/* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Primitive type fragments and macros * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* This file provide fragments and macros for the C/C++ primitive types. The file defines default fragments for the following types: bool signed char unsigned char signed wchar_t // in C++ unsigned wchar_t // in C++ short unsigned short int unsigned int float size_t ptrdiff_t which can always be redefined in the swig target languge if needed. The fragments for the following types, however, need to be defined in the target language always: long unsigned long long long unsigned long long double If they are not provided, an #error directive will appear in the wrapped code. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file provides the macro %typemaps_primitive(CheckCode, Type) which generate the typemaps for a primitive type with a given checkcode. It is assumed the the primitive type is 'normalized' and the corresponding SWIG_AsVal(Type) and SWIG_From(Type) methods are provided via fragments. The following auxiliar macros (explained with bash pseudo code) are also defined: %apply_ctypes(Macro) for i in C Type do Macro($i) done %apply_cpptypes(Macro) for i in C++ Type do Macro($i) done %apply_ctypes_2(Macro2) for i in C Type do for j in C Type do Macro_2($i, $j) done done %apply_cpptypes_2(Macro2) for i in C++ Type do for j in C++ Type do Macro_2($i, $j) done done %apply_checkctypes(Macro2) for i in Check Type do Macro2(%checkcode($i), $i) done */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Primitive type fragments * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* boolean */ %fragment(SWIG_From_frag(bool),"header",fragment=SWIG_From_frag(long)) { SWIGINTERN SWIG_Object SWIG_From_dec(bool)(bool value) { return SWIG_From(long)(value ? 1 : 0); } } %fragment(SWIG_AsVal_frag(bool),"header",fragment=SWIG_AsVal_frag(long)) { SWIGINTERN int SWIG_AsVal_dec(bool)(SWIG_Object obj, bool *val) { long v; int res = SWIG_AsVal(long)(obj, val ? &v : 0); if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) { if (val) *val = v ? true : false; return res; } return SWIG_TypeError; } } /* signed/unsigned char */ %numeric_slong(signed char, "", SCHAR_MIN, SCHAR_MAX) %numeric_ulong(unsigned char, "", UCHAR_MAX) /* short/unsigned short */ %numeric_slong(short, "", SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX) %numeric_ulong(unsigned short, "", USHRT_MAX) /* int/unsigned int */ %numeric_slong(int, "", INT_MIN, INT_MAX) %numeric_ulong(unsigned int, "", UINT_MAX) /* signed/unsigned wchar_t */ #ifdef __cplusplus %numeric_slong(signed wchar_t, "", WCHAR_MIN, WCHAR_MAX) %numeric_ulong(unsigned wchar_t, "", UWCHAR_MAX) #endif /* float */ %numeric_double(float, "", -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX) /* long/unsgined long */ %ensure_type_fragments(long) %ensure_type_fragments(unsigned long) /* long long/unsigned long long */ %ensure_type_fragments(long long) %ensure_type_fragments(unsigned long long) /* double */ %ensure_type_fragments(double) /* size_t */ %fragment(SWIG_From_frag(size_t),"header",fragment=SWIG_From_frag(unsigned long)) { SWIGINTERNINLINE SWIG_Object SWIG_From_dec(size_t)(size_t value) { return SWIG_From(unsigned long)(%numeric_cast(value, unsigned long)); } } %fragment(SWIG_AsVal_frag(size_t),"header",fragment=SWIG_AsVal_frag(unsigned long)) { SWIGINTERNINLINE int SWIG_AsVal_dec(size_t)(SWIG_Object obj, size_t *val) { unsigned long v; int res = SWIG_AsVal(unsigned long)(obj, val ? &v : 0); if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && val) *val = %numeric_cast(v, size_t); return res; } } /* ptrdiff_t */ %fragment(SWIG_From_frag(ptrdiff_t),"header",fragment=SWIG_From_frag(long)) { SWIGINTERNINLINE SWIG_Object SWIG_From_dec(ptrdiff_t)(ptrdiff_t value) { return SWIG_From(long)(%numeric_cast(value,long)); } } %fragment(SWIG_AsVal_frag(ptrdiff_t),"header",fragment=SWIG_AsVal_frag(long)) { SWIGINTERNINLINE int SWIG_AsVal_dec(ptrdiff_t)(SWIG_Object obj, ptrdiff_t *val) { long v; int res = SWIG_AsVal(long)(obj, val ? &v : 0); if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && val) *val = %numeric_cast(v, ptrdiff_t); return res; } } %fragment("SWIG_CanCastAsInteger","header", fragment=SWIG_AsVal_frag(double), fragment="", fragment="") { SWIGINTERNINLINE int SWIG_CanCastAsInteger(double *d, double min, double max) { double x = *d; if ((min <= x && x <= max)) { double fx = floor(x); double cx = ceil(x); double rd = ((x - fx) < 0.5) ? fx : cx; /* simple rint */ if ((errno == EDOM) || (errno == ERANGE)) { errno = 0; } else { double summ, reps, diff; if (rd < x) { diff = x - rd; } else if (rd > x) { diff = rd - x; } else { return 1; } summ = rd + x; reps = diff/summ; if (reps < 8*DBL_EPSILON) { *d = rd; return 1; } } } return 0; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Generate the typemaps for primitive type * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define %typemaps_primitive(Code, Type) %typemaps_asvalfromn(%arg(Code), Type) /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Primitive Type Macros * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* useful macros to derive typemap declarations from primitive types */ %define _apply_macro(macro, arg2, arg1...) #if #arg1 != "" macro(%arg(arg1),arg2); #else macro(arg2); #endif %enddef /* Apply macro to the C-types */ %define %apply_ctypes(Macro, Arg2...) _apply_macro(Macro, bool , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, signed char , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, unsigned char , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, short , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, unsigned short , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, int , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, unsigned int , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, long , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, unsigned long , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, long long , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, unsigned long long , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, float , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, double , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, char , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, wchar_t , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, size_t , Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, ptrdiff_t , Arg2); %enddef /* apply the Macro2(Type1, Type2) to all C types */ #define %apply_ctypes_2(Macro2) %apply_ctypes(%apply_ctypes, Macro2) /* apply the Macro(Type) to all C++ types */ %define %apply_cpptypes(Macro, Arg2...) %apply_ctypes(Macro, Arg2) _apply_macro(Macro, std::size_t, Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, std::ptrdiff_t, Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, std::string, Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, std::complex, Arg2); _apply_macro(Macro, std::complex, Arg2); %enddef /* apply the Macro2(Type1, Type2) to all C++ types */ #define %apply_cpptypes_2(Macro2) %apply_cpptypes(%apply_cpptypes, Macro2) /* apply the Macro2(CheckCode,Type) to all Checked Types */ %define %apply_checkctypes(Macro2) Macro2(%checkcode(BOOL), bool); Macro2(%checkcode(INT8), signed char); Macro2(%checkcode(UINT8), unsigned char); Macro2(%checkcode(INT16), short); Macro2(%checkcode(UINT16), unsigned short); Macro2(%checkcode(INT32), int); Macro2(%checkcode(UINT32), unsigned int); Macro2(%checkcode(INT64), long); Macro2(%checkcode(UINT64), unsigned long); Macro2(%checkcode(INT128), long long); Macro2(%checkcode(UINT128), unsigned long long); Macro2(%checkcode(FLOAT), float); Macro2(%checkcode(DOUBLE), double); Macro2(%checkcode(CHAR), char); Macro2(%checkcode(UNICHAR), wchar_t); Macro2(%checkcode(SIZE), size_t); Macro2(%checkcode(PTRDIFF), ptrdiff_t); %enddef /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Generate the typemaps for all the primitive types with checkcode * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ %apply_checkctypes(%typemaps_primitive);