//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "filesystem_engine.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "dt_instrumentation_server.h" #include "dt_send.h" #include "tier1/utlstring.h" #include "utllinkedlist.h" #include "dt.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #define DELTA_DISTANCE_BAND 200 #define NUM_DELTA_DISTANCE_BANDS (8000/DELTA_DISTANCE_BAND) // Data we track per SendTable on the server. class CDTISendTable { public: // Which SendTable we're interested in. CUtlString m_NetTableName; // How many cycles we've spent in certain calls. CCycleCount m_nCalcDeltaCycles; int m_nCalcDeltaCalls; CCycleCount m_nEncodeCycles; int m_nEncodeCalls; CCycleCount m_nShouldTransmitCycles; int m_nShouldTransmitCalls; CCycleCount m_nWriteDeltaPropsCycles; // Used to determine how much the class uses manual mode. int m_nChangeAutoDetects; int m_nNoChanges; // Set to false if no events were recorded for this class. bool HadAnyAction() const { return m_nCalcDeltaCalls || m_nEncodeCalls || m_nShouldTransmitCalls; } // This tracks how many times an entity was delta'd for each distance from a client. unsigned short m_DistanceDeltaCounts[NUM_DELTA_DISTANCE_BANDS]; }; static CCycleCount g_TotalServerDTICycles; static CUtlLinkedList<CDTISendTable*, unsigned short> g_DTISendTables; bool g_bServerDTIEnabled = false; static char const *g_pServerDTIFilename = 0; static bool g_bFirstHookTimer = true; static CCycleCount g_ServerDTITimer; void ServerDTI_Init( char const *pFilename ) { g_pServerDTIFilename = pFilename; g_bServerDTIEnabled = true; g_TotalServerDTICycles.Init(); g_bFirstHookTimer = true; } void ServerDTI_Term() { if ( !g_pServerDTIFilename ) return; ServerDTI_Flush(); g_DTISendTables.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); g_pServerDTIFilename = 0; g_bServerDTIEnabled = false; } void ServerDTI_Flush() { if ( !g_pServerDTIFilename ) return; CCycleCount curTime; curTime.Sample(); CCycleCount runningTime; CCycleCount::Sub( curTime, g_ServerDTITimer, runningTime ); // Write out a file that can be used by Excel. FileHandle_t fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( g_pServerDTIFilename, "wt", "LOGDIR" ); if( fp != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { // Write the header. g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "DTName" "\tCalcDelta calls" "\tCalcDelta ms" "\tEncode calls" "\tEncode ms" "\tShouldTransmit calls" "\tShouldTransmit ms" "\tWriteDeltaProps ms" "\t%% manual mode" "\tTotal" "\tPercent" "\n" ); // Calculate totals. CCycleCount totalCalcDelta, totalEncode, totalShouldTransmit, totalDeltaProps; totalCalcDelta.Init(); totalEncode.Init(); totalShouldTransmit.Init(); FOR_EACH_LL( g_DTISendTables, i ) { CDTISendTable *pTable = g_DTISendTables[i]; CCycleCount::Add( pTable->m_nCalcDeltaCycles, totalCalcDelta, totalCalcDelta ); CCycleCount::Add( pTable->m_nEncodeCycles, totalEncode, totalEncode ); CCycleCount::Add( pTable->m_nShouldTransmitCycles, totalShouldTransmit, totalShouldTransmit ); CCycleCount::Add( pTable->m_nWriteDeltaPropsCycles, totalDeltaProps, totalDeltaProps ); } FOR_EACH_LL( g_DTISendTables, j ) { CDTISendTable *pTable = g_DTISendTables[j]; if ( !pTable->HadAnyAction() ) continue; CCycleCount total; CCycleCount::Add( pTable->m_nEncodeCycles, pTable->m_nCalcDeltaCycles, total ); CCycleCount::Add( pTable->m_nShouldTransmitCycles, total, total ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "%s" "\t%d" "\t%.3f" "\t%d" "\t%.3f" "\t%d" "\t%.3f" "\t%.3f" "\t%.2f" "\t%.3f" "\t%.3f" "\n", pTable->m_NetTableName.String(), pTable->m_nCalcDeltaCalls, pTable->m_nCalcDeltaCycles.GetMillisecondsF(), pTable->m_nEncodeCalls, pTable->m_nEncodeCycles.GetMillisecondsF(), pTable->m_nShouldTransmitCalls, pTable->m_nShouldTransmitCycles.GetMillisecondsF(), pTable->m_nWriteDeltaPropsCycles.GetMillisecondsF(), (float)pTable->m_nNoChanges * 100.0f / (pTable->m_nNoChanges + pTable->m_nChangeAutoDetects), total.GetMillisecondsF(), total.GetMillisecondsF() * 100 / runningTime.GetMillisecondsF() ); } g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "\n\n" ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "Total profile ms:" "\t%.3f\n", runningTime.GetMillisecondsF() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "Total CalcDelta ms:" "\t%.3f" "\tPercent:" "\t%.3f\n", totalCalcDelta.GetMillisecondsF(), totalCalcDelta.GetMillisecondsF() * 100.0 / runningTime.GetMillisecondsF() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "Total Encode ms:" "\t%.3f" "\tPercent:" "\t%.3f\n", totalEncode.GetMillisecondsF(), totalEncode.GetMillisecondsF() * 100.0 / runningTime.GetMillisecondsF() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "Total ShouldTransmit ms:" "\t%.3f" "\tPercent:" "\t%.3f\n", totalShouldTransmit.GetMillisecondsF(), totalShouldTransmit.GetMillisecondsF() * 100.0 / runningTime.GetMillisecondsF() ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "Total WriteDeltaProps ms:" "\t%.3f" "\tPercent:" "\t%.3f\n", totalDeltaProps.GetMillisecondsF(), totalDeltaProps.GetMillisecondsF() * 100.0 / runningTime.GetMillisecondsF() ); g_pFileSystem->Close( fp ); Msg( "DTI: Wrote delta distances into %s.\n", g_pServerDTIFilename ); } // Write the delta distances. const char *pDeltaDistancesFilename = "dti_delta_distances.txt"; fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( pDeltaDistancesFilename, "wt", "LOGDIR" ); if( fp != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { // Write the column labels. g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "ClassName" ); for ( int i=0; i < NUM_DELTA_DISTANCE_BANDS; i++ ) { g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "\t<%d", (i+1) * DELTA_DISTANCE_BAND ); } g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "\n" ); // Now write the data. FOR_EACH_LL( g_DTISendTables, j ) { CDTISendTable *pTable = g_DTISendTables[j]; if ( !pTable->HadAnyAction() ) continue; g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "%s", pTable->m_NetTableName.String() ); for ( int i=0; i < NUM_DELTA_DISTANCE_BANDS; i++ ) { g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "\t%d", pTable->m_DistanceDeltaCounts[i] ); } g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "\n" ); } g_pFileSystem->Close( fp ); Msg( "DTI: Wrote instrumentation data into %s.\n", pDeltaDistancesFilename ); } } CDTISendTable* ServerDTI_HookTable( SendTable *pTable ) { if ( !g_bServerDTIEnabled ) return NULL; CDTISendTable *pRet = new CDTISendTable; memset( pRet, 0, sizeof( *pRet ) ); pRet->m_NetTableName.Set( pTable->m_pNetTableName ); g_DTISendTables.AddToTail( pRet ); return pRet; } void ServerDTI_AddEntityEncodeEvent( SendTable *pSendTable, float distToPlayer ) { CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc = pSendTable->m_pPrecalc; if ( !pPrecalc || !pPrecalc->m_pDTITable ) return; CDTISendTable *pTable = pPrecalc->m_pDTITable; if ( !pTable ) return; int iDist = (int)( distToPlayer / DELTA_DISTANCE_BAND ); iDist = clamp( iDist, 0, NUM_DELTA_DISTANCE_BANDS - 1 ); pTable->m_DistanceDeltaCounts[iDist]++; } void _ServerDTI_HookTimer( const SendTable *pSendTable, ServerDTITimerType timerType, CCycleCount const &count ) { CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc = pSendTable->m_pPrecalc; if ( !pPrecalc || !pPrecalc->m_pDTITable ) return; CDTISendTable *pTable = pPrecalc->m_pDTITable; if ( g_bFirstHookTimer ) { g_ServerDTITimer.Sample(); g_bFirstHookTimer = false; } // Add to the total cycles. CCycleCount::Add( count, g_TotalServerDTICycles, g_TotalServerDTICycles ); if ( timerType == SERVERDTI_CALCDELTA ) { CCycleCount::Add( count, pTable->m_nCalcDeltaCycles, pTable->m_nCalcDeltaCycles ); ++pTable->m_nCalcDeltaCalls; } else if ( timerType == SERVERDTI_ENCODE ) { CCycleCount::Add( count, pTable->m_nEncodeCycles, pTable->m_nEncodeCycles ); ++pTable->m_nEncodeCalls; } else if ( timerType == SERVERDTI_SHOULDTRANSMIT ) { CCycleCount::Add( count, pTable->m_nShouldTransmitCycles, pTable->m_nShouldTransmitCycles ); ++pTable->m_nShouldTransmitCalls; } else if ( timerType == SERVERDTI_WRITE_DELTA_PROPS ) { CCycleCount::Add( count, pTable->m_nWriteDeltaPropsCycles, pTable->m_nWriteDeltaPropsCycles ); } } void _ServerDTI_RegisterNetworkStateChange( SendTable *pSendTable, bool bStateChanged ) { CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc = pSendTable->m_pPrecalc; if ( !pPrecalc || !pPrecalc->m_pDTITable ) return; CDTISendTable *pTable = pPrecalc->m_pDTITable; if ( bStateChanged ) ++pTable->m_nChangeAutoDetects; else ++pTable->m_nNoChanges; }