount(); if ( !rampCount ) return; float starttime; float endtime; GetStartAndEndTime( starttime, endtime ); COLORREF lineColor = RGB( 0, 0, 255 ); COLORREF dotColor = RGB( 0, 0, 255 ); COLORREF dotColorSelected = RGB( 240, 80, 20 ); COLORREF shadowColor = RGB( 150, 150, 250 ); int height = rcSamples.bottom - rcSamples.top; int bottom = rcSamples.bottom; int top = rcSamples.top; float timestepperpixel = 1.0f / GetPixelsPerSecond(); float stoptime = min( endtime, e->GetDuration() ); float prev_t = starttime; float prev_value = e->GetIntensity( prev_t ); if ( 0 ) { COLORREF shadowColor = RGB( 150, 150, 250 ); // draw hermite version of time step float i0, i1, i2; float time10hz = starttime; i0 = e->GetIntensity( time10hz + e->GetStartTime() ); i1 = i0; time10hz = starttime + 0.1; i2 = e->GetIntensity( time10hz + e->GetStartTime() );; for ( float t = starttime-timestepperpixel; t <= stoptime; t += timestepperpixel ) { while (t >= time10hz) { time10hz += 0.1; i0 = i1; i1 = i2; i2 = e->GetIntensity( time10hz + e->GetStartTime() ); bool clipped; int x = GetPixelForTimeValue( time10hz, &clipped ); int y = bottom - i2 * height; int dotsize = 4; drawHelper.DrawCircle( shadowColor, x, y, dotsize, false ); } float value = Hermite_Spline( i0, i1, i2, (t - time10hz + 0.1) / 0.1 ); int prevx, x; bool clipped1, clipped2; x = GetPixelForTimeValue( t, &clipped1 ); prevx = GetPixelForTimeValue( prev_t, &clipped2 ); if ( !clipped1 && !clipped2 ) { // Draw segment drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( shadowColor, PS_SOLID, 1, prevx, clamp( bottom - prev_value * height, top, bottom ), x, clamp( bottom - value * height, top, bottom ) ); } prev_t = t; prev_value = value; } } for ( float t = starttime-timestepperpixel; t <= stoptime; t += timestepperpixel ) { float value = e->GetIntensity( t + e->GetStartTime() ); int prevx, x; bool clipped1, clipped2; x = GetPixelForTimeValue( t, &clipped1 ); prevx = GetPixelForTimeValue( prev_t, &clipped2 ); if ( !clipped1 && !clipped2 ) { // Draw segment drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( lineColor, PS_SOLID, 1, prevx, bottom - prev_value * height, x, bottom - value * height ); } prev_t = t; prev_value = value; } for ( int sample = 0; sample < rampCount; sample++ ) { CExpressionSample *start = e->GetRamp( sample ); /* int pixel = (int)( ( start->time / event_time ) * width + 0.5f); int x = m_rcBounds.left + pixel; float roundedfrac = (float)pixel / (float)width; */ float value = start->value; bool clipped = false; int x = GetPixelForTimeValue( start->time, &clipped ); if ( clipped ) continue; int y = bottom - value * height; int dotsize = 6; int dotSizeSelected = 6; COLORREF clr = dotColor; COLORREF clrSelected = dotColorSelected; drawHelper.DrawCircle( start->selected ? clrSelected : clr, x, y, start->selected ? dotSizeSelected : dotsize, true ); if ( !start->selected ) continue; if ( start->GetCurveType() == CURVE_DEFAULT ) continue; // Draw curve type indicator... char sz[ 128 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s", Interpolator_NameForCurveType( start->GetCurveType(), true ) ); RECT rc; int fontSize = 9; rc.top = clamp( y + 5, rcSamples.top + 2, rcSamples.bottom - 2 - fontSize ); rc.bottom = rc.top + fontSize + 1; rc.left = x - 75; rc.right = x + 175; drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", fontSize, 500, shadowColor, rc, sz ); } } void RampTool::DrawAutoHighlight( mxEvent *event ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return; CExpressionSample *hover = GetSampleUnderMouse( event->x, event->y, 0.0f ); RECT rcSamples; GetSampleTrayRect( rcSamples ); CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( this, rcSamples, true ); RECT rcClient = rcSamples; COLORREF dotColor = RGB( 0, 0, 255 ); COLORREF dotColorSelected = RGB( 240, 80, 20 ); COLORREF clrHighlighted = RGB( 0, 200, 0 ); int height = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top; int bottom = rcClient.bottom; int dotsize = 6; int dotSizeSelected = 6; int dotSizeHighlighted = 6; COLORREF clr = dotColor; COLORREF clrSelected = dotColorSelected; COLORREF bgColor = RGB( 230, 230, 200 ); // Fixme, could look at 1st derivative and do more sampling at high rate of change? // or near actual sample points! int sampleCount = e->GetRampCount(); for ( int sample = 0; sample < sampleCount; sample++ ) { CExpressionSample *start = e->GetRamp( sample ); float value = start->value; bool clipped = false; int x = GetPixelForTimeValue( start->time, &clipped ); if ( clipped ) continue; int y = bottom - value * height; if ( hover == start ) { drawHelper.DrawCircle( bgColor, x, y, dotSizeHighlighted, true ); drawHelper.DrawCircle( clrHighlighted, x, y, dotSizeHighlighted, false ); } else { drawHelper.DrawCircle( start->selected ? clrSelected : clr, x, y, start->selected ? dotSizeSelected : dotsize, true ); } } } int RampTool::NumSamples() { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return 0; return e->GetRampCount(); } CExpressionSample *RampTool::GetSample( int idx ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return NULL; return e->GetRamp( idx ); } CExpressionSample *RampTool::GetSampleUnderMouse( int mx, int my, float tolerance /*= FP_RT_SELECTION_TOLERANCE*/ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return NULL; RECT rcSamples; GetSampleTrayRect( rcSamples ); POINT pt; pt.x = mx; pt.y = my; if ( !PtInRect( &rcSamples, pt ) ) return NULL; pt.y -= rcSamples.top; float closest_dist = 9999999.f; CExpressionSample *bestsample = NULL; int height = rcSamples.bottom - rcSamples.top; for ( int i = 0; i < e->GetRampCount(); i++ ) { CExpressionSample *sample = e->GetRamp( i ); Assert( sample ); bool clipped = false; int px = GetPixelForTimeValue( sample->time, &clipped ); int py = height * ( 1.0f - sample->value ); int dx = px - pt.x; int dy = py - pt.y; float dist = sqrt( (float)(dx * dx + dy * dy) ); if ( dist < closest_dist ) { bestsample = sample; closest_dist = dist; } } // Not close to any of them!!! if ( ( tolerance != 0.0f ) && ( closest_dist > tolerance ) ) return NULL; return bestsample; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::SelectPoints( void ) { RECT rcSelection; rcSelection.left = m_nStartX < m_nLastX ? m_nStartX : m_nLastX; rcSelection.right = m_nStartX < m_nLastX ? m_nLastX : m_nStartX; rcSelection.top = m_nStartY < m_nLastY ? m_nStartY : m_nLastY; rcSelection.bottom = m_nStartY < m_nLastY ? m_nLastY : m_nStartY; int selW = rcSelection.right - rcSelection.left; int selH = rcSelection.bottom - rcSelection.top; float tolerance = FP_RT_SELECTION_RECTANGLE_TOLERANCE; // If they are just clicking and releasing in one spot, capture any items w/in a larger tolerance if ( selW <= 2 && selH <= 2 ) { tolerance = FP_RT_SELECTION_TOLERANCE; CExpressionSample *sample = GetSampleUnderMouse( rcSelection.left + selW * 0.5f, rcSelection.top + selH * 0.5f ); if ( sample ) { sample->selected = true; return; } } else { InflateRect( &rcSelection, 3, 3 ); } RECT rcSamples; GetSampleTrayRect( rcSamples ); int height = rcSamples.bottom - rcSamples.top; CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return; float duration = e->GetDuration(); float fleft = (float)GetTimeValueForMouse( rcSelection.left ); float fright = (float)GetTimeValueForMouse( rcSelection.right ); //fleft *= duration; //fright *= duration; float ftop = (float)( rcSelection.top - rcSamples.top ) / (float)height; float fbottom = (float)( rcSelection.bottom - rcSamples.top ) / (float)height; fleft = clamp( fleft, 0.0f, duration ); fright = clamp( fright, 0.0f, duration ); ftop = clamp( ftop, 0.0f, 1.0f ); fbottom = clamp( fbottom, 0.0f, 1.0f ); float timestepperpixel = 1.0f / GetPixelsPerSecond(); float yfracstepperpixel = 1.0f / (float)height; float epsx = tolerance*timestepperpixel; float epsy = tolerance*yfracstepperpixel; for ( int i = 0; i < e->GetRampCount(); i++ ) { CExpressionSample *sample = e->GetRamp( i ); if ( sample->time + epsx < fleft ) continue; if ( sample->time - epsx > fright ) continue; if ( (1.0f - sample->value ) + epsy < ftop ) continue; if ( (1.0f - sample->value ) - epsy > fbottom ) continue; sample->selected = true; } redraw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int RampTool::CountSelected( void ) { return m_pHelper->CountSelected( false ); } void RampTool::MoveSelectedSamples( float dfdx, float dfdy ) { int selecteditems = CountSelected(); if ( !selecteditems ) return; CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return; int c = e->GetRampCount(); float duration = e->GetDuration(); //dfdx *= duration; for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CExpressionSample *sample = e->GetRamp( i ); if ( !sample || !sample->selected ) continue; sample->time += dfdx; sample->time = clamp( sample->time, 0.0f, duration ); sample->value -= dfdy; sample->value = clamp( sample->value, 0.0f, 1.0f ); } e->ResortRamp(); redraw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::DeselectAll( void ) { int i; int selecteditems = CountSelected(); if ( !selecteditems ) return; CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); Assert( e ); if ( !e ) return; for ( i = e->GetRampCount() - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { CExpressionSample *sample = e->GetRamp( i ); sample->selected = false; } redraw(); } void RampTool::SelectAll( void ) { int i; CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); Assert( e ); if ( !e ) return; for ( i = e->GetRampCount() - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { CExpressionSample *sample = e->GetRamp( i ); sample->selected = true; } redraw(); } void RampTool::Delete( void ) { int i; CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return; int selecteditems = CountSelected(); if ( !selecteditems ) return; PreDataChanged( "Delete ramp points" ); for ( i = e->GetRampCount() - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { CExpressionSample *sample = e->GetRamp( i ); if ( !sample->selected ) continue; e->DeleteRamp( i ); } PostDataChanged( "Delete ramp points" ); } void RampTool::OnModelChanged() { redraw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *undodescription - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::PreDataChanged( char const *undodescription ) { if ( m_nUndoSetup == 0 ) { g_pChoreoView->SetDirty( true ); g_pChoreoView->PushUndo( undodescription ); } ++m_nUndoSetup; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *redodescription - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RampTool::PostDataChanged( char const *redodescription ) { --m_nUndoSetup; if ( m_nUndoSetup == 0 ) { g_pChoreoView->PushRedo( redodescription ); redraw(); } } void RampTool::SetMousePositionForEvent( mxEvent *event ) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos( &pt ); ScreenToClient( (HWND)getHandle(), &pt ); event->x = pt.x; event->y = pt.y; } void RampTool::OnEdgeProperties() { CChoreoEvent *e = GetSafeEvent(); if ( !e ) return; CEdgePropertiesParams params; Q_memset( ¶ms, 0, sizeof( params ) ); Q_strcpy( params.m_szDialogTitle, "Edge Properties" ); params.SetFromCurve( e->GetRamp() ); if ( !EdgeProperties( ¶ms ) ) { return; } char *undotext = "Change Event Ramp Edge Properties"; PreDataChanged( undotext ); // Apply changes. params.ApplyToCurve( e->GetRamp() ); PostDataChanged( undotext ); } void RampTool::GetWorkList( bool reflect, CUtlVector< RampTool * >& list ) { NOTE_UNUSED( reflect ); list.AddToTail( this ); }