//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // //=======================================================================================// #ifndef SCREENSHOT_H #define SCREENSHOT_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "replay/basereplayserializeable.h" #include "mathlib/vector.h" #include "qlimits.h" #include "strtools.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SUBDIR_SCREENSHOTS "screenshots" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CReplayScreenshot : public CBaseReplaySerializeable { public: inline CReplayScreenshot( int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, const char *pBaseFilename = NULL ) : m_nWidth( nWidth ), m_nHeight( nHeight ) { if ( pBaseFilename ) { V_strncpy( m_szBaseFilename, pBaseFilename, sizeof( m_szBaseFilename ) ); } } virtual bool Read( KeyValues *pIn ); virtual void Write( KeyValues *pOut ); virtual const char *GetSubKeyTitle() const; virtual const char *GetPath() const; int m_nWidth; // Screenshot width (does not include power-of-2 padding) int m_nHeight; // Screenshot height (does not include power-of-2 padding) char m_szBaseFilename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CaptureScreenshotParams_t // To be passed from the client into IReplayHistoryManager::CaptureScreenshot() { float m_flDelay; // Delay from now (in seconds) when we will take the screenshot int m_nEntity; // Should be 0 if no camera adjustment is needed, otherwise should be the index of the entity index from which m_posCamera will be based Vector m_posCamera; // Local position, relative to entity's index (if m_nEntity > 0) for camera position QAngle m_angCamera; // World angles of camera - used if m_bUseCameraAngles is true bool m_bUseCameraAngles; // Should we use m_angCamera - m_nEntity can't be 0 bool m_bIgnoreMinTimeBetweenScreenshots; // Force screenshot, regardless of replay_mintimebetweenscreenshots? bool m_bPrimary; // Only set to true for the primary screenshot, which is taken when the user saves their replay }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct WriteReplayScreenshotParams_t // Passed from the engine into the client to take a screenshot { const char *m_pFilename; int m_nWidth; int m_nHeight; Vector *m_pOrigin; // Perspective origin from which to render. Can be NULL QAngle *m_pAngles; // Perspective angles from which to render. Can be NULL }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // SCREENSHOT_H