//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "text_message.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "view.h"
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "IEffects.h"
#include "hudelement.h"

using namespace vgui;

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Purpose: HDU Damage indication
class CHudDamageIndicator : public CHudElement, public vgui::Panel
	DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CHudDamageIndicator, vgui::Panel );

	CHudDamageIndicator( const char *pElementName );

	void	Init( void );
	void	Reset( void );
	bool	ShouldDraw( void );

	// Handler for our message
	void	MsgFunc_Damage(bf_read &msg);

	void	Paint();
	void	ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);

	void	CalcDamageDirection( const Vector &vecFrom );
	void	DrawDamageIndicatorFront( float flFade );
	void	DrawDamageIndicatorRear( float flFade );
	void	DrawDamageIndicatorLeft( float flFade );
	void	DrawDamageIndicatorRight( float flFade );

	float	m_flAttackFront;
	float	m_flAttackRear;
	float	m_flAttackLeft;
	float	m_flAttackRight;

	Color	m_clrIndicator;

	CHudTexture	*icon_up;
	CHudTexture	*icon_down;
	CHudTexture	*icon_left;
	CHudTexture	*icon_right;

DECLARE_HUDELEMENT( CHudDamageIndicator );
DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudDamageIndicator, Damage );

// Purpose: Constructor
CHudDamageIndicator::CHudDamageIndicator( const char *pElementName ) : CHudElement( pElementName ), BaseClass(NULL, "HudDamageIndicator")
	vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport();
	SetParent( pParent );

	SetHiddenBits( HIDEHUD_HEALTH );

// Purpose: 
void CHudDamageIndicator::Reset( void )
	m_flAttackFront	= 0.0;
	m_flAttackRear	= 0.0;
	m_flAttackRight	= 0.0;
	m_flAttackLeft	= 0.0;

	m_clrIndicator.SetColor( 250, 0, 0, 255 );

void CHudDamageIndicator::Init( void )
	HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudDamageIndicator, Damage );

// Purpose: 
bool CHudDamageIndicator::ShouldDraw( void )
	if ( !CHudElement::ShouldDraw() )
		return false;

	if ( ( m_flAttackFront <= 0.0 ) && ( m_flAttackRear <= 0.0 ) && ( m_flAttackLeft <= 0.0 ) && ( m_flAttackRight <= 0.0 ) )
		return false;

	return true;

void CHudDamageIndicator::DrawDamageIndicatorFront( float flFade )
	if ( m_flAttackFront > 0.4 )
		if ( !icon_up )
			icon_up = gHUD.GetIcon( "pain_up" );

		if ( !icon_up )

		int	x = ( ScreenWidth() / 2 ) - icon_up->Width() / 2;
		int	y = ( ScreenHeight() / 2 ) - icon_up->Height() * 3;
		icon_up->DrawSelf( x, y, m_clrIndicator );

		m_flAttackFront = MAX( 0.0, m_flAttackFront - flFade );
		m_flAttackFront = 0.0;

void CHudDamageIndicator::DrawDamageIndicatorRear( float flFade )
	if ( m_flAttackRear > 0.4 )
		if ( !icon_down )
			icon_down = gHUD.GetIcon( "pain_down" );

		if ( !icon_down )

		int	x = ( ScreenWidth() / 2 ) - icon_down->Width() / 2;
		int	y = ( ScreenHeight() / 2 ) + icon_down->Height() * 2;
		icon_down->DrawSelf( x, y, m_clrIndicator );

		m_flAttackRear = MAX( 0.0, m_flAttackRear - flFade );
		m_flAttackRear = 0.0;

void CHudDamageIndicator::DrawDamageIndicatorLeft( float flFade )
	if ( m_flAttackLeft > 0.4 )
		if ( !icon_left )
			icon_left = gHUD.GetIcon( "pain_left" );

		if ( !icon_left )

		int	x = ( ScreenWidth() / 2 ) - icon_left->Width() * 3;
		int	y = ( ScreenHeight() / 2 ) - icon_left->Height() / 2;
		icon_left->DrawSelf( x, y, m_clrIndicator );

		m_flAttackLeft = MAX( 0.0, m_flAttackLeft - flFade );
		m_flAttackLeft = 0.0;

void CHudDamageIndicator::DrawDamageIndicatorRight( float flFade )
	if ( m_flAttackRight > 0.4 )
		if ( !icon_right )
			icon_right = gHUD.GetIcon( "pain_right" );

		if ( !icon_right )

		int	x = ( ScreenWidth() / 2 ) + icon_right->Width() * 2;
		int	y = ( ScreenHeight() / 2 ) - icon_right->Height() / 2;
		icon_right->DrawSelf( x, y, m_clrIndicator );

		m_flAttackRight = MAX( 0.0, m_flAttackRight - flFade );
		m_flAttackRight = 0.0;

// Purpose: Paints the damage display
void CHudDamageIndicator::Paint()
	// draw damage indicators	
	float flFade = gpGlobals->frametime * 2;
	DrawDamageIndicatorFront( flFade );
	DrawDamageIndicatorRear( flFade );
	DrawDamageIndicatorLeft( flFade );
	DrawDamageIndicatorRight( flFade);

// Purpose: Message handler for Damage message
void CHudDamageIndicator::MsgFunc_Damage( bf_read &msg )
	int armor		=	msg.ReadByte();	// armor
	int damageTaken	=	msg.ReadByte();	// health
						msg.ReadLong();	// damage bits, ignore
	Vector vecFrom;
	vecFrom.x		=	msg.ReadFloat();
	vecFrom.y		=	msg.ReadFloat();
	vecFrom.z		=	msg.ReadFloat();

	if ( damageTaken > 0 || armor > 0 )
		CalcDamageDirection( vecFrom );

void CHudDamageIndicator::CalcDamageDirection( const Vector &vecFrom )
	if ( vecFrom == vec3_origin )
		m_flAttackFront	= 0.0;
		m_flAttackRear	= 0.0;
		m_flAttackRight	= 0.0;
		m_flAttackLeft	= 0.0;


	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pLocalPlayer )

	Vector vecDelta = ( vecFrom - pLocalPlayer->GetRenderOrigin() );

	if ( vecDelta.Length() <= 50 )
		m_flAttackFront	= 1.0;
		m_flAttackRear	= 1.0;
		m_flAttackRight	= 1.0;
		m_flAttackLeft	= 1.0;


	VectorNormalize( vecDelta );

	Vector forward;
	Vector right;
	AngleVectors( MainViewAngles(), &forward, &right, NULL );

	float flFront	= DotProduct( vecDelta, forward );
	float flSide	= DotProduct( vecDelta, right );

	if ( flFront > 0 )
		if ( flFront > 0.3 )
			m_flAttackFront = MAX( m_flAttackFront, flFront );
		float f = fabs( flFront );
		if ( f > 0.3 )
			m_flAttackRear = MAX( m_flAttackRear, f );

	if ( flSide > 0 )
		if ( flSide > 0.3 )
			m_flAttackRight = MAX( m_flAttackRight, flSide );
		float f = fabs( flSide );
		if ( f > 0.3 )
			m_flAttackLeft = MAX( m_flAttackLeft, f );

// Purpose: hud scheme settings
void CHudDamageIndicator::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme)

	int wide, tall;
	GetHudSize(wide, tall);
	SetSize(wide, tall);